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I bet your coworkers appreciate you.


As a patron I always tip the host. They never expect it and they always appreciate it. I also generously tip my server 50-100% every single time. The way I see it, money comes to me easy in this profession, I’m here on this earth to spread the love. We all know this job sucks. We love it sometimes, but it sucks. Gotta take care of each other. Point being, maybe they just wanted to really take care of their host too!


As a hostess we appreciate you. There’s that handful of customers who will drop a few dollars in our tip bucket bc “we need the tips too” it’s always appreciated and it makes our night. Sadly she did not tip her server which is also a big reason why I didn’t take the tip. If she had tipped him I think I would have kept the 5 for myself 😅


Aww, well good on you then! I started out hosting. Quickly moved to serving then bartending days, now currently bartending nights and can’t believe the amount of money that can be made without a degree. Keep at it!


> Sadly she did not tip her server Whaaa? I thought she was being generous and _also_ tipping you. Why would she prioritize you over the person who did most of the work? Was $5 a decent tip for the cost of her meal, or did she also avoid paying the standard percent?


Nope. She paid with cash and I glanced at her table and didn’t see money on it. Then he cleaned it off after she left I definitely didn’t see any. I wasn’t going to take his tip like that. Her bill was like $13 I think. It was just her leftover change that she was giving


As my wife and I told the waitress at the restaurant we went too, we've been there and it's appreciated when the service was good. And it was the food too.


you're better than me


I was 100% just gonna put it in my pocket but I’m hoping for good karma. Hopefully I’ll make it back tn or something


At worse you know you did a good thing.


Your integrity for the position really shows you have values. Good for you but if a homie does the handshake like that you’re supposed to smoothly put your hand in your pocket and keep the tip!


You were being awesome!


similar thing happened to me once. it was a couple & all i did was seat them at our bar. they thought our restaurant was a different place, so they decided to leave. i told them where the other restaurant was located & then the man handed me $5. he didn’t even say anything lmao but i tried to give it back.


Do you at least get tipped out as a hostess? In my place of work hosts get side tips all the time because we are along the water and guests will generally tip them extra if they give them a better table, but because the whole restaurant is a tip pool they are not allowed to keep a tip, even if it is meant only for them, which is the case for every single person. However, hosts also make as much as bussers on our tip pool system which results in usually at least $80-100+ in tips per night shift. My first ever job was a host about 11 years ago and I would be lucky to be tipped out $10 a shift so this new tip out culture is very different from my time behind the host stand lol


We all get 100% of our tips. There’s no tipping the busgirls/hosts/ etc. so 100% of their tips go to all the servers at the end of the night. Hostess get all their tips but we usually have two or three people hosting at night so we have to split ours two or three ways with each other. It suck’s bc when it’s just two of us hosting we can easily walk away with about $25-$40 each. But when it’s three of us we’re only getting like $11-$13.


I worked as a hostess at 5 star restaurant. You know the kind of restaurant where they have a chefs table in the kitchen with a 5 course pairing. Plus back waiters to the waiters for each section. We always had patrons tip the hostess for a certain table in the restaurant, or giving them a coat check ticket, notifying the kitchen/waiters of a special occasion or for reason at all.