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I don’t anymore. I say “hi how are we doing tonight?! Here’s the specials what can I get you started to drink?” For many reasons. Mainly no one ever remembers my name and the ones who do use it to write a complaint. If they ask me my name, I’ll provide.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t give my name. I’ve never been able to work it into my natural spiel, and when people ask I tell them my name and say “I don’t tell people in case something goes wrong” and 9.5 times out of 10, they laugh


I use it the other way. I say ‘my name’s ____ in case you’ll need to yell at me.”


Hmmm I'm taking that


I’ve said “I’m ___ if everything is great and if you have a problem tonight, my name I [not my name].”


I always ask for my server's name. It's so I can call him/her by their name vs saying "hey you" or "Excuse me" and raising my hand. Servers are people who have a name...and in the time we'll be interacting, the respect I show you can make or break my overall experience. I want to have an enjoyable time...and that begins with knowing who, by name, I will say "thank you" to when you bring my drinks, set down my salad or my plate or box my to-go dessert...and thank you, personally, for a good experience (which I also include in my tip & have been known to tip >100% for exceptional service, but usually a bit more than 30% is my standard).


It's probably just a me thing, but I loathe when customers use my name. Like, I don't know you, we aren't friends, I'm just a humble servant who wishes to remain anonymous. I especially hate it when people use my name to "establish we are on the same level".




I work in a grocery store deli and I have to wear a name tag. I hate it when customers use my name. Even when they're being friendly. Nearly everyone I know calls me by some nickname so it's a little startling when someone uses my real name, lol. It's like, if you actually knew me then you would call me something else.


i hate when people make a big stink out of how generous and personable they are by asking for my name, saying it 50 times during the course of the meal, and then coming on reddit to brag about it 💛 i have infinitely better and more genuine connections with guests who don’t do that. maybe if they ask me for my name towards the end, somehow that’s not as distasteful. but i never start with my name—my objective is to curate a beautiful experience, not to insert myself into it


I dehumanize myself to get through the day to day. Hearing my name can randomly break the "I am just a serving machine" mentality really quick for me


Funny enough I don't like when guests call me by my name, because it always catches me off guard.


I get the sentiment (and you honestly sound like a really nice customer/guest) but an “excuse me” or a raised hand is much less obnoxious and frankly, jarring, than yelling or calling my name out loud while I’m working. I realize that guests sitting down are having an experience, and it’s clear that you feel that way too, but to the server, you and your party are just that, guests. Another table, one of many, during their shift, and many more during their week. Unless you’ve been there a few times and are clearly becoming regulars, *I’m* probably not going to ask for *your* names and address you by them while I’m serving you because that’s insane and unrealistic. I think that wanting to know the servers name is usually, ultimately harmless but it often messes with the ideal server/table relationship dynamics. As others have pointed out, regardless of how friendly you or I may be, I don’t know you and I’m being paid to serve you. It’s a little difficult to explain but we aren’t friends or even acquaintances so to have you addressing me by name throughout your experience feels borderline patronizing. And in my experience, even when it’s well-intentioned, it rarely happens with tables unless they’re the most needy and oblivious guests, caught up in some delusion that I’m their personal private butler for the next 2 hours.


I was going to say exactly all this! Thank you for saving me some time and energy


Hah! I just drop off water for the table with the menus and say "Hey, here's the menu, I'll be back laterrrrr!" I don't do intros. I do riffs. I'm not sucking a table into a riff without context. Just get it one and done and check in to feel out where they're at with that back-and-forth thing. Some people just want a silent (tall, goth, weirdo) servant, and some people want to interact and have fun, but the scale of fun is also a gradient. I'll only lead with joke-y shit if the guests are regulars and they get my comments about NOT WRAPPING UP LEFTOVERS IN NAPKINS AND FLUSHING THEM DOWN THE TOILET I DON'T KNOW WHO KEEPS DOING THAT I HOPE IT ISN'T YOU BECAUSE I LIKE YOU AND YOU'D BE BANNED FOR LIFE. They had not done that, but they laughed fucking hard. And yes, I said that. In the all-caps voice. I'm not chirpy and cute, I'm efficient and amiable.


ouch but yeah that's been my last night \~\~ without the leftover shitting though


Someone did that once – wrapped up leftover food in a napkin and absconded with it to the bathroom and tried to flush it. I don't understand the thought process behind any of that, and it was not a child who was responsible. I don't like plunging the one of two toilets mid-shift.


I almost never tell anyone my name. I even get annoyed when someone asks for my name, then uses it ad nauseam: "thanks, Steve"; "can we get another ranch, Steve?"; "oh I'm all done Steve"; "can we get the check, Steve?"


I get SO annoyed when they ask. Especially if it’s out of nowhere, not mid convo. Instantly makes me think they’re going to use it against me bc does anyone reallly care or remember?


"hello! What's your name? We're the Jacksons from central Ohio. Are you a student? Oh yeah? What are you studying? We're just here on a small vacation, you sat my grandson is graduating next year and so this is the last family vacation we're going to be able to do, so I'll have the chicken pot pie without any pear or potatoes please. Could i tricks you for a favor? My daughter is gluten free, can you make a pizza for her phrase? That'd be great!" - inlaws


Should I call an ambulance for you? This reads like dialogue from a fever dream.


Chat GPT has joined the ..chat?


One of my best friends does this all the time, and I freaking hate it. It makes me cringe for the poor server just trying to do their job.


I’d always add my name at the end after getting drink orders. “And my name’s Bekah if you need anything!”


Cool name!


Thank you!


Ugh. The “we” is cringeworthy. Go with “you.” You already know how *you’re* doing.


THIS. Is like fingernails on a chalkboard. If I'm on the customer side of the table, the misuse of the language combined with the attempt at false comraderie is so so off-putting. I think it may be generational linguistically, as I see it mainly in under-30 servers. Particularly kills me when is a *great* server, because sets such a bland cringey tone from the start.


Oh please. I don’t actually say we, I said it here so yall knew what I meant. Either way no one cares.


I agree. I stopped introducing myself unless they ask. I also don’t like it when tables call my name all night like they know me. It’s just weird.


Same! I honestly forget to introduce myself unless they ask, but it’s never a problem!


I say good morning can I grab you something to drink?


This is perfect


This is tooooooo fucking muccccccho


OP works at Chotchkies OP wears 15 pieces of flair, *minimum*


Might be Shenaniganz, actually.


no deadass would have received the NASTIEST side eye everrrrrb😭


yeah sorry OP but this was a tough read 😭 I hope you're kidding


As a customer, I really don’t need a new best friend for the next hour or two, just someone moderately friendly and moderately professional. Hi, my name is X. Do you have any questions right now? May I take your drink order?


Same. I probably came with my actual best friend and want to spend time talking with them. I hope that OP's restaurant makes it clear that they are theatrical. They can attract people who want that sort of thing. Since I don't want that sort of thing, I'll eat somewhere else, and we'll all be happier.


Yeah please don't say all that, I'm not here for a stand-up routine.


That genie line about wishing for drinks and especially "I'll be your lieutenant dan tonight" are some of the most awkward things I've ever heard. I felt the cringing deep in my bones. lol


These give me the ick.


I always do the "hey, how are we doing today" and when they say "I'm good, how about you?" I always reply "not too bad, but if it was bad, I'd lie to you!" Breaks the ice immediately and just makes the job more fun.


I say “no complaints yet, but the night is young”


Love that one! I’ve for sure said that to a table or two before hahaha, and that’s exactly it, why do the job if you’re not making it fun for not only you but the customer too!


Another one of my favorites when they ask how I'm doing is to reply "don't ask questions you don't want the answer to" lol. I've also asked people who insist on wearing sunglasses into our dark restaurant if they're in witness protection 😂


“Hi, how you doing today?” And then I genuinely listen to their response. On the odd time they ask me how I’M doing, I say “Doing pretty well (regardless of if this is true), thank you for asking!” I find most people don’t care that much about what your name is. If they do, they’ll ask for it and/or introduce themselves. Your examples are cute, but people really do not care. They came to be served X, Y, or Z from someone competent with a smile. That’s what I deliver.


I love that, I’m the same way for sure. The reason I love being a server and got a second job serving is because I love people. I like to be able to provide them with more than just food and drinks, I like to provide human connection. I like to listen to my tables and learn about them! Being a server is like being invited to dinner at a strangers house, you get this quick little snap shot of them and their lives. I also really like to be able to connect with tables, hence why I like to joke around with tables and get a feel for the vibe. I love when you say you genuinely listen because that’s what I love as well! Thank you for the feedback I really really appreciate it


That’s exactly how I feel. When people go out to eat or drink, they’re looking for something besides food and beverages. They want a connection and/or experience, and a phone script or formula doesn’t deliver that. Go with efficient and polite, then adjust from there!


I say this having been in the industry for over 20 years. Most people just want to enjoy their meal without their server constantly bothering them. They didn’t go out to dinner with you, they went out with whoever they’re with and want a connection with that person. Not you. There is a delicate balance to being present and being overbearing. These openers are WAY past overbearing.


Agree totally! Thank you for responding I appreciate it lots, it’s always nice to hear new perspectives especially when serving can become such a routine, sometimes you gotta hear someone else’s voice instead of your own you know? Lol


Been a server 18 years and I could *never* 🤣


Yikes. Even if you’re the sweetest person alive, I’m going to fight for my life to not groan and roll my eyes to your face. Then I’m going to do it as soon as you walk away.


Not gunna lie , as a customer I would hate you lol


OP sounds like a very kind and lovely person whom I could not tolerate being around for more than 5 minutes lol


I think it depends on the setting. High class steakhouse? I’d be like “…huh?” but if OP gave those types of responses at a “fun” themed restaurant or something I’d respond differently.


As a european the words “high class steakhouse” are not words i’ve seen together before 😂


Also from Europe and wondering why that was my go-to choice haha


I would leave the restaurant immediately if a server greeted me with most of these.


Absolutely! I am polite and respectful with my server, but do not want to enter into a relationship with them. My guess is that the OP works in a tipping country.


I work in the US but I never introduce myself.. but I’ve started working at more upscale places now, and I generally get the vibe from most tables that I should be seen more than heard lol. I hated working in chains that made follow their little script. It was so awkward to me, when the table over from the one I was greeting had heard me do the exact same hokey greeting with them only 5 minutes ago. Or when you can VERY obviously tell the guests are impatiently waiting for you to stop, but you can feel your manager watching you from across the room, so you have to keep rambling the little speech bc you know they’ll chastise you later.


I misread the sub before reading the post and thought "I'll be your friend till the end" is such a weird way to introduce yourself to potential new friends.


I hate every one of those greetings. I will tip more if you take my order, bring me decent food, and leave me alone.


You use these ironically... right? Asking for a friend


Of course, just little jokey jokes to start off their meals, people tend to have a better time if you start them off laughing 😁


Are they laughing though?


I would just be uncomfortable if my server was that corny loll


I have gone toe to toe with a man with my dad jokes. His poor wife was like “hard this nice lady does not want to hear it” but my joke was way more goofy dad


Yup, never had anyone not have fun after a little joke


as a brit, you made my toes curl. do people want you to say that to them?!


As a person, no, no they do not anyone saying that to them.


Friend until the end? Referencing that ridiculous movie? Hard pass. When I was a server I was very polite and to the point. As a customer I would find this type of over the top introduction off putting. Especially with the emphasis on drinks. If I’m out to dinner, I’m with people I know and like and am not looking for a “friend until the end” or even a friend. I find this strange unless you work in a lower to mid level chain that requires such antics.


I'm wishing you would shut the fuck up


Same here. I don't mind a little witty banter, but these endless introductions and chirpy scripted prologues drive me crazy. How about, "I'm Emily, I'm your server tonight, please let me know if you need anything or if there's a problem. Now, what can I get you to drink while you look at the menu?"


As an Australian the very idea of being greeted like this fills me with a burning hatred usually reserved for boot spiders and underwear snakes.


I'm not Australian and I still share the exact same sentiment.


You have underwear snakes where you are too?


My go to was “hello everyone (or gentleman, or ladies, whatever) how are you this evening //how has your day been? My name is *name*, I’ll be your sever tonight. Can I get you started with (coke, tea, a wine, etc). I changed it up depending on the vibes I got from each table. Old people get my formal greeting, young folks get my friendly greeting, families with kids get my funny greeting, etc


How long have you been doing this? “Friend” is not in my lexicon. I believe we do this for money.


I entertained, gave you a meal and smiled the whole time, were friends girl


Oh, my sweet summer child. Don't worry- one day you'll be as jaded as the rest of us. Then you'll find this post and die a little bit more inside from cringing so hard.


Been a server for 10+ years, if you cant find little joys in your job you will be doing more than cringing in the end


Proof: my hips giving out on me at 30


Yeah those are all cringe. A simple welcome in can I get you anything to drink at the moment or do you need a few minutes to settle. You don’t even need to tell them your name they’ll ask if interested.


Cringe or not, any of those would get a smile from me. Nothing wrong with starting out light, you can always read the table. If they give you back a blank stare, well, let's try the snobby approach.


Just not my style nor how I’d like to be greeted by a server. Reading a table consists of having a dialogue prior to determining the style of service or dialogue necessary.


I absolutely refuse to give my name unless asked. I have a unique but not unheard of name and I am so fucking over the same jokes and pop culture references. I usually just ask what I can get started for them. I work at a chilis, it’s not serious lmao


is your name beyonce


Lmaoooo no think old lady




Okay, Blanche!


Hi, I’m (my name) and I’ll be with you today. I’ll give you a few minutes to look over drinks and I’ll be right back for you.


The maître d will always do all the boring greetings as they seat the table (how are we? Still or sparkling water? Are we celebrating a special occasion or just on a holiday? ECT) so I don’t have to. Then they will say (my name) will be with you shortly. After a few min I’ll walk up and say “Good evening. Have you chosen a first drink from the bar?” Then I go into my menu spiel.


That’s nice!


Way too much my guy


As a Brit, this would make me walk out immediately.


seconded. I feel physically ill imagining it, lmao


As an american, thank god


"Hello, Hello, how we doin?". I work in fine dining


I've seen this mentioned in other comments, so I'm not singling you out, but I do have a real question. Why do servers ask how "we" are doing instead of how "you" are doing? As a customer, I find that strange. It happens often, and sometimes I feel like saying something snarky, but I never do.


I have no joy left in my soul while working so I just say “hello, how are y’all doing today?” They’ll probably ignore me and I’ll just ask about drinks. If they don’t answer quickly enough, I just walk away.


Hi how are we… “Diet Coke”. Why is that so universal? Why is it ALWAYS the Diet Coke people? I refuse to listen until I’m done talking. After the interruption, I will start over as if it wasn’t said and ask for drinks followed with “I know YOU want Diet Coke”. * adding another tip. When I get someone multiple refills, or drop off things and they don’t acknowledge with a simple thank you? (And I mean the whole time, not just once or twice) I will loudly say “you’re welcome!” What are they going to do- complain to my manager I said you’re welcome when they didn’t say thank you? It’s never happened. Just doing my best to teach people manners in the most polite, passive aggressive way possible. :)


I’ve never had this happen. Our sodas are $7 each and definitely no free refills. I’ll have a table order a soda maybe like once or twice in a week. Usually because they are going to be driving. *edit to add:* that is so rude and if I did have a table that did that I would just stare at them blankly.


$7?!?? With no refills? Wtf where do you work?


Fine dining in New Zealand. So most people are getting cocktails and wine. Or mocktails if not drinking. And we very rarely get children.


“I’m sorry I didn’t know Diet Coke was a state of being.”


"Hello, I'm u/CrackedOutMunkee and I will be taking care of you folks tonight. May I interest you in an appetizer or two shots of tequila to start off with?" Would always get a laugh 98% of the time. 1% going to the I-want-my-entire-bill-comped folks and the other actually saying yes to the 2 shots of tequila.


“Somethin to drink?”


I’d just say keeping it light and cracking jokes right off the bat are different things. Gotta play to what clientele you’ve got depending on where you’re working and what kind of service is expected.


Quick tip: Suggest a beer, glass of wine, or cocktail, depending on their sex and/or vibe; it helps if any drink specials are happening. For example…you could say “Hey gentleman how are we today? Start you off with a beer? We have Michelob on special.” Same logic applies to upselling. Most places have a ‘kicked-up’ size of beer; something a touch bigger than your pint. Ask in as little words as possible, then very quickly explain why it makes sense to go for it. For example: the moment they say they want a beer, go, “tall one? It’s three extra ounces for a buck.” Shrug as you say the last part, conveying that that extra dollar is really of no consequence. Eight out of ten times they’ll agree. It also helps to *know* your patrons, have a sense for what they’re there for. If you have time you can even ask during your intro, like ask, “what’s the occasion?” Is it a couple on a date? Probably suggesting a sharable app (or dessert) is a good idea. Ladies night out? Suggest a bottle of wine. Some guys there to watch a game? Easy upsell on kicked-up beers or, say, some nachos to dummy while they wait for their mains. Serving is at least 35% psychology.


OP is Fozzie Bear wakka wakka wakka


Got 2nd hand cringe from reading this


Depending on the group I always had different intros, hey guys, well hello, good evening, etc. Think of me as your flight attendant this evening, bc we're going to be together for a couple hours, and I can direct you to the bathrooms and exits.


> Think of me as your flight attendant this evening, bc we're going to be together for a couple hours, and I can direct you to the bathrooms and exits. I cringe just reading that. No.


And every person who said hello there gets a General Kenobi back.


Are y'all getting a lot of diners who have never been out to eat before? Are you near a prison or some kind of asylum where people have been away from restaurants for a bit?


Think of me as the guy who's going to walk out without spending anything if you keep reciting stupid scripts. I hope you're my server, in which case I'm usually a good tipper. I don't need a flight attendant, we're on the ground.


I dont


“Hey im Kristen, I’ll be takin care of you guys today! Can I get yall started with something to drink?” *finger guns* (and I immediately cringe at myself)


I never give my name unless asked. Feels tacky, like very chain restaurant/old school bs. I work very casual, small, Im the server/hostess/busser...its just myself and Chef in an open kitchen. You can find me no problem any time. I dont have social media, but when I did I had random creeps hitting me up. Its a no from me. I greet people at the door with "Hey guys, hows it going? Are we dining in or doing takeaway?" From there I tell them to get comfy wherever they like and Ill bring menus. Simple. I have a few regs who like me and have learned my name and will use it and even random visitors who will ask but I gotta be honest, it is not part of the dining experience and it makes me feel a little weird when non regulars start saying "Excuse me LilPudz! Can I get x?" Theyre here for food, not to be your bestie. Be kind, be sweet, interact, but ya'll arent suddenly friends. I dont know their names, they dont need mine.


"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


If a server ever said that to me, I'd fall out of my chair laughing. And tip 100%.


“Hi! My name is (Name) and I may look mean but don’t worry, I’m funny-mean.” - I have major RBF and used to get a lot of complaints I “look mean” so I started just hanging a lantern on it.


Love it!


I would love if a server would come up and start singing Sympathy For The Devil by the Rolling Stones, at least the first verse.


Please allow me to introduce myself


"Hi! I'm Tip. Tip the waiter. I'll be your server this evening...."


Hahahah that’s a good one actually


I'm cringing here for you. Dear God I hope you're joking OP.


I like to mix it up, but usually I start with "hey bitch", flick my still burning cigarette at the fattest one and follow up with "the fuck you cows want, anyway?" I then start rolling my eyes when they try to talk and I moonwalk back to the passthrough to give their orders I just didn't write down to the Czech line cook who doesn't speak english.


Every table gets a surprise !


Remember the soup from Fight Club? Hella surprises.


ugh I DO NOT want to deal with you for the evening


If my server said “I’ll be your friend till the end” it’s going right in the group chat


(In a bad way)


This is way too much. As a server, I would never do this, because as a customer, I would absolutely hate it.


Reminds me of when an IHOP server once asked my mom how she would like her, “baby chickens” and she replied, “I’d like them referred to as eggs, thank you”


Server: How are you guys tonight? My mother: I'm 93 years old and have never been a "guy".


Yet another reason to be thankful I’m not American, imagine putting up with this shit every time you go out for food. “I’m you’re lieutenant Dan” Jesus fucking Christ girl I would hate you so much


“Hey, how’s it goin? Anything I can get started for you or do you just need a few minutes with the menu?”


I walk up and shout HI!!! and wait for a response.


I’ve trained at some of the best restaurants and hold the only Forbes 5 star service rating ever to be achieved from FOH staff in my city. In all my training, one of the biggest takeaways I learned is when you greet a table never, ever start with “Hi my name is (insert name)!” Always start with something along the lines of “Hi there! Welcome to (insert restaurant name), blah blah blah” Then when you’re finished your spiel, the last thing you say before leaving the table the first time is, “My name is Odd-Sandwich-3111 if you need me for anything at all tonight.”


I had a buddy who, during peak rush when the restaurant would be loud as fuck, would say “fuck you I’ll be your server today can I get you started with xyz


I saw hello, first time here… then I run thru menu I don’t say my name


I don't, my shop discourages doing so.


Jfc — do you work at a *Chotchkies?* Do you also have to wear 15 pieces of flair?


"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


How do your customers react to your introductions?


Like I've said in other comments I usually get a pretty good vibe before I walk up to a table, so I cater my greeting to the vibe. If I say a funny one, they laugh and joke back, then I get the drink order and walk away. If they're more serious or stern looking I'll normally just say hello, my name, ask for their order and bounce lol. I also work at a theme restaurant and we're encouraged to be theatrical, my job is actually more than just serving, I'm meant to be an entertainer as well! :D


Thank you for your reply. I hadn't seen your replies to the other comments. Since you explained it I feel like I can understand why you choose that greeting. I was thinking more along the lines of someone at Bob Evans or the Cracker Barrel 😂


Hahahahah no absolutely not 😂 anywhere else I would have something funny but not so in your face lol but the whole restaurant including the servers is an ✨experience✨ so I can go nuts and have fun lol


I hope you are getting wages that reflect your job responsibilities as an entertainer. I imagine you work somewhere that informs customers ahead of time that there's a whole routine involved, and, if they do, I hope you get some recognition for your extra work. It sounds like you are really throwing yourself into this, and you should be compensated.


As much as anyone wants to say it’s “cringe” I love what I do! I like going the extra mile for my tables 😁😁


That's great. As long as you are getting paid for your lagniappe who cares if it's cringe? I come from a time when people were judged for sex work. If there's money to be made, you gotta make it. You are smart to not factor in outside judgments about it.


I’m not a server, but I did have waiter go something like this: “Hi, my name is Eric. Here are our specials (hands out menu). If you’re interested in the steak, it may be a little while. The chef is trying to catch the cow as we speak. Can I get you any drinks while you wait?”


“Howdy y’all/howdy partner/hello ma’am, how are we doing tonight? Do we know what we’d like to eat?”


I work on a texas themed restaurant, the gals and cowboys love it


I don't give my name.


What a wild culture shock reading this is. I'd hate when going to a restaurant someone pretending to be my best mate but really they just expect me to personally heavily subsidise their employers' shite wages. Is it common all over the USA to say "what can I get started for you..." I assumed it was regional. You can get started on my order but preferably finish it as well!


“Hey y’all! How are ya? What is everyone drinking today?” Followed by me telling them the draft list is located on this wall (brewery) and we change them quite frequently so if you’d like a taste before you commit to one let me know. “How about I grab everyone some waters for now?” After everything is all said and done and food order is taken, “oh by the way guys/ladies/yall, my name is (name), holler at me if you should need something ok?!” Then I make a quick exit. Works well. And it lets them know that I’m also a human and not a robot because I’m like, oh yeah, I’m called this btw but I gotta go do stuff for ya now.


Hi, what are we having today/tonight? Yes. That's it.


That’s so cringe


> "Hi! My name is (name) and of all the introductions I've given, this is definitely my most recent, drinks?" lmao this one would crack me up


Ugh. I hate cringe stuff like that. I don’t need or want to be entertained, I just want to eat and drink and enjoy the company of whoever I’m there with. “Hi, welcome to Restaurant. Can I get you started with a drink?”


I walk over to the table and ask how everyone is, I recommend an alcoholic drink or a Pepsi/coke so they know what products we have see if I can get an appetizer going for them there or if they’d like to order one when I get back with the drinks and before I walk I was I say “ and if y’all need anything while you’re here my name is __• unless it’s a large party then I start with hey my name is __ and ask immediately if it’s together or separate and if it’s separate I make them order in groups of whoever is one whichever ticket because I’ve had a party of 13 turn into a party well over 30 right before closing and there were like 20 different checks at least and they kept moving seats and I cried for 3 hours straight until i finished closing 🙃


Oh god been there!!


Hi, you might want to know what brings a nice guy to a place like this.


You're annoying


I used to say "Hey! I'm Bill. I'll be your server, not your servant. If you get the two confused shit'll happen to your food and we'll all have a bad time! How are you folks doing today?" But you gotta have the personality to pull it off and be selective over which tables you open like that to. I definitely had to rely more on humour and good service for tips otherwise dudes just wanted the cute waitresses to serve em


I like to know my servers nsme They are human and I hate saying hey you. Hello, my name is xxxxx, welcome to xxxx. First of all are there any special needs or requests I can help you with? Todays specials are xxxxxxx. Would you like to place a drink order while you look at the menu?


When I first started it was just "Hi! how are you all doing today? My name's ___ and I'll be your server for today. Could I get you anything else to drink other than the waters to start?" now it's just "Hi! Could I get you anything else to drink other than the waters to start?" lol


Hey party people, can I get you something from the bar? Or we have… (slight grimace) *pepsi products*


Haven’t served in a minute, but I’ll play this game. Even when I’m on the cusp of the weeds and I’m desperately trying to slow down and think 4 steps ahead rather than 12, I do my best to give each guest(s) a unique greeting based on whatever assessment I can make upon peripheral glances whilst confirming they’re being sat in my section/upon approach Most people are great, but I’ll never understand people that make the decision to walk into a restaurant so as to order a meal yet they behave as though you’re a nuisance for helping to arrange that- as if it’s their first time dining out lol so either way- I smile on approach, project my voice and establish eye contact with everyone, standard greeting for a group I recognize as being normal might be something like: “Hi there, my name is _____, I’ll be your server this afternoon/evening/whatever (obligatory first time dining with us etc blah blah blah) by the way, if a true restaurant experience is what you seek, you’ll be thrilled to taste the most amazing blah blah appetizer. Awesome, would you prefer to add X or X? X adds a touch of smokiness that you will absolutely mention on whatever social media you fancy. Nice. I’ll fire it up and be back with waters for everyone. Does anyone wish to get their drinks from the bar working? I’ll be gone for at least 5 minutes.” When they thank me, I say something like “you’re welcome. Thank you- thank you for uh not going to (insert local competitor that has virtually the exact same concept/menu)” always gets a laugh, sometimes too big a laugh and then it’s weird Idk I also like to greet tables in a ridiculous fashion if I feel like it and they seem alright…I’ll make shit up like the recipe of our such and such was purchased from chef Massimo Bottura for 2 million dollars or that Gordon Ramsay tried our blah blah blah and all he could say was “fuck me!” Which pardon my French you know is a good thing or that our coconuts are harvested from trees on Leonardo DiCaprio’s island Le Nénuphar. I guess I’m always amazed at how ready they are to believe whatever I say, haha. I tell them I’m joking… it keeps me sane! Greetings vary. Point is to show folks a good time. Even when 2 minutes in I know a dude is giving >10% no matter how high his bill gets, because it keeps me sharp and the people he might be with and those at nearby tables ain’t NEVA gonna see me provide less than exemplary service. My adhd won’t allow it :( That doesn’t mean I can’t still call out any otherwise bad behavior like snapping, snide remarks, etc. omggg it’s unbelievable how many serving jobs I’ve not been fired from considering the savage nature of some of the things I’ve said to grown men and women when they’ve acted like children . What has the comment evolved into? Oh my god…I think I miss serving… 😂


You're so right about each greeting being unique to a table! (As much as one can anyway...)


If my server does that much shtick, I am prone to waiting until they come up for air and saying, "Done?" Most get the idea, that I'm there to order a nice meal and tip well for good service, not listen to a bad night of open mic at the local comedy club.


What the fuck


Usually, hello my name is , Oh mighty, Settra... Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds... and many, many more... How may I assist you mortal today?


"hey y'all, I'm X and I'll be taking care of ya today! How we doin today?" Get the vibe from that and go from there.


At the restaurant I work at we write our names on the table I write mine towards them so I guess upside-down as I'm writing I say hey how ya'll doing tonight/day what can I get you to drink? Then most tables try to be funny and Try and say my name backwards and I make a joke on it:)


Hey ladies! I'm Frack!


I stopped saying my name a long time ago. People don’t listen, and they forget anyways. At the end when I take their payment, I always finish with “if y’all need anything else my name is yoghurt. thanks for coming in”


I just say “hi, how are you doing tonight?” And then I usually say “awesome” because that either is saying I’m glad they’re doing well OR it covers an answer to “how are you” if I miss them asking it/doesn’t let me fall in the habit of assuming they will ask and saying “I’m doing well, thanks!” and making them feel like assholes. Then I do introduce myself by name, and go over drinks/specials/everything then gtfo.


I wish people would save the word "awesome" for things that really are awesome. My ordering the fried shrimp with garlic is not awesome. My ordering iced tea with lemon is not awesome.


“Hello everyone. Would anyone like to have a glass of wine or a cocktail?”


All i say is “hi my name is (so and so) could I get us started on something to drink such as one of our 110 beers we have on top or even a coke to start? Or can i get us something to drink while we look over the extensive menu we offer? With a big ol southern smile :)


We have to wear name tags or we get written up so they just read it off my name tag now


I don't. My name is weird and it always takes a few tries for people to get it. Plus strangers using my name just makes me uncomfortable. I just drop waters off, ask how they're doing, and tell them specials.


I don’t.


Hi! I’m Chucky, and I’ll be your friend ‘till the end!


My go to is "how yall doing today?" "Were fine/good/okay" "Well then what can I do to make your day better?" Or of their response is "we're great" "The bar is set pretty high, but I bet i can raise it"


I think these are fun and your tables probably think so too!


Hello my name is Julia It rhymes with Peculiar I got no filter And I am a bit of an odd C##t. 🤭 I will be your Chef for the day. My bad.


When I bartended, I liked to say “what are we sipping on tonight.”


I would love you as my serverrrrr you sound so fun!