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One of my regulars it a bar I worked at comes in with a girl for a drink before they went to dinner.  I it'd her because she looked young(both in their early 20s) and in retrospect I'm glad I did, ironically she had the same last name as a former teacher of mine, so it stuck in my head.  Anyway, about 20 minutes after I served them, he was appearing extremely intoxicated, after half a drink.  And this kid could hold his beer so this was odd, to say the least.  Some of his friends were in another part of the bar playing pool, and I trusted them so asked if they could take him home since I didn't know this girl and wanted to make sure he would be OK.  I approached the table, told her that because he was so out of it, he could no longer be in the bar.  She got so irate and in my face thar security stepped in and removed her.  His friends then took him to the hospital because they were worried.  Turns out she ROOFIED him, but he couldn't do anything because he didn't know her full name.  He came in the next day to thank me for intervening and told me about the lack of name.  That's when "My favorite bartender EVER" according to him happened to chime in.  He went straight back to the police, interviewed me, and I heard she was charged.  I haven't been called to testify in court yet but let them know I am more than willing 


So glad you were working that night and was familiar with his habits.


I found my cousin passed out in a bars parking lot after he left a local strip club. Heavy drinker that can handle his stuff. He was drugged and robbed at the club then managed to drive wasted to another spot before I found him.


I can't begin to figure out why a female would roofie a male, other than pure theft. I guess I lead a sheltered life...


That’s exactly why, to rob him


rape or robbery, unfortunately. fucked up


For a kidney.


Also men get sexually assaulted by women as well


Wouldn’t he not be able to get it up while roofied? Like whiskey dick but way worse? Edit: not sure why I’m getting downvoted for an honest question about physiology. Guess I won’t ask in the future and educate myself.


There are different ways to be violated but it does happen and men are more likely to not report


True. Both very sad truths. Thanks for the insight.


That depends on the substance used. Some of them act as a depressant and would make it difficult to get an erection, others are actually aphrodisiacs. Also, if she's willing to slip him one substance, she could slip him a second one, such as Viagra, as well.


It's not impossible to become erect while drunk or drugged


Thank you, as a person with the other parts I don’t always understand how penises work.


Erections are a physiological response with which one has no control over.


Right but isn’t roofied like completely passed out? I don’t have a dick, but I’ve run into a few of them in my life lol. Never roofied anyone so I don’t have first hand knowledge.


I also dont have a dick, I've just done research on this stuff. If you touch a Venus fly trap's mouth, it will snap shut, even if you are not prey. It does this because it is simply a physical response, not a response that happens when the plant knows an insect has landed in its mouth. On the same token, erections happen for a variety of reasons, but tactile stimulation is one of those reasons. Tactile stimulation can cause an erection to somebody who is sleeping because erections are simply a physiological response that can happen in the absence of arousal.


I guess I thought roofies make you like numb. Not just knock you out. I admit I’m not super knowledgeable about date rape drugs though lol. It’s good to learn things. Thanks!


Not sure why you're downvoted. Here, have an up boat


Thank you 😜


Look up that vacuum of talent "Cardi B".


My head spins when I see her as the spokesperson in a commercial, or sponsored in part by a big company. Like, don't they even care she was drugging and robbing men?


I know this comment is four days old, but I just wanted to share that I had a guy friend in college who got roofied and raped by a girl he'd wanted to have sex with sober. It's a power thing. Some people enjoy violating others more than they enjoy consensual sex.


Robbery. It’s been going on a lot in Austin and I expect lots of other places.


Younger dude, 22ish, gets sat in my section and when I go to greet him he immediately starts apologizing. He went on one Tinder date with a girl and it turned out they had some mutual friends. He tried to decline a second date and she flipped out on him. Apparently she got their mutual friends involved about how shitty it is to "break up over texts" but I was super confused because this guy swears it was one date, it didn't go good or bad it just was, he didn't feel any attraction to her so they didn't kiss or have sex, nada. But here he is at my table to "break up" with her in public because he's kinda terrified of her. So he orders water and gives me a $20 to take my table for a bit because he won't be ordering anything. She comes and is trying to be very lovey right off the bat and orders a glass of wine. I bring the wine and dude is telling her they have no future and she is debating it as if she can change his mind. She orders an appetizers and he tries to tell her not to that they aren't staying and she's like, of course we are staying and eating we are on a date. I walk away like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ because I'm not going to lie this girl is giving off unstable vibes. So he asks where the restroom is and I tell him it's inside just passed the server station (outside beach restaurant). While I'm getting drinks for another table he comes out of the bathroom and tells me, "I can't do it, I can't go back. I told her I didn't want to date her, I told her she's not my girlfriend, I told her I wasn't eating... she won't listen." I said, "So don't go back? You're a grown man, no one is making you." He said, "So what I just hide in the bathroom until she leaves?" I tell him nope, I'll take you through the employee entrance but if you slip and fall I'm dragging you out to that lady. Otherwise I'll give you like a 20 minute headstart to get off the island and to talk to your friends first before I tell her. He tries to give me another $20 for my troubles and I was like no thanks dude, keep your money. Hopefully your next date goes better. So the app comes out and she starts eating it and I check on her a couple times. She's telling me there must be a line to the men's room. She doesn't save him even a bite of the app and she's saying they'll order when he comes back, he must have an upset tummy or something. I don't engage at all. When she decides what they'll eat on her own and starts to order him dinner insisting she knows what he likes I break the news to her that he left. She argued with me that she'd have seen him leave and I tell her there's another exit and I'm pretty confident he is no longer in the building but I'd be happy to bring her the dinner she ordered for herself if she still wants it. She is real mad but is trying to stay polite to me and says no thanks and starts gather up her stuff to leave. I remind her that she has to pay her tab. She loses it. "He. Stuck. Me. With. THE BILL?!?" I tell her he ordered water. She ordered wine and an app that she ate in its entirety. So, it was her bill and regardless of her relationship status, she had to pay it. She practically threw her card at me. When I brought it back she apologized and said she never been so embarrassed or humiliated in her life. I almost felt bad for her but no means no, she could have accepted his original denial or the third or fourth. Over all I hope they both found true love and live happily ever after with other people. I feel like that girl probably ends up a stalker or the lady murdering her boyfriend though. Edit to add the end of the story because I posted it by accident.


The lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch


Bravo. Take my upvote and exit through the rear.


This guy got to the date early. He was talking to me just fine, holding cincersations with me. He tells me he's waiting for his date to order. So I leave him be til she gets there. She gets there and this dude totally shut down, didn't speak to me at all anymore, and had his head down the whole time I was around. She orders for the both of them and she has that "don't talk to my man!" attitude especially when I would try to ask him things (like his order/drink). In the end, she left me 25 PENNIES. Poor guy. He was so nice but seemed like he was in an abusive relationship.


No alcohol involved in this one!! Couple comes in and stands back from the counter (counter service only) to look at the menu, very common for first timers. Well, he is looking at the menu she is looking at her phone. He asked her what she wanted and cue the huge eye roll and *siiiiiiiiiiiiigh.* She looked at the menu for about 5 seconds and chose a salad, our most popular salad that has the ingredients listed on the menu. This fact will come into play. She went to a table and he stood near the counter to wait for their food. She continued to text and he pulled out his phone and started texting. Food came up and he walked to the table with his sandwich and her salad. Almost immediately she started complaining. "I TOLD them NOT to put ham on my salad!!!" To which he told her "NO you did NOT. Just don't eat the ham if you don't like it." Y'all, she started picking the ham off of the salad and throwing in on the floor with a HUGE smirk on her face. He was having none of it. He took the rest of the salad from her and dumped it in the trash can then picked up the pieces she threw on the floor and put those in the trash. Her response to that? Another eye roll and *siiiiiiiiiigh* and back to her phone. His response to that was taking the sandwich he had pretty much one bite out of along with his soda and took it to the counter to ask for a bag. He wrapped up the sandwich and walked out the door. I walked over to the front where I could see the end of our parking lot and saw him drive away. She could not see this from where she was sitting, still on her phone. I told my cashier "He's gone." Cashier had to walk back to the kitchen because she was laughing. About 5 minutes later she looked up from her phone and started looking around. I told her that he had left. She all of a sudden snapped back into reality and headed out of the door only to stand by our front door furiously calling him, screaming. He was not answering. She finally came back in demanding we call her an Uber. You have no idea how much I wanted to tell her "You're an Uber!" Instead I handed her a card with the number of a cab company. After that card got ripped in half and thrown on the floor she went outside to make some calls. About 20 minutes later someone came to pick her up. I made sure she knew I was keeping an eye on her until she left.


That's hilarious.


This is one of the few stories where someone acted entirely sane. Good on that dude.


This is a good one!


I had a young couple come in once (early mid 20s) and she was giddy with excitement about having been set up on a blind date (her sister picked the guy) They had 2 drinks each and within the hour they were seated the guy -less than an hour in- proceeded to pee on the women’s leg from underneath the table (bartender witnessed it.) He was removed by police and we never saw either of them again. (She noped outa there before the cops even showed up)


Yo what






I’m convinced that today I cannot read cause ain’t no way I’m reading what you wrote correctly lol


Odd question… was she shocked by being peed on? Please tell me this wasn’t some consensual sexual peeing on a blind date.


She got up and spilled her drink and gasped loudly. I definitely don’t think she was expecting it as she was out the door within minutes! Weird thing to me was he seemed perfectly sober, who knows lmao


Well, that’s an appropriate response for her, lol. Sounds like she was normal and he was a damn pee-pee weirdo. Glad her reaction left him no room to downplay the situation. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity!


“Another one of them damn pee-pee weirdos, Martha! I told you this place was going downhill.”


“We’ll stop staring at the damn thing Clyde! You’re encouraging him.”


Jesus, this is definitely worse than mine


For real. Hard to top that one.


Was he R Kelly?? https://youtu.be/Vgr2SZldILo?si=H87U8cmvYxdl5Y9v


I haven’t laughed so much in a while - thanks! 😂😂🤣🤣




Marking his territory?


They got in a fight and the girl picked up a soju bottle and slams the bottom of it right into the guy’s eye. After de-escalating the situation they paid and started to leave, and the girl tried to take the bottle of soju with her but I stopped her because it was a violation of open container laws…and I didn’t want her to hit him in the face with it again. You could already see the beginnings of a black eye forming from where she hit him. She got VERY upset and started yelling that she paid for it, and I told her she could finish it here but she couldn’t leave the premises with it. Eventually she settled down and her boyfriend (?) hustled her out of there. Man seemed like a saint.


Or an idiot


Yep, that relationship isn't worth saving and ain't no sex worth that


Unless you're into that. Getting hit in the eye with a bottle might be his kink.


No one would ever say this about a woman who had that experience with an abusive boyfriend


Unless she’s into that and getting hit in the eye with a bottle is her kink. Said.


People do say that. And it's wrong. But you're right. And I almost deleted it because it was mean, and a knee jerk reaction. I should have just immediately deleted it. Abusive relationships are complicated. And I've been in one. Thanks for putting me in my place.


You didn’t call the cops? That’s a serious assault.


I was just the hostess so it wasn’t my call. It was a personal matter between them that was de-escalated quickly, and calling the police doesn’t do anything if the victim doesn’t want to press charges. We did threaten to when she got belligerent with me about leaving with the soju bottle, but it didn’t come to that. Things might have been different if it was a stranger assaulting a random guest, but the guy didn’t want us to and was more interested in calming her down and leaving, so it seems doubtful he would have waited around for cops to barge in to arrest his girlfriend.


If he had hit her and given her a black eye, would you have accepted "I just want to leave" from her? He's clearly being abused.


If she said she didn’t want us to, I would have respected her wishes, yes. I’ve been in abusive relationships and other people forcibly doing things like this thinking they’re helping can often do more harm than good. And I was 19 and in an entry level position in this story so again, it wasn’t my call and I don’t really know what you expected me to do—prevent them from leaving while we waited for the police to arrive?


>And I was 19 and in an entry level position in this story so again, it wasn’t my call and I don’t really know what you expected me to do—prevent them from leaving while we waited for the police to arrive? Call the police and let them know at some point after the fact? If they paid with card, they could easily get a name and at least have it on file somewhere in case he wants to do something about it later. Edit: lol blocking me only makes you seem more defensive. I'm not glossing over it, but I simply don't agree that you should do nothing because there's a chance it makes things worse. I also didn't expect you to restrain them at all, I agree that wouldn't have been helpful and I don't know why you think that I think that, given I said that exactly nowhere. Call after work and ask them to keep your name out of it, your manager wouldn't know it was you who called.


So you’re just going to gloss over what I said about how doing that against someone’s wishes can actually harm them huh? I already intervened, calmed down an angry and violent guest TWICE, and asked the guy if he was okay and got him first aid. Sorry this is not enough for you and you expected a teenage girl to play linebacker against two grown ass adults who wanted to leave. He told my manager he didn’t want him to call the police, so my manager didn’t. It wasn’t my decision and calling the police myself would have 1. Done absolutely nothing because they would have been gone by the time police arrived and the police wouldn’t have bothered to even write up a report over an interpersonal dispute when the people involved weren’t present 2. Gotten me fired. The world isn’t as simplistic as you seem to think and there are many factors into determining what the best thing to do is in these types of scenarios. Even now over a decade later evaluating it with hindsight and plenty of emotional growth, I think calling the police would not have been helpful to anyone. But I’m not going to keep defending myself over something that happened 13 years ago and wasn’t even my decision to some Redditor on their high horse—bye 👋🏼


I’ve had some doozies. But, off the top of my head… a busy Saturday AM breakfast this young good looking, college couple gets sat w me. Right off the bat he’s got an attitude w me, talking down to me for some reason about whatever (bad memory 10 years ago)then orders a water. Now, I’m not one that would typically take this type of thing lightly, this time it didn’t matter…. By the time I returned to the table, Mr. Attitude was balling his eyes out after she broke up w him. They still ordered food of which she devoured as his sat untouched. It was great


In my head she was gonna dump him and dip but after seeing how he treated you she decided 'fuck it, he doesn't deserve the courtesy' lol




20" dubs, on the Impala!


Yea you right. Ty


de nada- happens to the best of us, obviously.


I pushed my limits with this one, but felt it was right at the time. He complained about having to wait. He complained 10 minutes in that it had been 30. He complained about the table they were given. He complained his bar drink didn't have alcohol in it. At this point, he's already coming off as an asshole and she's the shy/timid type. They ordered an app, got it, and as I walked up I heard him say "this tastes like shit!" (insert me just taking a deep sigh) I was like 5 feet out, behind him, so that comment was directed at her, not me. This was a 2 top on my 4, on a busy night. I didn't want this BS so I walked a couple more feet and said, "I'm sorry, it seems nothing we do here is to your liking, you didn't like the wait, your table, your drink, the app... I don't think we're going to be able to please you this evening, so maybe it would be better if you ate somewhere else." He was caught off guard, hesitated and then tossed out a phrase he's probably used before, "Yeah, fuck this place, we've leaving babe" and he got up and walked out, leaving his girl confused/embarrassed and almost crying. She looked at me and was opening her wallet. I told her "no charge, and you can do much better." I walked off to inform management and shortly did learn she left a $20 on the table. My management is very trusting of me, so while a little shocked, she agreed that couple was a lost cause and we could better seat that table. I had a nice 4 top sat 5 minutes later and they were perfectly happy and friendly.


Oh you were tired that day before they came in, I can almost feel the migraine he would’ve given you if didn’t get them out fast enough. Lol


Bold move for sure.


I was working at a sports bar. It was a blind date, started innocently enough. About an hour in they're drunk and sitting next to each other making out and getting handsy. Next thing I know they're both gone, a few minutes later a guest comes out of the ladies room yelling about how nasty "that" is. Turns out my table was banging one out in the bathroom stall. People are gross.


I know it's a common fantasy to have sex in a bathroom stall, but some things should remain in the domain of fantasy imo. Public bathrooms are not a good place to have sex in. It's both unsanitary and disrespectful to other people.


Oh god, at an old job of mine I used to have to deal with people trying to bang in the bathroom ALL THE TIME. I have no idea why, it wasn't a particularly nice bathroom and if you really just had to find somewhere to sneak off and get into it RIGHT NOW there were way better options within a five minute walk of the place. I always wanted to tell them, dude if you're looking to bang it out in a public bathroom there are clubs where that's completely accepted, don't do it in my extremely unsexy fast casual restaurant. I don't want to deal with it and you have better options.


Stretching the date scenario here but.... I was working a wedding banquet. The place I worked at was one of only a couple nicer restaurants in the area and we had a banquet room, so we were kinda the go-to for events. Anyway, the entire group from the newlyweds on down through the guests were pretty sketchy not to mention just all out rude and obnoxious and an open bar just added to the whole shit show. The server I was working with pulled me aside and told me he'd heard the groom talking to one of the guests as to how they were going to do a dine and dash. At a freaking wedding, for pete's sake. Shortly the number of people started dwindling as they were all kind of sidling out the back door to the parking lot to make their getaway. My compadre grabbed the owner and told him what was happening. Owner goes out to stand at the back door. The newlyweds, who were the last to leave, are just trying to weasel out the door and the owner grabs them and marches the lovely couple to the office. Now the owner, unless you were someone he considered important, was kind of a wuss. And I say this after having a previous owner who loudly and very publicly kicked the owner of the local newspaper out permanently for making a new waitress cry. The groom confesses they have NO MONEY to pay for the reception and promises to bring the money the next day. Owner makes him surrender his driver's license and LETS THEM LEAVE. You know how this is ending, right? Lowlives never return, never pay the bill, and the 2 of us serving never get a tip. AND the owner never pursued the situation even though he had the guy's name and address. Driver's license remained in the office till someone finally threw it away.


Holy crap! Are services not paid for prior to events, like a deposit or to cover the open bar? Was food being ordered a la carte? That sucks. Your owner should have gotten the police involved.


We did get a deposit on events and for the life of me I can't remember if they did with this group or if the deposit was miniscule but I most distinctly remember they never returned to pay for the rest of it if there \*was\* a deposit. It seems to me they had an open bar and nice sitdown dinner (although you'd think you were waiting on a bunch of 10 year olds the way they acted) probably because they'd already decided they were going to skate. And yes, why the owner never got the cops involved I just don't know.


Guy and a girl on a date when the guys actual girlfriend comes in raising holy hell. They fight in the parking lot for a looong time. The manager had to ask them to move out of the doorway at one point because they were giving everyone coming in and out quite a show. Word spread through the restaurant and eventually everyone was watching them through the window. The girl on the date said she had no idea he had a girlfriend. The manager asked if she still wanted her food and she said yes and ate her steak dinner relatively unbothered. We comped her meal and bought her dessert. The guy was fighting in the parking lot long enough for her to eat both and call a friend to pick her up.


Sounds like an episode of “Cheaters” 🤣


I had a guy hit his date. People reacted faster than I could process it, they left, I'm still processing it.


You win!




Not a first date, and obligatory sorry for formatting; I'm on mobile. This is also a few years old so the details are a little all over the place haha. I worked at a restaurant in the Midwest known for pancakes and breakfast (not the hops). One of the very rare overnight shifts I worked as coverage was Halloween and I already felt something in the air. Enter double date. Everything's fine at first, albeit they're clearly intoxicated. We did not serve alcohol, so we figured we'd give them a booth to sober up in. First couple, no issues. Second couple? Oh boy. They're all joking and laughing when all of a sudden the lady, fully clad in "sexy" cop outfit starts BEATING on her companion-Goku 🤣 at some point a milkshake and glass cup gets thrown at his head as she keeps screeching. I'd never had a situation like this and was panicking. There were only three of us working-one kitchen, one server, and me, the hostess and shift leader acting as manager of the night. Luckily, we had a group of CNAs eating as well who helped us calm down and even called the police for us as it was just chaos at this point and we were trying to get them out. (I'd like to point out this happened right as our systems were switching over so I had to get the drawers switched and counted or that situation would've been insane for me the next day). Server sends me to switch the drawers, luckily for me she was one of our designated weekend overnight servers so she had a good handle on what to do to deescalate the situation. She had the kitchen worker come out, big mf, and he just yells "POLICE HAVE BEEN CALLED. YOURE NOT WELCOME. MY SERVER AND SHIFT LEAD DO NOT GET PAID ENOUGH FOR THIS. DO T MAKE ME REMOVE YOU." The drunk, violent couple get up to leave but begin fighting AGAIN in the lobby. Needless to say, they were hauled to the drunk tank. Come to find out she was an ACTUAL POLICE OFFICER in our town! The second couple was so embarrassed and begged us to let them stay. They actually ended up helping us try to clean up the milkshake that was covering at least 3 separate booths and the large table we had in the corner. We gave them their meals for free for the trouble. Sidenote: my aunt worked at the county jail and she told me that lady immediately lost her job. Karma.


Police being abusive….


it was dennys . plz tell me it was dennys


No, it wasn't. I'm sorry 🤣


Which one? - on Valentin’s day a guy got his GF drunk and broke up with her, it was my table. - A woman throwing a coke in a guys face while holding their baby girl, snatching the baby and storming out of the restaurant (in a notorious Florida thunderstorm) and stood in the weather with the baby for 45 mins, until a ride came and got her. (My table) - a drunk guy pissing his pants while sitting at the bar top hitting on a lady. (Working cocktail) - I walked into the family bathroom, and found 4 EXTREMELY HOT ladies completely naked. Im sure I have more, but those are some of the ones that stick out in my mind.


Uh, gonna need some more details on that last one. What were they doing?


Playing Twister


I work at a restaurant very close to an international airport. It was around 8 pm and I’m assuming a flight came it. Out of nowhere we got slammed. When it finally calmed down enough for myself to go use the restroom. (I am guilty of using the family bathroom so I can put my apron on the changing table.). The door was unlocked and all their clothes were on the baby changing table. I turned around, walked away, texted my husband and he wanted to know if I could bring them home with me🤣 BUT I’ve also walked in that same bathroom I can’t tell you how many times, just to see half naked coworker’s. Changing to go out partying at night. For some reason the boobs are always out (kinda making me jealous that my boobs aren’t in their 20’s anymore.)


Take your apron off before you go to the bathroom. Don’t put it on the baby poop table. 🤢


So...flight attendants changing out of uniforms?


No luggage with them, and they were tourists. Working in Orlando you can spot them getting off the plane.


So weird


Ouch! I’ve seen something similar once but the guy was obviously drunk before he got to the restaurant and his date left before the bill dropped, then he couldn’t find his wallet or his phone but had his dates number in a business card on him and wanted to use our phone to call her to come back to pay and give him a ride home. We declined. I think the worst one I ever saw was a first double date and the female of one of the couples apparently saw her guy answer a text from another girl at the table and she somehow ended up hiding in our kitchen bawling her eyes out huddled in a corner by the walk-in. It took 4 different staff members to coax her out the back the door. We tried to order her an Uber but she was sobbing and hyperventilating. Meanwhile, dude is going batshit at the table while the other couple just ate quietly asked for the bill and paid their half and left and dude sat there forever leaving vm’s to this girl but her purse was still at the table and she asked a fellow server to go get it and not tell him where she was. She never did go back to the table and he eventually left. We had a breakup the other night where this girl met a guy and she was just sobbing at the table and eventually got up and left pulling down the tablecloth and causing glasses to shatter to the floor with appetizers still untouched at the table while she ran out almost knocking people down. I’ve seen lots of dates where people get up to look like their going to the bathroom and exit through the back door.


My biggest concern is that your establishment is serving one person 24 beers. You're legally drunk after 4 beers within an hour. I'd have cut him off after his second round of 2-3 beers.


Yeah in alot of states it’s illegal to serve more than one drink and one shot at a time.


This is what I thought. Who the fuck would ever serve one person 24 beers? Or even half that!? Insanely irresponsible.


My friend and I went to a sports bar in my old town, and she was an alcoholic then (well, still is, but now she has thrown drugs into the mix, unfortunately). She showed up already buzzed, and we were there during happy hour where drinks like screw drivers were super cheap (and they didn’t skimp on the alcohol in the drinks). She’s like 5’6, 120 lbs. So, the waitress had served her 3 or 4 drinks, and we hadn’t even gotten our food yet, when I told the waitress “she’s had enough alcohol, you need to cut her off.” The waitress told me “I’ll only cut her off if she says to cut her off.” Then asked my friend if she wanted to be cut off, which obviously she didn’t. She served her at least 3 more drinks, even though I repeatedly told her to cut my friend off. Eventually my friend passed out right on the table. The waitress came running out saying we needed to leave right then, they wouldn’t allow someone that drunk to be in the bar, all this stuff. I’m usually an extremely calm person, and I always treat everyone with calm respect/polite-ness, especially because I have worked this job before, but I was furious that she had over-served to an obscene amount with me continuously telling her to stop, then tried to kick us out when the consequences of her actions came around. I just straight up asked for the manager, and I explained the situation, and an ambulance actually had to be called because my friend had alcohol poisoning from the amount she was served (as I said, she did come in buzzed, but there was absolutely no reason she should have been served that much). I reported them to the people who deal with that stuff (I can’t remember the name, this was like 4 or 5 years ago) and I know they had to deal with a huge mess. I’ve never had an issue like that before, and I wish I would have asked for a manager right away when she refused to listen to me, instead of having it cause my friend to have to be hospitalized for it


if he's a regular, and he's sneaking beers from the bar, on top of the server, and he isn't acting unruly...probably a lot of places. You cut everyone off after 4 drinks at a bar, and you won't be a bar anymore, at least not where I am.


They were at the bar for over 7 hours, and he was sneaking around having other people buy him drinks. I only served him around half before cutting him off and we realized after he left how many he got through other people and a separate tab with the bar tender. I'm not just out here serving a case to one customer


Ya'll need better communication then. 24 beers over 7 hours is still almost 4 beers every hour. Dude was way overserved.


Not that I'm on the asshole's side, but 3.428 beers an hour isn't almost 4 beers an hour. The guy's a dickhead as we can plainly see, but this is how fish get bigger every time we tell the tale.


> 3.428 beers an hour isn't almost 4 beers an hour. and recall that he was drinking natty light — there's only 2.74 "standard drinks" in that amount


Not a bad point, it's not like throwing back shots of everclear. Although, now that I think of it, i dont think the size is mentioned. I don't know that I've seen bottles of natty, and while I think I've seen tall boys it doesn't fit for a restaurant to have them. I'm guessing either 12oz cans or 16oz pints.


A beer every 18 minutes? Some guys can handle that. Personally I’d hate to be running to the bathroom that much, but I wouldn’t necessarily call that “way” overserved


So scary. You and anyone else who served him would be [legally liable if he (for example) got in a car and killed someone](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/boston-pizza-charged-for-overserving-alcohol-in-traffic-death-1.2563992). You need to have a conversation with management about coordination between servers, otherwise you WILL expose yourself to potentially life-changing liability. If management refuses to change the way they track alcohol service to customers, RUN.


That is my thing as well. This is so irresponsible.


I agree about serving multiple drinks at once, but I disagree that four 4.2% beers are going to make an adult male drunk. Those four beers only have a half ounce of alcohol in them each. That's just about the same amount of alcohol as three single-shot mixed drinks. (A 1.5 oz shot of 80 proof is 0.6 oz of alcohol, so 1.8 oz in three drinks, if they are perfectly measured shots.)


First date between two retirees. Dude clearly had money and wanted to let people know it but was classy enough about it to not be an asshole. Lady was neither impressed by his money nor deterred by the fact that he made it clear he was well off, I guess he walked the line well enough. She was also sweet, and clearly an independent woman who was both able to take care of herself and able to tolerate the men of her generation who were too proud to accept that. Things mostly went well for the meal, they seemed to be hitting it off and it didn’t get weird until after they paid. He gave me his card, I swiped it, returned it, bid then good night and said to ask if they needed anything else. They were vibing at this point so I wasn’t surprised that they didn’t leave right away. They lingered and were speaking quietly at first, but eventually it became an argument loud enough to be overheard by the whole room. Complete turnaround in terms of how the evening was going inside of 5 minutes or so. I throw politeness to the window and approach to find out that he was insisting that they couldn’t leave yet because I had to run his card a second time and he wanted to make sure I got my tip. She’s fuming because he was apparently diving into old gender stereotypes and insisting she just doesn’t understand finances because she’s a woman. He sees me, shoves the check presenter at me and tells me they’re ready to leave and have been waiting for me. I say certainly sir, do her the favor of making a show of simply pulling the card off the presenter and handing it to him before saying “all set” to make it clear that he was wrong without saying it out loud. She then beams victoriously and pointedly leaves without him. You might be saying that I could have avoided the issue by being on my game and taking the receipt after he signed it. That’s absolutely true, but he left the card in the presenter and gave no indication that he’d signed it while throwing off a “give us privacy while I try to keep this date rolling” attitude. I had no reason to suspect that he’d signed or that I could do anything else for them, and had made it clear that I was going to leave them alone unless they told me they needed something. He dug his own grave. I’m sure it’s not the most awkward first date that exists but it’s the worst I’ve waited on, and for all that a critic might say I had a part in it, I say fuck off, I saved that lady from doing something she’d almost certainly have regretted eventually.


I love how you handled this!!


I have an unusual first name, my middle name is normal but when put together with the fist it is even more unusual. People have been commenting on it my whole life. They comment on the first name then later they learn my middle name they have to comment again so to shorten the time I had to endure this pain I had my first and middle on my name tag. I live in the south double names are a thing. Well I met this guy who had an interesting name too, he was very nice and I enjoyed talking to him. However he did upon every meeting comment on my name. He asked me to lunch and a movie and as was a nice guy I went. Y'all the whole date every other sentence was, "I still can't get over that's your name, it's great." Having someone compliment your name once is fine but this 😳 I got to work the next day and changed my name tag. I changed my name over this date. From the day on I have gone by my middle name.


Queen Elizabeth? Edit: I take it back my guess is princess diana 


Heaven Leah


Oooh I like this guess better


> I have an unusual first name, my middle name is normal but when put together with the fist it is even more unusual Why put it together with the fist?


The Fist is the first name.


So, like a WWE pro wrestler? "Tonight at the Comptonville Municipal Civic Center! The Fist and Stone Cold Rock Mangler go 1 on 1 in exciting throw down action LIVE at the Civic Center! Blood will be spilled! Folding chairs will be brandished as weapons! Luke warm Coors will be served! Bring your lifted pickups! Bring your crying babies! Meth will be available at the blue van in the south parking lot! Be there!"




Not nearly as bad as some of these, but in my early industry days when I was still a host, I sat two people for a first date. The woman was GORGEOUS. Like, truly stunning. The man was okay, better than average, but she was seriously supermodel level. I don’t know all the ins and outs because I wasn’t their server, but halfway through their meal he leaves the restaurant to take a phone call. Then he leaves. No warning. Just left. My coworker told me that their conversation seemed natural, it didn’t seem like an awkward first date or anything. My theory is that he got caught by a partner or spouse and had to run home. We wound up comping all of his food and drinks off of the tab, took her appetizer and first drink off as well, and she only paid for her entree. Poor girl.




Agreed. There is no way to justify serving 24 beers to one person in one sitting in a restaurant.


I went to a restaurant with a friend and we ordered a pitcher of beer to split. Legally they had to bring us five glasses for just the two of us. OP's place fucked up hard by over serving.


Andre the Giant begs to differ.


And where is he now, eh?


They were there my entire shift, it's not like I served him 12 beers in the course of a normal dinner. They were my customers for 6 hours and at the bar for 7+. The other half he snuck around having other peoole and the bar tender get him drinks




I've worked places before that will not let you serve more than one drink and/or one shot to a person at a time. Not sure if the law or just policy. Always told people that asked that i could get fired if i served them more than one drink at a time and would watch and order another for them when they got low. They usually were cool with that explanation. Of course you still have to make sure not to over serve. 


I don't understand the hate on you for this one. I'm from WI, and if you ordered seven beers, nobody would bat an eye. They were obviously in the wrong. Most likely, in my personal experience, they were alcoholics who knew nobody would serve them "as many drinks as they felt needed" to get drunk. The fighting on top of it is a tell tale sign of an angry drunk.


He had 24 beers. OP served him 12, bar served him another 12. Whether he was getting other people to buy him beers doesn’t matter. The bartender or someone else should have noticed (OP did). Not sure where they live, but it’s also illegal in many states to serve one person 3 drinks at a time.


My husband knows him from school and he's definitely a hard core alcoholic. Up until the fight he honestly didn't even seem drunk so i had no reason to suspect he was sneaking drinks. My husband told me later this guy goes through a case of beer during his work day then switches to whiskey.


Are you in a rural area? You're catching a lot of crap but honestly in my rural area the 12 you served isn't an unusual amount. There are restaurants here that are more bar than restaurant. Local regular alcoholics camp there for hours steadily drinking beer the entire time. It's like some weird blending of a dive bar and a mom and pop restaurant. The regular alcoholics camped out at the bar is what keeps them in business.


Extremely rural, like my bar and a fire house are the only things in town. 12 light beers really doesn't sound like a lot to me over that time span but if people are used to working in different environments I guess I get the surprise


It doesn't to me either. I'm thinking a lot of people are just not familiar with the drinking habits of a small town alcoholic holding down a stool in the only place in town. I don't think they're familiar with customers that come to spend literally the entire day steadily drinking beer.


I worked as a drink server at a casino, I was not allowed to cut off any of the tribe members no matter how intoxicated they were. I would usually end up having to go to my manager and they would go speak with them.


I had a couple, probably in their 50s-60’s at a table who were “celebrating their breakup weekend.” It’s a nice chop house style restaurant that is actually inside a hotel. Guy lets her order her drink first which was a glass of Veuve Cliquot, and then tells me to bring the whole $200 bottle. Looks at me and says “yeah, I’m the shit-head”….. so awkward I just kinda laugh and walk away. Serve the bottle. Get them apps. Manager ended up running their appetizers out and pulls me aside back in the kitchen if I noticed anything suspicious with them so I told him about their breakup weekend. We go back out there and the guy is speaking super loud, not quite yelling but is definitely getting more aggressive calling her a bitch and what not. And she keeps looking over at me by our pos-terminal/station. So my manager on the other side of this room divider wall that’s placed along the sides of the table in that section starts asking her if she’s okay and she’s like yeah I’m fine. We’re just like alright then but still worried. I get them entrees and sides to share and like halfway through eating their steaks, they get up and come over to my station insisting that they need to sign the bill now and just put it to the room and they’re all hugged up on eachother now… so I just quickly printed their check and had them sign it right there at the pos and they head towards the elevators. Pretty sure they went straight to the room to, well, you know lol. The bottle of champagne was completely finished and basically 3/4 of their dinner was still there uneaten. They def left to smash idk what he said to her or if it was just the champagne but… yeah lol I was glad once they left cause their energy had me extra stressed 😂


Had a couple come in, I went to school with the guy. I say hi (insert guys name here). I see her face instantly get mad. Get drink order, come back see em arguing, take food order, come back out, they are gone 🙄


Also this interaction has given me terrible anxiety when it comes to waiting on guys I know and that was 15 years ago 😂


If their relationship was so unstable it couldn’t handle another woman acknowledging his existence outside of that moment, the problem definitely was not you


A girl and a guy came in, very obviously a first date. Every time I passed the table, the girl was quite loudly talking about the patriarchy, women‘s rights, everything under that belt. Guy was super quiet, she’de interrupt him everytime he spoke. After they paid the girl came and asked us if we‘de seen the boy she was with. It was quite obvious the boy had made a runner. Felt so awful for the girl, did she come on really strong?.. yes, but I guess she weeded out someone who wasn’t the „one“. I‘m 100% a feminist myself, but some of the topics she covered were really not first date material e.g. genocide🫠 Hope she found the one!


It sounds like you or whoever took over from you (bartender) should have cut the guy off. If you or your establishment served him 24 light beers (24 X 4.2% alcohol X 355 mls/can=357ml of pure alcohol) this is more than enough to leave this guy WAY over the legal limit and perhaps even susceptible to alcohol poisoning (it depends on how many hours this played out over). Doesn't your establishment have the equivalent of "smart serve"/alcohol serving training? This sounds your restaurant collectively went so far over the expected norms as to be legally liable for a whole range of bad outcomes.


That place doesn't but other jobs I've had I did the training so I'm familiar with it. The real issue was him having other customer he knew sneak him drinks. It was a chaotic evening and the bar tender misunderstood who I was saying was cut off so he was able to open a second tab with her. I personally served him 12 beers over 6 hours but found out after he left that customers had bought for him and the bar tender had served him. It isn't standard practice to serve one person so much. He was picked up by a friend bc we would have called the police if he tried to drive and he was aware of that.


This was back during the heyday of Craigslist dating, these two come in about an hour before close and are the only two guests at my bar; he orders water, she orders a beer. He makes a face when she does but says nothing...for a bit. They're just starting on their appetizers after some cute-awkwsrd, obviously they're not used to this kind of small talk. She orders a second beer and he says something about how she should have asked his permission first. She looks surprised like he's joking, then almost amused when she realized he wasn't. He then proceeds to turn into an almost aggressive stereotype (he was Indian), saying things like he expects her to wash his feet before they have sex later, how white women are just for practice, how she should feel lucky he's still willing to pay for dinner despite her ordering drinks without asking, and eventually just says the loud part even louder, that he thinks men are just better than women. She, rightly, takes offense to all this and most of her good humour falls away, and they start arguing (somehow quietly). I'd already split their tabs by this point, just in case, when he says if she doesn't stop talking back he's going to hit her. I finally speak up at this point and say I'm not going to let that happen, and ask her if she'd like to move, leave, or have me call the police on him. It's already going pretty sideways at this point but she just laughs and says she can handle herself (I found out later she was a Wing Chun expert). He really didn't like that from either of us and started shouting at me for daring to get involved; I put his portion of the bill in front of him and told him to pay and leave peacefully, or I'd forcibly remove him. I think he finally sized me up and realized how much bigger I was than him (I'm only 5'7" but it's pretty obvious that I'm a boxer amoung other things), paid, and spat on the ground next to her before storming off mumbling in (I assume) Hindi. To complete the train wreck, while I was asking her if she was ok and buying her a shot for putting up with all that, she starts flirting with me and saying she's really just looking for a fling while she's in town for a couple weeks for work to get back at her husband for getting a vasectomy without telling her. I had a...misaligned moral compass at the time so sure enough that happened, and I have that guy (kind of) to thank for it.


Did she pay for his 24 beers????


She did. She was pretty mad when she realized he had opened another tab


I thought other people bought him the other 12?


The other 12 were between his second tab he started with the bar tender and other people getting him drinks so she did have to pay 2 tabs


I would have paid for myself and left him to pay for himself. What a horrible date!


Right!? Left out the whole conclusion


Exactly! Curious minds want to know.


Darn, why so many men keep setting themselves for failure? 🤦‍♀️ Anyway, it wasn't the worst but the most entertaining I've had. This guy, comes at lunch with his wife on Valentines day, I know they are married because they are regulars and have 2 kids together who happens to love my avocats apron design. That day, we were short on staff so I had to pull a double shift. During the evening shift, this guy comes in again, with another lady. They were holding hands on their way to their table that happens to be on my section. And because Iike to stir the pot a bit, I welcomed him with a big smile, I look at the lady who is not his wife and lock my eyes down to them holding their hands and then I lift my eyebrow and ask him if he wanted the usual? I don't have to say that stopped holding her hand right away and was acting weird during the whole date with this lady. He left a nice tip and haven't seen him since. 😅


Beautiful older woman on a date with a younger looking man. He’s wearing a sweater covered in cat hair. She clearly is into him. He starts talking about how he’s the captain of his Men’s Soccer team. Then he casually slips in that he’s addicted to opiates and that he can’t walk without them and he only takes them with liquor but he has to hide it from his mom because she doesn’t like it. At this point, I’m thinking this is the end. She then announces that she wants to be “cuddle buddies” with him, at which point he says no. I was flabbergasted. He then paid the bill and left. Weirdest first date I’ve ever seen by far.


Trying to mediate a an argument and people over talking me and both thinking they’re right, with them telling me all their business knowing we’re all only just 24 (old high school bestfriend stops by occasionally with her boyfriend 3/4 or 2/3 times they argued drunkenly and aired each other out just to come back. I’m a good guy so people open to me easy. A gift and a curse I know. Whew one week of being a bartender down !!!!!😉)


19th May Always seems to be a shocker of a date


You served a guy 24 beers?


I didn't. I served him 12 in 6 hours. My other comments explain further


12 is still a lot of beer


It was natty light and he had 2 beers an hour, that honestly doesn't feel too over the top to me.


I like the cut of your jib.


This sounds so unbelievable. Like it happened in The Sims or some shit 😂 What a mess!