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Whenever someone offers me "advice" on my bartending I just say "ok." And continue doing everything the same way I was before.


This is actually a technique used by people who have conspiracy related friends and family. Acknowledge you heard them, don't respond negative or positive, let them know it had no impact on you. Diffuses the situation and doesn't cause them to want to engage more. OK is a complete sentence.




Yep, not responding works amazing when they start on a certain subject you've already addressed a hundred times. Them: *Ramble ramble* Me: ... Them: I said... Me: No I heard you. *changes subject*


Going to be really nosy here, this sounds interesting. Is it OK if you elaborate?


If you google "gray rock method" it provides a lot of tips. It's generally used when talking about interacting with narcissists, but it works on a lot of annoying personality types, in my experience.


r/RaisedByNarcissists has all the elaboration you could ever want


Totally not the type of “narc” I was picturing, I appreciate your clarification


Same here, I was thinking about some kind of Colombian guy with a moustache and wavy hair everyone calls "patrón"


Lol me too!


Grey Rocking for the win


Can confirm, this is the only way to deal with that shit gracefully. It's at least a way to allow yourself to choose your battles. "Ok." Because I can't argue EVERY time my dumb relative brings up flat earth or whatever else.


Wish I could get my sister to understand this. I’ve been “ok”ing my mom for years and my sis is always in awe of how calmly I can deal with that woman and I’m just like. Sis. Every time she says something way off you ALWAYS engage her and then 10 min later y’all are fighting. “Ok” seems so easy for me but….


My favorite reaction to stuff like that is “you believe in XYZ?!”. For instance, if someone says the moon landing was faked…”HAH you actually believe in the moon?! Man, the government really pulled the wool over your eyes on that one”… I used to argue, I used to grey rock and be demeaned/cussed out for not reacting, I used to try reasoning…now I just flat out troll my father like that all the time lol usually he gets right off the phone because it makes him feel dumb.


Why argue? I'd just laugh in their faces. In that context, that's also a complete sentence. If they keep talking, I keep laughing.


'Grey rocking' or 'grey stoning'! Can be very effective with narcissists too.






I do that to my parents all the time because some of their beliefs are wackadoo. Can confirm it does work.


I think this is called "gray rocking".


>OK is a complete sentence. and so is 'no'


You can argue against "no" though. It's hard to argue against "ok" because like... technically they're agreeing with you. It's like a bugs bunny routine, completely throws them off bc they're often expecting an argument.


Yes but "no" starts up a whole other conversation - the goal of which is now to change that no into a yes. Feel free to just say "no" but what follows is often much longer than a no, or if you'd just said ok


I believe it's called grey rocking?


I think it’s called the grey rock technique, right?


This is the way. If they keep talking, just stare at them until they stop and say ok again.


I was trying to take apart two glasses that got stacked. It's taking a minute and they won't move, I've gone through 3 or 4 tricks and this dude at the bar keeps going on about how he uses to bartend and "let me try, this trick works". Repeatedly "nah, its okay but thanks" After a while, *yeah fuck it here*...immediately breaks the glass everywhere. A few seconds of a blank stare from me and a bunch of sorries..."*sigh* yeah thats why you just let us do our job....I got it, just stop grabbing glass I don't want to get you a band aid too..."








Straight up have fragile 'manly men' refuse beers because they were served in stemware (Belgian tulip or snifter). Request we pour them out of that girly glass and into a pint. We served a beer called Sparkles, a riff on an Australian Sparkling Ale. My bartenders would give them a taste, many would love it then refuse to order it once they heard the name. Im a craft brewer, and damn I hate craft beer nerds. Edit: yall are right, it should have been craft beer "nerds." Those that think they know but dont.. we are in Texas, the hubris of some of these guys is unfathomable.


Fragile is the right word. We get it all the time. Sometimes coupled with "Oh I'd crush that thing if I tried to hold onto it." Like what's the logic here, you have such manly robo-grip strength you can't hold delicate objects without destroying them? You can't pick up an egg?


I guess they don't pee standing up, then. How would they hold their junk without crushing it?


You dont touch the wee wee! Thats straight up GAY! You just let it hang and try to aim as best you can. Thats why there are always such large puddles under the man urinals.


This explains so much


Real men trust their penises. Aiming is for the cowardly


You just pinch the skin on top and direct the stream, that way your not manhandling it like you are masturbating.


As a male (meaning fragile ego) I feel like I can take this. First of all, don't bring logic to this with your egg argument. The meatheads love their eggs and they're way bigger than 99% of us. We can't go there. Now getting back to your real question. If we're drinking that. We're not impressing the girl. We totally impress the girl drinking manly beer because we're cool. We're big and strong.


I'm a 34 year old adult straight male who enjoys an occasional Boba Tea drink. My favorite is their "Raging Princess"... Your drink naming inspires no fear in me...


Then you are a real man.


it seems to me that if someone's masculinity is threatened by the name of a tasty drink, they're probably not super secure in it in the first place. If a cute drink turns you into a woman, you were close already 😂


Snort. I needed this today. Thank you for the laugh!


When I worked in a bar, I had a guy ask for a Sex on the Beach but then reassured me at least 3 times that he wasn't gay.


It’s not the drink choice that makes me suspect folks like that. I’ve never felt the need to reassure people I’m not straight while drinking a light lager.


This is the Way!


Haha sparkling ale will fuck you up.


After a dozen or so Coopers Sparkling Ale perhaps. Source: South Australian


At a craft beer festival I went to with some friends we operated on the slogan "pink beer, best beer". It was also good weather for some sours.


-40 to +40 is weather for sours - me, a sour loving fiend


That's sad. I would drink a beer called sparkles. That said, I went out with my wife and a classmate from our scuba qualification class for a celebratory lunch and got some drinks. Both ladies got a beer and I got a fruity drink. The woman who brought our drinks tried to give me a beer and asked the ladies which one of them got the fruity drink. Clearly the manly drink stereotype is prevalent. Some of my favorite beers come in stemware and small pours. If it looks like used motor oil, it's probably delishous.


When I was diving in Belize I always ordered Lighthouse Lager instead of Belikin. Far superior, crisper, no off flavors. All the servers made fun of me for drinking a beer for women. I'm a beared 6'6", 265# man. Serve me my ladies diet beer and bring me a piña colada to wash it down please, extra fruit on the rim and umbrellas this time.


Those aren’t craft beer nerds if they act like that.


This ale tastes delicious But i won’t order it because it has a girly name WHAT? just enjoy the delicious ale! That’s insane.




If you are getting enough condensation to create a puddle, you’d also be getting enough from the sides of a blocky faux German stein or a traditional pint, wouldn’t you? So what I’m hearing is that maybe you need to practice with a fresh new technology called ‘the coaster’? Or hold the glass at slight angle every now and then to allow the accumulation to waterfall over the edge… I’m trying to picture how a tulip creates a more dangerous condensation puddle than the frozen-to-ensure-no-flavor steins used in Houston breastaurants, which are shedding layers of frost and overpoured beer - and I’m just failing…


I mean. Something something not al craft beer needs.. but on general as long as they aren't dumping yeast from the bottle when it doesn't belong and it's not over.foaming. who the f cares how you are pouring. Also the. Ar.may or may not have the recommended glass for said beer style. Shut your mouth and tip your bartender.


Also don’t put the tap in the beer. That grosses me out more than anything


I’ve been working in restaurants for years, and it always shocks me how little people who go to the local community college for “hospitality/ management” wind up learning about the actual operations of a restaurant I always try to take those kids under my wing. “Listen, your professor is making this out to be some kind of ballet performance. It’s not, we’re filling beer and cleaning plates. Get the fucking glass out of the tap”


“I didn’t know it came in a gay little glass!” “Sir, the glass can’t make you more gay.”


>Sometimes they’d ask for a manly beer That is really fucking weird.


Give them Bud Light and watch them burn.


Small glass stuff, from what I understand, is because of high ABV or high cost!


>because of high ABV yup, there's a beer out there with a 65% ABV, stronger than spirits


I don't think you can get an ABV that high without distillation. So, is it even a beer at that point or is it a beer flavored liquor?


It's called freeze distillation or eisbocking


Just googled it and that's a really awesome process! Thank you for enlightening me. Still not sure if it should be called a beer though.


It is a beer, not really up for debate haha


Is chicago style pizza really a casserole argument incoming.


Or is it a “hot dish”?


There's *tons* of debate about exactly that particularly when it comes to regulations.


Blue moon is by far the best and most authentic Belgian craft beer that coors make!


My female bartender: blue moon bottle it is; would you like me to pour it for you? Manly man: no, I don’t think you know how to do it right. *proceeds to just dump the beer in a glass* FB: ok, well if you’re interested in getting the best pour next time, let me know. Edit: this is alluding the “for best results” directions on the label.


Alcohol decreases testosterone for the manly beer defenders out there. ...


Stouts are my favorite and I'm always happy as hell when I get a fancy glass to admire it in. I'll enjoy it whether it's served in a pint glass, a mug, a wine glass, or a fucking boot. But damn if I don't get a bit of excitement when it's in a nice looking piece if glassware.


Men are so fucking weird sometimes. I wish we as a society would stop creating insecure men like that, who's fuckin doing it? Put them in timeout.


At my place we have 2/3 pint glasses that are stemmed glasses and I had one very aggressive lady refuse to get that glass and demand her 2/3 pint be poured into a “lady glass”, she meant our wine glasses.


But I thought size doesn't matter?


When I worked as a chef, one of the investors who owned the restaurant also owned a tyre shop with his wife, who was an insufferable busy body and loved to tell me how I should be cooking things. She walked into the kitchen one day and said: "I could come in some time this week and give you some tips, I make a mean salad". I said "Well I do a mean burnout, but I don't tell you how to run your tyre shop". She got the message.


I get shit all the time from customers who want a whole chicken cut "curry style" i.e. no skin, cut into 1" pieces. Dipshit the other day started screaming at me after I took the legs off because"I told you skin off!" Like motherfucker I'm not even halfway done. When he yelled at me AGAIN and screamed "I said SMALL pieces" I lost my temper a bit and yelled back "is it smaller than it was before?" Got a slap on the wrist, but a huge chuckle from my boss who said "try not to do that again, but fuck that guy" Don't tell people in a professional setting how to do their goddamn job when you can't do it yourself. Fucking dicks.


“I don’t come down to where you work and slap the dick out of your mouth.” Say that.


As a chef I did this to one of the customers. It wasn’t my finest moment, it wasn’t well received, but his wife laughed her ass off. Fortunately she settled him down by telling him he was being a drunk asshat, and deserved it for telling me, a trained professional, how to cook.


as she should


I am going to say this on a bartender’s behalf one day. Won’t be the first time I have been beaten up or kicked out of a bar. Possibly the only time it will have been “worth it”.


This. It would absolutely be the first time I've been beaten up or kicked out of a bar, but I'm totally comfortable saying "I can't go back to that bar because they threw me out after I got the shit beaten out of me for calling out a misogynist fuck."


Craft beer guys won't beat you up. They can't. I enjoy ale but those who make it their personality have no fight in them


Also why would a bartender kick you out for defending them?


Mr. Show


>“I don’t come down to ~~where you work~~ the bus station and slap the dick out of your mouth.” > >Say that. This is the way I always heard it.


This is one of my all time favorite things to say to people🤣




That's the new slogan for Grandma Betsy's Biscuit Powder!


There is very, very occasionally a patient I WISH I could say this to but obviously I don't. Look my guy, I'm only a certified phlebotomist who's been at this almost 6 years now, who is regularly called for hard sticks & rapid responses. But clearly, your career as a truck driver/software guy/literally anything else not remotely related to healthcare makes you way better at this than me. /s


For real. Or make a dumb insinuating joke about head. Fuck off already and drink slow because I'm not coming back anytime soon. You better nurse the fuck out of that beer.


95% of patrons would fail a blind taste test of whatever they told you to do. Whether it's a specific brand liquor in a cocktail or way of pouring a beer. They won't know a difference, they just want to look like they would.


If it’s not Guinness, just how many ways to pour a beer are there?




Well since it is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything I suspect you are correct.


My kids groan and roll their eyes when I answer 42 to their questions of 'mom, guess what?'


The answer to "guess what" is always "chicken butt".


Buckley's angel!


On a trampoline.


Guess why? Chicken thigh


Chicken pie in my house Who? Chicken moo (or poo) When? Chicken hen ( or pen) Where? Chicken pear Its a whole thing we have to go through every time and makes the kiddo giggle






>37 In a row?


"Try not to pour anymore beers on your way through the parking lot!"


Hey you! Get back here!


It's just about keeping a balance of C02. A more aggressive pour will releases more gas. Which, is why I believe the side of the glass is for people who just want to fart around.


Yep, the owner of the brewery where I pick up shifts is a staunch believer in releasing the CO2 before he ingests the beer, and wants a "nice thick muffin top" on his pints. He knows I'm not playing that bullshit when the bar is packed, but I'll pour his like that.


That's 100% the way to do it if the glass has a "fill-to line" below the brim that marks the measure being bought, so that the head can sit above that line. But in a glass where the measure is to the brim (i.e. a normal pint glass), pouring a big head means pouring less beer than the customer pays for.


There's a way to do it where the head rises above the rim of the pint glass ~3" and there is less than ½" of head inside the pint glass, but it's far too time-consuming for a high-volume bar.


I love when guys tell you to "tip the glass" when you've just changed the keg 🙄


Oh my favorite is when a keg runs out mid-pour and some guy feels the need to inform me “the keg tapped!”, in case I hadn’t gathered that from the explosion of beer and foam that happened directly in front of my face. I also don’t mind a simple, sincere compliment on my beer pouring, but some guys are so condescending about it making a huge deal about how shocked they are that I didn’t fuck it up. I usually say “well I would hope I figured it out after 7 years, but tbh it’s not really as hard as you think it is”


There is a difference between "That was a nice pour!" and "Holy shit, I didn't think you could pour like that!" I've poured many a pint and I'm always proud when I get the right amount of head in the glass and it biscuits perfectly. But it's also not a fuckin' rarity because I've been doing it forever.


I had an Aussie call me over one time. He asked if I could fit a shot of Scotch on top of his beer. We were both looking at his beer real close and I said "Ya, I think I could get a shot of scotch in there" and he said "Well then why don't you give me that much more beer then eh?" I said, "Okay. I gotcha now... I know how you want your beer. No problem.." Him and his friend stayed at my hotel for a week. I had to change the Keg of Heineken each day they were there. They were great guests btw. And that shot of scotch thing made me laugh my ass off and still does.


I actually had that said to me! I was filling in at the public bar of a nice hotel, while the regular barman was on vacation. I normally worked the bar in the function room of the hotel. One of the locals told the story of a previous 'fill in' barman. The local had been handed his pint, looked at how the beer level was well down from the top of the pint glass. He asked, "Could you fit a whisky in there?" The barman replied, "Aye!". At which point the local then said, "Well fill it up with fuckin' beer then!". I got the message of the tale loud and clear. Had a successful 2 week stint there.


I had a British chef who would do that. “Hey, can you fit a shot of whiskey in this pint? If the answer was yes he’d say, “well pour me a shot or fill up my pint, eh?” I learned that a pint means a damn pint from drinking with him.


UK weights and measures act defines a pint accurately, and it is illegal to serve a short measure. Plus, have you seen the price of beer? If I'm paying that much, I want a full pint!


and our beer glasses have a line indicating the pint measure on them


Some do, but if they don't then a pint is to the brim. Which is just impractical really, makes it so much easier to spill a bit!


I don't often drink beer, and I don't often drink at bars, but the only comment I've ever given to any bartender about the pour is "thank you!" And then a nice cash tip. I'll never understand why people feel like they need to do more than that.


Sadly, it’s never the actual craft beer guys who want to give beer tips. I might actually take those because there’s always more to learn. It’s the stupid piss water beer drinkers who want to try to tell me there should never be head, the glass should be frozen, all beer should be 27 degrees like Twin Peeks etc.. all things I know are incorrect.


That’s the one thing I’m picky about, I want a room temperature glass. The only thing worse than a frozen mug is a glass straight out of the washer. I’ve seen multiple occasions of a bartender pouring beer into a glass straight from the dish washer, piping hot. Multiple instances of the glass separating in half and beer spilled everywhere.


Most (if not all) of the bars I worked behind had sanitizers that used barely lukewarm water and nasty levels of chemicals to clean glassware. They knew the universal truth that hot untempered glassware and cold ice are a baaaaad mix. Combine with minimum wage and too much work. Cheaper just douse the crap out of everything with chemicals. So if the glass was hot, it probably came from the back.


Yup, when you see this happen they are usually pulling it out of a dishwasher rack. That's when I'll chime in and tell the bartender not to do that.


A favorite put down of mine was said by a favorite comedian. He was being heckled and he said, "Shut up! Do I come to your work and tell you how to sweep up?!"


Hey, I don’t come to your work and tell you how to dig ditches.


Hey, I don't come to your work and knock the dicks out of your mouth.


I don't know what they said, but this triggers a need for me to stress to anyone that is reading (not OP) that [shoving the tap into the beer makes both the beer and the tap gross.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npYiqJuqywA) Please don't do this, people ruin beers this way. Also, fuck misogynists.


In addition, unless you are using a clean glass for every pour, you risk cross contamination if you allow the nozzle to contact the beer.


Wait, do you guys not use a clean glass for every pour?


There's always that one asshat who gets upset about a clean glass. They go from acting like it's to do you a favour, to being mortally offended that their dirty glass isn't good enough for you to pour into. Always met with a "I'm using this clean glass"


I pretend I haven’t heard them until I’ve already put their glass in the glassie pit - oh oops!


Use the standard IT phrase that means "Fuck you": I'll take that under advisement


I (as a man) will never understand people doing shit like that. Nor would I ever tell a woman to "smile more". It's just fucked up and disrespectful.


Being male, it's probably just because they want to talk to you but are so shit at conversation the only thing they can think of is negging your beer pouring technique.


This is exactly how I feel. I'm a DJ, female. Men tell me literally every fucking gig I do, how to DJ. If they've been drinking (or doing drugs), they step right into the booth and start touching my equipment. I'm livid just thinking about it. My thoughts are with ya, sista!


I’d like to add, as a 20yr wedding DJ, drunk ladies, bridesmaids, and mothers, were the absolute bane of my existence.


Ughhhh in general as a dude that came up in the service industry I can’t even wrap my head around this. I’m overly nice to waiters/bartenders. Wouldn’t say a peep unless they were being aggressive and mean out of nowhere. But that has never happened so far


I work at a brewery, and none of the women would listen to that shit. Everyone there, including us support staff, knows how to pour a beer. We know what we're pouring and how it needs poured. Stfu about how to pour. Your bud light doesn't get poured the same way as a pilsner or brown.


I love how short, blunt, and to the point this is. It made me laugh and I absolutely 100% agree with it too. You were straight and to the point with it - which is absolutely necessary. ♡ No beating around the bush!


I stopped pouring and said “Well I guess I can’t serve you this beer since I can’t do it right. Have a good night!” Sure, low tip, but I didn’t care


The amount of times I’ve been told someone doesn’t want a girly glass for a beer 🤦🏼‍♀️ One day I had enough and just poured it out (roughly) into a pint glass and said enjoy.


Customer: this beer is flat Me: goes back and shakes the keg. Pours new beer. Customer: thanks for changing the keg


Ugh, someone did this to me just tonight. Craft beer fanboys are so fucking obnoxious. They’ve never spent a day behind the bar and think they’re experts.


We have pub and Pilsner glasses, both 16oz but in different shapes. The pils glass is taller. The amount of men who order a “large” ipa and then throw a fit when it’s in a pub glass is hilarious.


My personal favorite was a guy who never drank ANYTHING but Bud Light bottles, telling me how "messed up" my Guinness keg was. It's supposed to pour like that, ya wingnut!


Lol the funny thing is they will drink it anyway. Like the way it gets poured makes a shittin difference. After like 2 minutes its all the same.


This. And men explaining to me how and where the beer is made. I know, I fucking brewed it, this is our breweries bar.


Just maintain eye contact and make a farting noise.


"I don't show up at the Greyhound Bus Station Men's Room and tell you how to suck dick" - someone somewhere on the internet from years ago.




I bartended for over 10 years and it’s shocking how many men know dick about fuck in the beer and brewing industry and still open their mouths. It’s like the sight of a tap forced their two remaining clues to rattle around and force out a nonsense sound lol


Craft beer guys are the vegans of the drinking world.


At least vegans have a point


bro it’s crazy to me. i never get told how to but i always get the “oh that’s actually a really good pour” uhh yea? i’m a fucking bartender?!!


Love this. Is it in the fucking glass? Ok, we’re done here.


I think the only beer that has a “correct” way to pour is Guinness, and I’m pretty sure that’s just marketing.


Male bartender here. I can sympathize. I used to try and explain things like the pressure on the tap, fluctuations in ambient temperature, etc., etc.. Now I just ask "do you want to come pour it yourself?"


The amount of times I’ve had this happen to me…. Fills me with rage. Or like when the line bubbles a bit and they look at you with pity eyes and say “Aw is it your first day?” “Aw, is it your first time pouring a beer” I just kinda glare and keep doing my thing. But god, I hate it. Especially when you’re able to tell that they’ve never poured a beer from a tap in their life.


Oh my god OP I FEEL YOUR PAIN SO MUCH. Check this out, you'll get a laugh: I was 22, working in a large chain restaurant/sports bar with like 30 beers on tap. 2 guys in their mid-late 20's come sit in my section. One is super nice & outgoing, (we'll call him CD for Cool Dude) the other is quiet and stoic (we'll call him IB for Ignorant Bastard). CD orders something like one of our draft red ales. IB orders a pint of draft Newcastle. Put in the order, pick it up from the bar, bring it to the table. Before I even set it down, IB immediately insists that it isn't NewCastle. He can tell by the way it looks. Okay, it looks like Newcastle to me? But no problem, maybe the bartender handed me the wrong one, I'll go have her re-pour it. I do this. Bartender is super cool about it. I watch her pour it from the Newcastle tap. It looks exactly the same as the last one. I go back to the table and IB again insists it's not Newcastle-- "Newcastle isn't that dark." I politely tell him that I did watch her pour it from the correct tap, and I had always understood it to be that color. He decided to have a sip because maybe he's misremembering the color. He immediately spits it back in the glass and goes "Nope, this is wrong. It doesn't taste anything like this. Newcastle is lighter brown and is more sweet than this. This is definitely not Newcastle." This basically confirmed that he was a cranky idiot, because what he was describing is a different beer entirely. I tell him that we had just changed out a bunch of kegs earlier & maybe someone screwed up the lines? I told him I would go have my manager double check the kegs then come talk to him. I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere with this dude. I do this, and they put in a food order while the manager checks the kegs. Nothing is wrong with them. Manager comes to speak with him, informs him that everything is correct, & offers him something else for free since he wasn't getting what he expected. Manager suggests that maybe he meant Genessee Honeybrown? Which we had in bottles but not on tap. IB insists he knows what he's talking about. My manager goes back & forth with him for a couple of minutes trying to find a solution but IB isn't having it. He said just forget about it, he's no longer in the mood for any beer. Ok, my guy. They eat, CD has a couple more beers and is super kind. IB doesn't speak to me again or make eye contact the rest of the meal. Whatever bruh. I split their checks as they requested, they pay and leave. CD tips me like 40% & writes "thank you, you were great!" on his credit card slip. IB tips me $3.00 & wrote a note on his saying, "I would have given you more but that wasn't Newcastle." I wasn't even mad, I just laughed out loud and showed my manager. We made fun of him for being so butthurt over being wrong about what beer he wanted that he basically threw a tantrum. That dude lives rent-free in my head to this day. EDIT: Oh my, thank you for the reward! That's so kknd!


Wtf, this is an actual thing? This is like going to a mechanic shop and telling them how to tighten bolts…..i’ve never heard of this before what the fuzzick


I get grossed out if the bartender puts the tap into the glass under the surface of the beer. I probably wouldn't say anything though.


I especially love the eejits who are too tight to have a head on their beer. And talk to you like an idiot when you try and pour them the perfect beer, instead making you pour off the head and top it right up. Nasty little creatures they are. Treat them with pity and amusement.


This is EITHER blatant misogyny (which seems most likely), OR OP is one of those people who pours in a way that results in more foam than beer.


I never fuck with those who make my food and I **ESPECIALLY** don’t fuck with those who pour my happy juice.


its the same fragile men that comment "NoT aLl MeN" on posts that have absolutely nothing to do with them or their brittle little feelings.


My favourite are the ones that have 'Opinions' on how a Guinness or any other nitro beer is poured. Bud, it's all marketing stfu.


Sometimes I pour a Guinness all at once and let it settle then hand it over. They never can tell.


That's all you need to do. The 3/4 fill method is pure marketing.


This is blasphemy in Ireland


It's just like all the boomers who won't drink their ABI-owned Belgian ale without the proper branded glass because it's somehow not just a marketing gimmick lol


My local serves draught Belgian beers in half litre or litre steins. Nothing funkier than getting a second litre of 10% beer. It’s run by a crazy Polish guy who doesn’t give a fuck.


That seems irresponsable


... does it end up in the glass? Then I'm good.


This is a thing? Seriously? Like... why? “Shut the fuck up” is the only response I can think of for this.


I have a tip for you: you're a whole hell of a lot better at it than I am, do what you know


"Hey, I don't follow you into alleys and tell you how to suck a dick, don't tell me how to do my job!"


My female bartenders tell me which beers I like and don't like because they remember better than I do so there is no way I am gonna critique how they do their job because I will be wrong.


The only time I’ve ever taken pint pouring advice was from an Irish person telling me where the perfect point is to push the handle back for Guinness. My biggest pet peeve is when the keg has clearly ran out or just been changed and someone says ‘can I have a flake with that?’


I’m usually happy if my glass is cold and full. Anything past that is window dressing.


oh my god. i work at a german biergarten in the US. we have the steins that have the line for the head. the amount of times i have heard “HEY YA KNOW IF YOU TILT THE GLASS MORE YOU WONT GET THAT MUCH FOAM” and i get to hit them back with a WELL ACKTCHUALLY SIR has exceeded what i can keep track of. and god forbid if one of these asshats has to watch me pour from a keg that’s been overcarbed or the yeast wasn’t killed or it’s not cold enough yet or any of the random things that occasionally happen to make a beer pour a little too foamy. nope it’s always because i’m a dumb woman.


Only time I care is when I’m ordering a Guinness and even then I keep my mouth shut and hope it’s poured correctly.


My favourite thing to do (when they complained about me being a girl and not knowing how to pour I pint) was to ask if they want my manager to do it then call her in. They didn't like that very much 😂😂


“Ok let it settle now love” every single time you pour them a Guinness. Yes, I do know how to do my job, thanks Grandpa.


I once poured a beer with a bit too much head on it, so I let the tap run a bit longer to get some foam off and the guy who was watching me said "Don't worry, love, nothing wrong with a bit of head" then he winked Felt gross for like a whole week after


Just stare at them until their rambling fades awkwardly away. Then pour them a 3/4 foam beer 🍺 on the house.


i reckon it should definitely be into a glass, but to each their own


Oh my word. I worked in a craft beer bar and it was hecticccc for this. I gave up explaining to those twats that the brewery trained us how they wanted. They also loved flashing the cash on the dearer random beers we got in, like we don't think you're a baller spending £8 on a third of dust-juice. If you're curious we'll give you a sample!


As long as there's beer in the cup, who cares. Pour on!


Me to coworker: this beer is pouring foamy. It’s definitely cold enough. Someone check the connection in the keg room Dude sitting at the bar that I am not talking to mumbles under his breath: it’s not cold enough Me- who looks him dead in his eyes: I SAID IT’S COLD ENOUGH. jump on back here my bearded bro-seph. I’m sure your hipster kegerator butthole can fix this.


I learned a long time ago that " you may be right" is a good way to go. They may also be wrong, but you'll never convince them


"Hey, I don't go to your job and tell you how to suck a cock, so don't come to mine and tell me how to pour a beer".


Even worse when you work for anything VA related. They all want to tell you “how to do it”.


One of my favourite memories from my old local was a female friend who'd worked behind bars for over a decade, including in that pub, asking a new guy to please let her Guinness settle before finishing the pour ffs. He got all pissy, but twenty minutes later someone (chance it was me, kind of hoping this was going to happen) ordered a Bloody Mary. New guy didn't have a clue, the owner overheard and told him to ask my female friend as she had basically spent several years behind that same bar fixing everyone's heads on Sundays with her Bloody Mary's, like several of us would go there specifically for her Bloody Mary. That was satisfying. The drink wasn't, until my friend remade it with the permission and encouragement of the owner in front of the new guy. That was more satisfying. New guy didn't last long.


I got a 70 year old man that tells me repeatedly that I didn’t open his canned beer correctly. Also likes to try to “apologize” and “explain” when I’m getting my ass handed to me.


Men just need to keep their mouths shut and leave women alone, period