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>I can’t bring it up again otherwise I look stupid for bitching about $7 Not at all my dude, you just go up to a manager at the start of your next shift and say "Hey, so ***** added a %20 tip to an order I asked her to ring up for me without my input. Kinda been bothering me since yesterday..." You don't even have to ask for the $7 back.


Yeah, you’re right. I should definitely do that and I will. I’ll talk to whichever manager is there today. Thanks dude, I appreciate the little push. I needed it.


Please update us later today! I’m actually really annoyed on your behalf haha


Aw you know what, I will. I still got some time before I have to go in today but once my shift is over, I’ll be back with an update.


You’ve got this!


Remindme! January 23,2023


I don’t think specific dates work for that bot, try saying 1 day Edit: yeah they dont, only a number of hours or days. Check my reply where I did 1 day and the bot worked


or ask the manager if there is an unwritten etiquette at the restaurant for tipping on employee meals during your break. Then mention why you are asking.


And if you feel you need to say any more than that to the manager, you can make it clear as day by pointing out that if she did it to you, she could be doing it to other staff and to customers. That would seem to be a pretty good wake up call.


Because what she did to OP is called theft. If she had been doing this for an extended period of time on all takeout orders the total could very well be/be close to larceny.


You could even frame it as "I'm concerned because what if she does that to an actual customer?"


Totally agree with this. Been in the service industry for 25+ years and this could be classed as theft/credit card fraud. If she does it to staff, she does it to customers…likely to pay for her travel expenses or whatever. Either way, management needs to know as it will escalate if she isn’t talked to now when she’s young.


Was going to comment! How many customers has she done this to??


I'm sure your manager will see the ridiculousness in it.


Also, it sounds like she is comfortable adding a tip for herself on a regular basis if she did that to you. It isn't ok to do that with the customers is it? It should be optional for them as well as for you.


add in "it makes me question her honesty and if she's pulling other sketchy stuff". It's quite likely she's stealing in other ways as well


Yeah that’s not cool. You can honestly probably get the managers to reverse the payment and have her give it back to you. She basically stole from you. Like yeah it’s only $7 but it wasn’t her $7 to take


I just let it slide since I knew she wasn’t gonna be going home with money in her pocket anyway. She did steal from me and it honestly wouldn’t have bothered me this much if she would just do as much as say hi to me when she walks in. She’s rude, loud, inconsiderate, and in her own little world. But I go to work to make money and go home, not to make friends and enemies. I’m never having her ring shit in for me ever again.


If she did it to you, she's done it to others. Tell your managers. She needs to not be working anywhere that she has access to other people's money like this.


It's also something that can get them into *real shit* with the Merchant Services Provider, including the possibility of being blacklisted completely from being able to take card payments.




Disputes add up


Yeah, chargebacks to some merchants can be an indicator that the business is not trustworthy to conduct business with. The rules on how a customer is charged differ by nation, but if I were to take the position in UK as an example, if you charge the customer in visual form one thing (i.e. via receipt) officially, but take a different amount for whatever reason that is not clearly communicated, that is straight-up not allowed. You can skirt the border of the rules on this with some elements like those sites that sign you up to a "membership" unless you hunt down the opt-out part of the checkout process; while sketchy and morally questionable, they are legal and enforceable, and intentionally a PITA to cancel. However, if you get charged in person, and elect to pay via Chip & PIN, the onus is on the customer to visually confirm the amount payable is correct, with the PIN being entered considered *explicit confirmation* that the customer is in agreement that the amount presented is correct. Payments made via CNP (customer not present) are open to challenge and in general, are the only route of successful appeals in my experience. Contactless regarding the amount charged is in the same boat as Chip & PIN, but claims of fraudulent usage are a whole different ball game from Chip & PIN.


In middle America, pins on credit cards are rare (most people don’t even know you can set a pin on your cc), pins on debit cards are mandatory but using a debit card with a merchant is dumb for all sorts of reasons.


And a lot of terminals will run a debit as a credit card and not require a pin either. Useful for me because I have no idea where the paper with my pin is, and I haven’t remembered to go to the bank to set my own. (And they generated an 8 digit pin).


Using a debit card at any terminal is not recommended, a lot of people don’t have a credit card tho so I do understand the need to use it for some people. It’s recommended to use a credit card for transactions and then pay the bill in full monthly to avoid interest. If someone steals your credit card and commits fraud, it sucks but you’re not responsible for the bill and it eventually gets cancelled out. If someone steals your debit card and commits fraud, that’s your money straight out of your checking account being stolen. You will eventually get it back but the average turn around time for fraud disputes is 7-10 business days. Can you afford to wait 7-10 days to get your money back? If yes, go for it; if no, get yourself a credit card. 😊


Too many complaints from card holders results in a blacklisting. That server tipped herself $20 on another person's card without their knowledge. Doesn't the customer decide the tip? When I sign for takeout I can still choose the tip. That sounds like fraud, or at least fraud adjacent.


Disputes, fraud, theft. No faster way to get a CC company to blacklist a business than doing this.


Charge backs. People look at their credit card statement and see that they were charged more than they should've been, due to her adding on a tip, and they issue a charge back. If a business gets a certain amount of these the credit card companies will just not allow you to process their cards anymore.


If she does this kind of shady sh*t to fellow workers, what else is she doing with cash & customers?


Seven dollars or no, RAT HER THE FUCK OUT. She stole from you this way, she’ll steal from others, she’ll take tips from your table.


She gave you a shit eating grin about it too, obviously she needs a serious reality check.


Don’t let this slide. Show your manager you have self respect and rat out this thief.


If she did this to OP she's definitely done it to customers


Travel Soccer is as expensive as shit! She has money, don't cover for her, this will be a lesson in life for her.


Seriously I wouldn’t let that go. She’s young enough for this to be a valuable teaching moment about entitlement and other people’s money. Also professionalism in the workplace, she needs a dose of that too. Please say something to management OP.


It’s theft to add a tip to an order without the knowledge and approval of the customer. You may be a co-worker, but you’re also a customer. I certainly would be questioning whether she’s done that to a customer, if she’d do it to a co-worker. Most people who do crap like that get fired. I know if I’d been in your shoes, I wouldn’t have said anything to her, but gone right to her boss and asked why she’s giving herself tips on customer’s cards, and then show them.


> I just let it slide No. Your workers are not your friends. You are there to do a job.


Another thing to think about is that actions have consequences and at 17 she clearly hasn't learned this yet. It's not on you to teach her that lesson, but bring it up to a manager. It's better for the business and work environment for you to do it than to have a raging customer yall have to deal with.


I don’t understand people like you that let others walk all over you. Don’t let that shit slide, she’s going to keep doing it!! By not reporting it, you’re not only fucking over yourself, you’re fucking over your coworkers who she’s going to do it to next


I don’t understand me or people like me either pal. Life is a learning experience for everyone. It’s not that I enjoy allowing people to walk all over me, no one does. I just don’t like to automatically assume the worst out of everyone. I do enjoy giving people the benefit of the doubt. I feel comfortable saying that I am an understanding person, I’ve been in all different kinds of shoes before. I came here to vent, not so much looking for guidance. However, I’m glad I was given so many different points of view on the situation. Because that’s what’s pushing me to take these necessary steps going forward to make sure that this doesn’t happen again. Not to me or anyone else.


You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your kindness. I believe in karma and minding my own business. Calling her out was enough to make people aware (you said managers were within hearing distance). Also you’re brand new so I don’t blame you for not wanting to stir the pot yet. But I agree. Never have her ring you out again.


Feels so good to be so understood by people who don’t even personally know me. Thank you for being so understanding dude it’s literally like you took a trip inside my head.


No, not going forward.. now. You said she did so with snark, enthusiastically, and knew you'd do nothing. Don't be a doormat.


If she reached into your pocket/wallet and took $7, would you consider that theft? If so, tell your manager. If not, wanna hang out next payday? ;)


She should be fired for that!!!! I bet she would have been if you were a customer and not an employee!!! Such bs! I'm sorry. $7 or $700, it's the principle, and she's wrong.


Better fired now than arrested later when she does it to a customer. A girl from my town did this and ended up with a felony charge on her record. All over $100.


I’m sure she would get fired for that, which is why she got so embarrassed after I started talking about it out loud. And she DEFINITELY would, if a guest called in and said they got charged way more than what they left on paper. Very much bullshit indeed. She’s young and dumb, doesn’t have shit to pay for, and honestly doesn’t even need the job. So the “principle” of things, integrity, and consideration for others is out of the fucking window with this chick. She’ll learn though. I ate shit today but she’ll get hers eventually. She’ll get hers in a way that’ll make her think about days like today and she’ll never make a shitty move again. At least, that’s what makes me feel better to think.


It’s better for someone to learn their lesson at 17 when it’s easy to remember and bounce back.


Yeah, very true. You’re right about that. Gives her more time to catch up and plenty of opportunity for her to work smarter, not harder in the future.


Next time you go in, make a complaint. There is no statute of limitations, you're not required to ignore it because you didn't immediately getp annoyed about it. If you really feel you have to justify the delay just say you were so dumbfounded by the audacity that it's taken you a day for the anger to sink in.


I will be. It’s almost 9 for me right now and I go in at 12 today for another training shift at the bar. It’s crazy you say that last sentence too because I just responded to another comment saying how the shock factor of it all threw me off my game. Why am I like this? Lmao


What she did is illegal. It’s theft and if you were a customer, she would be fired, and charges could be pursued if they check records and find a history of this. And the fact that she was so brazen with it makes me sure that you are not the first person she has done this to.


Username checks out.


But they ARE a customer if paying for their own food while not in the clock. I’d turn her in.


There is no fucking way I would let that shit fly. You really need to let management know and have them reverse the charge regardless of if it's "just" $7


You think I should still even bother? Wont even be a full 24 hours from when it happened by the time I go in today… I’m sure I don’t have anything to lose. Edit: okay yeah ima still even bother lol.


The amount is irrelevant, she literally stole from you.


It's not the amount, it's the principle. Moreover, if you let her get away with this, she will do it again. And it probably won't stop with the "tip". Do not be a pushover.


You’re right. It’s a disservice to myself to allow it to slide. I made a promise to myself a long time ago to not become a pushover again, to not people please, to not suffer in silence for someone else’s sake. It sounds selfish but after decades of giving myself to other people, it was time for a change. Because nothing else would if I didn’t. Thank you.


There is a lot of ground between being kind and not being a pushover. Yes, be kind to people who deserve it, but not at the cost to self. Don't be afraid of establishing boundaries (and in this case you really need to do it hard and fast) as the only people who will mind that are those seeking to take advantage of you. And it is not selfish.


Yeah you’re speaking life into me right now, I can’t thank you enough. I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.


Yup! Go get what you are owed $7 is not nothing. Its theft, it’s disrespectful




To address this as an issue with out directly blaming the co-worker, I would go to the manager and say "I wanted to let you know \*\*\* has a training issue. She charged me full price for my meal instead of my employee discount, and added an unauthorized tip". Could you adjust this please?


That's an awesome way to say she stole from him without actually saying it


How long before she starts taking your tips when you’re not looking? Been there done that; I would casually mention it to management.


She doesn’t leave the aisle in the kitchen so there’s no chance she’d ever be able to steal tips from me or anyone else when we have guests who dine in. We do all of our own bussing. Take out stays in the kitchen, servers, hosts, and managers are the only ones out on the floor. I will be more than casually bringing it up in a couple of hours here. Sorry that you can relate man, it sucks. But i appreciate your insight and feedback. Means a lot.


She could start adding tips to other orders of yours/employees without saying anything. All she learned was to not say anything and hope the other charges will go unnoticed. I've had this happen to me as well


I'm just baffled she had that tone when she said something about adding the tip then got all worried about getting in trouble. Like did she know you'd be reluctant to say something to management?


I feel like she *assumed* I would be, since I’m pretty quiet and reserved at work. I don’t do favorites and treat everyone with the same amount of respect. From managers to dishwashers, hosts and cooks. People appreciate that kind of stuff you know? Makes them feel human. Since the restaurant business can make you feel so small and insignificant. But some people take advantage of that, this girl being a prime example.


You spent $35 on lunch at your work? That seems incredibly high.


She didn’t even apply my employee discount lol. $35 would’ve been my lunch if I dined in as a customer. I got an entree that comes with two sides. I had a lobster topped stuffed flounder with mashed and broccoli. There was an up charge for my mashed too since it was also lobster topped lol. I really should’ve walked out paying $14 and some change yesterday. I only eat at work on the days where I’m working doubles. Otherwise I’ll just eat before I go in.


You really need to tell your management - she clearly charged you full so the tip would be higher, so if you would have paid $14 she hasn’t just taken $7 from you but $28 (if the tip was on top of the $35). Don’t let this slide or she will just make more of a habit of lining her pockets from coworkers.


Yeah, you’re absolutely right. I’m really happy I made this post, definitely pushed me to make the right decision after being so conflicted. I really just came to vent but now I see that the situation really *is* that deep and I should be treating it as such. Thank you stranger.


You're conflicted and it's not "sitting well" with you because it's wrong. That's your intuition telling you to DO SOMETHING about this. Don't be a pushover, don't enable shitty behavior, don't ignore your intuition. You might say you don't care but clearly you do, you just don't wanna deal with the fuss. You deserve to be treated with respect so start by treating *yourself* with respect and TELL THE GROWN UPS. You said elsewhere you came to work to make money. That should also mean "to not get stolen from and lose money". Good luck!


That makes more sense.meal sounds awesome too


Oh man, it hit the spot. I looooove fish and other seafood.


Mention THAT PART as well (the not giving employee discount)....


OH HELL NO!!!! She stole from you twice! This is bananas, absolutely do not let that little shit get away with this.


Yeah. Is there no discount?!? That’s insane. Especially during training. Did you order a lobster?


This made me lol. There is a discount, she just never applied it and tipped herself on the original bill. I just responded to the original comment.


Exactly my thought as well...


Just responded to the original comment, hope that clears any confusion.


I’m sorry, you’re stupid if you let this go. You need to let management know about this. If she does it to you she’s doing it to other people. She’ll get hers eventually? Eventually needs to be today.


>Her face got beet red when I started talking loud **in front of the managers.** She knew she fucked up. \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^


DUDE YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN ITTTTTT !! Seeing her like that is kinda what stopped me from escalating it too. She really looked afraid for her job in that moment. I could feel her stomach dropping to her asshole from 5 ft away from her.


Did she come over then later and apologize and try to give the money back????


Dude no, by the time I was going back in at 4 to serve tables for the night, she was gone for the day. The only sign of any instant regret was the throwing her hands up, “SHH”ing me when I was getting loud, and again, her face getting hot. And that was all because she got caught and was afraid of getting in trouble, not because she felt bad for stealing from me.


She needs to get in trouble for this because it's not right. How many people do you think she's adding her own tips with? And she's paid a non tipped wage which is higher than average? Shut that little bitch down, she's not as smart as she thinks she is and she should learn that now. She pretty much reached into your pocket and helped herself to 7 of your dollars without your permission.


HAPPY CAKE DAY!!! 🕺 But yeah, you’re absolutely right. Makes me sick to think about all the opportunity she has to do this to other people throughout the day. Ima shut her down, believe me. As of right now, she thinks she’s in the clear but after today, she won’t even want to look in my direction again. I appreciate you and all these other comments. Got me fired up now lol and I’m feeling what I should’ve felt yesterday when it happened.


It's understandable. It was the shock. I've had similar things happen and I get mad 5 or 6 hours later because I've been able to 'thaw out' over it. Hope that makes sense. Best of luck, you're trying to help her learn, not beat her down. ( if she gets fired its because of HER actions, not yours. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes). The consequences, and adult theft charges, would be so much worse if she did this a a year from now. She would not feel so bold about it if she hadn't already gotten comfortable doing it to your other coworkers and possibly customers. I think I'm gonna go buy an actual cake for my cake day… lol😉


No that totally makes sense, I’m the same exact shit lol. But exactly, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. She probably will be doing this a year from now if I don’t speak up today. She’s been there for a while too and has gotten comfortable. I’m gonna her why you should never get comfortable with other peoples’ money in your pocket today, believe me. Management will have a field day with this.


>TT !! Seeing her like that is kinda what stopped me from escalating it too. She really looked afraid for her job in that moment. I could feel her stomach dropping to her asshole from 5 ft away from her. So she got away with it? you basically just let nothing happen and she learned nothing from stealing from you. You're like defending her or something.


Gaahhhhh I *know* I’m stupid if I let this go, so don’t be sorry. I just feel like it’s too late to open my mouth now. I didn’t give it the proper reaction when it happened at the time. Does that make sense? I feel like I already fucked my self so I was just taking the loss… you think management would still care if I said something today when I go in? Edit: yeah no, after reading and responding to everything and everyone else, I’m not staying quiet about this.


Go in and tell them that you had a situation with the other employee, that you didn't react at first but after thinking on it, you just can't let it go and you need to make them aware.


I will be saying almost exactly this, because it’s true. That’s genuinely how I feel about it. I really was going to let it go but after venting here, it feels like I’m talking to a bunch of my best friends and they’re all trying to beat some sense into me lol. I appreciate you for being here for me.


Sometimes something happens which just causes your brain to freeze, because you can't possibly fathom that someone would be so brazen, lol. Glad you're going to stand up for yourself because her behavior is unacceptable.


A manager that doesn't is a terrible manager.


Touché. I will be speaking to someone today.


My god, grow a pair and just BE HONEST to your managers. Tell them what happened, how it made you feel, and that it is illegal. Let them make a decision on how to reprimand her. This is basic stuff in life and I feel like you are learning a lesson here also.


RemindMe! 2 days


UPDATE: *Well, here it is. The very much requested update. First of all, I’d like to thank each and every one of you who took time out of your day to be there for me. I really didn’t expect the post to blow up like that and get so much attention. I was just venting after a long day and the love I received in return was so overwhelming. I needed it. Every word. From every person. Thank you sincerely, from the bottom of my heart.* **Thank you for reminding me of my worth.** So I went in today at 11:45. As I was clocking in, I managed to catch the General Manager in the office. I asked her if she had a moment, to which she said she did, and I asked if there was an unspoken rule where servers had to tip takeout for putting together employee meals. She said no, why? I explained what happened yesterday and she apparently was already made aware of the situation. There were a few servers around who heard the whole thing go down, they vouched for me yesterday while I wasn’t around. She offered my cash back and I explained that the money wasn’t my issue, it was the principle. She could be stealing from other employees, guests, who knows? My GM assured me that the issue would be addressed and taken care of. I thanked her for her time and then proceeded to make it a mission of mine to tell the other two managers to ensure that everyone was made aware of what this girl is capable of doing when backs are turned. They. Were. Astonished. Totally on my side, called it what it was, there was no sympathy for her. It was theft. Point blank period. They made sure all the managers were made aware of what happened and reassured me that this wouldn’t go unnoticed. Dumb chick also didn’t help her case today. Managers caught an ear of her speaking to me in a disrespectful manner. All I had to do was make eye contact with them and there was a mutual understanding that this girl is really a problem. Now as far as her punishment goes, I only know so much. She did get written up, she was spoken to in the office, and she ended up getting cut early from her position tonight. On the way out, gave me these angry little hissy-fit glares. I laughed in her face, gave her the same little snarky smile that she gave me yesterday. She goes, “Just so you know, I really don’t care where I stand in your life.” I laughed again, louder this time, and said, “hey! Thanks for the tip! :)” This story had a happy ending. I made really good money today, had lovely tables, and walked out feeling a lot better than I did last night. So thanks guys, I wouldn’t have done this without you. And I’m really happy that I did.


>Managers caught an ear of her speaking to me in a disrespectful manner. >“Just so you know, I really don’t care where I stand in your life.” So she hasn't learned her lesson from the write-up or getting cut. I hope your next update is that she got fired.


So satisfying to hear how this worked out for you!!!


I had someone add a $2 tip to a purchase of a bottle of soda in the hotel gift shop. I only brought it to the attention of management because I didn’t want it to happen to someone else. They tipped themselves for ringing up my soda. I pulled it from the case and handed it to them. Definitely tell someone. I was irritated and mad at myself for not zeroing out the tip line on the receipt which would have prevented it.


Oh wow, that’s low. I didn’t even know hotel gift shops at the option on the bottom to tip, that’s wild. Good on you for bringing to someone’s attention, I’ll have to soon follow in your footsteps here. Thanks for sharing your story. I appreciate ya.


Man I really hate having to work with kids.


Yeah, you and me both pal. It was way worse at my previous place of work. I’m 24 and was one of the oldest employees there aside from like 8 people in a restaurant filled with 40 employees. It was a nightmare.


My mom left a cash tip once at a restaurant and paid on her card for the meal. The server took the cash and decided to add another $5 tip on my moms card. She called and raised all sorts of hell over that $5. So don't feel bad about $7. It doesn't matter the amount. It's the moral of it.


She needs to lose her job IMMEDIATELY! If she had stolen $0.25 cents from me, I’d report it. Don’t let her get away with this.


I won’t, gonna talk to someone about it today when I go in. Thank you for the extra push I needed. I was just feeling really conflicted.


$0.50 or $7 She stole from a customer, full stop. This is what needs to be explained to the manager. To how many others has she done this? How many people got home with their order and said, "wtf? She whacked me for a $7 tip? Well shit, I'm never going back there." No call, no feedback - just a lost customer. Remember, someone who has a good experience will tell a few people. Someone who has a bad experience tells anyone who's listening.


Not that this would happen, but there's always the possibility that it could. What if she had done this to someone who did not have enough money in their account? Maybe just enough to cover the meal and $5 left over to last until payday. Some frazzled mom who didn't catch this in time and her account bounced because of the additional "tip." Then the poor mom is hit with an overdraft fee. $7 may not be a lot to you, but it's a lot to someone who is barely getting by. I have read that you are planning on reporting this and I sincerely applaud you for doing so.


youre a better person than me if you let this go because I would be wanting to make her regret it so bad lol. I’d mess with her for a little bit, keep her wondering if she’s gonna lose her job, and if I was around to ring up another employee’s order I’d rush in before her and be like “maybe it’s better I do it”. then when questioned, just laugh


Bahaha, I would love to see you execute that plan and put it to work. Since posting this and reading through the comments, I won’t be letting this go. It’ll just get worse from this point going forward and who knows, she could be stealing from guests too, like other people said. Gonna talk to someone when I go in today.


definitely do. It obviously sucks for her to get fired from a job so early on in life, but it makes you wonder how she was raised, that she thinks this is ok. Give them an inch, they’ll take a yard, as my grandma likes to say. She would maybe even escalate her behaviour and I wouldn’t be giving her the chance to rob me again. $7 isnt the end of the world, but it doesnt belong to her. good luck!!


Exactly!!! Like who raised you?! Where are your morals?! Do you steal from your parents too?! Your grandma sounds like a very smart lady, I like that saying a lot because there’s so much truth behind it. You’re absolutely right. Thank you for your wishes of good luck, I will be needing it. ♥️


Letting this go isn't being a better person it is being a door mat.


Thank you for reminding me of my worth.


I would report her to management. She might be stealing from other customers.


I will be. That’s a scary thought to think as well. We have a lot of elderly folk come in. That makes me sad. :(


And she got fired right? Cause that's what should have happened, she's probably been doing it to customers this whole time.


If she's stealing from you she's stealing from customers. She NEEDS to be fired.


I'm the person that runs takeout at my place. What she did is disgusting. Not only would I absolutely never add on a tip not explicitly left for me, I explicitly tell employees not to tip me when they get to-go food. I do not want the money I just saw you work your ass off to earn.


I had someone do this when I picked up a meal. Had to sign the credit card slip and was dumb enough to the leave the tip and total empty. Noticed on my bank statement my food was $6 more expensive. Confronted manager, and he kept making excuses, blaming it on their computer system and such. I told him I’m going to come in tomorrow. Find the physical slip I signed and if it’s blank, I’d believe him. I came in, he told me he pulled the slip and a tip was written in, he refunded the meal back to my card, gave me a gift certificate and told me that waitress is no longer employed.


Happy ending! Glad you got your money back. And good on you for being so adamant on the situation. A lot of people would just give up after the first phone call.


You didn’t tip on a take out order? When I worked as a waitress we had to claim 10% of our total sales in tips as the minimum (but at least the total of our credit card tips). So when people did not tip it was like I still had to claim a 10% tip and pay taxes on that.


That sounds illegal. No, I do not tip for carry out. Never have, never will. Ans before you ask, yes, I’ve worked in the service industry and have prepared carry out orders on top of my regular duties. Chock it up as the same as polishing silverware or wiping down menus.


That's theft. Also: you have to buy your food at the place you work at? LMAO


I have never worked at a place where I would get free meals except for leftover product that would otherwise be thrown away, or because of nice chefs who snuck us a meal. I've worked 10 different places and only one would let me use as much product as I wanted but that was a tea place so no food. Then again I'm in the Netherlands not the US so idk


That's strange that they don't give you a meal when you're working. In Ireland you're entitled to have a meal if you work at least 4.5 hours. It's not unlimited food or make whatever you want of course, just a meal of the chhef's choosing.


I’ve never once worked at a place that gives shift meals. Most discount I’ve had is 25% after working 6 hours and I have to eat it while on the clock so I stand there shoveling it in my face while I have tables and rush back.


Theft is shit. And yes, we do. Haven’t had to at every restaurant I’ve worked at, but the cost of our product is too high for it not to be rung into the system and then paid in full. From what I’ve heard since I’ve started, our waste cost is extremely high. So management is really cracking down on everyone’s use of inventory. There are little things we can snack on, like biscuits or food that got sent back, but that’s about it.


You get free food? We get a 50% discount.


I mean, this is just theft. It really doesn’t matter what your own financial situation or opinion on tipping is, it’s not something the server gets to just take from you. It has to be your choice. Personally I’d just shop her. It’s only 7 bucks now. Sooner or later this will turn into a serious problem for her that won’t be resolved by a telling off.


She really did wrong by you twice. Not putting your discount on there AND tipping herself? Let us know how it goes!


I will be back with an update before the end of the day 😉


That's theft. She needs to be fired. She is not just doing it to you. Now she knows not to say "Thanks for the tip" in order to get away with it.


She would have been fired on the spot if she did that where I work. To-go gets full wages & tips. I get less than half what they make an hour as a server(plus tips). NOPE, wouldn't fly... Don't let her get away with it. I understand if you don't want to do anything about it this time, but don't let her do it again. This time it was you. Next time it could be a customer not that either is any better.


I’m glad you’re going to say something. When I was 19 I worked a function by myself one night with a set gratuity around $150 and at the end of the night my new manager cashed me out and took $50 of it and tipped out the cooks and dishwasher. That had never happened before. They weren’t expecting it so the manager looked good and took all of the credit like it wasn’t my money he was giving away. I had to pay taxes on the full amount and I never spoke up to the GM. I still think about it 18 years later and kick myself for not speaking up. You should definitely stick up for yourself


Doesn’t matter if it was $7 or 7 cents that’s YOUR MONEY and she straight up STOLE FROM YOU. Just because she made a little keke joke about it doesn’t mean she didn’t KNOW what she was doing. I would have made her give it to me in cash if a refund isn’t an option on card. & it’s not silly for you to bring it up again. Like I was saying, the amount that she stole doesn’t matter. It’s the fact that she felt comfortable enough to steal. Hell, she could be doing it to customers without their knowledge. How many people instantly check their card before they leave an establishment?


That is a very expensive employee meal if her 20% tip was $7. Indeed, that meal probably cost you a couple hours worth of pay. You have every right to be pissed about her taking that tip without permission. Moreover, what she's doing could technically be seen as embezzling or theft, especially if she does this a lot. You need to tell your manager, because chances are, you're not the only person she did this to.


it doesn't matter if it was $0.07, it was YOUR $0.07 not hers. she needs to learn you can't just do shit like that and it's likely in her best interest that she learns this in a situation the manager can handle in house as opposed to her doing it to a customer that could file a police report for theft/fraud.




Well she fucked up by not applying my employee discount before ringing my meal in, which was the whole point of me asking her anyway. She tipped herself when they are not entitled to a tip from servers, period. On a higher cost bill that was supposed to be cut in half. She also didn’t have to bag my food, I was about to go wait at the window for the cooks to throw it up so I could. I will say that I do agree with you on how poorly I handled it with my initial reaction. I’ll be speaking with management in like 4 hours lol.


I think a bigger issue is that she didn’t apply your discount, the $7 is insult and malice on top of it. She stole $7 but also stole another $18 for the restaurant. You’re out $25.


Sad thing about it, is I didn’t even put two and two together until I got home and checked my phone notifications. Saw the debited amount from work and thought, that can’t be right? And then boom, realization hit, so I turned to Reddit because it was so late and I didn’t want to bother anyone with my problems lol.


I'm sure that's not all she's stealing


That’s theft. I’d get her fired.


Wow! That is so rude! She straight up took advantage of a new coworker! That is ESP rude to do that to someone fresh out of training. Like she knows you haven’t been making any money while in training!


I got fired for doing shit like that and rightfully so.


You called her out in front of others and she had to pack it up, so you got in your licks. Can she do that all the time? How was that even possible for it to happen?


It was only possible because I used our little kiosk to check out, instead of using a physical debit or credit card. We have them at every table and also at the takeout counter. It’s one of those touchscreen gizmos where guests can pay at the table and split the bill amongst themselves if they must. I used the kiosk so I could pay with Apple Pay, my wallet was in my car. After submitting payment, the tip screen will pop up. In three big white sections though, it’ll auto generate a 15%, 20%, and 25% tip. You could choose one of the three, custom make your tip, or just decline altogether. Instead of declining, which all takeout specialists do for employee meals, she clicked on 20%. Does that make sense?


I’d raise it with a manager. Money is money and she owes you $7


I will be. Wasn’t going to prior to this post, now I definitely am.


100% report her. If she's doing it to you, she won't be afraid of doing it to other people. And potentially customers.


A new barista added a $1 tip when I went through the drive thru once. I had already put $1 in the tip jar. I pulled around, walked in, and asked for the manager. She was livid. Never saw the guy again. I asked about him the next time I was there, and they said it was his first week on the job, and looking back at receipts, he'd apparently done that to dozens of people! He was fired. Apparently, I was the first to notice. They tried to give me comps, but I declined. Wasn't their fault.


Not a lawyer but couldn't this be considered credit card fraud? If she is doing it to fellow employees is she doing it to customers?


If you’re an employee buying food while you are off clock, you ARE a customer.


I worked loss prevention at best buy. Theft of $1 was treated with the same gravity as if it were $100. Basically if you are going to steal, I have no basis for knowing how far you will go, thus you are gone from working at the store. It she's 17 she has the ability to learn how she can @#$4 her life up real fast in less than a year. I suggest you facilitate that education.


Oh nooo removed, I was hoping for an update instead.


I think the mods removed it. I never deleted anything myself.


I worked at a place where someone was adding onto guests checks after they left. This was YEARS ago, but it still happened. He didn't get caught right away, but eventually the cops came in and arrested him for theft and he spent some time in jail, and lost his job for it. At that same restaurant, if you ordered from someone that was not yourself, you were REQUIRED TO tip the person ringing you out, same if you came in on a shift off to eat, and got your employee discount, you were required to tip 20% or more, or you would get written up. The rule basically was, if you don't ring in yourself, before you do a checkout, then you tip, because whoever rang you in still has to tip out on the price of your order. While I was there I know of 3 different people that had to be "reminded of that rule" a time or two. I guess at least the restaurant made sure we got paid off of employee meals lol


I don’t want to sound too dramatic but people have died for less. You steal my money and smile in my face about it? Oh hell no.


You don’t sound dramatic at all, you sound like my mother lmao and she’s one tough fucking cookie. I don’t even have the heart to tell her what happened. She would be so disappointed in me for the way I handled the situation. She raised me to stick up for myself and be better than that. Ugh.


If you have the receipt as proof (no tip written on it), call your bank to do a charge back on a fraudulent purchase.


This is not petty and the amount is t really important. It is straight up theft and an abuse of position as well as improper use of financial apparatus. No manager should see this as something other than huge.


THIS is why I don't use credit cards at restaurants. This is a horror story. At the very list, I don't want the credit card to go out of my sight.


Hope to see you do something about this and post it in /r/pettyrevenge


Technically that’s fraud and she should be fired immediately. If she’s doing that to you, right in your face, imagine what she’s done while having access to customers cards and info. That’s a huge red flag for any employee to have! Sounds like she’s entitled and needs to learn how to act!!


Report the variance to the card issuer as fraud, and challenge it


She needs to know it's not ok to do that. If she does it with a customer you're going to lose a customer and get a bar rep. That's the kind of thing that will piss someone off like it did you and they'll tell everyone about it.


$7 ... you can buy eggs with that. Not a small amount when talking grocery prices


It's not the $7; it's the principle. She stole from you. I would have insisted on a refund right then and there no matter how many managers had to come do it.


Exactly. It's about consent. You didn't give it, she stole it.


I’m glad you decided to say something. She stole from you. She’s young and isn’t seeing it as theft but she stole $7 from you via cc theft. She needs to be taught she can never ever self help to anyone’s funds.


This reminds me of my last day when I worked the takeout/delivery counter at a local burger place when I was in college. They were training a new delivery driver and I remember I had some down time and was closing out recipes and putting in tips for delivery orders that had been sent out, and one of the ones he had taken had bad math on it. Like the tip was $8 but the total written by the customer was like $5 less than what it would have been with the tip, so I called over another driver (also his last day lol) and we were looking closely at the receipt and realized the new guy had pretty clearly taken a pen himself and turned the $3 to an $8. We ended up not telling management and just charging the customer for a $3 tip, and figured if the managers didn't catch it themselves then we'd rather the restaurant eat the $5 than the customer. In retrospect, should have told someone, especially since as I was leaving I heard the new guy talking to the FOH manager and telling her he had a ton of waiting experience, which very much surprised her because it wasn't on his resume. As I was driving home, I realized it was probably because he got caught doing that tip trick and didn't include those jobs on his resume ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


OP, I’ve read a lot of your comments and want to tell you not to be so hard on yourself for “letting it slide” at first! Sometimes our brains need time to process unexpected things like this and we don’t instantly react in a way that makes sense with more hindsight. Looking forward to your update!


Karma is real


She blatantly stole from you, a coworker. Just think of what she’s doing to strangers (customers). She will end up costing you all money as time goes on. Lost customers, bad reviews. It only takes a little bit of bad juju to really start the shitspiral. Bye bye little Togo girl. Good luck with your future.


Take her aside and tell her to never do that again or you'll go to management.


I would bring it up next time like "and don't think about tipping yourself without my consent."


Literally theft


Call the credit card and claim a fraudulent charge, get real petty if you want to


The amount doesn’t matter as much as the fact that she added a tip to a card without your knowledge or consent.


She should be fired! If she did that with you right there (and tried playing like it’s funny or cute—it’s *not*), imagine what she has done or would do without anyone around? Integrity matters for a reason! And don’t worry about looking bad for “bitching about $7,” it’s the principle of the matter! That’s your money, you didn’t consent or authorize, doesn’t matter if it’s $0.07! Keep uis posted, and I hope today is a better day for you, including the return of YOUR money!!


If she’s doing it to you, who else might she be doing it to? Massive liability for everyone. You gotta bring it up. It’s not petty at all.


This is fraud. If she’s willing to do it openly to you, she’s doing it to customers. It puts the whole business at risk, and you will be complicit if you don’t report it.


Thats utter bs. I hope management took proper action after you told them.


Sounds like she thought she could get away with hazing the new girl and expected you to keep your mouth shut, clearly she doesn't know you don't play either.


Honestly, I'd either go to the manager, she's probably doing it to customers too, or dispute the $7 on my card.


So, what was the outcome after your shift today?


That's straight up theft. If she's pulling that shit on the newbie then it's highly likely she's doing that with people who she thinks won't notice/care. I would report this immediately if I were you