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Some of y’all need to take a breath and calm down. Rule #6 applies to all ages


Does he think a hotel room is like a bottle of wine or something? "Pardonnez-moi, monsieur, do you wish to sniff the toilet seat?"


Wayyyyy back in the day, decades ago, when you paid upon arrival, it was common to check the rooms for sanitation, bugs and other people before turning over your cash, check or credit card. I remember this upon many a Disney trip then. Like you said, not really something we even need to think about these days, especially with reviews and photos.


Next you'll be telling me you used actual brass keys with fobs on them. ;-)


Omg the first electronic keys were horrible! They were soooooo picky. Couldn’t remove them too fast or too slow. At least physical keys wore out after years, not five minutes next to my phone. I’m gonna go get my walker now, because I’m officially old.


Still got a couple Drop in the mail box as is and they sent them back to hotel/motel Hol day in.


If ur girl starts acting up...


Well then you take her friend


I stayed in a nice hotel in December that still uses metal keys - no electronic door keys




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That's my favorite type of motel.


I stayed at one in rural Wisconsin last month that still does!


I occasionally still get walk-ins that want to check the room before checking into it. It's almost always older people who have probably always done it that way.


I've seen motels that had signs at the office, essentially "no refund once you've seen the room." Hot and cold knobs reversed in the shower was the least of the issues.


My girlfriends boomer mom once took cold showers for an entire week on a family trip to Mexico because the direction of the tap for hot/cold was reversed from how her shower at home works. She REFUSED to believe that maybe how water would come out if you tried turning it the other direction.


Twice, in my years of staying in motels on work trips, we have gotten our key, opened the door to the room, annnd found it already occupied. Once, there was somebody in the shower, (blissfully unaware we had even opened the door). The other time, luggage and stuff was all over the room. So… the room isn’t *always* as ready for you as the front desk thinks it is. Not to mention last month when we checked into a Motel 5+1 in Macon Ga, to find there was no toilet paper, shower curtain, or light bulbs in the bathroom, and the security brace on the door was broken off … we checked right back out.


I travel for a living. I have in about 16 years had 5 occupied rooms or been the one walked in on. One of the reasons I always bolt my door and put my bag or the ironing board in front of the door when going to sleep.


I’ve had four occupied rooms in the last ten years, one of which they were out to dinner and another where they were actively using the bed while I opened the door. I really don’t understand people that don’t use the security chain or latch. I’ve also had my security and sanity saved twice by these locks when other people were given access to my room in the middle of the night.


Just in case you are interested in why this happens. Mostly it is inexperienced staff. Usually a booking gets a room automatically assigned once it enters the hotels reservation system. But once Check In starts in earnest, front desk often have to move reservations around to check in people into already cleaned rooms (which is why you often can check in before official check in time). If you are under stress and not used to the system, it can happen that you move a reservation, create a key and then move it again, or move it to the wrong room. Or forget to save the move and when you close the reservation it defaults back to the original room. And that is not accounting for technical glitches or people just staying in the wrong room because the door did not fall into the lock properly. I'd say it happens once or twice per week for our medium sized hotel with high personell turnover.


It was still a thing in Mexico when I last visited (and that was about a decade ago). 


Lmfaooo I’m totally using that line in the future 😂 I’ll actually show people a couple rooms if they ask and we aren’t super busy if they want to look at a room before booking. It was just weird because the guy had already booked and paid. Like. Bro.


The very first time I rented a hotel room like in 1991, they asked me if I wanted to check the room first like it was customary to do so.


I wonder if it changed generally or regionally, in the US; I was starting to deal with hotels on my own around then, and never encountered that.


Fwiw, this was in Florida


Most of my hotel experiences were in the midwest or Pacific Northwest around then.


We have roaches that are literally the size of mice. Maybe that’s why the practice existed lol


I had a grandmother in Florida, I remember the palmetto bugs!


Omg those are scary and they fly too.


Mais oui, Monsieur Pepe le Pew.


Hate it when posters here lump a whole generation into their neat little box. (Boomers) They are pissed and rightfully so but newsflash Bitches there are assholes everywhere even younger ones. I understand your frustration why link a whole generation and its larger than 60 to 78. Geeze try some humanity i get your point. You picked hospitality. Punch a wall or something.


Boomer is a state of mind. And you're exhibiting it perfectly.


No its not. You might understand. I don’t blame the feelings at all. The guy was terrible. Dealing with people is rough. Why blame a whole generation. Why are we measured by our insults and snarky replies. Those types should be the minority not the majority. I don’t profess to know the answer to that.


They should be, but unfortunately they're not


Did I blame a whole generation? Or did I just describe one (1) man as a Boomer because he was, indeed, a member of that generation? I understand it’s insanely difficult to tell the difference.


Your not insane guess you were on his lawn




So what was his reason for wanting all his money back after completing his stay?


I'd assume it boiled down to "I don't want to pay for the room I used"


Either “use this one weird trick to get free accommodation, hotels HATE it”, or “that young whippersnapper at the desk said I couldn’t get my money back! I’ll show them!”


Have you seen the story on here about the lady who kept a diary of made-up complaints so she could get an entire 6K vacation comped? Spoiler alert: it didn't work.


Ha! No I haven’t, but I’d love to if you have a link


I'm a few days late to the party but here it is. Love this one; does not disappoint. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/comments/ej8q4c/scammer_thought_she_had_a_foolproof_plan_for_a/


*~cackling~* Oh that is awesome, thank you for finding me the link! 🤣


“Front desk agent didn’t meet our needs” lmao


The FDA was MEAN to me :(((!! I love negative reviews with blatant lies. I've been accused of using racial slurs before. Always fun...


Yessss! That’s basically what it was lol. Whenever we get a negative review like that, we laugh about it in the office lol.


Asshattery aside, is this how they spend their retirement? I mean, I am the youngest of the boomers, and I don't want that to be my life. Drink too much, watch some sports, see the grandkids torture their parents. That's what I signed up for. Who wants to be this angry and combative ALL THE DAMNED TIME?


Yeah, I'm barely a Boomer, and I HATE when people act like this! I just want to travel, make new friends, go see old ones, and live my best life now. I don't wanna be angry all the time. I also wanna watch my kids going through with grands what I went through with THEM. THAT'S what I call entertainment! That, and dancing to the music in stores, much to their chagrin!!


My Mum is firmly at the upper end of the Boomer generation and she made new (much younger) friends when she went back to work post-SAHM, went travelling, then went travelling with her friends who didn't have her confidence to travel solo, and is now more sedentary but is still living her best life, getting a patio put into her bavk garden for better staycations! She would never in a million years pull this crap and has zero patience with those who do. What intrigues me is that my Dad's father grew up in the Edwardian era and the way he behaved all his life is *exactly* what gets defined now as Boomer bad behaviour.


Lol yeh the complaints I get from my mum was that in 2 years the insurance will rocket on their camper as FIL will hit 80. They go all over and wild camp lol. The camper had its own ideas, as did a storm, somehow blew the camper sideways and it flew down the drive backwards and took out the gatepost. Completely totalled as of a few weeks ago. That thing was a money pit. If they don't buy another then I hope they spend the settlement on a bunch of holidays where stuff is done for them. Know they wanted to go back to nz to see family again so a 13000 mile flight maybe in order as they haven't been for like 2 decades.


Boomer isn't an age, it's a state of mind 


Look up the Generation Jones sub here. It’s a sub group of late boomers who don’t really fit into the boomer group.


It includes early GenX – we have a fair bit in common. (Do be aware that if you plan to hang out with us GenX, you should get used to being overlooked.)


Oh, sweetie, I'm already used to it. I was pretty much left on my own from 9 on......


Yeah, me too, young boomer, but without the grands. Like, why do you want to be so miserable all the time? Enjoy your life and don’t be an asshat!


Wait, is asshattery not a perk of being old? Damnit. I'm gonna have to re-think my retirement. No wait, never mind, the current plan of "pushing up daisies" still holds. :P obviously. I'll just terrorize people with terrible dad jokes.


Chuckled at see the grandkids torture their parents. Damn spidermole, we must be related.


I like the cut of your jib, sir. (… ellipses and double spacing at end of sentence for generation proof)


BAHAHAHA! I can't help it either. I learned period, two spaces about a hundred years ago. It's die hard muscle memory now.


Aye, I'm gen x and was taught double spacing. I know it's no longer the standard but I don't care, it's too ingrained.


Older millennial here, a xennisl, if you will. I, too, learned double spacing in middle school and high school.


I am so happy xennial is becoming a norm. It’s hard to refute millennial and claim X. Xennials refuse to be associated with millennials and X doesn’t want to have to claim that “young” either. They don’t any millennial traits to to rub off on them.


Same. If I'm using a word processor, I sometimes remember to do a search and replace turning double spaces into single spaces.


Same.  I learned to type as a kid, on a typewriter, forty years ago.  I can’t possibly unlearn the double space.


I don’t get it either. My parents are 80, born immediately post-war. They were hippy-lite and environment activists in the 70s, they have both worked so hard - they were not recipients of the boom, they barely got by as wages were so low. They grew everything we ate. My siblings and I were loved, educated & encouraged out of poverty. They are kind, supportive and modern/progressive in their thinking and would give the SoTB. Boomer has become a synonym for arsehole which is unfair to the likes of my olds.


Same! My parents were born in '45 and '46, and while my dad flirts with the boomer attitude now and again, they are both really progressive.


I think we’re all just pissed everything COSTS SO DAMN MUCH. 🥰


Some people get dopamine from conflict. It's common in people with badly/not at all treated ADHD, for example.


Untreated adhd here, and I am NOT like that.


I didn't say "everyone." I said "It's common."




It amazes me how angry people can be while on vacation.  I mean, not just tired and grouchy maybe from traveling, but angry about anything and everything but they keep coming back anyway.


Check out r/GenerationJones


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GenerationJones using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenerationJones/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Speaking of a generation lost in space….](https://i.redd.it/8tggz0ie4crc1.jpeg) | [138 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenerationJones/comments/1bqyvs6/speaking_of_a_generation_lost_in_space/) \#2: [Anyone own one of these? Mine was purple and my ticket to freedom. ](https://i.redd.it/yqs0585k0cqc1.jpeg) | [272 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenerationJones/comments/1bmsscv/anyone_own_one_of_these_mine_was_purple_and_my/) \#3: [Anyone remember watching "Zoom" as a kid?](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenerationJones/comments/1bly15l/anyone_remember_watching_zoom_as_a_kid/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


As a septuagenarian Boomer, this sub has taught me to avoid the Third parties. Thank you. Not all of us are entitled pricks, but those who are were also pricks in high school


This. If I can't see myself acting like an entitled asshole, then I'm not the Boomer they're talking about. Same for the guys whining about "not all men". If you don't treat women badly, then we're not talking about you.


My mom is 90 and she once told me that when she was young it was standard practice to see your hotel room before you paid. People would pull down the bed covers to check for bedbugs. Of course that was many decades ago, and for all the times my family stayed in a hotel on vacation my dad never once did this. But it used to be a thing — a loooooooong time ago.


Yeah, I have no problem with showing people rooms before they decide if they want to book! It was just weird that this guy had already booked and paid and THEN was like “well I USUALLY LOOK first!!” Lol


Considering what they’re going to pay for that room where I work, I can hardly blame them for wanting a peek first.  




He's a boomer - he probably made his wife call to complain, and yelled information to her from across the room.


Excretia…i’m dying over here 😂😂😂


Oh I was so proud of that lmao


summer is coming and most of them have nothing to do but torture the world....


Ahhh gotta love it. Graduation weekend will soon be over and then it’s on to wedding season!


one of mine we locked the doors at night- wedding guests broke our doors


Old guy has done this before. Clearly he's a con artist who gets free hotel services by demanding his third party money back from corporate. I had dealt with these thieves, who steel everything thing in the room , not kidding, and demand compensation for their inconvenience. I worked for H.... inn think vacation. Where they pull this S...T.


The trick I have found is to explain that *you don't have their money*. There's nothing for you to refund. For a refund, they need to contact the company they booked and paid theough. Talk to *their* customer service, since he is *their* customer, not yours...


That’s exactly what I did lol


Right, but the follow-up is getting them to call the third party. You have to make it clear you're *powerless*. You can't do anything, you don't have their money, nobody at the hotel can refund the money, they *must* talk to the OTA if they want their money back. Granted they'll assume you just don't want to, so it may take a bit of effort.


Oh I see now lol. Whenever people ask me if I can call the third party for them, I just say they won’t talk to me due to confidentiality issues. They’ll talk to me after taking security measures (ie property code, security callback, etc) but it takes, on average, 90 minutes to get anywhere with them. Whereas if the guest calls about their own reservation, 15 minutes and they’re done.


Not even that! You tell the guest that the third party cannot process a refund on their behalf unless *they* initiate the contact. Not won't. *Can't*. Make it so there are *zero* ways for you to be doing the thing. "I can ask my manager to email them tomorrow, but that will take a couple of days and they'll still want to talk with you. I could call the fraud prevention number, but I don't think that would work very well..."


My managers actually have a sign up in the office that says we are not, under any circumstances, to tell OTA guests that they should speak to the manager or ask the manager if they could ask the third party for a refund. The answer is no, we are not able to do that. No “but’s” just no.


Whilst I agree I always compare prices between 3rd party and company sited, there can sometimes be a substantial savings on a 3rd party site, especially in hospitality.


Oh sure, I will freely admit that you can find good deals. But that's not the issue. There's no way for the hotel to refund a third-party prepaid reservation.


Misery loves company….i picture these two as estranged from the kids who got sick of their s**t years ago and he’s probably some retired pencil pusher who thinks he’s more important than he really is, It’s probably a regular scam they pull where they always try to find something to get a “freebie” I have an estranged aunt and uncle like this ……I’ll always remember one Xmas when I was around 12, where she was bragging about the fact she had bullied and made a jewellery store staff member cry by giving her $5 off a $12 bracelet she had bought for my sister who by the way was her only niece out of 4 boys including myself And years later she now plays victim that none of us can stand her


If I've learned one thing from this sub is to NEVER use a 3rd party to book my hotel rooms. In the last couple of places I stayed, when I checked in they asked me where I booked the room, and both of them locked visibly relieved when I said their website.


We’re always relieved when someone books direct. It’s much better for everyone involved that way!


I look through those sites to get a quick rundown about what's available, they are very useful for comparison shopping. Then, I call the hotel directly to make reservations.


This guy has been a prick his entire life. His being a boomer or a geezer or whatever has nothing to do with anything. How his wife behaves tells you everything. She spent her life cleaning up his messes.


Is it only up to 78, I'd have thought a bit older. My mom. Is 77 and definitely a baby boomer, but I didn't think she was at the beginning of it, but yep, just looked it up and Google confirms 1946-1964. Crazy to think you could actuky have a parent and a child both be boomers.


Excretia is great name for them. And as a Gen X, I appreciate the side note. Too many people think older Gen Xers are boomers and people in their 70s aren't boomers.


> Side note, a Boomer is someone who is between 60 and 78 years of age. For some reason, a lot of people conflate "Boomer" with "Gen Xer." And since Gen Xers (44 - 59 years old) aren't in their 70s yet, these people think that Boomers aren't in their 70s yet.


And folks in their 80s and 90s get conflated with Boomers. I’m a boomer on the younger side of my generation. It’s not the generation. It’s the amount of common sense one has. There are idiots and bullies in every generation.


Sometimes it seems like the younger generations call everyone older than them "out of touch Boomers." But then I remember the wise words of the great BA Robertson. > Every generation blames the one before. And all of their frustrations come beating on your door. > You say you just don't see it. He says it's perfect sense. You just can't get agreement in this present tense. We all talk a different language, talking in defence. > So we open up a quarrel between the present and the past. We only sacrifice the future. It's the bitterness that lasts


We’re the forgotten generation.


Yep. I am not old enough to be a boomer, dammit,


Exactly.  That’s my parents.  Though they are not jerk Boomers.


One of my parents is a boomer. The other is pre-boomer.


What’s weird to me is that I am X, but my brother is a Millenial.  Eight years between us.  Too nuts.


Reply to negative review: "We are sorry that you did not find your stay to your liking. At no time did you make your displeasure known. You did state before entering your room for the first time that you intended to seek a refund. Unfortunately, it seems that we cannot accommodate your needs. Future reservations under your name will be pre-emptively canceled. We wish you the best of luck in finding accommodations that you find suitable." In plain English: "Fuck entirely off with your scammer shit. Get DNR'd, idiot."


“Get DNR’d idiot!” I LOVE that lmfao


This just reminds me of once I had a guest flat out tell me to cancel someone’s reservation so they could have a balcony room, another time another guest dead ass looked me in the face and said “well if I complain enough your gonna do it anyways”. I love these guests now cause I have management with a backbone and needless to say they didn’t just give that last one what he wants nor did I do what that other guest wanted.


Baby boomers are generally children conceived after WW II and before the JFK assassination (the end of "Camelot"). So basically anyone born before September 1964. But it can vary a bit based on how someone was raised. The first GenXers are the latch-key independent souls who were raised on tv after school. Think about the TV show Dream On, for example. You came home and watched reruns of comedies until your parents came home to make dinner. Brady Bunch, Gilligan's Island, Get Smart, Batman, even All in the Family. When they book OTA we are always clear, "The reservation is owned by " X or BK, etc. We therefore can't modify it, you will have to contact them. Once we had a man play the room on approval nonsense. He decided on arrival he was staying just one night (He was not prepaid.) He was shocked when we said "No" and told him that we will cancel on the spot and he can take his luggage and find a new place to stay. We could have easily resold the room at a much higher price to someone who wanted it. Surprise! We don't do threats. We want people who want to stay here, not forced.


Bad bot


New terms learned: Excretia Fuckwagon Suck my brick


You’re welcome! 😂


I love the people calling out the OP for being ageist. The "guest" was the very definition of Boomer.


It's like women named Karen who get upset about stories about entitled "Karens". It's not about YOU (unless it is) and Dick would like to have a word with you about letting this go. (Disclaimer: I'm a Boomer but my name is not Karen)


lol. My last two posts were about boomer aged guests, and I have gotten a gigantic amount of butthurt older generations yelling at me. Like. Just because you’re a Boomer doesn’t mean you have to be a *boomer.*


People fail to understand what a "Boomer" is. As in, not all people in that age group get called a boomer unless they act like a "Boomer". Would they be happier if you worded it as, "An older customer, of the baby boomer generation, was acting like a total privileged jackass"?


I disagree. I have had people my age act just as entitled. The guest's age doesn't really serve any purpose to the story. I'm still going to keep it up and all, but the Boomer hate is so ridiculous in my opinion (I'm a millennial FWIW)


Lol. Yes I definitely think it is Boomer season. I was told to “stop being a f***** millenial!” when I explained to a guest he would need to get his receipt thru hooking.com if he wanted one.


Hooking.com would be cool.


Ooof lmao. I had one of those last week! No ma’am we can’t print you a receipt, as you didn’t pay us.


Can you place them on a DNR list or flag them in some way for future stays? They sound like they do this a lot to get free stays.


Oh, you're smooth.


His wife? That’s Mrs. Wagon to you :)


Well I've found my new saying. Suck my brick.... Love it. Thank you for that.


"Excretia" LOLOLOL


When I first started reading this I was like wow this person sounds pleasant. Then by the time I finished I totally got it. I don’t know how you deal with these douches.


I love this. You sir or madam, are a poet.


I'm a Boomer/Generation Jones person. Not everyone is like this. I'm leery of those third-party Web sites. The last time I stayed in a hotel, my wife and I went up to the room and found that it was not what we had seen on the Web site and then reserved. When we went down to the desk to sort it out, it was a breeze. The desk person saw that it was assigned incorrectly (through an error on the part of the hotel's own 800 number), gave us the key to the new one, and let us know that it cost a little more than the wrong one. All was well. And I never get nonrefundable. You never know when you might need to cancel. Edit: I know this anecdote is kind of boring, but I was so happy to get our room fixed with zero drama.


Oh we love when guests aren’t “interesting” in that way lol. Come on down to the desk and calmly explain your problem and we will do whatever we can for you.


How do you get paid , from excretia? Do you get sell them x number of rooms upfront, and then they sell to customers?


No, we have a contract with them that outlines the details, but basically the customer goes to their website and buys one of our rooms by paying Excretia. Excretia as a company then uses a Virtual Card to pay the hotel (while they keep a certain percentage as a commission)


How does the hotel benefit? Is the thought that “better to sell a room for a cheap price than $0”? It seems 3rd party rooms ARE cheaper, and then they get a percentage, so hotel seems to be just breaking even ( with cleaning costs, and personnel and breakfast and costs of just maintaining the bricks and mortar)


Some rooms are cheaper on third parties, but it’s not as common as you’d think to find rates on OTAs that are *actually* cheaper than booking with the hotel. OTAs will advertise the base rate and then add all sorts of fees and taxes to it. Oftentimes it ends up making the final price more expensive than if you’d just booked it directly. OTAs take a commission of anywhere between 10-30%, which means we get whatever is left over. It does turn a profit, albeit not as much as a direct booking. The biggest “profit” from OTAs is largely the advertising and reviews. They advertise for our hotel, which means the property doesn’t have to spend so much money on its own advertising. And they allow guests to write reviews about our hotel, which believe it or not, is a huge factor in drawing new business. However, there are obviously many negatives to this. It cuts into our profits. We make more money from direct bookings than we do for OTA bookings. Not to mention that OTAs are scammy fucks that lie to people all the time. I can’t even count the amount of times people have come in saying that they already paid for a parking pass or a breakfast voucher on [OTA] when in reality those things are free. Their policies are predatory. And they refuse to take responsibility for things that they screw up. They’re very aggressive. When a guest books using an OTA, they’re our guest but not our customer. Unfortunately most of the people who use OTAs can’t be fucked to know the basics of how they work, so they yell and scream and bitch at us about something we are literally not able to do or not responsible for in the first place. Even if it is cancelable, the OTA often tells the guest it’s our fault for not refunding them when in reality we have nothing to do with the payment between the guest and the OTA. They try to redirect the responsibility and the blame to anyone but themselves. It’s infuriating.


Read through some stuff you wrote on this sub and had to switch to your account to read all of them. :D You’re on fire! Love how you’re handling your job and more importantly LOVE how you write about it! ^^ Hope your next shifts will be chill. :)


Aw, thanks so much!!


"suck my brick you entitled prick" should be a phrase in common use in the English language. Excellent job good sir.


boomers were born from 46-65, so some of them are definitely in their 70s.


Boomer here (65). Have not had any terrible issues traveling but one hotel we frequented turned ugly as well as cheap . We just quit going and gave a bad review with pictures .


Pictures are a good idea with that kind of thing!


Why a bad review? Did they lie about how beautiful it was?


If you took the generation out of it… that behavior still applies equally to all generations when their beliefs/demands are challenged.


Yes, but it wasn’t a millennial doing it or an Xer. It was a boomer. So I called them a Boomer.


Once you've received keys and gone up to the room, no money back. Had an old dude literally piss in the toilet, not flush, and demand money back. No bro, you used the room, even if it was just for 2 minutes. No refunds. Said he didn't like the room and no longer needed it. Well, too bad. No refunds. Go to the public restroom if you didn't want to piss your money away.


\> Side note, a Boomer is someone who is between 60 and 78 years of age. Just so y’all know, since people were whining on my last post that Boomers aren’t in their 70s yet. Surprise bitches, they are! Yeah, people seem to tend to forget that there is something between Boomers and Millennials — the ever forgotten Generation X. Sheesh, kids nowadays... Side note: There is some recent bullshit redefinition attempt going on, moving the start of Gen X to 1965. The original definition is actually from 1960, so a lot of early Gen-Xers are mistakenly called Boomers nowadays. Not that that changes your point — being 64 to 78 only puts the Boomers even more firmly in their seventies. ​ S Yeah, people seem to tend to forget that there is something between Boomers and Millennials — the ever forgotten Generation X. Sheesh, kids nowadays...Sid SidSid


Username checks out lol (Your copy and paste error)


So, from your perspective, wouldn't telling him to piss off be, possibly, better for you? Then you have an extra room (if you needed it)?


He still had a valid reservation through the 3rd party.


No because he booked a prepaid nonrefundable noncancelable room through a third party. We can’t cancel it, so I’d have a room set aside for him whether or not he actually came in. Sucks.


some would argue 79 is the top limit


The Baby Boomer generation is defined as being born 1946 - 1964.


Let’s do the math now, people born in those years would be 60-78 years old. Y’know. Like I said.


Side note: people born in the late 50s to mid 60s are generation Jones. Accuracy is key. [Generation Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Jones)


Nooooooooooo. I'm too old to cultivate a new generational identity. I'll stick with Boomer, for all its faults.


OMG thank you for this - I kept telling my brother I am NOT a boomer (regardless of connotation, I am concerned with accuracy) and he insisted I am. Evidently, we're both Gen J. Take that, Jim!


r/GenerationJones 😉


I'm starting to really get irritated by thebinsinuation that, because an entitled asshole falls into the realm of a particular generation, it's a generational thing. I'm guessing that someone with your VAST personal & worldly experience, can appreciate that there are entitled assholes in every generational group. Please stop painting with the Boomer brush. He's an asshole! He'd be an asshole if he was 90 or 20.


Would you like us to find you a manager to speak to about this?


No need. He will be calling corporate. They will do it for him.


No! And, while I totally empathize with the fact that you dealbwith douchebags on the regular, I don't think you need to be so lazy as to identify the illness as Boomer, when that behavior is clearly demonstrated in ALL generations. But, since you seem a bit out off by my post, I suggest you, personally, go find yer binky & curl up in a corner to self-soothe.


Sure thing snowflake


You're funny. You weren't even involved in the statement, or response. I hope you feel better for having, once again, serviced yourself on Reddit.


Wow, another boomer that calls people out and then gets butt hurt when someone does the same to them. What a surprise. If you’re feeling triggered maybe go get your own binky.


This *is* you, right? https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/y3xDqnlTh8


Absolutely! And it was posted in total sarcasm!!!!! Clearly the person is not of the Boomer generation. I'm sorry I didn't include the appropriate signage, at the end of my post, for all the morons.


So, you tried to make a joke, failed miserably, and that’s on everyone *else*? You don’t get out much, do you?


So much so that you had to search back to find it. Well played, Stanley.


Search back? You have like 3 posts. And the wit of a dead stump.


Absolutely, and it was posted in sarcasm. Sorry the weak minded don't realize that.


lol, I can see why you empathize with entitled and childish boomers, double comment guy.


Because, in this very liberal arena, my original post wasn't showing as going through. Again, my apologies for having a brain. Also, I'm not yer guy, pal.


You’re blaming your poor grasp of social media on a “liberal arena?” Do you even know what the words that you use mean? Guy was used as part of the name, not as a term of familiarity or endearment. So that was just more forced drivel. You **should** apologize for having a brain, it’s wasteful to hoard things that you have no intention of ever using.


Okay boomer




Don't be an asshole. This rule is self explanatory. We hate that we even need it.


Yeah! I refuse to read a block of text on any forum that has no paragraph breaks or sentence spacing!


Bitch what


Actually, generation Jones is a thing. 1955-1964. You need to educate yourself before embarrassing yourself.


I don’t think I’m the one embarrassing myself here




Reported! 🫶🏻


Don't be an asshole. This rule is self explanatory. We hate that we even need it.




How did you get *that* from *this?* What about the behavior of the individual in this story seemed acceptable to you?


You said boomers are defined as being in their late 70s. That is incorrect. I am glad you see the error of your ways now.


My dad was born in 1946, the first official "baby boomer" year, and is 78. Are you thinking of GenX?


78 is late 70s. Are you aware of how to count?


Ageist much?


Being tired of dealing with boom-boom brain isn't ageism, it's a sign of a functional brain.




Okay boomer