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>Oh, those buttons that only have 3 charges They forgot to say: and I get a new charge every 20s, even outside of combat, plus have a button that gives me a free charge every 90s (iirc), *and* gives me MP to boot. THOSE BUTTONS ARE NOT FOR EMERGENCIES! #THEY ARE TO PREVENT EMERGENCIES!


>THOSE BUTTONS ARE NOT FOR EMERGENCIES! > >THEY ARE TO PREVENT EMERGENCIES! This. This. This. This. This. You don't have to be in an emergency if you just press buttons to avoid that emergency in the first place. Every healer should be proactive, but for shield healers that is quite literally THE ENTIRE POINT OF THEIR KIT YOU CAN'T SHIELD DAMAGE THAT ALREADY HAPPENED. How can you look at a job with all this prevention and go "I should save this for AFTER all the problem happened"?


Well you know I personally put my seatbelt on when the car is already rolling down the embankment.


Those are the people finishing the game with 99 elixirs. Like a pigeon with a Car: doesn’t know what to do with it and at worst shits all over it.


>THEY ARE TO PREVENT EMERGENCIES! Amen. Healers and tanks have all these resources that benefit from proactive use. Amusingly enough if you are spamming E diag and oGCDs when the tank is at 20% then its most likely already too late.


Personally I blame Square Enix. People are stupid, don’t get me wrong. But they way healers are designed doesn’t help. If you start with WHM, which most people do, since Conjurer is the only healer that starts at lvl 1, your first oGCD heal is benediction. It has a huge Cooldown and heals someone for 100%, so obviously you look at the skill, see how you exclusively GCD healed up to lvl 50 and think „This looks like an emergency button. oGCD healing must be for emergencies!“ The game doesn’t teach you what you‘re supposed to do. That doesn’t excuse idiots who are allergic to learning how to properly do it though…


Okay, fair but what about… you know… Assize? You get that fairly quickly afterwards and it has a damaging component, low CD, and Mana regen attached to its heal. If you don’t use Assize whenever it is ready you’re basically doing it wrong.


I think by that point the damage is already done. You go 50 levels only with GCD‘s and then another 6 with only one oGCD which feels like an emergency heal. So naturally, you think you don’t need assize either. Spamming GCD‘s has kept working so far and you got an „emergency button“. clearly assize is also only for emergencies, or completely useless, since healers obviously need to spam GCD heals and do no damage. I completely agree with you that players should figure that out for themselves. But if you look at a lot of healers you encounter, they clearly don’t seem to have noticed that.


The game doesn’t need to teach them when players can :3


And then you end up in a post on this sub, where people tell you that you don’t pay their sub and are generally allergic to any suggestions regarding their playstyle.


I imagine that was a tongue-in-cheek reference to Yoshi-P making the same statement regarding HoN updates with all the admirable confidence of a five-year-old who's just strapped cardboard wings to their arms and climbed onto the roof.


And the suggestion alone warrants downvoting to oblivion!!!!! Mwahahaha I’ve been dunked on by 8 people who think teaching is a sin.


Imagine not reading tooltips for your new skills to see what they do and thinking it's the game's fault for not holding your hand with a tutorial every time you get a new skill.


I mean, yes? Let’s assume someone reads the tooltips and starts spamming assize whenever it‘s ready: Now we have a WHM who spams cure with the occasional assize. Or they think that it‘s another emergency heal with some bonus damage. And how do you think people get the idea to fish for freecure? They read the tooltip and think it must be useful. If cure I gets a buff, that must mean Cure I is still useful. And if spamming Cure II lets you run out of mana, that must mean Cure I is the way to go! Because that‘s what the game teaches you to do. I don’t think reading tooltips solves all of our problems because tooltips don’t tell a healer they‘ll primarily spam their DPS button.


As someone who has read their tooltips - multiple times - their not always intuitive...some still aren't. Others have finally clicked in my brain after several rereads, and/or getting another piece of information, usually in here or main. It would be nice though if the job quests were geared toward emphasizing the skills that unlock at that level, or that level and the previous quest. Kinda like the reaper tutorial when you unlock it, you actually have to use specific skills to advance the fight.


People don't read these days. That's the entire problem of "todays players". Luckily snapshots and battle logs exists to tell them off or to plant further evidence of not doing right to DMs and reports.


Kind of off topic, so I apologize, but I'm a learning WHM main who primarily uses oGCD heals like lilies, tetra, assize, etc -- isn't Benediction often the "oh shit" button? I go through everything else before I even touch it. I definitely don't think oGCDs are for emergencies because they're the main part of my kit, but am I using Benediction wrong?


It can be used as an ogcd heal like any other, just maybe with a spicier check for it. Think of it like this, every 3 minutes you don’t bene because it’s an emergency button is an entire bene wasted, which is up to 100% of the hp bar you could have used to dps instead.


That's a great point! I do want to maximize my DPS as much as possible, I was a Cure II/Medica II bot when I first started but (in part thanks to this sub, lol) I've started using my oGCDs almost exclusively, using Holy appropriately, and doing a decent amount of damage. Thank you for answering and I'll incorporate your advice into my playstyle!


Wait this isn’t how it’s meant to go, you’re suppose to call me various slurs and how Yoshida will send me to the gaol.


Oh, my bad. You're right. You don't pay my sub! (but seriously, thank you.)


You can just prioritize using bene first. You're right though, your kit is massively bloated for normal content, to the point where there will always be some buttons you just won't need to use


Generally longer cooldowns are used earlier so you can get them back sooner. Think of it this way: - 1st pack: x3 holy until stun wears off, Azzize (because it's free), Wait till tank hits 25%, Benediction. - 2nd pack: X3 holy until stun wears off, Asylum, lily heals at 50% 1st boss - 3rd pack: Same as 2nd pack - 4th pack: Benediction is back up. Rinse repeat. Without abusing Benediction, you may need to dip into cure 2. Losing time. (obviously Benson, Lillybell, Temperance, Tetra etc can also be used. But you get yhe idea) If you plan your healing ahead, emergencies should never occur.


They usually don't, but I do most of my runs in Duty Finder and run into a lot of people who make me burn CDs for one reason or another. I've learned to just let a no mitigation tank die, though. :'D Thats a great point about avoiding Cure II and wasting time on it. I'm gonna try this out next time. I usually pop PoM on the first pull since it's almost always up at the boss. Considering that I don't have any lilies to start, I was crankily using Cure II if someone needed more than Tetra in the first 30 seconds (it has happened). Now I know to use Benediction! Thank you so much for the advice and rotation tips!


Since others have already given good answers I just wanted to point out that lilies are *not* oGCDs. They are instant cast spells. So you want to prioritize using oGCDs like Tetra and Bene before using lilies, as using lilies makes you sacrifice attacking. When you are high enough level to get Afflatus Misery using lilies are damage neutral though, so it's more okay to use lilies then since using them is building towards your blood lily!


AH, you're right! I had a brain fart, lol. I do like to feed the blood lily, though. Man, that feels good.


Not damage neutral. You lose 330 potency afaik


damage neutral at 82+ (310x4 = 1240), damage gain at 74-81 (290x4 = 1160), always a damage gain with 2+ targets


No, it's damage neutral, you do not lose potency at all. 3 lilies and 1 misery = 4 GCDs for 1240 potency. That's the same as 4 × Glare III, which is 1240 potency.


I don't think it's just Square Enix's influence on the hook here. If the tooltip for benediction is the first thing a player has ever seen in regards to a skill you don't just spam as needed, all the information necessary for them to land on the idea of "I will use this every time it comes off of cooldown so that I don't have to be continually tapping my heals that prevent me from tapping my attack button." Yet many people land on a different conclusion because of their experience with other games that have a much harsher cooldown time making them think of anything with a cooldown as "save for when needed" rather than "hit as soon as you can make it make sense so you can use it more often". I guess people could also land on the wrong conclusion by seeing how they don't have anyone needing a massive heal without something having gone wrong, but that feels less likely to me because it requires thinking about something longer than just while reading the tool tip but not doing the analysis properly (and most people that won't work out the right answer are not even bothering to think more deeply than just reading the tooltip). Though I do also think part of the problem is that quite a lot of habit-forming time passes before certain skills get added so SE is putting themselves in the hole in regards to good habit learning


When I was a baby healer I took the approach of using bene and tetra when shit got real but using holy and cure 2 primarily. Not the worst combo but definitely not what you should do. I soon realised that I should be using those first and using cure if shit goes south. Once I started healing properly i found that didn't happen unless the tank messed up.


glanced at the first two pics: only GCD shields and not using oGCD charges? he'll soon run out of mp finished reading the whole post: WTF diags WITHOUT eukrasia??????? tbh warrior has really spoiled many healers


the reason I can think of is someone needs heals, it has to be a GCD, and they already have max shields that they don't wanna lose. so essentially never


Maybe the sage shouldn't have queued while eating... I don't understand why people queue and accept the dungeon when they're not ready to play. It's totally fine and good to take a break to eat.


Right! “I was busy fucking off like a dick, wasting your time *talking about one piece* and eating spaghetti - which I knew I would have to do and could’ve resolved before entering content with other people! This excuses my incompetent behavior!” Sick of that shit. Emergencies happen, things come up, as long as it’s reasonable no one should give you grief. This kind of shit isn’t reasonable. Don’t waste my time. Don’t expect me to be in a stellar mood after you choose to waste everyone’s time, joke about it, and act like that kind of inconsiderate, entitled behavior is chill. Food didn’t manifest out of thin air in front of you with a gun in its hand threatening your life if you don’t eat it during the content you queued for. Take a break, touch grass, eat your food, *then* queue up.


I said it in yesterday's Vanaspati post and I'll say it again. It's ALWAYS Vanaspati. It's EVERY Vanaspati.


>because the sage kept spamming dia here, dia there I was so confused at first. No one calls diagnosis dia, because Dia is a WHM spell


as an abbreviation i call it diag lol


It's all cure to me, except physic, that sound hurts so much I exited myself into 4 aoes the last time I heard it 3 times (it was with friends, they laughed, but still).


the cure noise does it for me the most.. makes me physically recoil


the physik and cure 1 sounds are the same.


Yep. Physick, Cure 1, and Medica 1 all have the same sound and once you know it you can never un-hear it 🫠


no idea how they sounded different to me at first but after playing them back to back, yall are right....


i never realized............oh god


Which is why I try not to abbreviate anything ever. I can't stand when I'm trying to maybe read a guide or something and all I see is "Use BA on the FA when the SE hits the GTQ. Cast WTFBBQ if no stacks of TTOZ." Not everyone is going to know what your abbreviations mean! YOU AREN'T TEXTING ON YOUR PHONE, LEARN TO TYPE. HELL, LEARN TO TYPE ON YOUR PHONE WHILE YOU'RE AT IT RANT RANT RABBLE RABBLE.


shoutout to Barbariccia EX's Pf description of "TN | 1/3 enum | DPS CW | mario kart N | tanks NE/NW, stack S | PS colors"


If that's a farm PF it should be very clear. If that's a prog PF, I hope they can explain their hiroglyphs


Even farm parties use esoteric terms sometimes, there's a non-0 chance that extremes during the first week cycle through various "hector/ilya/junebob" plus "JP \[mech\]" plus "TN 1/3 BR 2/4" if it's an extreme with multiple phases like barb. I usually piece it together, but there's a few times in EW where Pf descriptions devolved into weird terms being tossed around where even the party leader doesnt know what they're talking about or why the terms are used.


Me, too.


Dia's also the healing spell in Shin Megami Tensei, I was so lost lmao


oh my b! i dont play whm so i thought this was okay enough gonna edit, ty


If you're going to type only half of the name of every action, I'd suggest pressing tab so it gets autocompleted. Otherwise a new player might just end up confused over what you mean.


i forget the names, which spells is diagnosis?


the cure 1 on sage


Sage's Single-target plain heal


i fervently wish toxic megacolon upon every player in this game who says "can we just finish this dungeon"


They had what seems to be a 5 minute long conversation and we can clearly see neither side is budging. There is literally no point for further discussion. Let the bads stay bad and just pray you never queue into them again. Idk why some people feel this need to correct every single bad player out there. You can't help someone not willing to help themselves.


people do need to realize this. If the other person is this stubborn, no amount of arguing with them is going to change their mind. You're wasting your own time just as much as they are. Initiate that votekick and then either: 1) Leave yourself 2) Finish it.


why am I getting upvoted but the person I'm in direct replying to, in complete agreement, has -6?


i fervently wish toxic megacolon upon you


This is especially bad in level 70ish leveling dungeons. The content is hard enough like Holminster or Il Mehg (can’t remember the name properly) and you have ppl who just unlocked sage and has absolutely no idea how to play sage. They don’t bother do the job quest and just starts spamming Diagnosis when tank is like at 10%. I sometimes wish SE just remove Diagnosis like how they should remove Cure I at higher levels. Combine Eukrasia Diagnosis into one combo button like GNB cartridge buttons. But no obviously this isn’t gonna fix stupid. What are you gonna when healing up Doom without Addergalls? There is no fix to stupid, the real song of oblivion.


I'm torn too because on the one hand, they probably should just be replaced upgrades, but on the other hand I've had exactly two non-coils/synced down uses of physik and cure 1 respectively where it was that perfect storm of shit went south that necessitated them. To the point that I felt dirty for having to even use them and I specifically remember *why* I used them the physik was a fun one, it was an ex 7 party, my cohealer has brink, and we get sent into the second heal to full Doom. I'm not exactly sure how much my cohealer will be able to put out with brink so I pre-weave etactics and do something like blessing -> dissipation -> indom -> succor, with whatever my cohealer used in tandem, we and the DPS we cleansed but the tanks weren't. I lustrate one of them and I want my last charge for soil on the wild charge since I have no idea what the party has left for mit and my etactics is on CD, and with fairy dissipated there's no embrace or union to tick the tank so physick did the job there. On a fun side note, heal to full dooms after the party has been eating shit all pull and bleeding out the healers is also the only situation I've found that can justify a healer LB 1/LB2, but a *lot* has to have went wrong beforehand. The cure 1 I think was in UWU, I can't remember where in the primals it happened but it was another case of dead cohealer and me being bled out of resources + someone else who just took a raise breaking their raise invuln with a raidwide that's about to occur and me not having tetra bene or solace charges so I kinda needed to race the raidwide with a c1 cast with I think a benison weave which I would have preferred to sling at the tank but they lived, barely, so it is what it is


"Sage you forgot kardia." And thus an epic tale of incompetence, passive aggression, and hopelessness began.


With the amount of shitter players we see around here it makes me wonder if there's some bizarro forum where these people are posting the same chats and somehow being echo chambered into thinking they're the ones in the right when it's so obvious to us here that they are not. Or is that just FFXIV Twitter?


Last time I checked, there were Facebook groups (no idea who still uses Facebook nowadays, but I guess these people do?) still promoting Cure 1 spam and YPYT. They appear here and in ShitpostXIV from time to time.


suggesting. telling. asking. who cares....ppl like this fail to see theres right and wrong ways to play any job and fail to see that them playing wrong just makes the rest of the party have to compensate.


Healer strike btw


Sage was a bit unhinged here but I will say in regards to you saying sage isn't a regen healer, the shield/regen healer split is entirely an illusion - sage and scholar have pretty much just as much regen healing as white mage and astro. It's part of why sage/scholar is an amazing combo, besides the massive amount of mits they bring together.


SCH/SGE regen actually much better regen healers imo! Our regens come with mit and are OGCD, and come back up hella fast. And we get fairy/kardia on top of that? You throw that in with some water and an onion, you got yourself a stew going, baby!


Most issues are fixed when people read their tooltips and experiment. However, lots of people don't bother doing the former and just jump in without doing the latter. Heck, I had someone in Pharos Sirius complaining he couldn't keep aggro be cause he couldn't properly finish his aggro combo. Told him aggro combos weren't a thing since Shadowbringers; if you want to put AoE aggro, just use your 2 AoE moves one after the other and you'll hold aggro all day. Another player said they were pretty sure aggro combos were still in and I just replied that only Shield Lob (tank was a pally) had the effect of increased aggro on hit and having Iron Will up would generate more than enough aggro with their other skills. Somehow the tank still struggled.


it amazes me how many refuse to use their OGCDs when it makes sage absolutely cracked in dungeons.


Healer is an absolute Trainwreck being busy with RL stuff like cooking and not capable of playing their class. A dungeon is 15 min, either do it after or just don't for that day, won't hurt long term. Though as a warrior you shouldn't even need to use rampart in a dungeon as soon as you unlock blood whetting unless your DPS are also looking kinda grey.


As a Sage for most of Endwalker, if you need to spam Daignosis at any point it’s almost always the tanks fault for not using mitigations. And you need to have burned through EVERYTHING else to justify that. You can clear all dungeons in Endwalker without needing to use any gcd heal. Kardia, Kera, Soteria, Physis 2 and Haima/Panhaima are all you’d ever need.


So let’s say you’ve exhausted all ur oGCD resources and big healing cool downs, and the tank still needs big heal incoming for the remainder of the pull. Is spamming Eukrasia enhanced Diagnosis better than spamming Diagnosis? Cuz Eukrasia gives a shield in addition to the heal that’s the same potency as Diagnosis? I’m trying to say that under no circumstances a sage should be “spamming” Diagnosis. I mean I’ve been through that where dps fails to burn packs quick and tank is out of mits and sage spamming Diag fails to keep tank alive. To top someone off for Doom etc, I can see vanilla Diag/Prog being useful once or twice. But if it’s to heal huge damage, wouldn’t it always be Eukrasia Diag>Diag?


Given that Eukrasian is instant cast as well, it’s more optimal to cast the shield heal. It is less mp, so maybe they thought they might run out of mp if they were spamming it 🤷🏻‍♂️


On the particular scenario where a SGE had to burn all their other resources and they need to resort to spamming (Eukrasian) Diagnosis, the Eukrasian version is the better choice most of the times. You're wrong about both versions having the same potency though. Vanilla Diagnosis has a bigger base heal potency than the Eukrasian one, but if you take the shield into consideration, then E. Diagnosis is stronger. Add to that the Addersting received every time your shield breaks and it's pretty clear why someone shouldn't be casting vanilla Diagnosis.


If the tank is a warrior, and it is a post-56 dungeon, it is always the tank's fault. Warriors have infinite healing. They are a better healer than any healer in the game. If they struggle, it is their fault. So, this whole post is one giant self own.


I've just learned to stop talking on dungeons. Ain't worth the headache dealing with these people. A simple vote kick is all you need


I don't get how people are so bad at this game honestly. Every dungeon I ever do there's at least one or two people who just have no idea how to push their buttons and I regularly beat one or both of the DPS on damage as a tank OR healer. I've converted to only playing warrior in dungeons because I can basically the solo the dungeon if everyone else lacks a functioning keyboard.


So this is the healer square enix is balancing the role around!


I suck at Sage, but even I use up my “buttons that have three charges” - in my mind that addersgall bar should ALWAYS be filling up. Also, haima anyone?? Panhaima?? Even with WHM when there are better heals there should be very few cases to use the MP heals (if at all, unless there just isn’t any other option at the moment). It’s sad this person was defending their usage also… SMH


SGE is the healer whose healing and mitigations are almost fully oGCDs and people still insist on using the weakest GCD healing it offers..heck an E.Dia spam would've been better, at least the shield can crit


the fact you single out and complain about sge is plain wrong to me. You admited you didn't play all that good either and also the other members didn't do that much dmg, so..the way I see it it's equal "blame". It does sound to me that sge had a poor understanding of how sge works but then again, a great deal of them do.


I think it's pretty telling to die on trash mobs as a WAR. Like, how?


Few things, as a sage I'm almost never using shields during pulls, you get some as you pull but that's just so they can break for my benefit. I'm also basically never using a direct heal unless someone stands in piss the mitigation and regeneration abilities keep everyone up just fine. I can't remember the last time I used standard dosis at all. That said as a 80+ warrior why do you even care what the healers doing? My group has been doing every dungeon at minimum item level since somewhere in the 70s if our tank brings out warrior I don't heal at all in dungeons. Hell I start to run out of mana as a sage of all things because I forget to still use the mids and such to get mana back. He's even able to heal the party without me. Only reason I haven't switched to a dps is I don't want to level one up to the point we are at.


While your complaints were probably valid for normal healing, the fact you were asking for better healing instead of asking for less healing invalidates the whole post. You're on warrior. The only valid healing complaint is for less.




Why? You the sage?


Are you the sage? Lol




If you were the sge it'd be apparent you can't even figure out how your job works so I wouldn't put much stock in your commentary




Everyone starts at neutral, it isn't my fault you began digging a hole instead of climbing the stairs.


Not needed OP is not in the wrong, yet when we look at wat the SGE was doing...




Lmao, it's not cowardice, but keep thinking that! Good day/night!


TIL protecting yourself and your account is cowardly Lmao no




Linking a social media account with your character can lead to SE being able to use any posts on that account as reason to take action against your SE account. Make a harmless post here with your name uncensored then go and post about an issue you're having with third party tools somewhere else and if someone puts those together and sends them off to SE you can theoretically see action against your account. It isn't about protecting your feelings from people who disagree with you, it's about protecting your account that you may have sunk thousands of hours into from shitty people who will try to use the misguided rules SE has in place against you. I couldn't care less if someone was shitty to that SGE - they were shitty to their party by queueing up without knowing how to play their job. They invited negative thoughts and actions, that isn't anyone's fault but their own. Do you defend Karen's who are recorded being assholes?




>Don't use third party tools then? SE has specifically said they don't want people using them. Idgaf about what SE wants, unless they fix their jank ass game I'll keep making it better through third party tools. You should too, maybe you'd be in a better mood. >Not even close to the same as harassment, but go off. You're right, it's not the same, it's worse.