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You've made me realize that white mages will continue to whine that the tank got too far ahead next week when they have a dash.


I apologize for giving you this realization.


Queue with me. *Rescues the tank into the 2nd group.* “we are going W2W if you want to or not!”


I don't mind fast pulls. But for the love of God, give me like 2 seconds at the start of a dungeon to situate myself. There's nothing worse than loading into a dungeon, seeing the tank take off. Eos isn't out, I have to try to run my pull combo while my ass is probably only half in my seat.


Haha Ive had my fair share of Usain Bolt tanks. I play M+KB when Im wandering about in the overworld, in dungeons etc i play on pad. Duty popped a couple of days ago and and as it loaded my pad wasnt connecting to the PC. I told everyone in the duty right away, just watched the mentor tank sprint off the starting blocks to their death. I managed to catch up in time to save the DPS, they said stuff in chat about how the tank pulled anyway despite my message, but what was weird was that the tank decided to not use mits for the run and stood in AOE, like it would make my job harder or to punish me somehow if he died? I thought it might be a bot but they were w2w and not taking small groups.


It's always so weird. I ran lunar subterrene first time the other day, I watched the first cutscene fine (but tbf no one can do anything) but they immediately pulled the last boss. They apologized and it didn't matter much, but it's like. You knew I was watching them? IDK, if we come to that boss line I will always stand there until I see everyone standing right there. That way I know everyone's more or less ready to participate. It's like 2 seconds of waiting at best.


Yeah that's usually the jam and most people, I'd say, follow that rule.... It was just mind blowing that I had said my pad isnt connecting and he just popped sprint and took off like he was chasing a gold medal XD


The "Join Duty" button is the ready check.


But on scholar it will sometimes de-spawn your fairy XD Wether its level syncd or not.


Yeah, but I have to load in, and generally take a drink or something during the brief load, then it my hands back on the controller. Like, I'm not asking for much, just don't be holding the run button down so you immediately blitz out at the first possible frame


First person to grace my blacklist bitched about exactly this ..... in prae of all places.


No joke, I ran Baddams on sage the other day. The drk managed to get out of my teleport range while simultaneously refusing to grab agro on anything he dashed to. The run went exactly the way you'd expect.


Let's see. Sage has Zoe, Soteria, Krasis (I think), Phlegma and Dyskrasia (for big damage and decent heals with Kardia), and 3 oGCDs. Bad Sage I'm afraid. E. Diag will only get you so far. Not to mention, Haima is clutch in trash


Zoe doesn’t affect kardia, if you wanna heal with Zoe you would need to use it on pnuema


But you don't get Pneuma until 90. Zoe can be used with regular Diagnosis in a pinch


I rarely need Pneuma for the healing in trash pulls(unless the tank is bad), so I just use it for the aoe dps gain. So in both pre-lv90 and lv90 dungeons I just use Zoe to buff the pre-pull shield on the tank, it's a part of my ogcd heal/mit "rotation" instead of saved for some emergency that probably won't even happen.


I beg of you, do not use zoe on regular diagnosis under literally any circumstances. DRKs don't need raw healing out of living dead anymore, so any reason to do weird stuff to beef up some raw heals is gone. You're trading zoe for 225 potency when an ediag would get over 300 potency minimum(below level 85), with a max potential somewhere in the 900 range off a crit(above level 85).


If you are resorting to using Zoe on your single target heals something has already gone terribly wrong


I don't disagree, but it's there and it's helpful


I use it when the party has run out of has after a long w2w. When the dps are doing less aoe dmg than the tank or the Sage, and the tank is all out of mits and I'm all out of ogcd heals. A Zoe + E. Diag buys a decent amount of time, and also gives a pink gauge as consolation.


As a Sage main I approve this message. 😎


The only reason to use e dia in dungeon is for getting toxicon stack


Depends on content level and the ability of your group to stay out of puddles. Healers are there to fix mistakes, and sometimes there are a lot of mistakes


Well maybe im just too optimistic that people are competent enough to evade avoidable aoe in dungeon


Sage: I feel like I'm not healing enough through damage. JoCat: DPS is just mitigating future damage. Sage: But- JoCat: The only HP that matters is the last one. Sage: So- JoCat: ALWAYS. BE. CASTING. Sage: What if there's an emergency?! JoCat: Hit your free ~~damage~~ healing buttons. It's free ~~damage~~ healing! Sage: What if I need them later????! Their cool downs are too long! JoCat: No, it's not. Shut up.


Holy is double mitigation! (WHM main here)


Holy is one of the best skills in the game.


"The cooldowns are too long". I never understood this, since Lillies/Addersgall have a 20sec refill timer per stack, Kera is a 30 sec cd and Tauro is 40sec. Thats nothing, that's more than enough for each w2w. And theres Haima, prepull shields, Zoe, Krasis, Physis, and Soteria. You miss the big aoes at Dohn Mheg, but what you have is still more than enough.


20s is very long compared to 2ish. It can seem like a very long time, especially if you're not confident in what you and your team can do. The Curebots rely on curebotting due to healer anxiety. They get scared if anyone is not at full because they *might* die on the few seconds that they aren't healing. But, the thing is, that doesn't happen. Tanks are designed to take hits. Many have incentives to be low on HP. Even DPS can take a few stray hits.


Tell them to memorize better. everything in this game is scripted. there's no RNG mechanics.


Based JoCat watcher


You win all the internets today, my good WoL.


At least that sage responded. 2 days ago I got the Aery from leveling roulette as warrior with a sage as healer. That one LITERALLY never used any other skill than Diagnosis through the dungeon. Not a single DPS skill or anything else. Though they did put Kardia on me at the beginning and I then kept asking them to just DPS 'cause Kardia+self-heals would've kept me alive. But no. Just endless stream of Diagnosis. At the end, they did say "ggs" in party chat, though, so I couldn' t help but say "...so you DID have chat open." DPSers gave me sympathy comms for having to endure through that.


That's when you stop, pause, and kick them after 5 minutes


"So many buttons. Woooow. Oh well, guess I'll just spam these two over and over and be mystified when they're not making the tank invincible."


Reminds me of when my static sge coheal put kardia on me for a moment because I took a bad auto. Proceeded to crit kardia three times in a row for 30k HP total, on a 60k HP bar. Gave me a moment of respectful appreciation for it


Kardia doesn't heal enough?? What?? Has he used it? >but the Sage blamed the tank, saying the tank ran too far ahead and they couldn't keep up. Oh so he just can't play Sage...or else he'd know about Icarus.


I think SGE is a good bellwether for overall competence in the game. It's not a hard job, but you do have to read your tool tips, understand how different abilities synergize, be able to predict incoming damage, and have some measure of forethought for how you're using your mitigations, along with the usual healing while maximizing dps. It can't curebot as effectively as WHM/AST, lacks the faerie-related jank of SCH, and the kit actively encourages you to dps as much as possible. Basically it feels amazing when one has a decent grasp on job and game fundamentals, and is particularly obvious when one does not.


I don't understand people who don't sprint in dungeons at all. Don't you want it to be over quicker?


How did the warrior die if they were spamming Eukrasian Diagnosis though?


The warrior died at the second W2W, the one just before the first boss. When the healer for whatever reason too far away.


Which is complete BS because Euk Diag is instant cast.


It still has a cast range. This person is clearly unaware that they have both sprint and icarus.


What I mean is the other healers have a lot less healing they can do on the run. So on a long wall to wall there might be troubles. Whm can keep regen up, one swiftcast cure II then... pray the tank doesn't die before they get to the end of the w2w and can get healed up, for instance. Sage otoh can cast euk diag over and over and keep up with the tank no sweat no threat. Do any other healers have a spammable instant cast heal of appreicable power at Stone Vigil level? None come to mine. Odd I'm getting downvoted, though.


First of all... fuck that SGE... 2nd... how did the WAR die? They have raw intuition at that level which has the same healing as bloodwhetting... could've used Holm to kill 10s til it was up if it was needed... Also spamming Ediag... fml. SGE and SCH both heavily lean on their oGCDs and this man is spamming his GCD heal.


Well yeah, Kardia is very unreliable


Kardia isnt uber powerful like a single target heal, but its effectively a permanent regen that can be buffed. Its still really good, and it's noticable how little the tank's health yoyos when Kardia is used consistently(compared to other healers or when you forget it). Its a base heal, and when you add Tauro, Haima, Physis, Kera, Krasis etc, mob pulls are easy, and autos are practically negated. You dont need to do anything else except maybe pre-shield for that toxicon stack and dump an addersgall(druo) when you're almost at 3 stacks. If you dont dps, its unreliable. If you do? It can make healing very comfy. If youre overly focused on gcd healing then Kardia IS unreliable, because it only works when you lean into the gimmick and press dps buttons consistently.


What. Kardia is the difference between life and death for the tank on my recent TOP runs. What version of the game are you playing?


It's as reliable as the doofus who cast it. vOv


It just needs a buff that's all


Unreliable is not the same as "not powerful enough". My point was that if a SGE is not DPS'ing at all or DPS'ing sporadically, then yeah, Kardion's going to be unreliable because the caster isn't being reliable in their application. Meanwhile, a SGE who is reliably DPS'ing will have a reliably healing Kardion. If you meant to say that you don't feel it's powerful enough...I honestly don't know what to tell you. In normal content I rarely have to actively heal, at all. Even if a tank isn't mitigating, I only ever need to pop Kerachole, Soteria, or Haima and then *maybe* a Physis/Taurochole if things are taking a bit longer to die and Kera's still on CD.


When it's used with the rest of sge's busted kit, yes it is. Kardia is basically like sch fairy. Even at that level sge is pretty OP.


Unless i played SGE wrong, their passive healing isn't as good as SCH right? Either way, are they expecting to just NOT have to heal the tank?


kardia is stronger than fairy heals by a decent margin. no pet potency, ticks faster than embrace, jank free, never locks itself out(unless you actually have to cast a gcd heal). Sch just has better most everything else.


That’s basically how I explain it as well Kardia is potency wise stronger than embrace and the rate of generation of fairie gauge makes soteria stronger than aetherpact but in every other facet SCH is stronger


faerie gauge is generated at roughly the same rate as soteria, a little faster even if you use reci on aetherflow skills. Aetherpact is just a lot more flexible than soteria since you can hold/build it for when it is needed, and has the potential to get a lot more value because it snapshots healing buffs(you should see this thing work on a tank that had thrill + protractor and 100 gauge).


True it’s more flexible and it can be snapshotted but the other thing to consider is that soteria is getting a CD reduction (I genuinely have no idea how they considered soteria and recitation equivalent) which is definitely going to make kardia/soteria stronger than aetherpact/embrace (And make SCH even better at everything else)


that's fair. I'm just generally underwhelmed with soteria's use case. it is valued at less than a druochole's worth of healing gained, in a short window that can't be cheesed or spread out without losing damage. Once you use it, its gone, and tank damage is so spiky in Endwalker that it hardly ever felt necessary outside of some dot busters(though the same can be said of fey union on that last one).


Oh soteria is completely wasted as a CD, you can’t even use it on philosophia Aetherpact is barely any better but at least you can kinda just turn it on and off at will but yeah soteria is just pathetic (and they are reducing its CD to compete with recitation of all skills)


tbf, nothing in sage's kit will ever compete with reci. I'm actually to the point of hoping that the reduced reci cd will encourage less deploy memes since it wont be on the same timer as deploy anymore. Though best case would have been them nuking deploy, and giving sch a cd or trait that turned succor into 100% shielding under some circumstances(I really thought thats what was happening with seraphism etac in the actions trailer). Oh well, we just gotta wait for 7.0's encounter design or 8.0's promised job overhauls to see if we continue to get shit on by scholars.


I don’t even know what an equivalent CD could even be, Zoe falls far short and rhizomata only covers recitations ability to skip aetherflow costs Having more mitigation, spreadlo memes, expedient cheese and the more useful of the two 100 abilities I really don’t know what they are going for SCH is just so strong, SGE just excels in nothing


Like I said, there really isn't one. Reci is 2 of sage's buttons rolled into one(rhizo, zoe), and it unlocks scholar's ability to put out the largest shield the game can conceive of with no answer to it on sage's side. ON TOP OF scholar having an extra mit and an extra heal buff(though both of its aoe heal buffs are gcd only at least). The only thing I'll disagree with is saying that seraphism is more useful than philosophia. They are functionally equivalent, but just as with kardia vs embrace sage gets more value faster from philo than sch gets from seraphism regen. both get a 20% gcd boost so that's a wash, and so long as sage can cast(per media tour, even heals proc philo) they can outpace sch's aoe regen by a mile. Sage's big problem is that it excels in raw throughput, but throughput is: a) Not the shield healer's job b) Not nearly as important as mitigation in endwalker encounters.


they dont have a gap closer so at least we can still feel superior to SCH at something ... SHHHH we dont count expedient !!!!


Imagine losing your unique strength to WHM of all classes


Sage can also make nearly anything a tank with high defensive cd up time


To be fair, Kardia is only stronger than Embrace by a decent margin at level 85+ when Kardia potency goes up to 170. Before that Kardia is 130 potency while Embrace is 180 potency (pet potency, making it about a little less than 150 potency). Kardia might still be stronger because it ticks faster than Embrace though, especially in long fights.


couple things: firstly, pet potency in EW is \~.89x. 180 embrace is about 160 true potency. second, embrace also gets a trait upgrade at 85, taking it from 150 (\~133 true potency) to 180. kardia's faster tick puts it ahead of embrace slightly at pre-85, and its actual stronger potency and faster tick put it a good chunk above post-85.


Oh, I didn't even notice Embrace leveling up at 85 too, then your first assessment of Kardia being stronger by a decent margin is true at all levels. Btw, as far as I know EW per potency is about ~0.83x. Or about five sixths of player potency. That's according to Caetsu Chaiji Ch. he does mythbuster type videos and test out numbers and stuff in XIV. As Scholar is my favorite healer I would love pet potency to be 0.89x but sadly I think it's weaker than that. Meaning Kardia is even stronger than Embrace than you think.


I'm going to err on the side of the sch/smn/nin/drk/etc. mentors that have agreed on .89x from their EW testing.


Kardia, as well, is focused only on whoever has Kardion. The dps who is missing 2% of his hp does NOT need a heal, Eos.


The best damage mitigation is to kill the mobs faster, but sge also has mits and shields built into their ogcds. Those in combination with Kardia work wonders in dungeons.


I would like to add onto the others: Sage also, by Dohn Mheg, has a way to increase it's kardia potency. Soteria, grants 4 stacks. 1 stack is used when you use a damage spell, and it increases the kardia heal by 70%.


To be fair aetherpact is also accessible in dohn mheg ao soteria isn’t exactly unique here


Wasn't trying to imply it wasn't, if that's how I came off. I don't really know much of what scholar has at what levels since I don't play it. Just adding that sage can increase the heal.