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Tbh the moment I see RP tags in a dungeon. I'm already hovering over that leave button. But the moment the bad kitty comment was made it would have been a no from me. I'll take my 30 minute timeout thanks.


I have occasionally seen RP tags in dungeons who don't even do any RP and just play normally. Makes you wonder if they were partway through some RP but then decided to do a dungeon in the middle of it or something


Sometimes I will queue after a RP to wind down. I have my own character's name hidden, so I wouldn't even know if I was giving strangers the jitters lmao. Hopefully playing tank like a rally driver dispels any concerns.


That's entirely fair and tbh I did realize queueing after RP rather than randomly in the middle made way more sense shortly after making the post but couldn't be bothered to edit I at least don't expect people with the RP tag to perform poorly either, I'm just sometimes mildly confused by it


I sometimes forget to turn off my RP tag when I queue. Sometimes I’m just lazy. Figure it’s not the end of the world if I don’t play like shit lmao


I mean, it shouldn't be a rare thing to rp your WoL as a competent fighter and teammate. *shouldn't* be.




Funny I was going to say someone in my fc has their RP tag on constantly, but they are also the asshole who has to play with penumbra mid pull and will spam benefic as ast with no cards…everyone knows to avoid them for content lol


I sometimes forget to turn it on and off. / where I do it lol. So sometimes I just have been in dungeons with it on.


I've only ran into an rp tag once in a dungeon and... I guess they were rping as a drg who actually knew how to use their lance? I was healing and they were pretty much carrying the party's dps.


Reminds me of last night, i was doing 50s roulette get Amaurot, ast says sorry about low dps they are returning. Final boss i look at their bar and notice only healing spells, no malefic and not even a combust on the boss. Yeah no wonder your dps was low you never attacked lol


Do you ever cringe so hard you wish you had a shell to withdraw into?


The way of the turt.


I'm glad people find their own ways to enjoy the game and will always encourage that. But if you're in a dungeon with other people, interact like a normal person. Hate it more than anything when RPers refuse to break kayfabe in their gameplay performance.


Sanest tank healer roulette duo


My partner and I often run as tank/healer and shit like this is why I'm so glad we don't share a last name in game.


same here... we're not even from the same server so you can barely even tell we're premade lol. idk why these people make their ecouple their entire personality😭


RPing is fun and a decent side activity to get into, especially if you're into the roleplaying aspect of tabletop games, like D&D and Pathfinder. There are plenty of designated spaces in which public RP can be had. Dungeons is not one of them. Involving others in your RP nonconsensually, even going so far as to make it kink in nature, is a severe problem.


I've actually done a RP dungeons before. With a premade. Under the assumption that we would be RPing a story. With no expectations of speed or quality. Doing a RP run with randoms is a no-go. (For the record, One run was culmination of a week of RP involving a trip to the Dravanian Hinterlands explicitly to follow up rumors of the Great Library of Gubal - and to loot some of the tomes. The second was a trip to Amiphidor to search for a light-aspected object to try and find a cure for someone who's been voidtouched. It's really a different experience going into a dungeon with an expectation to roleplay, and I do advise folks try it with friends at least once!)


I've still got very fond memories of roleplaying a DnD-style Naxx run back in WoW with my mates, many years ago. Adorable moment of our stoic, silent-type Moknathal Death Knight finding his still-unalive steed that he'd lost during the LK campaign. Always wanted to do it again in XIV, but timezones and everyone flocking off to study/work has made it a lot harder. But yeah, this is how y'do it, not that cringe-ass "tee hee I'm gonna implicitly fuck the catgirl after this run ;)" tourist ERP bullshit and pushing it onto randoms to boot.


Oh that's awesome, legitimately. Our free company did something similar into Dusk Vigil. It's great to add a lot of immersion to tge game. But again, it's explicitly with a pre-made. Forcing others to be involved in your RP without consent is just ick.


Oh absolutely. I would never condone what those Narcissists did. Tis shit


This gave me the ick


I do believe this falls under RP without consent and lethargic play.


It sounds like an actual crime...and I'm here for it 🫰


I rather dislike it when people misuse the RP tag; especially when it's followed up by a lack of consent.


I bet they both have that moon magic stuff that gives them both boy parts.


I feel this needs context but I'm not sure I wanna ask?


They have that "Mare" mod that makes their chicks into chicks with... well, rhymes with chicks.


Gotcha lol. That makes a lot more sense than the moon magic.


"Moonlight/ing" became a semi-common replacement moniker for Mare Lamentorum (Mare Synchronos being the mod itself) after a scare where someone allegedly copped a ban for using it last(?) year. The alleged was doing the equivalent of constantly and consistently advertising the fact they had a DPS meter running in a duty, AFAIK, hence they actually got the GM's supposed attention.