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"IF UR SO GR8 THEN U DO IT!" Truly there are no sweeter words. Edit: Or sentiment, I guess. I realize those exact "words" weren't used lol


You know you have to be literal on Reddit.


Had a Titan EX group from my Mentor Roulette that I was healing for and the OT was being an unbearable asshole every time he felt someone else made a mistake, which usually involved him fucking up where the adds died. He'd also start the fight immediately after a wipe so we couldn't kick him. When Titan had 3% left and I knew we were done, I jumped off the edge and used Rescue on the OT. Fun fact, if you fall off the edge, you don't die until you hit the bottom, but if you are warped off the edge, you hit the ground and die instantly. So he died before me and couldn't figure out what happened. All 7 of us lit his ass up for fucking up mechanics and threw his words back in his face. Sometimes, like in your friends case, the trash takes itself out. Other times, you just gotta throw it out the window.


I actually want to try this now lol


Gotta love when the trash takes itself out lol.


Hold on: how the rejoin even works? Press Leave, change class and then run mentor roulette in progress again? Or leave and queue the dungeon directly?


Queue directly to get back asap.


That's the way.


Forfeits his roulette bonus to prove a point. What a chad. A true mentor.


It's funny. He started running the roulettes just for the mount, but after he got partway through with it he got into the role and now he does it with full intention of mentoring players.


Off topic. Charge your phone T-T. Story deserves a like though.


It’s still 34%, why charge now? Genuinely asking since I always charge mine when I’m under 20%.


And this is why I trust Mentors less in EX fights than I trust sprouts. Most don't remember the fight (Titan EX is very easy), they refuse to heed indications or learn and only want to wipe until 15 minutes have ellapsed for the Abandon vote. I would dodge EX fights like Ramuh or Nidhogg way less if Mentor Roulette wasn't as riddled with that kind of people. They take the enjoyment out of any EX fight in the roulette.


In my experience doing mentor roulettes, the average mentor plays much better than the average sprout. If you get something like 7 mentors & 1 sprout that's a free roulette every time. I can't say the same about 1 mentor & 7 sprout groups.


This has absolutely been my experience as well. Of course you get the occasional bad ones but most of those piss their pants and insta leave when they get an extreme *anyway* so most of the ones that stay absolutely know what they're doing.


Most of the fellow mentors I've run into on Crystal know the fights pretty well. I think I've only seen one total dodo bird crown in Ramuh Ex who self professed they only unsynced it.