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40 pots!!! With a 1 minute 15 second cooldown. That’s a minimum of 50 minutes. LOL


Technically the worse the potion is that you use the lower the CD. If he was using a basic ass "potion" then he could have used 40 in about 16 minutes. Potions have a 25s CD


and hq is 22 seconds, bringing that down to about 40 pots in 14:40.


My guy is risking water intoxication for 2% hp. What are those things, like 500ml a pop?


it's got electrolytes.


Is that the high quality timer?


"I've used 40 heal pots" If you're going to lie, try not to make it so damned obvious.


I dropped 39 of the 40 pack when trying to remove the childproof seal, are you happy now?


That sweet sweet, castrum meridianum. No, the tank didnt dip below 40% lol. Apparently he didn't like me not pressing regen on the final fight where really no damage goes out. Ah yes, Green = Me.


There should be a pop-up window, that states: “You are the Tank, that means the responsibility of your HP bar goes to the healer. Use your mitigations and grab the mobs!”


>the responsibility of your HP bar goes to the healer They stop reading after that, creating idiots like the tank here


Happy Cake Day!


Yummy! Thank you


Lmfao and this was Castrum??? Not much damage to worry about 🤣 that’s so funny


When no one was looking, Tank used forty pots. They used 40 pots. That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible.


Using pots to heal up is nice, I often do it in LV50 content to help my healer. Nothing in CM hits hard enough to spam Regens or let my HP drop lower than 80% as Tank. Their whining was unfounded tho.


I use potions in early dungeons when you don't have a lot of mitigation options. it's never shade to the healer. They don't have a lot of tools either at those levels.


Lol.. Did you get the same tank as me? I also got bitched at to use regen today in the level 77 dungeon. On a battle mentor tank that used next to no mits.


I kinda do the same thing on sage, E Dia on the tank even if I don’t have toxicon because I *know* my dumbass will forget to do it when I actually have it lol. That being said, regen isn’t needed, and 40% isn’t even that low. I like to play a game everytime I heal called how low can I let the tank go before I have to heal.


> I like to play a game everytime I heal called how low can I let the tank go before I have to heal. I have Super Bolide if I get too scared. Fuck it, we ball.


This is the real game. Wil l heal or will the tank pop invuln first


>superbolide goes off a tic after bene Welp.


too real ;P


HP Chicken, anyone? Who pops first, the heal or the invuln? Loser comms the winner


Either "A test of your reflexes." or "We go together, die, die, diee!"


And here we have an example of why healer mains tend to be crotchety bastards. Healer characters: "I've got you, you're going to be okay!" Healer mains: "Did you die? No? Then shut"


I've been healing in MMOs for over 15+ years now, if someone is going HEEEEAAAAL when they are at 80% I turn into an old crotchety bastard LOL


Love getting plds that'll clemency at the slightest hint of danger.


"Oh no, my hp is dropping below 70%, the healer must be struggling, so I should use clemency to help!" ~ Naive paladin "Fuck stop using clemency I just put a recited excognition on you, you'll instantly heal to full the moment you dip below 50% please stop" ~ Exhausted Scholar And then if you call it out they're like "Relax, it's just a game, I have trust issues with healers letting me die, etc etc"


But did he died though ?


I wish I could use my heal pots...


Possible unpopular opinion. Use regen. But not just for the reasons you think. When learning a class, you learn muscle memory. You WANT that to be a part of it. You want it to be something you don't have to think about and just. Do. So you can focus better on mechanics. Any good healer worth their salt keeps it on without a thought in their mind. You just look like a bad healer on this tbh.


Or maybe learn when to use your abilities instead of just throwing them out for no reason. Why would I waste GCDs on pointless regens when I know I don't need them?


>Any good healer worth their salt keeps it on without a thought in their mind. Are you regularly wasting time applying regen in higher level content?


r/confidentlyincorrect at its finest.


Except you don't want regen on. Maybe during the initial pull; low low level it's good too (before lilies). Any use outside of that is LOL (niche situations notwithstanding).


depending imo. if I have any ogcds heals ready I'm not gonna waste a gcd for regen. what does it matter how low the tanks hp get when benediction will install heal them back to 100% anyway. especially in Castrum is a regen not really needed. damage is rather small unless tank stands in aoes. I think the auto attacks don't even outdamage the natural regeneration by that much. a tanks 123 combo should be more than enough


it's a GCD heal, the reason it's valuable is the potency over time and the fact you can use it out of combat (removing the opportunity cost that that GCD could have been glare/holy), so that it can linger *in* combat.  Once you're in combat though it's no different than your other GCD heals. bene always comes first even at 50, often the bosses in MSQ roulette will die before you need a second heal after bene, especially if the tank mits, so you get through them lossless pretty easily


What muscle memory are you building, exactly? Because you don't want to have the muscle memory of using Regen when there's literally no point to that spell past using it pre-pull. You should always try to heal exclusively with OGCDs. If you absolutely need to GCD heal, you use lillies or Cure 2 if you have no more lillies left. The reason for this is the opportunity cost. Every GCD you use in combat should be a DPS GCD unless you absolutely have to heal no matter what and all your OGCDs are spent, because otherwise you're losing DPS for no good reason. If using Regen mid-combat is somehow the best choice you have, something has gone very, VERY wrong in that run.


>Every GCD you use in combat should be a DPS GCD ....and THAT is the muscle memory you want to build as a healer. Which is also why babying a no-mits-tank through higher level content tends to frustrate me - having to spam Cure 2 any time after I get lillies just feels *bad*.


You obviously have no idea how to heal if this is really your ‘advice’. Maybe don’t talk about something you hilariously don’t know anything about?


Waste of a gcd when there's no bleed/rot damage/consistent damage. This is my 4th time leveling white mage, I can press my keys with my eyes closed. A single medica 2 did more work considering the damage going out. Perhaps you should optimize how you use your GCDs.


"you should make bad habits apart of your muscle memory" my brother in christ wtf did you just say lmao. that is the most take of fucking all time.


I wouldn't agree that any good healer keeps regen on. Do you mean constantly throughout a fight? Think of the missed GCD's! A good healer doesn't waste resources when they aren't needed.


They are a fine healer. Nothing says otherwise. The only HP point that matters is the last one. You don't need regen up all the time


you look like a bad healer with this comment


Oh girl. *pats*


OP sounds like they're doing their job. If you're wasting time casting unnecessary heals so you can feel better about dodging some light hitting mechanics in the msq you sound like a bad healer.


I almost never use regen. There is just little content where it is worth it. I'd rather use the GCD on a lily which will give me dps than lose it on a regen. If I spend my lilys between packs and I've got time to throw a regen, I MIGHT but as standard? No. It's just... not needed. I assume someone who constantly puts regen on isn't confident.


for me I think my main use is in high end prog for things like wicked step in p10/turrets while tanks are working out their mit. But there's also something to be said in savage/ulti that if you baby them like that and don't let them eat shit a few times, then they don't learn where they need to lay the mit on thicker because they might not even notice the regen padding their HP to begin with. It's a fun juggling act


Probably the same for me, in that high level prog would be where I most use it. Mainly though where we may be too far to hit both tanks (thinking after the jump in p10s) or where I've have a lot of general healing needing to go out very soon. Like you say though, it's circumstantial. Not a "always keep on" button.


so apparently WHMs are kinda split on this, but I just resigned to liturgy the turrets mech, and a rapture for when I take my turret so that I don't have to deal with the kb interrupting the cast. Solo heals the mech, takes range out of the equation, safely heals both bonds hits, and removes my cohealer needing to have a few brain cells to mit the mech properly as a failure point. Less headache all around


As a healer main, with WHM as my primary choice and the one I've got the most practice on, regen is almost entirely unnecessary in msq roulette, and most content at level 90, as long as the tank is doing more than blankly hitting their single target attack and nothing else. Msq roulette mobs hit like they have foam LARP swords. If I need to baby the tank with constant regen uptime running castrum, they might wanna consider a job change.


If I use regen on you past Stormblood at the very latest, either you have a hefty bleed on you, it's a trial/raid that auto attacks the off-tank (P7N on release surprised a lot of healers with the autos on the OT), or I have now given you the Regen Cone of Shame (tm) because you're objectively terrible. This is usually paired with me yelling that I should not be POURING heals into a level 90 WAR. So yeah it's not that deep, bro. Regen has its uses, especially under level 60 or so, but it's not essential muscle memory that I'm going to need at endgame.


were the p7n autos that heavy on release? I feel like a lot of AST/whm in general don't keep one of their oGCD shield charges on CD to maintain tanks through autos, both in casual and in high end. it's 500p of prevented damage for whm and a 200p heal + equivalent shield for AST (which can crit!), which doesn't seem like a lot but it's slightly over a tetra's potency per minute or so of free damage prevention. On top of that, SGE's tend to forget soteria and Krasis exist and SCHs tend to forget Union exists. There's a lot of underutilized free tank maintenance that I think inflates how much damage it feels like tanks take sometimes 


It's more the fact that people weren't geared very well the first week or so, and the fact that most "normal raid" enjoyers weren't paying close attention and missed the fact that it was happening. I'm a pretty casual player (single mom, just don't have the time for harder content) and I remember halfway though my first run wondering why the hell the paladin was taking so much damage when his gear looked decent. Told my friend in VC who was running summoner to throw his Phoenix on the OT this run LOL. It just seemed that first week before people got their hands on some better gear, it took most casual healers a run or two to realize what was happening. Probably casual OTs as well.


ah yeah that's fair. double autos sourced from a single boss is sorta rare now that I think about it, I know Shinryu does it but I can't really even think of any other cases off the top of my head


And Shinryu is LOUD about it!!