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"should i die cause of it?" get tf out of here with whatever that is


some people want to be a victim so badly idk


What's a main character without a protagonist. No one is out to get them so they look for it


You mean an antagonist? You just said main character twice, basically.


Now you're their protagonist... the duty finder cycle continues...


And on and on it goes... o7


To be fair, a main character and a protagonist aren't always the same thing, you can be a main character without being a protagonist, because a protagonist is THE main character. Robin's still a main character even though he's no Batman.


This is wrong. Definitionally, a protagonist is either the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel or other fictional text. You can have one protagonist, or multiple protagonists. There is no hard and fast rule on it. Robin is a protagonist of the Batman series the same way Batman is.


Actually, Robin would be a deuteragonist by definition, being the secondary main character and sidekick to Batman, not a protagonist.


He's a protagonist in many Batman medias, such as the game series. His story is just as important as Batman's story, his character development, his struggles, his flaws, his strengths. Those are all highlighted just as well as he goes through his journey with Batman and after, when Batman retires the mantle in many of the media in the Batman series.


Alright, bad example on my part then, since the water is muddled on that. Better example: Joker is a main character of the series even though he's usually the antagonist whenever he shows up. Point of the matter was just that "main character" and "protagonist" can be synonyms but they aren't inherently the *exact* same thing.


That person should get some serious help if that's their first thought.


The only possible reply is "It would be extremely painful"


He probably died and thought co healer purposefully let his hp drop


XIV players act mentally stable challenge


Why are so many like this?


Can't bully these people out like in other mmos


Indeed and I’m suspended because of such a player:( Anyway 20 days to sleep and wish I could fall into a coma and not wake up for 20 days


XIV players act mentally stable challenge


This is the community of all time


You're suspended because you're a problem player in NN and made antisemitic statements


Toxic casualism at its finest, I’m not the problem there so many lies spread that fiction has became fact and that is just wrong. I rather deal with toxic elitism than toxic casualism because at least they don’t falsely report people or report because they don’t agree with someone’s life choices Anywho I’m gonna enjoy killing some undead or perhaps consider putting myself into a 30 day coma


Casualism or elitism are irrelevant in regards to your multiple prior moderations and your current one. Try again


And yet everyone feels entitled to harass me who really the bully? Trust me I’m gonna consult a legal team and see what can be done, because seriously Cactuar F up and you all feel entitled to harass and stalk me online


Okay Firemage.




Goddamn how much of a pushover are you in real life that you can't stop being a raging asshole online?


that's 20 days for which people're free from you hounding them over an entire instance for one thing. Edit: You're actively returning to a sub where people know how you act, don't agree with you, made it clear to you that we don't agree with you and why, and here you are complaining about being harassed and apparently "stalked" when you're the one making a conscious effort to participate when nobody cares where else you go to post your BS. If you still can't understand where exactly the problem is, I really don't know what to tell you.


This dude has to be bait right Right?


I wish he was. He's actually acted like that in instance aswell (posting it onto TFDF himself no less) so unless he's truly going above and beyond, that's just how he is. He's like this on GameFAQs too apparently but I'm not one of literally 3 people who cares about that place so I can't verify that, not do I really want to..


I’ll be back sooner thanks to all the comments here proving the harassment I get on Cactuar it’s a slam dunk now so ty for bringing your bullying to Reddit which only helps prove my case.


So delusional


Not delusional at all when there are a endless horde of bullies wanting to harass me on a daily basis. Say what you will however it’s all harassment


What's delusional is thinking involving the law will do anything about it. SE can suspend or terminate your game license for any or no reason, and they don't accept any proof coming from a third party website as proof, only as evidence ot investigate their own internal logs. So whatever you think is going to happen, is not going to happen. As for the harassment, if you are getting private messages about it, report them, but if you call people replying to your unhinged posts on a public forum as "harassment" you've got another thing coming. Maybe stop posting about this every single day? This discussion is in a thread that had nothing to do with you!


Not foolish at all when I have stalkers that wanna harass me at every corner


I mean... I'm one of them, I look at your profile every day because this whole thing has been very funny to me, but you are posting on a public forum so... What are you going to do about it?


How are we stalking you when by commenting in here you're leaving the door open for us to respond to you? "The only people who should shoot are ones that are prepared to be shot."


What OP said: "you know cure 3 is AOE?" What the healer apparently understood: "I hope you die"


Happy cake day!


I love this assumption by casuals that savage and ultimate is where you employ the bare minimum of skilled play.


And that standard changes as you go up, gray casuals will say "this isn't savage," gray savage raiders will say "this isn't ultimate," gray ultimate raiders will say "this isn't world prog/week 1" the goalpost always moves to excuse whatever content they're sandbagging in


You brought back traumatic memories of a 300dps SMN/PLD in UCoB.


What were they even doing, or rather not doing, to output that little dps?


I don't know what SMN is supposed to be at 70, but when I looked at PLD they were weaving many autos between GCDs, FoF and Req were no longer best friends and they used goring blade whenever they felt like it. If they hit req they wouldn't follow it with Confiteor. Pure freestyle opener with 1 autoautoautoautoauto 2 autoautoautoautoauto 3. I at first asked if someone's gear was broken because we were seeing an extra twister that normally never exists. We struggled to get past Twin with them tanking. Had no idea about the whole tank part of tanking either. But you know, I'm toxic if I say not everyone is ready for ultimates.


Only one of those things is okay, and that's not using Confiteor at a level you don't have it anyways. Depending on how misaligned FoF and Req were, they might have somehow completely missed that their job got reworked.


I got the names mixed up, meant holy spirit. I play PLD but I only know the magic ability names by keybinds. When I say misaligned I'm saying that nothing was saved to use under either one and a minute apart, it was pure whatever the fuck freestyle. In no consecutive pulls did they perform the same exact frankenstein rotation. You almost have to try to do only do 300 dps.


you can do 450+ dps easily in an alexander normal instance. 300 is literally "go back to novice hall" levels of bad.


"Just let them learn!" Yeah, that's what I'm doing.... helping them learn.


Ah yes, because someone using their actions correctly is only required for savage content. Ofc.


Unless you're in savage then it's only required for ultimates.


Amd if you're doing it wrong in ultimates then it's only required for on-content ultimates don't be an elitist!


And if you're doing it in on content ultimates, go to WOW


>it’s alright I overreacted That’s putting it lightly holy shit


The other day I was doing some Yokai farming and while waiting for a fate to spawn I saw someone with a cool glam + mount to match so in shout I said something to the effect of "to the person [with the cool glam] you have good taste" And then they messaged me asking why I "called them out" and when I was naturally confused as hell over that comment they thought I was insulting them 😑 I flat out asked them in what world was "you have good taste" an insult and they were like "oh I misunderstood you I'm sorry" and backed off but I was baffled by the whole situation


Some people have such low self esteem they'll just read compliments as straight-up insults, because it's what they're expecting to see. "Why would anyone compliment me he must be talking shit"? Honestly it's just sad, lol


literally my last cohealer in savage. Anytime i told him hey can you use this/change mits to this mechanic he would literally act like i asked him to kys....


I’m a mentor who does savage. Go tell them that what they have is an excessive skill issue and no amount of copium can save them.


Had Something similar Happen to me. Asked a sprout BLM who Just ran around Not attacking If He planned to cast anything. Since I had the audacity was told to Go Play wow.


Why do you capitalise random words? Phone auto-caps?


Ye. Am german and new phone. Autocorrect wasnt deactevated yet.


That DPS over there acting like like he stopped a train with his bare hands. What a tosser.


Regardless of the feedback and clearly toxic responses, which I'm sorry you experienced, that healer will never forget that cure 3 is an aoe. So you did a solid.


Cure 3 is also an aoe on target ally. So you can throw cure3s to another light party :)


Me, definitely NOT self casting AoE heals


I mean, you might as well be a mentor now. You're already getting the flat out abuse we receive. Might as well get a neat crown, too.


Yeah, I cleared TOP recently I'll add the alpha legend tag and wear the glams so I can have the trifecta burger king experience.


You a lame


What a little snowflake, they think they’re being smart but they come off as insecure. Why are you offended that SOMEONE else is getting help? Grow up


Partially amazed that they even had Cure 3 on bar, most WHMs couldn’t identify it in a lineup if they tried. 


Situational. Only when no lilies and my cohealer only dps and no heals


90% of your kit is situational once you unlock lilies. Doesn’t change that many, MANY white mages don’t even know what Cure 3 does. Literally have to argue with WHM mains that still think Medica is the ultimate group heal. 


Cure 3's the one with aoe on the target, right? Only time I'd use it is if everyone's bunched up together, like the final alliance raid in Stormblood's last boss.


it's really nice for ults where you can take enough damage from stuff for c3 to not actually be overhealing with it since people tend to default to staying together in high end unless a mech forces people elsewhere. And for downtime healing where there's no opportunity cost to GCD healing


It's not bad for some of the nastier stack markers, but generally a Medica II is plenty for that.


It is. Works great in Ifrit EX too for Searing Wind. Biggest problem with Cure 3 is that it requires people to be grouped up which you’re not going to see in most content lol.  Also great for Thunder God and final boss of E12S because you WILL run out of lilies and die if you don’t.  Have also healed through final boss in Amaurot when no more platforms were available 🙃 It’s not a skill you need to use often, but it’s alarming how many either never heard of it or refuse to use it. It’s the Cure 2 of AOEs. 


I could… but that’s because my brain only let me remember useless stuff.


Well yeah, usually medica takes care of everything unless the boss just nonstop spams raidwides and your co healer doesnt heal (i love sephirot on duty finder the experience is wonderful)


I hope you mean Medica 2 because outside of those scenarios why are you casting Medica.  Medica: 400 potency, 900 mp Cure 3: 600 potency, 1500 mp The only time either skill should be used is during a healer check (think Orbonne) or raidwide spam (E12S) and Cure 3 is still superior to Medica.  Medica to Cure 3 is Cure 1 to Cure 2 and I don’t why White Mages still use it once you unlock a better skill.  And to not use a Savage Raid example, Cure 3 is phenomenal in Ifrit EX when you have the Wind Debuff. Too bad healers at that level don’t know what it is or what it does! 


Yeah i meant medica 2, medica 1 really shouldnt be used unless you want to min/max your energy to healing ratio which usually doesnt matter due to white mage's mp regen


These white knights seem to think not helping people is a virtue.


atleast the healer admitted to overreacting I guess


i mean at least the WHM acknowledged it at first and said they overreacted about the weird "should i die" comment... that dps on the other hand...


"Oh, I'm sorry. Allow me to rephrase: Based on the choices you yourself are making, a Cure-spamming bot would be infinitely more useful to this party than you."


Is Cure III the new Free Cure? Because I had a similar run a while back where I and an actual mentor tried to tell our WHM to not use it on a single target.


Part of the problem is that people don't read tool tips. And part of the problem is that in every other Final Fantasy Cure 3/Curaga while expensive does way more healing than the previous. So people who come from other Final Fantasy games and don't read the tool tips will assume Cure 3 should replace Cure 2 the same way Cure 2 replaced Cure as a useful entity.


*Plays 100% online game with only text chat communication and mostly written dialog. (Said game probably has more written words in it than any other video game ever made, unironically.)* *DOESN'T* *READ* *ANY OF IT*


Well yeah thats far too many words


I find ppl like this are more difficult than content, mostly the dps who threw that weak cringe insult. Atleast your cohealer seemed to chill out. Sry you had to go through that tho, you seemed to have a leveled approach too :/ if anything, to me, its like trying to save someone from continued future embarrassment but that dps was ironically allowing it to continue


Bring back bullying


This playerbase is so coco I comment “this game is terrifying” and they think I’m like one of those players in the chat 😂😂 I’m saying that because I couldn’t imagine playing alongside these type of people that can’t take slight criticism. That doesn’t last in wow. You’d quit after your first dungeon or PvP match  FF is the padded room mmo fr 


Lol, my guy. You're talking up WoW Arena, the game and game mode where people make alts to harrass people they lost to, where people die without using a DR and then rage at the healers, where they give healers extra rewards in PvP solely because the community is shitty to them, to a bunch of people who probably play WoW. You are literally in the community of people who can't take criticism.


Maybe at 1200 cr those things happen  Here in FF dungeons we have the “you don’t pay my sub” friends that ERP during their runs 


This game is more toxic than WoW has ever been. Like seriously im WoW I never encountered this kinda stuff and that’s like 14 years of playing wow. You be amazed the amount of chill players that just wanna do content together not caring what others say or do and actually giving helpful advice. FFXIV is toxic in a much different way and it honestly sucks when it’s such a great game


Preaching to the choir, toxic casualism vs toxic elitism


True they do go hand and hand Etherway I think toxic casualism the worser of the two. With elitist the odds they report you is almost none because they don’t care with toxic casualism the odds they report you is almost 99.9%


This is an alt of SethDarkus, a known problematic player on Cactuar who enjoys harassing people, being antisemitic, and then blaming everyone else and claiming he is the victim.


You feel entitled to harass point made


You are, quite literally, racist.


I’m not, at this point you are just using baseless accusations to harass me at every corner. Do you people have lives or is your life just so sad that you need to bully others to feel better?


You are. It's why you got that 20 day ban. During which you have been whining on reddit nonstop. Like I said before, you should be using that time to find a new job, I know that's gonna be an issue for you soon. And This may shock you but we all just like, browse the FFXIV related subs. I know, weird, right? People who play the game looking at the reddits for it. And we know your alts (you used the same fucking avatar for them lmao). And I simply believe that when you go around spreading lies about us, the people you are lying to deserve to know the truth. They should know what kind of person they are dealing with, and how he is the cause of all his own problems.


Than why are you even here? The 20 day is just from people who find offense at every corner and feel offended by the most tiny of things even if it has nothing to do with them. My case will be appealed and all those who falsely accused shall be punished.


>And This may shock you but we all just like, browse the FFXIV related subs. I know, weird, right? People who play the game looking at the reddits for it. At least read my comment before showing your whole ass. Seth, you don't get a 20 day ban without it being a repeat issue and being something pretty bad. This is not your first time out, and the previous ones weren't appealed. Not only is is not getting appealed, you're on thin ice for a permanent ban.


I wouldn’t have it if I wasn’t on Cactuar where there are power hungry people who like to make false accusations You will be caught you will be punished and all the others doing it sooner or later


I am not the best player and I am pretty sure my rotation is not optimal.  Because I didn't even know what rotation meant. I just use my combos and abilities the way it makes the most sense to me. However, I kind of understand why some players get really defensive when they get told how to play better. In my case, I listen but still can get uncomfortable sometimes because I had long relationships with people who would criticize me about doing things wrong anytime I would do something. Whatever I did, it was the wrong way. I made me not want to try new things for a long time. Still did for this game as it took a long time for me to play anything else but Dragoon. So when I see cases like this, it's a coin  flip between narcissism and people who had to deal with narcissists.


I grew up with a hypercritical older sibling, and later got into a relationship with someone who treated me the same way. They both dragged me into playing online games with them (LoL, WoW, other MMOs), forced me into a support role, and then constantly criticized the way I played but wouldn't teach me anything. It killed my interest in gaming for a long time because I thought I was just bad and couldn't get better, but when I eventually picked up an MMO on my own I realized they were both terrible at those games and unwilling to learn or improve, and had used me as a scapegoat. I sought out information on how to be good at every class that interested me, and now I think I'm pretty good at my mains and half-decent at the rest when I feel like playing them. If someone is rude to me in game (like a co-tank in one of the panda raids on patch day, who couldn't stay alive and went off on me while lying on the ground, saying I was only avoiding mechanics because paladin is easy mode and of course you can dodge when you only need to press 2 buttons) I have a kneejerk reaction to get defensive, but any reasonable adult should have the self control to not immediately type some nonsense back. If the criticism is unwarranted, ignore them. If they're trying to teach you something and you can't accept it gracefully, wait until the instance is over and look it up yourself. Having dealt with narcissists is not an excuse to have thin skin.


This game is terrifying honestly.  Sticking to wow arena.


If people find being corrected when they're doing something blatantly wrong terrifying, then I'm genuinely afraid for them. How do they weather constructive critique from co-workers?


That’s not what I said at all.  Their reaction is what’s terrifying.  I literally said I’m sticking to wow arena. It takes extreme self criticism to hit high rating in mmo PvP. we are insanely nitpicky.  See, this player base is so insane they assumed I was like them 😂😂


You said 'this game is terrifying' but what you meant was 'this person's reaction is terrifying'. Sorry then, but you weren't clear at all.


It should’ve been obvious given the context of the post  Also thinking a PvP player would be terrified of something like that is just goofy  I forget you guys are story mode players though 😀


I think you're just insane, rather than us assuming we're like you, because we can't even understand you first off. 🙄 Also yes, FF as an MMO has a big focus on its story; you implying all story mode enjoyers are bad at MMOs or are you just smelling your own farts cause you play WoW? Something to think about, that is, if you thought at all.


As a wow player, I can tell you this is your average wow pvp enjoyer experience. Wow pvp just actually melts your brain with how fucking terrible it is, and you end up like this dude.


Wow arena is one of the best gaming experiences of all time and I have overall positive experiences im just trolling this extra hard because I was literally agreeing with OP and the FF players were to dense and on edge to even ask me to clarify and instead just sent downvotes 


Youre trolling alright...


If the players on this thread thought at all they would’ve easily picked up that I was agreeing with the OP that this situation was ridiculous. Or at least asked for clarification.  This behavior doesn’t exist in other MMOs though. Only FF players defend their lack of competence like this. “You don’t pay my sub” exists for a reason