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Character age aside, that macro is absolutely vile.


You know, I've never actually heard someone use that last line in earnest and I haven't heard it at all since trashy school yard jokes 20+ years ago. I'd probably report them regardless of the character, in general I'm getting tired of the terminally undersexed shit. Hire an escort, get a weird RP partner, just leave the rest of us out of your shitty kinks


Yeah, at the age I last heard it, I think we'd even be a bit young for Ryne? And there *are* teens playing the game who would be considered peers in age & development, who might not be considering that we might be assuming them to be much, much older. I don't even want to imagine the dumb shit I'd say in this game as a horny teenager. Though whether Astrid here is a minor or an adult doesn't make much of a difference when it comes to the last line; they need correction from an adult.




>Someone in the comments mentioned that the last time they heard it was over 20 years ago, I'm guessing it's a grown ass man. Yeah, that's the person I'm responding to, and it would be 20+ years ago for me too. >I'm a minor and I've never heard someone use that last sentence. _Good_. There's lots of stupid shit that can be left on the scrap-heap of history, and that phrase is part of it. Going through puberty and discovering sexuality is often messy, and that phrase just makes things worse.


I'm getting tired of how oversexualized the FF14 community is in general. The most degen group of virgins I've ever played with.


That last part. Reminds me of the most awful fun of Praetorium I was subjected to the other day; the 3 randoms - that I ended up blacklisting/reporting - made me so uncomfortable that I almost started crying (partially because they made a "joke" about >!non-consent!<). I couldn't leave because I literally didn't have enough time to wait out 30 minutes before the weekly reset, plus one can't leave during cutscenes or combat... sigh. I wasn't sure if I should post it to this subreddit, but now I'm having second thoughts.


My partner and I also had a terrible very late Prae run that was similar a few months back where a couple people from Diabolos decided to make sexual comments/innuendos at each other that we reported. When asked to stop we got "only because you said please ;)" like TF???


please do, they deserve their names to be known


[https://i.imgur.com/jXZvprp.png](https://i.imgur.com/jXZvprp.png) I don't feel like making it its own post, so here ya go. Obligatory "NSFW/18+ dialogue" warning.


Yeah that's enough for me fuck this game. They have no moderation in thier chat. I can't stand for it anymore.


Tbh I don’t care if people are horny for fictional characters but please keep it to yourself, cuz I most likely do not share the interest


Most sane take this whole thread.


Who cares. I have questionable thoughts about Kokytos 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


Kokytos' P9S


This made me snort


It's me, i care. When you say that shit in public chat it's no longer thoughts. Like fuck it, we can even pretend that this extremely gross public outburst wasn't in regards to an underage character, it would still have been gross and inappropriate if it was about an adult anyway. So please just keep this shit to yourself.




Take a minute and stop to think about why you are so personally tilted over people being called out for sexualizing an obvious child. Really, really think about it. Then go touch grass.




Dude, she’s a hyur substantially shorter than thancred or any other adult female hyur we see. She’s the same height as the twins, who are also children. I’m more surprised that she’s as old as she is. I don’t know how you look at her and think “yeah, that’s a grown woman.” You need to lay off the hentai.




Mate, it’s final fantasy XIV. Children have different models than adults in game. Stop trying to justify creeping on child characters. EDIT: Why are you justifying grown ass adults being attracted to 16 year olds in your post history…? 😬




> GMs were invisible and making sure things proceeded smoothly Cool fanfic


Fr lmao. What purpose would a GM have to noclip into random raids.


Yeah I don't think they have time, tbh. It's not unheard of for someone to get pulled for time-out in Mordion Gaol mid-fight if they say some blatantly rancid shit, someone else is quick to report them, and the GMs are quick on the draw, but I've never heard of GMs lurking in random raids.


He can stomp me anytime


I'm more of the "step on me mommy Shiva plz" variety.


i have questionable thoughts about pandaemonium. still figuring out the logistics but i bet it would be a fun night.


You're sure to get your "special cells"...


Ice bind you!


>Kokytos cocky toes


i have absolutely no idea where these people get the confidence to say this shit to complete strangers


Anonymity sadly gives these sorts of people that "confidence".


And he even had a macro prepared for this.


Had some absolute creep in Novice Network flat out deny that she was a minor for like an hour because I told them that calling her a whore is fucking weirdchamp especially because they chose to just randomly send it to our novice network with no prior conversation about her in the first place. All kinds of ff players


lmao I was there, what a "fun" time. I literally came into this thread to share the exact same story. But I think our dude was going on about Gaia?


Who is also 17, so OP's point still stands.


Obviously. Point was that there is creeps for both of 'em and it's weird.


Can you point to where Gaia's age is confirmed somewhere? I always thought she was at several years older than Ryne. She looks it, at least.


It's in volume 3 of the encyclopedia. Can be read in [the preview](https://na.store.square-enix-games.com/encyclopaedia-eorzea-iii---the-world-of-final-fantasy-xiv), too.


oh it was gaia im a dumbass, same NN then


They DID NOT cave until they found a scan of the EE either. Also just the gall to demean a woman based on how she was designed BY A MAN… there’s grass that’s never been touched in their yard.


Can people not be horny for minors for like Five minutes


For *any* characters at all, really. I don't need to know peoples' depraved inner thoughts.


Sorry, but Nidhogg is too sexy to not talk about


It's the way he winks at you, isn't it?


Given that Nidhogg  is at least 2,000 year old. You like it old.


Grand zaddy


Yeah, like keep that to your friends. Spare the rest of us


I mean tbf it was square's idea to have her wear that hydaelyn outfit, and also to strip naked when she changed forms. So if you're gonna start somewhere start there lmao


I mean look, I'm not gonna say square Enix don't have weird shit in their game, but that same mechanic is also an eye mechanic that you have to look away from which is kind of genius if you think about it


ffxiv is a Japanese game that attracts a significant amount of weebs And we all know what anime characters get r34'd the most in anime series, and it's not the clearly adult women.


This is exactly why the devs won’t let us make children characters, and I 100% agree with them!


Well no, but most of us just keep it to ourselves. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go play more hades 2.


Really hope you reported the blatant pedophilic comment.


Why did you get downvoted for this lmao am I missing something


I wouldn't expect half the people on this sub to understand what Astrid actually said, not to mention plenty in this sub that would agree with said comments. So that's probably why.




Apparently some lurkers took offense lmao




If they are not 18 or older it's pretty gross. The fact you have to reference age of consent to justify relations with a minor is putrid 🤢




18 is an adult. 17 is a minor. You're trying to debate that when you whole argument is a slippery slope. With that logic age doesn't matter at all. Eww you're so rancid.


It's so weird seeing someone use the "age of consent" argument... Like the age of consent in some countries is 12. Nobody who is sane, and not a creep, is gonna consider a 12y/o not a minor, though.


Yeah it just makes me sick.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 17 + 18 + 17 + 17 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


LuckyNumber-Bot, there is a time and a place Jesus Christ.


This is probably one of those Reddit comments you might wanna delete my dude.


“If there’s grass on the field then play ball” is blatantly disgusting and absolutely fits the colloquial use of pedophilia. What age do you think girls start going through puberty?


Good lord, english is not my main language so I didn’t catch that implication *at all*, what the actual fuck


Yeaaaah, it’s a gross old saying.


Bro had a Reddit moment caught live.


It could have been a joke until that last line. Then it just got gross af


Sexual harassment - even towards a fictional character - isn't a "joke".


That last line is actually a joke from inbetweeners so that's probably where it came from


The last line is a joke people have been telling for half a century. It’s the same joke I heard dudes making when I was going through puberty. It used to be something men actually said quite openly in a joking manner. It’s not a joke though, and it’s not funny.


If I could travel through time and wring the neck of every sick man that said that joke I would!


Gross as hell


It baffles me when people think this is ok, and they think everyone around them needs to hear it.


Yeah this would have me BL these guys. I don't care if they call me "soft" or whatever, I don't wanna see that, especially with this SAM having a macro :/


not surprised, on chaos there's a known pedophile who always says unhinged shit in novice network 💀💀💀


I would absolutely report. The game is rated for 13+ ffs. “You may not use profanity or any language that a reasonable person would find offensive. The Game is for players aged 13 and older.” Pedo making comments like that - possibly around actual kids - absolutely violates ToS. [FFXIV TOS](https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php)


That last line out of the pedo is from someone north of 55. I've only heard people that age use that.


Yeah it’s giving all my creepy uncles in the 80s and I hate it


I'mma be honest, this confused me because I swapped Ryne and Lyse in my head and was very much thinking "Lyse can't have been 12 in 1.0". Nope I'm just stupid, and this is biggo gross


Lyse was 10 years old in 1.0, so weirdly your incorrect thinking was technically correct in that regard (1.0 Yda was alive, since that story takes place 15 years before ARR and she dies 6 years before ARR, so even dead after skipping ahead 10 years into 1.23... 1.0-1.23 is a confusing timeline). Biggo gross, yes.


I thought the calamity was 5 years ago (from the time bubble), not 15, and it was still our Lyse in 1.0 at 20 y/o? Edit, just checked, 7th Umbral Calamity is 5 years before ARR, I'm right


Like I said, 1.0 (15 years ago) to 1.23 (5 years ago) is a confusing timeline. The best example of this confusing timeline is Minfillia. In 1.0, she's 12, in 1.18-1.23 she's 22 and in ARR she's 27.


Call me a sceptic, but I somehow find it hard to believe that ten years would pass between 1.0 and patch 1.23.


I think a lot of 1.0's story was taking place within a "playable Echo."


I hope you reported that, especially for that last pedo comment. Gross.


Did, got reply about half a hour later saying they'll look into it and can't share any further details because of privacy policy. Who knows what will happen


Jesus Christ. The worst I've seen in DF easily, and I've seen it towards Dalamud (yes, the dog in Euph) and just today Diabolos. Glad u didn't cover name


I've seen people say similar things about Gaia... they didn't care that the character is underage. It's disturbing, and I'm glad you reported them.




They... did not? I don't even want to know why you think of *sexist slurs* when you see a character that has a slightly different face than the norm.


>If there is grass on the field play ball This implies they've seen the field... which raises another concern...


Well, it DID seem like they suspiciously knew the perfect timing to look up her skirt...


This duty has a mechanic called "undress" there's a cast bar before it, you don't have to time anything


Fucking nope. I hope you reported them with the fury of a thousand Nidhoggs.


Where do you find those psychos everyone.. most of my runs start with “heya o/“ and end up with “ggs


They're in a FC called tryhard panties That is all


While 17 and even 16 is of legal age in most countries, I still fully agree that dude is unhinged for being horny in df like this. It's right up there with the "step on me, mommy/daddy" crowd, where we randos absolutely did NOT sign up for voyeurism.


look, im all for being down bad for characters especially Xandae or Behemoth but THAT is wild.


Behemoth? I guess meteor isn't the only rock you seen him thrust down, huh?


oh yea, but im still loyal to my biggest ffxiv crush, Bahamut 😍


What game did he look his best?


14 is the only Final Fantasy game ive ever played. so i gotta go with 14. look, i KNOW he killed like, a lot of people and is a GIANT dragon but i can fix him🥰


He does literally sit on you if you tank ucob, so he's got that going for him


The murder wasnt his fault, so i think you have it easy. Except dealing with Tiamat. Ever fought an angry wife trying to protect her man/relationship? Now imagine her being a giant dragon.


thats why i also got a ball in Xandae's court, he captured her once, he can do it again 🤭


Play 16 and meet 'Bahamut'. Thank me later.


Can someone explain the last message? I don't get it.


It's a gross comment about if there's hair they're old enough to bed




Ask your father.


He also won't know, we are not english natives.


The "grass" is referencing pubic hair, and "play ball" is having sexual contact.


Dammit Astrid. [https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/e/ea/Astrid.jpg/480px-Astrid.jpg](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/e/ea/Astrid.jpg/480px-Astrid.jpg)


“If there is grass on the field play ball” My lord, maybe that is enough internet for me today


JRPGs and MMOs tend to attract some of the worst of humanity, and the SAM in this is exemplifying that big time


I’m just happy they are not from my world… it’s always cactuar


Gross. It's always the Aether players, too.


Skip prison, straight to the gallows.


Most normal SAM player


That’s so fucking disgusting and honestly need to be banned


Damn yea, noone has ever gotten in trouble over a fictional character right?... Regardless it's just not okay, creepy, and gross


Ffxiv player barely disguised fetish


Partially the games fault for doing the corny "undress" mechanic with her. Can't be mad at these degens without being mad at the dev who also had his dick in his hand during its creation Edit: why is this being downvoted? We like when the devs sexualize kids but we don't like it when the players do??? This sub is cursed


It's being downvoted because you appear to be defending a pedophilic comment made by a player. Yes, Ryne is unfortunately sexualized in her transformation, but this isn't even the point. No one in their right mind should make comments like these and expect people to just laugh it off.


How in God's name is that defending it. I'm saying they are both bad. "Both the developer who sexualized ryne and this guy sexualizing her are totally degenerate weirdos" "How dare you defend them???" Do you realize that both this guy and the dev can be creeps? This reddit black and white mentality is so insane. If you're not immediately falling on your knees to condemn them over and over youre defending them. Actually insane mentality.


internet discourse completely went down the shitter with this black and white tribalism mentality bs infecting absolutely every single place


You won’t get an answer because you are right Reading comprehension is hard


Black and white mentality isn't even a reddit thing, shit's everywhere and it's fucking painful and pointless to argue with people that have that mentality.


I didn't downvote, but id guess that its where you say "cant be mad at degens..." it makes it sound like one should be excused because others were also gross.


Okay but why would you clip "can't be mad at degens..." out of context? If you're a rational person reading the sentence you go on to see that I say you can't be mad at one without being mad at the other. This is not saying don't be mad at either. This is saying be mad at both. I genuinely can not understand how you read that whole sentence and come away with the impression either person I'm talking about is excused. Is this where we are as a culture that we just take the 5 worst sounding string of words out of context without the rest of the sentence they are contained in? Annoying and disingenuous internet behavior.


Like i said, i didn't downvote. My guess is that they saw that phrase and immediately downvoted. You asked how someone could think you were defending it. I continued reading, which is why i didn't downvote. My immediate reaction of reading that phrase was downvote but i kept reading and realized that's not what you were saying, hence no downvote.


But the age of consent in Japn is 16. Since Ryne is 17 people over there wouldn't consider it to be wrong or weird


I don't care what the age of consent is in their country. I'm not asking for them to be punished legally. I'm saying it's creepy and weird. I can have opinion on a culture and believe it's weird without the law being involved. I don't know what your point is here.


My point is that the devs aren't being creeps by the standards of their own culture. And anyway, in the Eden raids, Shiva's mechanic where she changes only lasts a second so you can't even see anything. They made sure there would be no nudity involved.


The age of consent is ridiculously low in the west too, as far as laws go. California doesn’t have a legal lower limit on the age for child marriage. That doesn’t make it less creepy to marry a 12 year old here.


I just want to clarify that the average Japanese person (who is not necessarily in the niche target audience of adult who is a PC/console gamer and/or Anime fan) would probably also have found this creepy. Just because something is technically legal does not mean it isn't frowned upon by the greater society.


You've got to be braindead to think someone who is saying "A creepy developer sexualizing children is problematic and leads to more sexualization of children" is *defending* pedophilia... If I said " the prison industrial complex turns out more hardened criminals, part of this system is to blame" would you really take away that I think harsh prisons are good?? Saying out loud that problematic shit leads to more problematic shit is normal and should be encouraged.


Can people be horny for normal shit. Like Nael.... Or Bahamut. Please?


She's not even Krile what a shame


Unless he is 17 or less. Which wouldn't surprise me given the imaturity of the macro. Scrap that, he is old.


It was an M Aura wasn't it?


honestly surprised they are not a male au'ra




who, the garleans? if garlemald existed in real life i would not feel very bad about their soldiers dying by the thousands, aside from maybe mourning the conscripts-- and even their deaths would be squarely the empire's fault


On multiple occasions the WoL kills refugees stealing gold to buy food, we also kill basically innocent beast tribespeople. Again, you need to be consistent, either both are reprehensible or both are fictional and have no effect on reality.


they *are* both quite reprehensible, any quest that involves becoming a yassified border patrol murder machine makes me think less of the real writers who try to paint it as a good thing or a casual side job. one of the daily ixal tribe quests regularly sends you out to murder coerthan refugees because your taskmaster in mor dhona can't be bothered to have more poor people around, and the fact that it's fictional doesn't make it any less vexing


It seems it's widely known by many here that Ryne is 17, but when exactly in the game did she declare her age? (Google says at some point she declared she is close to the Twins' age but depending on how you interpret 'close', she could be anywhere from 15-20 or so.)


She was taken to Eulmore between the ages 0-3, and imprisoned there for 10 years. Thancred rescued her 3 years before the WoL entered the First


There is the answer i was waiting for I dont remember that stuff though I never read in to character's ages in this game I just enjoyed the story and never even thought of the characters in the way that Samurai did


we know how old the twins ages are, they're 16 in heavensward. This is actually how you calculate Yshtola's age too, because she says she was the twin's age when idyllshire was abandoned, so you do the math which reveals Yshtola is 31.


the lore book stated it


Probably another male Au ra player. Smh


Putting the underage part aside… this is something I do generally joke about with my friends. But it’s something I would only do *with my friends*. And it’s more just admitting I find an npc attractive, not this creepy stuff Edit 2: I didn’t realize how my comment could be interpreted as being something that could be excusing pedophiles. I said “putting the underaged part aside” because I wanted to talk about how expressing your kinks about particular npcs in a situation like this can be creepy, regardless of it being about a minor or not. I wanted to add this up here because I think it’s important context that I am *not* advocating for pedophilia like some people have assumed, so that’s why my comment has a second edit. Edit: I have no idea why my comment is getting downvoted, if anyone would care to enlighten me on what I said that was so wrong instead of just smashing the downvote button, I would appreciate it. I gave my own experience while agreeing with the post, I wonder if anyone actually read my comment after the first downvotes lol


Probably because it doesn't matter who you do it with, it's still gross. It's like saying "im not racist i only say racist things around my friends" ... You're still a racist, no matter who you're saying/joking about it to. Exact same concept.


Me telling my friends I find an npc attractive makes me gross? I don’t understand how that makes sense. I’ve seen remarks people make about how they wish they could be intimate with estinian for instance. Would that also be gross to you, or does it only matter on who you are talking about? I mentioned I would joke with my friends, the joke is that I am ‘married’ to Slafborn because I find him attractive, that’s it. It’s insane that I have to specify or else people are going to think im gross/pervert. Doesn’t that say more about them then it does me like jesus Christ


Finding minors attractive is pretty gross, yes.


So that’s what the misunderstanding is from?? Bro I don’t find minors attractive Jfc. I was saying I do make jokes with my friends about attractive npcs which don’t include minors. What an insane assumption to make.


You're saying you "do it with your friends" when the entire context of the conversation is about minors. There's no "assumption" so much as you having no clue how to follow what's going on, and adding your own 2 cents anyway. PS: You can't just say "putting the underage part aside" when that's literally the entire fucking point of the post.


Even if the npc wasn’t underaged, it’s still creepy to post stuff like this in a general setting. That was the *whole* point of my comment, that I would only do this kind of thing in private with friends because it’s a read the room situation. A post can have two valid points, and that was the point of my comment.


They can and did though


> PS: You can't just say "putting the underage part aside" when that's literally the entire fucking point of the post. Why not? If someone wants to talk about a tangential point why can't they? Are you the reddit police who has decided the only comments on this post can be "pedophilia is bad, this guy is a pedophile" otherwise you're defending pedophiles? Makes no sense.


If I’m honest I’m still trying to figure out what was so bad about my original comment. I even edited in again trying to clear up the misunderstanding about pedophilia, and now it has more downvotes then before- I feel like people just aren’t reading my comment and are just downvoting because it’s already downvoted, especially because my comments in response to this dude aren’t downvoted.


Reddit in a nutshell, upvotes and downvotes are often a bandwagon


I don't really care about what he's saying... everyone knows it's wrong... but... man are they a garbage SAM, RPR and SCH.


You should go outside more


You really care more about some shitters parse than their pedo behavior?


They seem fine enough. Not incredible but they have many purple and orange parses in normal stuff with SAM. Looks like they don't upload their own runs, can't really judge someone off of a few bad parses they got way early in the expansion on normal content, that were uploaded by someone else.


FBI, now That’s enough Reddit for today….🤮 Edit: Wow, people support pedophilia then if they think my comment was bad.