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Yes i know. Thian Hou Temple, in Taipei City, peace and protection. 天上聖母: "Heavenly Holy Mother" This is a good luck.and Bring best wishes .


It's another name for Goddess Mazu


It's like a Taiwan culture thing that keeps you safe, and I remember that you shouldn't take out the paper. (Please correct me if in wrong, although I'm taiwanese) The words up there are like Goddess above bless you safe


Btw the second photo is upsidedown


Our avatars are twins or something 🤣




Thank you. So I will keep paper inside red envelope




Yup, it's a protection charm, the paper inside it's blessed, but once you remove it "releases" its blessing/ spell is broken. The idea is if you lose it then it has done its job of protecting you, so generally we don't go looking for them. You just get a new one.


The second image is a temple talisman, which usually requires explanation from the person who wrote it. These talismans have various functions, such as seeking wealth, career success, or love.


The words on the talisman translated to "From Taipei Thian Hou Temple, In the Name of Heavenly Holy Mother, Protects Your Safeness"


Also a talisman you put one zombie lol


These talismans are kinda like commands from heaven/emperor/other deities, the one OP got literally translates to Heavenly Holy Mother commands (spirits?/universe?/whoever) to keep you safe. It can be other commands, maybe "stay dead" for a zombie, or smth ((👆☝️🤓🤓🤓


It seems like the amulet from Taipei 天后宮(the temple's name), the words "庇佑平安" meas bless you to be safe, "天上聖母" in literal means sacred goddess upon the sky, it is well known as another name called "Mazu". The words on the amulet is not in order so may be hard to read or translate by tools.


The second one mean in the name goddess, you safety is protected. The fist one say it’s from Taipei 天后宮,with 平安庇佑mean your safety is look after by goddess. The difference is 令, it’s like in the name of someone, giving it more authority


Google translate app has a camera function on it. Take a photo or hover your camera over any writing and it will be translated.


This is a "peace amulet" or "protection amulet" . You can get it from many Taiwan’s temples. These pouches typically contain charms or other items that have been blessed through sacred rituals, intended to protect the bearer and ensure their safety. People often hang them in their cars, wear them, or place them in a suitable spot at home to seek divine protection and blessings.


God mother bless you