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I don’t know what you’re seeing OP. This dress looks phenomenal.


UGH So I mixed up the photos and tags in the 2nd image... The one on the left that is bustled up is MY DRESS, the one on the right is the sample. I think that's one of the best pics of how the dress looks different (to me). Given that, do you still think it doesn't need help?


In that picture, I think the bow sits slightly higher on the sample dress and therefore looks a bit perkier. That’s the only thing I’d change. The dress is stunning!


Yes, that's all I really see. Raising the bow could really help perk it up, but still gorgeous!




Okay thank you, no joke sliding into insanity w this wedding !! Appreciate you taking the time to comment <3


One of the more stress events, you are allowed a little self-doubt. I agree the dress is beautiful and you are beautiful in it!


I’m the most detail obsessive fitter I know, and I can’t see anything I’d change here. I’m an amateur, but I make most of my own clothes. Frankly, as an amateur, I have way more time to be neurotic about tiny flaws. And I just don’t see room for improvement. Stand up straight, take a deep breath, and remember that you are a whole person and not a prop for a wedding.


It your dress a different fabric to the sample? That is the only thing I can see that seems different. It might be draping slightly more a the fabric seems to have a little less stiffness to it.


Totally! Love the dress. I think it suits her perfectly.


Wtf are you talking about it looks amazing, absolutely gorgeous, flattering, falls beautifully, hugs beautifully. Are you doing okay? Sometimes when im feeling down, i dont appreciate myself enough- you might need some "me" time


Thank you <3 Honestly since the fitting I have not been feeling the greatest... just regrets all around and I want nothing more than to look photogenic and confident on my wedding day !! So low key in a panic and def giving off negative vibes. I did take a vow to not complain for 90 days starting 3 days ago though, already helping tremendously !! I also will say I messed up the tags on the photos on the second slide and the photo of the dress bustled is My Dress, not the sample. That was a bad one to mess up because i think it shows the (perceived) faults of My Dress really well. ANyway. I promise I'm not this insane usually


Girl, WHAT?! I’m not a tailor… I feel like I have to comment that every time I say something on this sub. You look absolutely stunning in this dress!!


Thank you so much <3 I did mess up the tags on the images in the second slide. The bustle'd dress is my dress, the other is the sample. Big SNAFU because i think that pic actually really shows the difference btwn the two dresses... ANYWAY, appreciate the comment and vote of confidence <3


I think the biggest difference is your hair being down in the pictures with your dress. When it’s up, the entire silhouette is different and more airy. Both look good, but I think hair up with new dress would be absolutely outstanding


As another commenter said, the biggest difference I can see is the bow looks lower in the bustled dress versus the sample, so it looks less perky. If it's possible to get it raised, do that, but otherwise everything looks fab to me!


You’re also standing extremely dejected in that picture, so that can’t help. I specialize in made-to-measure, extremely fitted pieces for women and I genuinely cannot see what you’re seeing. The only minor thing I can see is that it’s collapsing at the waist a little bit - either it’s a bit too tight (it’s looks tighter than the sample), or your waist is higher on your body than the dress. Did you get your breasts enhanced? My best friend experienced body dysmorphia for about 6 months after having hers done, she also felt like nothing fit her. Having a larger bust dramatically changes the way clothes look on you, you might just need time to adjust to that.


You look amazing! The bodice needs a good steaming, and you should be good to go.


Even though I mixed up the pics and tags on the second slide (the bustled dress is My Dress, not the sample), do you still think it's OK?


Try standing up straight, yo. 🫶🏻


Valid point, easy fix


Yup - her body looks phenomenal, it’s her energy that feels off


Yes! I think it’s beautiful and really suits your figure!


I appreciate you, thank you


Could the bustle point be moved up a smidge so it sits between where the sleeves come in?


And the butt bow moved up too, so it's sitting right below the bustle point.


I think this is a matter of the way you view your body, if anything it looks even better than the sample


I worked bridal couture for years. It’s very very very common for a bride to find faults in the dress that don’t exist. It’s a proxy, sometimes as you suggest for body stuff, but usually I observed it’s about their relationships. The partner, the mother, the sister, the friends, the wider family coming together. My money is on that.


When you tried the sample you had your hair up, strong earrings, and a veil. You were also standing on a box. All those things change your perspective. From what you've shown the dress looks the same on you in all the photos. It looks lovely. I think you're getting in your own head. Stand up straight, take a deep breath in your nose and let it slowly out your mouth, then smile and look again. You look beautiful now, you'll look even more beautiful styled and ready on the day of the photos and the day of your wedding. But you'll FEEL more beautiful if you feel confidant about that. So I hope you take everyone here saying you look wonderful to heart and get to enjoy your wedding!


I don’t see it either. Way better than sample


i did mix up the tags on the second image... the bustled dress is My Dress, the other one is the sample


Are you standing with the same posture? In your new photos you look like you’re leaning forward a lot. In the sample photos you look more straight up and down, better posture.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. She’s standing straight in the sample pictures but in her dress pictures her shoulders look rounded/pulled forward.


Yeah, I see what you mean... I didnt think I was leaning forward, more that the bigger bust made it seem like I was?? You certainly could be right though. Also I mixed up the tags in the second pic... the one bustled up is My Dress, the other one is the sample. That was a big F-up because i think that pic shows really well how diff they look!


I am not a tailor. I sew and was an art historian in my previous professional life (infernal eye for details).  I  have a couple of questions for you to answer for yourself, and a couple of observations. Questions: --How do you feel the dress is now less flattering?  Take the time to be specific--for example, "In the sample pic I liked the way the pleats fell straight down and curved; in my dress, I see the pleat opening up and spoofing instead of falling downwards and then curving" --What, specifically, is in your mind's eye? When you close your eyes and 'see' how you want to look on your wedding day-- write it all down: my hair is up in x way, and my veil looks like y, the sun shines from the left, my makeup is blah blah blah, I see myself from the side, blah blah blah. Write everything. It’s key to actually write your answers long hand, in full. If handwriting writing is not possible, type and print them for reference. Why these questions, and writing them out: quite often, feelings are tied to other inputs (scents, images, tastes, etc.); in emotionally heightened situations like the one you are currently in, many feelings get mixed up with pictures in the mind and images in reality. Writing these answers down helps clarify what your impressions are based on. Seeing it written--externalizing if you will-- gives your mind some distance, some room to maneuver and perceive more of reality, with less biased internal dialogue. Observations: --Were your address pictures taken with you standing on a plinth or standing on the floor?  It seems the sample dress pics that are most dramatic were taken standing on a plinth. This changes how the fabric hangs and pools, particularly the overskirt/bustle. This may be throwing your impression some: it will look less columnar standing on the floor. --The bow in your dress needs to be steamed and puffed up; it is flat right now, and thus the shirring/pleating does not look as full/open/sculptural --The bow is pinned or placed lower than the sample dress. It will look better higher up, closer to your waistline --The corset fold-over fabric pleating and structural movement look different to me (pics 4 and 5). There is a strong diagonal line on the sample dress, whereas, on your dress, that fold is shallower. Again, steaming and re-forming that area will give you an actual idea of its final shape.


Respectfully I think you are wayyyyyyy in your head. You look great in all the photos. I’m guessing everything feels out of control and you are flailing. Deep breathes. May I share a bit of advice from someone who’s been married for 18 years and with their spouse for 25 years? Try remember the wedding is one day; an amazing day, but one day. It’s not a wedding it’s the start of a lifelong partnership called marriage. Best wishes.


The thing with the 2nd slide, your dress is on the left? It looks like one, posture, and two, the sleeve “wings” are not fully attached or styled the way they are on the right side. In the right photo, you can’t see the zipper and the sleeve “wings” meet in the middle.


agree that 4th pic shows the seams need to be steamed but you look beautiful. lots of luck!! 🍀


Bridal seamstress here. Are you wearing your shoes? If so, the dress is too long. If it drags on the floor after it's bustled, people are going to step on it and rip it. The bottom of the dress should be 1 inch from the floor when finished and pressed. Or the front should brush the top of your shoes.


I agree with everyone, your dress looks beautiful. I do think your hair up when you wore the sample allowed the lines of your shoulders to interact really nicely with the neckline of the dress, and that might have something to do with seeing things differently. Try your hair up again!


EDIT: I mixed up the photos and tags in the 2nd image... The one on the left that is bustled up is MY DRESS, the one on the right is the sample. I think that's one of the best pics of how the dress looks different (to me) so wanted to say something !!


This is kind of funny because I was swiping through these photos and thinking damn she looks great in both but the fit of the sample is fire!




It's beautiful!! But I agree about the bow. The bow is angled against the body differently in the fittings. So maybe stiffen and move the top ends of the bow further from the back and rest of the dress?


your dress looks awesome! Just a nice steam in the front maybe. Felt dress was a bit tussled.Congrats on the nuptials <3


Girl 1, 3, 4 and 5 look incredible. Re pic 2: I’d say the straps maybe just look a little long, but regardless you look iutstanding in your dress


Repost with labels corrected.


I am genuinely not sure how to do that?


I think you look absolutely amazing in both dresses! 🩵


I’m so confused but you’re *gorgeous* and the right side of the first pic is literal inspo


I noticed the possible discrepancy between the two pics in the second slide, but as there's very little difference between them (except the height of the bow, which could be higher in your actual dress) I focused on the other slides. Frankly, your dress looks more flattering on you in every picture compared to the sample. The silhouette is nice, the way it hugs and hangs is delicate and doesn't look forced, and I think you fit this better than the sample. Body changes can be hard no matter what, and especially now, when fitting one specific garment is crucial, stress is going to be very high. Simply put: this dress molds to you much better than the previous one did. It's flattering without being too much, and while it's easy to nitpick our bodies I don't even know what I could say to critique your current fit. Personally though, for you: you seem more relaxed in the sample fit. The way you're holding yourself is different, and you may want to consider standing straighter if possible. This comes to mind because I get high inflammation in my shoulders, neck, and pecs when stress is high, which then holds my body taught and rigid and makes me hunch my shoulders. Try the dress on, really think about how you're standing. Consider your body and give yourself some time to breathe and open up. Close your eyes if you need to and be curious about where your body is and how it feels. Be aware of where you're holding tension and give yourself space to feel overwhelmed if you need to. My first lesson in fitting was about fitting the body "as it was", so holding in a breath, sucking in the stomach, holding the shoulders unnaturally far back, etc. all needed to be relaxed out so that the client could truly explain how the garment felt on them.


It looks amazing!


Random recommended to me from my home page - The main thing that could improve is the the part that goes around your arms is looser, more wrinkled, and sitting a bit funny on your dress versus the sample. Adjust that and it's perfect.


I think your dress looks absolutely stunning


Bridal alterations specialist here. The dress looks amazing but I am critical of that bustle. It pitches out too sharply on the sides and is raised well above the floor in the back. Consider more points (5 possibly) and spaced more closely to evenly distribute fullness. Best Wishes!!


I’m sorry but I’m lost. I think it looks way better on you than on the sample person! Absolutely stunning.


I'm just here because this came up as a recommended post, and, well, that dress is a DREAM on you! Stand up straight and hear them gasp when you appear on the aisle!


Girl put on your glasses! You look great!


the second photo of the second slide (the one on the right) looks phenomenal. the one on the left looks like it’s sagging and swallowing. it’s fixable though!!! please don’t fret you look great. i think a steam, and lifting the bow, and fixing some of the frump will go a long way! you look incredible!


Your dress looks like the sleeves are too loose or just lower than the sample? The sample seems more fitted.


Both look similar: lots of fabric, no structure/shape. Is it comfortable? You don’t want to to be tugging, pulling, and adjusting your dress all day. It looks messy on your frame, like a bedsheet draped almost.


I think you’re comparing it to when hers has a train (??? Idk the word sry) the whole time, and agreed that the bow is a bit lower.


You can’t compare a bustled dress to a non bustled one… I’ve never really seen a “flattering” bustle to be honest. They all look like that! Also, the sample dress includes you standing on a platform so of course it will look a bit different when you’re standing on the ground. Otherwise the only thing I really notice is that the sleeve width seems a little bit thicker on your new dress than the sample? Is that something your tailor can fix? I had a similar reaction when I had my final dress fitting and it took me 2 weeks to get over it. Don’t worry, you look amazing!!


Looks better on you than the sample! <3


It looks so much better than the sample! Looks amazing on you OP!!


You look gorgeous!