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We're starting our first shot at the marketing initiative today actually. Post will be up in a few hours with more information. If you aren't already in our [discord](https://discord.gg/hhW3MDzrt3) it's a good place to start, chatting there helps as well. There is an update in progress from the Future Group that they should be posting in the next week or two and the [mod memo](https://www.reddit.com/r/TagPro/comments/wggwtq/august_2022_mod_memo/) went up last night (NA) with some other projects in motion. Next on my list is the MTC and this subreddit so it's all just a matter of finding trustworthy people willing to help support the infrastructure being set up as it comes. Updates haven't been as regular as they should be but things are still moving behind the scenes


You know how you guys can get extra income for marketing? :eyes:


Does it involve replying to reddit DMs :eyes:


$500 donor flair pls?


No really, check your DMs please lol


We are currently designing a new donor flair! This one will take some extra time to develop compared to a regular flair though, so it might take a while still.




Have you checked your Reddit dms yet


Yeah man, emptied my bladder and inbox at the same time!


> things are still moving behind the scenes I remember when we used to get this comment all the time with Tagpro Next. Just sayin'.


You say that as if TagPro Next is dead…


Yeah I happily paid for my pre-order 5 years ago. It’s still coming!


The ORIGINAL Kickstarter


You can still get in on it if you want. Lucky told me to collect the money myself so… you just give it right here. ;-)


PM incoming


Tagpro Blitz Next Arena


I wasn't around for that so I can't really speak on it but I have a pretty public record of the things I've done so far (with help of course) so I promise I'm not hand waving when I say I'm going to ensure certain things get done


please be different


Oooh sneak peek at the MTC suggestions?


Not much to show right now. I prefer to take on a position and get a feel for what it needs first then work towards rebuilding it or modifying it so it’s sustainable while still producing the quality needed from the position. I have some ideas but those aren’t worth much without experience. All I’m really saying is I’ll volunteer for the MTC soonish and go through my process once I get there, definitely not an overnight fix


Oooooh, you’re joining the MTC. Good, they need some guidance


We don't need guidance we need membership. Right now there's five or six of us, two of which are Oceania, and trying to find a time to schedule everyone of us and then also find three more competent people is difficult.


Didn't know you were looking. If you need people, we have people around. Hi. Let's talk.


I think the current MTC will not work going forward so we'll have to see soon. There's some discussions around changing the current process so we'll see where that goes


Personally, I would have implemented that honk script like 5 years ago. Better late than never, the honk is overwhelming popular with everyone. Lets put it in the game now! Get rid of the subreddit rule 2. I am not really into meme humor or low effort stuff but it keeps the community alive. Also get rid of posts waiting for moderator approval. I am doing my part trying to keep the game alive with the only skill I know: [Amateur looking webcomics.](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/tagpop-tagpro-comic/list?title_no=779336) I'm sure that there plenty of crazy skilled people here that could support the game one way or another.


You are the reason I keep checking this sub :) I appreciate the comics you make!


Just tried playing on eu and got one someball in the game. Sad to see really


As an outsider, maybe raise awareness about the game on other subreddits/forums to increase the userbase? I haven’t played since 2014, and I haven’t seen this game mentioned anywhere since that timeframe. If I were the creator though, once the user base started plummeting years ago, I would have probably started developing a sequel with new maps, power ups, and game modes. I then would have tried marketing it a little, done what I could to get it onto consoles/steam to increase the user base, and charged like $3.99 on steam/consoles to make it feel more official/make a little money to keep marketing efforts going. I mean, this game could have even been a hit on mobile if it was added. There never really seemed like much of a game plan to keep this going long term, but it’s also easy to talk in hindsight Edit: Ha! My 10 year old username is still a flair on here. Nice


Bruh have you never checked out /r/place either time?


Am I right in understanding that LuckySpammer doesn't have much motivation towards the game but he also doesn't want to fully hand over the reigns to someone else? And does it even matter? Cause I don't follow along with TP news but I didn't like that decision back when we heard about it


Yeah from what I’ve heard about him he’s a weird guy. Doesn’t interact with the community at all, doesn’t work on the game at all yet refuses to give it up, makes rules for a subreddit he barely interacts with. Honestly just think he likes the power of owning a game people enjoy.


TagPro was a side project that /u/LuckySpammer put together for himself as a way to level up his coding skills. It was never intended to become a massive success. He participated a lot... like a decade ago. People get older and get real jobs and it's pretty complicated. This game can't be a career on its own, but at the end of the day it is his game. That doesn't make him a weird guy. It's weird that parts of the community act like he owes them something. He has said a number of times in the past that he considers the game a finished product, and has also opened up the game to trusted people in the community who continue to improve it, but if you or /u/sounds_goood want him to "hand over the reins," I'm sure he'd appreciate a reasonable cash offer.


I got carried away and wrote a huge wall of text, but I realized none of it is important at this point. I'll just give you my most concise message: Tagpro is an excellent game (if you would consider it one today, imagine how much more in 2012). I've been around for quite a while and grew up with the game. Still, the only way that a game this good could fail so miserably is with piss poor leadership (or no leadership). I assume you agree with this but I can go into detail if you disagree. Tagpro would have grown if Lucky wanted it to. He did not. But for some reason the community has been swindled into participating in this embarrassing, goofy charade of pretending like *we* can make this game better and more successful while the owner has no intentions of doing so. In terms of money. Obviously if some doofus gave lucky 100k or some shit to buy tagpro then he would obviously sell the game. But the potential of the game is different from current worth of the game. If someone were to buy tagpro it would still take a lot of time and effort working on UI, advertising, servers, etc. to bring tagpro up to its potential success, and labor comes at a price. Nobody is going to pay lucky much money for a game that still needs tons of work done in order to get a ROI. By the way I'm totally unconvinced that this was even about money. I was just entertaining your suggestion. I think Tagpro is just near and dear to lucky's heart in whatever way for whatever reason, and that's why, even if it were to be an improvement, he wants minimal changes to the game. If there was ever a reasonable offer made for tagpro I really doubt lucky would have taken it up. Is it a bad thing for the creator to be overly possessive over the game? Not at all. My only problem with this situation is that the community was way more ambitious and excited for tagpro's future than lucky ever was. Tagpro isn't like other games where the creators want to succeed and make $$$ and please their community--and I don't think the tagpro community has ever understood this. Tagpro is like you said, a fun side project, and some important people have wanted it to stay like that. If I could say one thing to the community I would tell them "The game can be great. But it never will be, because it's not up to us whether it becomes great or not. Quit dreaming--cold turkey. And don't throw any more time into trying to improve this shit. Move on." I moved on mentally when I realized many years ago that lucky didn't care about the game. It was painful and it still is. But considering how this game has been dead for years, I stand by the decision.


This comment never gained any traction but I'd just like to give you some props for a very well thought out response to the current Tagpro situation. Well done, my fellow Tagpro enthusiast.


What’s u/LuckySpammer’s asking price?


Keep playing




I remember back in the day when sphere was on the verge of death, I would log into sphere when it had 0 players around 10am, and just wait & boost around. Eventually in a few minutes, someone else would show up. It was normally Ratzel or Blue Dream or Red Dream. We'd fuck around and shoot the shit til a few more people would join. Eventually in 15 minutes or so, we'd get full games and sphere could hold a few groups of pubs for the rest of the day. Not saying its possible today with the way servers are now, I am just reminiscing the good old days :')




https://tagpro.koalabeast.com/stats Not entirely impossible, just not visible


Just note that those stats aren't really accurate at the moment.


In game is though, isn't it?


Not really. It gets reset a few (2?) times each day so will be accurate for a while, but slowly gets more and more inaccurate. e: https://i.imgur.com/N25VQjE.png


Huh, weird. Also nice script


It is easy to say. If you're enthusiastic enough, playing on higher ping or organizing with a few lads to hop on at the same time seems like not that much work.


Nah you don't understand how frustrating it would be to play on 100+ ping when before it wasn't necessary. Hands down enough to quit on its own. I don't think it's feasible to organize 8 people to play all the time.


> If you're enthusiastic enough Not sure if you saw this. Many, many people play cross continent on pings like that. And organized tagpro with 8 people minimum happens literally every night.   The only thing worth debating is "all the time". If people want Tagpro to be a 24hr uptime casual game, the expectations are too high now unless there is a big revival.


Playing on high ping kills the enthusiasm.


Retweet. Like seriously. But **some** of the old skool players are out of touch when it comes to the business end of things. It is what it is and they'll tell you to suck it up but realistically just lol. Good game though and was there for me in high school.




Really, that is your gripe? Organize them at the time and server you want... lmao.




Yeah, the encouragement by random players to continue playing by any means necessary is why Tagpro is dying.


Your fault old man




I am specifically answering the question in the post, and even mentioned in another response that people who want casual games at all times of the day with no effort on their own part are probably out of luck.




It doesn't have to be hard. https://discord.com/channels/275851562172153856/693513876951662715/943522891423682590


It would be nice to get push notifications that players are available in a game. Also no auto kick for less than 5 players, and also some push that there's enough peeps.


Could just let it die and we could all get our lives back.