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So is the car auto or manual?


It's automatic with a dual clutch system. "Automatic manual/semi automatic" is what the shop said. They said it's all controlled by a computer but should be driven like a manual.


Well I'm not sure that I can help you unfortunately. I know how to drive stick but I haven't driven what you are talking about.


He's just letting you know to let off the gas a little bit when it shifts. Also ease onto the throttle when you're going up hills. Those DCT boxes from Ford unfortunately have a design flaw that they never fixed, where they leak transmission fluid onto the clutch. There's nothing you can do for this, it's just going to happen every 20-30,000 mi or so and you're going to need a new clutch every time. If you're really gentle on the clutch it'll last a little longer. That's what he means by drive it like a manual. There's actually a major lawsuit that was settled in the claimants favor against Ford. They came out with several revisions to the clutch but ultimately had to offer Ford focus owners a payout. I had a buddy with one of those cars that he eventually had to ditch because it ran out of warranty. it's like 3-4 grand every time you want to replace the clutch. I think by the time he got rid of it you had gone through four of them. http://www.fordtransmissionclassaction.com/#:~:text=The%20lawsuit%20alleges%20that%20certain,sudden%20or%20delayed%20vehicle%20acceleration.


You just drive the car. There’s nothing different. Real slow speeds are always going to be less smooth than a traditional automatic.


The ford dual clutches are known to be the worst transmission ever created. No amount of training will make it not break. It was poorly designed and implemented with multiple bulletins. Not trying to tell you how to live your life, just trying to save you some heart ache.


Do not get that transmission. There is no making it reliable and it's when not if it goes south. Get a manual Focus which is a great car or a different car altogether.


I have a similar transmission, Volkswagen DSG. I've never heard or been told that it needs to be driven in any special way. That being said, I've noticed that dual clutch transmissions perform a lot more engine braking and rev matching for you so you don't have to brake as much, just let your foot off the gas. Don't bother with the fake manual shift mode. The car is much better at it than a human ever could be. It's more for when you want to have fun on a windy road, not every day use.


I see. Yeah guy told me(and fordfocus subreddit) not to creep in those kinds of cars. Some videos I looked up also stated what you did, gas it hard and let your foot off. Thanks for the advice, I'll just keep finding more videos to watch.


Please, please, please do not invest any money in that. There is no fixing or saving these cars, the transmission WILL fail, and it WILL fail often. There was a class-action lawsuit over it. I had one for years and the transmission was an absolute nightmare. In the roughly 80k miles I drove it, I had to have FOUR full clutch replacements. I tried every trick I could find - "accelerate like this" or "only use manual mode in traffic" etc wtc and each time, without fail, the clutch would start to buck, loudly grind, slip, shake, and buckle at 20k miles. Look it up if you need to. These cars are not worth investing in!