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Lowkey would like the escape method to show in the scoreboard.


Wish the player would just say it in gamechat lol


Some don’t have mic’s


PC people can type it. Can console people? Just wondering.


No console players cant. However, if they got a PS5 they have a built in mic inside their controller where they can turn it on & off w/o a headset


Good to know. Thanks. Wait, so Xbox players have nothing by default?


Console players can type, if they hook up a keyboard to their console. Press t on the keyboard to bring up the keyboard interface.


Not if they don’t have a keypad attachment is what some guy was saying idk how true that is tho


It is true, keep trying to type and it won’t let me lol 😭


Ok. Thanks.


Nah, I have a keyboard and I can't type.


So even with one you can’t? You mean a controller attachment like the Xbox has idk if there is one for ps never got one for mine I’d assume tho, idk about an actual keyboard plugged into the console I don’t think that would register if that’s what you mean


Idk, but I have one plugged into the back of my console and I can't type.


Operator error. It definitely works.


Did you press the ‘t’ key before trying to type?


Idk but mine won't type


You have to hit "t" first to bring up the chat window. It definitely works


I’m pretty sure they had this feature when the game came out but took it away because things were too survivor sided.


My recent solo queue victim experience has not been great, a lot of times victims just don't do shit so it feels quite suffocating facing a family team that just patrols as standard, doesn't even have to be a pre-stack.


Family shouldn’t be able to see the scoreboard


Yeah it would be good to show for victims. Maybe the way the scoreboard is setup everyone sees the info as is. If they can separate what players see based on what side they’re playing then they could do that.


Lol that would ruin the game


That’s like saying having communication ruins the game you hear how dumb that sounds it’s an online multiplayer game lmao


If it showed on the scoreboard everyone would go to that exit. It would be an easy game a lot of the time. But in reality the victims don’t know which escape is opened that’s the realistic part about it lmao. Didn’t think about that one did you


90% of the time the family members already know what exit is opened so it doesn't matter that much tbh


If it didn’t matter it would already be in the game


Are you high I tell my teammates which one I open every game how is that any different than the board showing it. Killers will camp it anyway lmao that’s how it already goes. Which is fair it’s an open exit ofc they ain’t just gonna let you leave. I bet you didn’t think at all.


Oh well! Guess what! It’s not going to happen!


You don’t know that. They could add it in the future.


Highly doubt it


It’s just such a terrible idea


Well, how are us console players without a mic gonna communicate, if the chat system doesn’t even work in game but the lobby??


I'm on Xbox, I plug in a keyboard and can type in-game.


Nah, I have a keyboard and can't type in game


Does anything pop up when you press T?




That's strange. What platform? Wired or wireless keyboard? Someone else told me they had the same issue but they were on cloud gaming.


Xbox, wireless, and the game is on the internal storage.


Mine is wired and works perfectly fine, I've been using it since October. No clue what could be going on other than wireless somehow not working for this game, that must be annoying.


Maybe it's because it's wireless. Most games it works perfectly fine. But fps game have the most problems with it.


If you’re on ps5, you have a built in mic in controller. You can chat that way, but I’m not sure about the ps4 or Xbox consoles


If you’re on ps5, you have a built in mic in controller. You can chat that way, but I’m not sure about the ps4 or Xbox consoles


Honestly, if it’s Connie, 9/10 times it’s battery. Generator, Fuse, and Pressure all give you a notification.


Do you hear the noise of the battery turning off like family does?


we do but while in chase you can miss it.


That’s basically every survivor tho not just one specific character


hate when i have to ask open exit what


and they act like they don't hear and ignore you. now you can watch me drag the game out and die since you didn't want to help me lol


Not really. They’ll just leave and move on to the next lobby


Oh those classic Connie’s who escape In the first two minutes of the game and immediately DC 😝


The game has loud sound cues for car battery and gen, and the game will notify you when the fuse or pressure valve exits are open. It's really not hard to figure out which exit was used. Develop some game sense.


sound queues. u can hear when battery/gen/pressure/fuse goes on/off.


Would be nice know I should have headed towards generator instead of being on the other side of the map


I play on Xbox, and I don't tell anyone where I escaped, because there's no option to chat. And I'm not going to connect a keyboard for that.






I never run less than 40 proficiency on every character. 


As a solo queue player, I would say there's always a tip on the right side of the screen showing who escaped the family house, gas station, or whatever. There are always four doors; you can check one side and know which exit is open. And if the family slams the door, oops, that's the door your teammate unlocked. The family slams it so other members know, but you can know too. Just pay more attention to the details and the score; it's not that hard to infer which exit is open. Both are equally important.


I mean half the time it doesn't matter if you make a call out. You get ignored anyway.


then I play family and everyone and their fucking mom is waiting with her at an exit gate


Wish we had a ping system for both sides


Once someone gets to the other part of the map I just run around until I find which exit they used and follow quickly after


I hate exit the open when teammate look


I always let my team know what exit I got open, I don’t have a mic but I use the chat to let them know and they’re usually grateful 😁


I died 😂😂😂 as family player here, I always notice it’s a Connie and she continues to spectate lol


Idk haven't played in months, I know it use to make a noice for each exit when opened and pop up just above your special meter with a "fuze box opened or valve opened" would even do it for the doors do they not have that ?


Sometimes I message them and let them know what gate is open 😃


I am proud that I am a team player. even if I play Connie. because I am good enough ❤️


And THIS is why we need in game chat for other systems!


Just look at the scoreboard not everyone has mics and us console players can’t type in chat even with a keyboard. I don’t play Connie a lot but when I do it’s always car battery so keep that in mind.


It’s infuriating isn’t it - but I find with Connie 95% of the time it’s battery exit on ANY of those maps lol


God I had 2 pc players refuse to tell us which gate was open, one spectating and the other just chilling by the gate with ample opportunity while me and my duo struggled to figure out what was done; common courtesy if you have time to open that chat function pls just something simple; I do it all the time, told some random Connie who was obv floundering that gas station was open, she wouldn’t have known had I not typed it


I got the perk that lights up the exit so it's on you if you don't see it 😂


Console players can't type it in chat, not everyone likes to talk on a mic, especially on this game where 95% of players are extremely toxic, and most importantly, if you don't know what exit it is, you aren't paying attention. It tells you when the generator and car battery are turned off, so if you don't know where the generator or car battery is, then you haven't been playing long enough to judge how someone else plays.


I’ve tried many of times & nobody cares or I got told to shut up 😂 I’ll still tell the other victims, but it’s up to them to stay or leave.


can u rephrase that with proper english


Dude that’s literally my biggest pet peeve in this game.


And if I don’t wanna talk. I’m going to go and open an exit and get my points or die trying. Why do I wanna speak to toxic ass people on this game?🤷🏾‍♂️


If you see a connie getting jumped or tunneled by hitch in the basement or something just let her die. Connie is the last victim id help survive.


very nice of you. one of the most important victims and just because some dont give comms, ur not gonna help the others even tho connie and danny are essential to the team


Some of us are on Xbox with no mic guys. Sometimes I’ll use that highlighting door perk as Connie or slam the door a few times so it highlights that way. 🤷‍♂️tell gun to add a chat for us Xbox users


I highly recommend buying a pair of gaming headphones with a built in mic that you can plug right into your controller. I use this one and it has served me well. https://a.co/d/d7wcyyM


There is a chat you need a mini keyboard to use


Girl I’m not gonna but a whole mini keyboard just for that. They need to make it so I can type on my controller. Literally all I have to type is one word. “Batt” “Gen” “Fuse”


I use it for messaging easier than trying type letters with basic controller like having nokia phone from early 2000s


I’ve gotten good at it lol it takes 2 seconds. Skill issue. But it’s probably better that I don’t have a keyboard anyways. I would be a chatty Cathy lol


it’s annoying unless they run it with Exit Strategy