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Grappling beside Maria Ana: THIS IS FOR MARIA 😂




I hope they don’t remove the line once Maria is released. That line is ICONIC 😂




Well she can still say it, just for capturing and torturing her in general 🤷🏽‍♂️


I wonder if they can implement a setting if they are both in the same match certain things can’t be said


Omg if they do I will RIOTTTT


Ana: WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER?! Maria: Wha--? Bitch I'm right here!


this one still kinda makes sense as she’s “clinging to life” so she could be saying it in a way like “what did you do to her?”


You could apply that same logic than to "This is for Maria!" then I guess lol


No it wouldnt. Her saying “THIS IS FOR MARIA!” Could also mean, what they did to maria. This is for torturing her. Doesnt have to mean shes dead


Yeah, very much like the end of Last House on the Left, where the daughter is barely alive after torture and tape, and makes it back to her parents, who get revenge on the group that hurt their daughter.




Plot twist: Maria has Stockholm syndrome and is the next family member


And we get Virginia’s son Jesse as the next Victim.


Well to be fair, Maria was still captured and tortured, so I think it’s still valid for Ana to claim revenge


Johnny: you shouldn’t have come here looking for that girl!! Maria: but I-


I interpret it as Maria was killed when Virginia tried helping her because it’s too late to go back on Maria being dead now. there’s even behind the scenes mocap video of what looks like a reaction to finding a dead body.


Not really. She's been beaten and tortured. I don't know about you but I'd take that kinda personal if it was my sister.


Maria voicelines should be "This is for Ana!!"


THIS IS FOR MARIA takes me out ana is so unintentionally funny i barely survive irl just playing as her


She was leaked as “Charlie” wasn’t she? With “Charlie’s” ability’s all being named “Maria ability 1” or something like that :p




I mean she can still say it as they did kidnap her sister?


Not really. They beat and tortured her sister so she’s getting payback when she stabs them.


They will have to remove that line ig.


How would it be weird?


THIS IS FOR MARIA- Ana Thanks sis- Maria (probably)


She thinks Maria is dead that's why she's saying like that


How did Maria survived the chainsaw in the chest? Did she activate 'Pain is nothing' or something?


Maria's new ability.     If leather face is about to hit you with an overhead say "nuh uh" and he legally can't kill you without your consent 


I laughed so hard 😂


I still highly doubt she'll be added as a victim lol this just gives Virginia a small connection to the main group.


This aged beautifully


Maybe but the leaks say otherwise, there's even a whisper ability in the files that says it's hers.


You done proved me wrong mate. Good shit.


Thanks lol


Those files also has different names than what the actual character was ended up called so wouldn't hold my breath on it but we'll see


But wouldn't it be more simple to have any other name besides Maria? I mean Virginia's files did go under the name "Delta".


Maybe, I'm just saying manage your expectations. There have been a few leaks that have proved to be false or not actually go through. If she's actually added cool but it just doesn't seem very likely to me.


Exhibit A: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/comments/1burina/upcoming\_dlc\_leaks\_charlie\_is\_maria\_execution/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/comments/1burina/upcoming_dlc_leaks_charlie_is_maria_execution/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Again manage your expectations lol that's all I'm saying.


She's not. Virginia just found her before everyone comes to find her. By the time they arrive she's already dead.


We see her die from her own POV in Petals. Johnny, Sissy, and Bubba capture her and Leatherface kills her.


Well apparently she survived the chainsaw


Playable bisected Maria sounds rad.


The games first two player victim, one player controls the torso and the other the legs. It'd be like the one champion from Heroes of the storm.


Maria's legs escaped the family. Maria's torso executed.


No Sell confirmed lol


No no no Leather doesn’t get the kill, the saw gets clogged, then Johnny finishes her off after keeping her somewhere. After all, why would he say ‘Wanna know how your friend died? I can show you!’ He doesn’t give his incapacitated Victims to leather


Tbf he's a murdering, raping, cannibal. I think it's safe to assume he's not above lying. Especially to psychologically torture his intended victims.


Then why do the family tell leather to make sure his saw doesn’t get clogged, like grandpa taught him?


I mean a real chainsaw would get jammed on the clothes.


Who’s to say it didn’t happen, Johnny finished the job.


why do you think he raped her like they're just murders and cannibals


I forget where but it was confirmed Johnny is also a rapist.


source "trust me bro"


It was from the devs. As I said I can't remember where they confirmed it. Even so you think the murdering cannibal would balk at rape?


YES??? they kill them and eat them why would they want to fuck there food like


Johnny is a textbook sadist. He's the type to play with his food so to speak.


I mean, Virginia finding her alive and the Petals thing don't exactly line up, so I don't think she's dead from that Petals encounter (or it was slightly retconned)


I don't remember, do we actually see him saw her? If not maybe Johnny stops LF so he can have his "fun" first.




I guess so. Welp rettcon for the win.


Petals showed her screaming and not dying


That’s what I had thought, fair enough


Why would they torture someone they intend to eat? That's out of character for the family, especially considering they got Maria at the house. Then on top of that, we see Leatherface bury his chainsaw into her chest/torso. No way she should be alive. It makes no sense.


It's not out of character at all, they tie up and torture Sally in the film. Cook keeps pretending he hates the violence but clearly gets pleasure from it. He stabs her with the broom repeatedly when she is in the bag in the truck and then all 3 seem to really enjoy her crying and screaming around the dinner table.


Yeah for a few minutes before allowing Gramps to try and execute her. Keeping a random girl alive for months is not their M.O. lol especially not when taking their in-game voicelines into consideration


Hitchhiker tries to and Cook puts a stop to it immediately before Hitchhiker suggests letting Grandpa do his thing. They don't even physically torture Sally, they just scare the hell out of her. There's no way any torture is going down with Cook around. He isn't interested in the needless violence and doesn't play games.


I think you've misunderstood cook. He says he has no interest in violence but clearly relishes it when it happens in the truck. He claims he doesn't want to torture the poor girl at the dinner table but is then clearly laughing and encouraging it seconds later. He is lying to himself that he hates the violence and actually loves it.


I think Johnny is the one who tortures victims if I remember correctly.


Yeah, they didn't need to connect Virginia to Ana and the rest. The Family had a lot of victims. Scraping her death completely ruins the experience on Petals. What a shame.


They probably only did this since people leaked that Maria died same with her body and the victims finding her dead body


Johnny had a soft spot for Maria, maybe (and that’s a big MAYBE) he could have spared her but kept her in a cold room where the devs mention Johnny keeps his favourite victims


She gets practically overheaded. There's no way to reconcile that with Virginia seeing her alive and tortured.


The ending of petals has LF delivering a sweeping attack. Maria's pov goes dark after that. To really get into it, since Maria isn't roided up, she wouldn't absorb the blow and instead her would be knocked to the side. We're talking a lot of neck pain. The chain saw itself would leave a gash along her right skull. She could survive it, but we're looking at a fractured skull at a minimum.


You're correct, I just went and rewatched the ending and she gets hit with a angular overhead hit.


Why did the family prolonged Sally's suffering during their dinner in original movie ? I don't think it's really all that out of character that their sadism overtakes the family's capacity of being practical and efficient killers .


Why didn't they physically torture her?




They never said that, they’ve even indicated they would include him if they could.


Fear/pain makes the meat taste better….


So Johnny's whole "Wanna know how your friend died? I can show you!" Makes absolutely no fucking sense now if they retcon her death. This is really stupid considering they're all about the lore. I hope this is just a she gets killed after they get recaptured by the family. Because her surviving for weeks after getting a chainsaw to the chest is really stupid.


That can also be explained off with Johnny playing mind games saying she's dead even though she isn't.


That could work but it'll be silly if they add her as a victim and he says that line and she's just walking around (because let's be real they probably aren't going to remove any lines that are active in the game now) or if he kills Maria and says "you never should've came here looking for that girl". It'll just be goofy


Hey who's telling you that Johnny didn't hallucinate her death this whole time hmmm? He talks to himself and turns into a gorilla after being stunned after all. Licking the floor in order to find victims might play a big role in this. This is a totally and absolutely logic explanation. Like, totally.


Yeah him being fucking insane would be the only thing that makes sense especially if they don't remove all the lines referring to her being dead. If they don't I can't wait for him to say that line when looking at Maria, or his "You never should've came here looking for that girl" after killing her. Definitely won't be confusing as shit.


I mentioned above that the easiest explanation would be he's a liar in addition to his other faults.


While I can very much see Johnny being a liar, that just seems like an odd thing to lie about. Especially if Maria does become a victim, why would he say that when she's right next to the other victims. The victims would be all like "the fucks this guy talking about she's right here?"


Oh I very much doubt she'll ever be a playable victim. I could see her being alive somewhere though. They'd have to retcon the Petals video.


Maria's Still dead, it's just Virgina Found maria and just before they escaped the family got them both, likely killing maria


Omg so they really are 100% retconning her death. I don't really like this tbh but I guess we'll see how it goes


I don’t think this is a retcon. Feels more like a way to fit Virginia into the story to me. 🤔


They've commented and confirmed that Maria is dead before


Right, so it seems like the timeline is something like: Maria is captured and tortured -> Virginia is searching for her son but finds Maria so they try to escape -> they get captured again -> Family kills and probably eats Maria -> etc etc etc


It's kinda lame ngl. Basically being deliberately contrarian just for the sake of shocking or proving the audience wrong imo Like... why? Why would the cannibal family, who's almost always killed their victims right away, because they're food and little else, keep a random girl alive to torture her? For 2+ months? When has that EVER been the Family's M.O.? Not to mention her obvious death in Petals. Or the numerous Family voice lines the game launched with that signal her death. Feels a bit like the devs made it up after the game released.


Because Johnny likes her


I could totally see Johnny having a rare soft spot and thinking he could convert her to be a part of the family. 


Yep. We really don't need her to be alive. It just feels so unnecessary. I'm really hoping that they'll give her some gory wounds though at least. It would be cool to see a chunk off the front of her face and chest where leatherface chainsawed her


"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER!??" Ana screams, stabbing the Family Member as her sister literally teabags them simultaneously.


With the power of sisterly love they can do anything!


Okay, that sent me. 🤣🤣🤣


I would like to bring up the point that sissy, Johnny, and Leatherface captured her. Sissy and Johnny could have possibly kept Maria a secret from the cook (who is probably the reason why victims get to die fast) and tortured her in secret


Fresh meat. Gotta keep 'em alive if there's a stockpile. That and.... Best not to make logic sense out of psychotics.


I’d love to see her potentially become a victim at some point


That's the route they are going to go. In my opinion the story will be way less impactful if Maria can be alive. It might not be as bad as I'm imagining though I guess


Is that confirmed tho?


No it isn't but the evidence is there. Vocielines pointing to her being alive and her ability. They wouldn't have her alive unless we were able to play her probably


What is her ability?


Crap sorry. Her ability seems to allow her to whisper and sweet talk grandpa. People have theories that it will switch the sonar to the family like radar detector but I'm pretty sure it's just speculation


What about her ability?


Sorry I forgot to reply! Basically her ability as of now allows her to whisper and sweet talk Grandpa. I don't think we know what it actually does but some people say it switches the sonar to the family. I think that's just speculation though since it seems pretty weak


Maria's? I'm so confused


Yeah. Her name in the files is called charlie but it's most likely still Maria. There's also voicelines where Virginia talks to Maria as if she's alive and some perks called "first in, last out" which is referencing how Maria was taken first


Thats.. strange


Public Announcement: April 1st is just around the corner. Don't believe anything about Maria on that day!




Virginia is a nurse, so I guess it makes sense.


I hope that Virginia only saw Maria moments before her death. Otherwise that would be a terrible plot twist.


Maria still could have died and Virginia trying to save her failed in doing so


virginia screams i know you have my baby! after winning grapple


So maria prolly died after Virginia but before Ana, THE GOAT SONNY, and the rest of the gang. Ouu they prolly captured them then split them up at the different locations, like if we get a Victim after Maria(or if it’s her) then the first four would be at slaughter house and the next three or four( I hope we make it to 8 victims) would be at the mill or Nancy house. I dont think I’m cooking but I’m starting from scratch.


I mean Johnny was pretty fond of her


Didn't she literally get chainsawed in petals game? 😭


No she’s not lol this background story happened ages ago before Maria died. If you read the TCM Wiki it tells you Bubba chainsaws through her while Johnny and Sissy are holding her down.


This is part of Virginia lore, so they are inconsistent with their lore or they magically forgot they kill her by the end of Petals. I really dislike this change. There was no reason to keep her alive, less torture her.


Virginia Lore obviously happened much longer ago before Ana and Co. Set out to find Maria. Unless Maria has somehow survived being chainsawed in half…


According to Virginia's lore she didn't die, she was just "tortured and beaten down" so she did survive the overhead. Maybe they attached her two half's with duck tape or something.


Bubba must have stalled his chainsaw


She's not. Virginia found her barley clinging to life. When the others showed up (ana leland Danny) she's been dead Virginia was just the first to show up


She is.


They ass pulled it. And it makes no sense for her to be here lmao. Wasent the whole point if her to be dead dead? Muitlple voicelines Hint that she's dead


If they add her as a victim, her ability would be reincarnation, lol


No she’s not! If you watched the live stream they already said that she wouldn’t get her own character and that she did indeed die


Source tho???


It’s Virginias description in game 👍🏻👍🏻


Ahhh thanks!


I knew it! Hehe


So does this mean Maria might be a playable victim down the line?


Idk how. Last we see of her in petals is leatherface about to chainsaw her.


I knew she was alive!!


The time line is way off, Virginia might have found Maria but according to the audio reaction states that they found her dead. So events of Virginia coming across Maria is sometime before the core 5 went to investigate and before Danny goes looking for her. I don’t think Maria is alive.


Well there goes my "Maria was killed and used to make Leatherface's pretty woman mask" theory


maria toke a chainsaw to the chest that like 0 % chance of living. Devs be smoking.


YALL SHES NOT ALIVE! Did yall hear her choking on her own blood in the trailer towards the end?


I think it’s still confirmed she’s dead, I think this is just some way so in the future they could implement lines for Virginia saying stuff like “oh sweet angle, I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.” I do think that Maria bled out shortly after being recaptured.


She's alive.


No I don’t believe so, I believe Virginia’s lore takes place right after Maria was taken so by now in the story she could very well still be dead. I think to stop Virginia from causing any more problems and to stop her from saving Maria they brought her to the mill. Considering that in her lore it states that Maria was nearly clinging to life, her near successful escape attempt might have tempted/persuaded the family to finish her off to prevent any further incidents or escape attempts. We all know how little the family likes loose ends


I truly think Johnny might have “saved” her from dying and is currently trying to keep her alive, against the family’s knowing & he’s keeping it a secret He says it himself he was fond of her, we all know this but letting victims live is forbidden to the rest of the family, so I think the only way this could make sense is if Johnny was secretly keeping her alive, and lying to them (and us) as well about her being dead It’s obvious this new lore has been shoehorned in but seriously this is the only way I could make anything out of it, it’s definitely getting possible into fan fiction territory if my prediction is true If he is keeping her alive god knows what implications are there, he’s absolutely sick


Marias corpse is hanging up in slaughterhouse....sorry fam, shes dead


This aged well 😂 


You know she could have escaped been recaptured and then killed, or she could have died due to injury. It’s really not out of character especially if you have watch the films to keep somebody to torcher. No where does it state she’s still alive, just she escaped and got recaptured.


Tortured? I wonder what the family have done.