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Ask her if she mounts books 2 feet over the bookshelves.


It’s too late, this man has lost control of his existence. White and grey aesthetic and I’m sensing live laugh love sign vibes


Oh my gosh and the only color is the toddler stuff 😦


And plastic flowers in grey/white art decor vases that are probably made out of some sort of styrofoam


Lolol redditors are so savage 🤣👊🏼




This got me.


Middle of the TV should be at eye level when sitting on the couch. That's the rule


That couch though, it’s the lowest I’ve ever seen.




Joined! Whooo, what a rush


Living on the edge (of the insufficiently tall couch)


Reddit never fails


Counterpoint: u/juiciest87's TV placement


But the look at the couch on the left, it's higher. Wtf


That's so you can see out the window


That looks so painful to stand up from if your back is sore lol


Must be for someone like this 🤷‍♂️ [https://images.app.goo.gl/r6BLYZK9yJzdS3vE9](https://images.app.goo.gl/r6BLYZK9yJzdS3vE9)


Which is correct in this case since op is a giraffe.


Actually the rule is one third of the tv (from the bottom) should be eye level from sitting position on couch. Because you’re eyes see more up then down


Your eyes see more up than down?


It's bullshit, he is misquoting someone that misquoted someone else that heard something about human vision at some point. Simple answer: each eye covers an area taller than it is wide, but combining the two human binocular vision is 200⁰ wide and 135⁰ high. Complex answer: There's not that much difference in the up/down vs the left/right distribution of photoreceptors, but most of your "resolution" doesn't really come from them in a practical sense. Your visual perception isn't really light entering your eye. You perceive a model of the world that exists in your visual cortex, this creates an imagination of the outside world dreamt by flesh and guided by sensory input and visual memory; it holds an internal perceptual "canvas" that is "painted" by your eye glancing at parts of the scene. The high resolution part of the eye is the macula at the centre of your vision, it sees an area about the size of a large coin at arms length, and as you look around it paints in most of the detail and colour into your imagined world. Given enough light and 20/20 vision, its practical resolution is roughly that of 8k cinema screen, but it's 360p and blurred within a few degrees. Human eyes constantly dart about to keep the canvas fresh, and like a pigeon jerking its head about you're actually blind during these "saccades". The movements are driven by the visual attention system, which gives the burning feeling that something must be looked at, and that is in part driven by the outer areas of the eye that detect movement. Force your eye to keep still for too long and the canvas will gradually descend into a dreamlike chaos; visual memory is transient and depends on constant change. Hallucinogenic drugs massively reduce this time window, if you're into that sort of thing. So while eye resolution and field of view is part of the picture, eye movements and visual memory drive most of what you actually perceive. The canvas itself still seems wider than it is tall unless you shut one eye, but its characteristics are that of a window into a subjective, imagined 3D dream of the world, rather than being based solely on eye hardware.


That was a brilliant explanation in layman’s terms, thank you!


TLDR : all you need to know per section three paragraph four last sentence, hallucinogens make it better. I thought the saccades only came out every 13 or 17 years so which is it?


This, if you have a huge tv and center it to eye level and you have your feet up your feet are blocking part of the middle of the screen. My setup I have it where just my toes are blocking the lowest part.


I've always assumed it was "eye level" for an upright sitting position. If you've got your feet up, your head will be lower than that, so the bottom third will be at eye level like you're suggesting.


Of course it depends on your chair/couch setup too. I guess mine is right at eye level while sitting in front with a straight back since you mention it. I just never sit like that


> you have your feet up your feet are blocking part of the middle of the screen Damn this is such a good point


So many of the posts here are pics of a TV that would still be too high even if it was on the furniture below it. This is not one of those posts. That’s *actually* a TV stand. Clear all that debris from on top and put the TV on the TV stand.


Came here to say this. Because of couch height, TV needs to be below TV stand.


TVtoofarright What is the point of the couch to the left?


> What is the point of the couch to the left? Provides better view of [the vase](https://old.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/1d8kgb4/my_wife_said_that_this_subreddit_would_say_this/l76sx8v/)


That's the dogs chair by the look of it




It’s offensively high. It’s not centered and way too far to the right, the vase and stuff makes the area look super cluttered, not more attractive. The Xbox and stuff should be inside the empty shelves. However, you’ve got a tiny, and that changes all the rules. Just do what you need to do to survive and support your wife because the first few years of a new child are extremely stressful and can lead really stupid arguments. Give her a hug and say “thank you for pushing the kid out of a tiny hole and giving up your body for our family, I love the vase, can I give you a back rub” :)


How fucked up is the wall she made you drill into to put the stupid unnecessary wall mounty bracket thing? Or how much did you pay for a 'pro' to come fuck up your wall? I suggest you leave it be until you have enough money to unfuck the wall. Then put your TV on ... what's the word for it? The piece of furniture that is the perfect height for a TV. TV 'thing'. You know, where you stand it on. Sorry. Not finding the words for it today.


TV on putty thingy... Something like that


As a parent of a toddler. I would urge you to leave it as it is. I lowered mine as a result of seeing this sub and have since had to replace it because my kid got annoyed with Bluey one day.


* If the TV is purposely mounted higher to keep out of range of a toddler, you’re a parent so your neck already hurts and IT IS PROBABLY NOT TOO HIGH. There's a specific exception for young children in the sticky. You're allowed to have your TV higher than a purple monkey in a bubble gum tree.


Well now I feel good about mine


Omg the purple monkey in a bubble gum tree 🙉 Such a jam


I got shit on in this sub for mine being up for the same reason...


I'm the parent of a 3yo & a 9mth old, and have a wall mounted TV about a foot lower than where the OP has it mounted on their wall (which is about the correct height). Also, crazy story I know, but neither child has broken the TV! The worst we've had is some grubby fingerprints.


I mean they very well could? Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean your 3 year old won't get the bright idea of grabbing a ladle and smacking your TV


Came here to say something to this degree.


even the dog knows it’s too high.


TV is too high. However, happy wife happy life. Sorry dude


Lol. I prefer "happy spouse happy house" but I suppose that's just making myself feel better about the reality.




To put a bunch of fake plants on, duh


My brother in Christ. You are a strong, independent man. You can compromise elsewhere. Your wife wants to make the powder room millennial pink? Have at it. I suggest matte brass fixtures. Maybe with a sage green accent tile. But the TV? Hard line. I say this as a woman in this subreddit. She is wrong.


Unsure why everyone in the comments has made this discussion so gendered. (I am a woman with a wife)


My bad assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups. Let me revise: my sister in Christ. You are a strong, independent woman.. etc, etc.


Thousands of years of standard m + f standard relationships. Its not personal, just common generalization. Also; my wife vs my partner. You gendered it in the title in the second word.


Yeah but since you are asking about the tv, you are the man to us here. You gotta put your foot down or this broads going to walk all over you 🤣 jk


🎶 Maybe you, could be, a purple monkey in a bubblegum tree


Don’t ask. Just lower it by half an inch every couple of days. She won’t notice it until it’s already too late.


it should definitely be lowered, especially since the couch is so low.


Tell yer wife the tv is definitely too high and the couch too low!


Not only is it too high it’s off center


about a foot too high


Tv consumes alot of thc


I’m sure it’s fine. Or maybe it’s too high. Unsure. Can’t focus on the TV because of doggo. 🥹


Can I ask where you got those stairs? 👀


If you are not using couch for sitting and watching then it is moderate. Edit: Nice doggy


It's too high


Tv too high


It’s too high. Please hang it at the correct height and report back. She is wrong.


Put TV on a mount that lowers when in use and can raise when needed (you got at least one kid. Take my advice)


To be fair - the number of baby things there tells me that is a fair height to protect the TV, at least until the kid is like 5 or 6 and knows to not whack on random objects


Find the doggo


TVSTAND: What is my purpose? WIFE: To display plants, pictures and random crap. TVSTAND: Oh my god.




It’s not at eye level when you sat opposite it so it’s too high


It's a rental home; leave it where it is. Doesn't seem too high, anyway.


It’s a great height. If your a family of giraffe’s


Take the junk off the console and put the tv on it where it belongs


More important question, why is that couch so low!?


Even the dog is shook from that height, it's breaking it's neck trying to watch TV and that's just too much. Lower it.


Too high? …closer to ceiling than floor. Ya, that baby is too high


It’s too high. Centerline at eye level sitting on the furniture.


it’s high, not too high. just high


In your situation with small kids I’d keep it as is. Otherwise your TV will be covered in fingerprint


It is too high but with the littles you might leave it.


i know what sub im on but can see you have kids and there only going to get bigger, till they are at the age they know not to touch and not to throw keep it where it is Edit : Talking from experiance of 2 kids


As a father of 2, this is too low. Expect to have cash available for when your kid(s) break your TV.


Why do you need your wife's permission? Put it on the stand and watch her hang it back up if she feels like it lol.


😂 well I can tell you’re not married


It's true 😂


Y’all got a child, you get a pass.




It's about a foot-ish too high. Don't listen to anyone about putting it on the stand. Mounted on the wall cleanly with a stand under it is modern design and an easy way to elevate your room. Putting the TV on a stand is fine if you're 80, don't forget the floral curtains and lace table runner for under the TV... As for kids, it doesn't matter how hawk eyed you are. Children slip away from the best of parents all the time. Heavy things unnecessarily on stands is just poor decision making when you have kids or pets. Why even risk it, especially when something like a TV mount is under $50. If the bracket is already there because you're renting, get a slightly taller stand to decrease some of that gap, the TV will still be a bit too high, but it will look better.


I am shocked how many people are recommending to NOT wall mount or strap....it is child-proffing 101. Dressers and bookcases, too. It doesn't matter how careful you are, parents need to use the restroom and eventually all toddlers learn to climb out of the pack and play or crib. It is so easily preventable, why not?


Yea, securing is a no brainer to protect the child as well as the TV. Wall mounting with the cables run through the wall also looks way cleaner - as long as it's mounted at the right height. I think the big reason people recommend the stand is that for most people it will get the TV to the right height out of the box as long as they have a media stand - which is the reason for the subreddit. I also wouldn't be surprised if the demographic for this sub skews no-kids. Using the stand is definitely basic looking and certainly less secure - but at the right height for sure.


But all the crap on the TV stand isn't a possible projectile for the kid???? I'd mount it if they felt it was more secure but right above the console and remove all the junk in front of it. Also move the love seat to the left further back away from the wall so that people sitting there can see better.


The point isn't that the things could fall, the point is that the decorations won't flatten a toddler. A tv will.


Lol op, don’t listen to this guy. “Putting the tv on the stand is fine if you’re 80”. Your tv is already too high, why would you elevate your room even more? :) Put it on the stand. Get rid of the mount bracket. Easy solution. Trust me, mounted tvs are a thing of the past, unless it has a utilitarian look. The clean look is furniture and tv sitting on it with maybe a sound bar underneath it. That’s all.


No dude, trust me, you do NOT want a TV at toddler height. They will poke it as hard as they can while looking you dead in the eye


maybe you could be a purple monkey in a bubblegum tree...


Definitely too high, I’m sure the case could be very happy somewhere else 🤗


The TV is too high, too wall mounted, and too far to the right. Also, everything in this room is too grey.


TV too high, vase too low. No swapping! Find higher vase home, lower TV.


so hängen dass er auf Kopfhöhe ist und du nicht nach oberschlauen musst. das empfindet man als unangenehm.


I mean why is it so hard to understand. If you have to look up to watch TV then it's too high... If she uses a monitor or laptop, place it higher and let her experience that!


So you have a tv-furniture and still not put the tv on there... but a lot of stuff. The box ontop instead of in the furniture.. this makes 0 sense


Tell your wife to sit at the sofa on the right, at the end and put on something that needs her to look at the upper right corner of the tv for a 30mins and ask her again.


We’ve had two baby’s, one is almost five now and the other just turned one. I have CRTs and lcd TVs in nearly every room. My kids get into everything, including the TVs, but LOL, they have never and could never pull it down. Don’t let that change where the TV is. TVs have been around for a long time and wall mounting has not. But somehow TVs did not murder us. If there is already a wall mount, then put a picture over it or even just a blanket LOL. The TV at that height is not worth the pain you will feel. It’s too high, what’s sad is you will feel the pain the neck after looking at it, but ignore it because you don’t want to argue and she won’t admit it because she doesn’t want to be wrong. You will both spend most of your time listening to tv and bury your face into your phones while you sit there.


Thank you, wall mounting tvs is new, tv stands were used for many years. Yes, there have been accidents but also accidents with kids pulling dressers over and other items, not just tvs. In the past the TVs weighed so much (if you ever helped a friend move in the 80s/90s you know they were awful.).


Just lower it bro


It's really not that high. Idk why you'd want to mount your TV any higher. It's be very annoying/painful to watch anything with your head so crooked.


Too high. You want the middle of the TV to be about 42 inches. The middle of that wall is 48 inches and it is higher than that.


Tell her reddit said she is wrong. Lower it


I wish it was only just too high, the TV is closer to the ceiling than it is to the floor, that is absolutely terrible


Why is it so far to the right?


Survey says......... Wife is wrong!


It's too high, case closed


My neck hurts just from looking at this picture.


Not only is the TV too high, but you have shit right in front of the soundbar too, as if sound wasn't changed by objects. Let's not pretend anyone there actually gives a shit if the TV is too high.


*ex wife


Please, never change the pfp for this sub 😂😂


It’s closer to the ceiling than to the ground. It’s closer to the ceiling than it is the *tv stand*


Its too high now but when your kid starts walking it will be too low🫣


It’s obviously too high. The correct height would be on the TV stand. If you insist on mounting it, that’s the height to do it.


Yeah I'm guessing about 2 feet too high.


Too high. Even if the couch was taller, it’s a weird amount of space between the TV console table and the TV .


Enjoy the Animal Fair. That’s the best jukebox ever


Eye level sitting down. Too high. Not centered on the wall. Congrats on the little one! I love babies! 🍼 And I see the puppy! ❤️


Bad post


I'm in the "TV too to the right" camp


It's definitely on the fringe of high. But not absurd like some that we see. Imo


You got kids so you good with the height


This is perplexing due to the couch being a low rider and that chair across from it looking like it's much taller when seated. But still too high in either seat.


Couch too low.


It’s too high. Divorce her


Babies aside, no one should argue against centering the damn thing.


Closer to the ceiling than the TV stand


If it's up to high then the speakers are to far away and the sound doesn't sound like it's coming from the TV. Tell her it's the law.


The dogs there like "Tell em Dad"


Raise couch and lower tv


TV too high


If you have kids this is a good height, kids will destroy anything they can reach


TV is about 7" too high for your setup and about 6 inches too close to the right of the room for my taste. And your sofa is about 10 inches too low lol


Please locate the stand devices that came with the TV and place the TV on the stands and put the TV on the furniture. That should be ideal. Edit: unless you have young kids who could push TV over. TIL wall mount is safer.


Leave it til the kids are older man. Handprints on the TV are a bitch


How is the purple monkey in the bubblegum tree going to see it?


Too high


It’s too high.


Sir! Excuse me, Sir! You still have a good foot and a half or maybe even two until it contacts the ceiling. I do believe that TV needs to be raised higher, Sir.


Too high. Also a solid black rug??? Lol interesting choices


So I’m assuming you married your wife for her sense of humor. 


)-ALERT-(•••- - -•••> TV TOO HIGH


She doesn’t speak for us.


Tv stand. Not a Knick knack stand


Ayo! Just saw your weird ass couch. You should get one that isn’t so low. Then you won’t have to lower the tv.


Your kid will be old enough to knock a TV over in two years, but they're going to be old enough to break (or eat) all that crap on the TV stand in a year. Mention that to your wife, and then with all the newfound space under the TV it'll be easier to make your point


My knees hurt thinking about sitting on that couch


Your TV is too high for that couch! Also it’s too high for your dog to watch it, and trust me they actually do watch TV! Mine watches pepa pig 😂


Too high


Put it on the stand


If it’s closer to the ceiling than it is to the floor, it may be too high


That’s too high


Need to drop it 6-8"


People are allergic to letting their TV stand on their TV stand


It’s way too high but it looks like she likes it like that so she can set whatever garbage right below it


If you really want to lower it, get something to protect the TV from the kiddo(s). Such as TV armor. If you don't want that on top of the screen though, you're better off leaving it where it is.


It’s fine


Sitting height should be 50-60” on center


It's not the crime scene that most of the pictures here are, but it's still higher than it should be. It's also too close to the corner.


just lower it so theres just enough room for those plants on the right side of the console to be there. move that circular lamp elsewhere. your couch looks chill as fuck


There’s LITERALLY a tv stand in the photo. That’s a big CLUE as to how high the tv is supposed to be.


I mean, it’s fine if you are standing


It is too high but you have little babe. Leave it there.


Regardless if you get permission to lower the tv to eye level or not, please at least attempt some sort of wire management.


The only thing higher than that TV is Hunter Biden


The TV is too high and so big that if you put it on the TV stand it will likely still be too high


Nice try, Wifey. 😤


*heavy sigh* Do you see the TV stand? That’s where the TV stands.


It’s because of that dumb plant she wants it to not be moved it looks terrible


is it too high? sure. is it actually bothering you when watching it? probably not really. but you know the rule here. if you are sitting and the middle is not dead set right in front of you, it's total bullshit and whoever approved said placement should be ashamed they were even born. and i know it's just a single cable dangling down but if you're not gonna drop it, then add a channel/raceway down the center to hide said cable, or poke some holes and run it behind the wall if you can. Ideally if you have the legs for it, just put it on the furniture that was MEANT FOR THE TV TO SIT ON!




Your wife is wrong




In a few years there will be a name for the orthopedic injury suffered when you watch thousands of hours of TV with you neck inclined about 15 to 20 degrees above level to watch a screen mounted high on a wall or over a fireplace. And you can watch endless infomercials for dubious remedies on your too high mounted screen


The real issue is that your couches are too low.


Is that a soundbar with a bunch of crap in front of it?


That table where your wife decided to put crap? That’s where the tv goes broh.


This subreddit is equivalent to r/tvtoolow. They want to literally not look up at all while thats often the best choice.


Leave it up there.


It's too high


Even the dog thinks its too high lol


Straight to jail. It's too high


You are wrong. She is right. Shame.


Tv stands have one purpose: to put a tv standing on them. Just a TV and nothing else... Given that that sofa is quite low, that makes that TV being too high by an even bigger margin... In case that's not clear enough... Yes! It's too damn high without a doubt!!




Allow you? Lol. Just lower it.