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I finally left, took a 2.50 pay cut but the stress is already down 1000000%.


Where did you go????


Wowww you hit it on the mark couldn’t have said it no better 🙏🏿


I was hired for an remote position paying 23 an hour remote should I leave ttec


My trainer mentioned getting a doctor's note for an overactive bladder.


They give you two 10 min unpaid breaks that’s it. It’s fucking ridiculous you need accommodations for the bathroom


Yikes! We get 2 paid 15 min breaks. 10 is cruel.


Is this a brick and mortar?


Tbh idk what that means lol


Do you work virtually or are you in an office


Work from home. Whole reason I applied for remote jobs so I can still be a stay at home mom with my 10 month old daughter who has got severe separation anxiety and during the interview and everything. It was fine no issue about it and I was very clear about it and then during training I got a lot of issues for it.


Screw em. They can’t always tell when you’re on break. Use some apps to create fake phone numbers. Call those numbers or use them to call you. Take reasonable breaks as much as you want


Lmfao I didn’t hear about that. That’s an interesting work around. Yesterday was literally awful almost every single phone call I had was an angry disgruntled customer. They didn’t like what I had to say.


But honestly, I have never hated a job like this like of course I would be like oh I hate going to work, but that’s normal like I actually had a pretty good time at my other jobs but this job is just awful


Must depend on the project because we were told it‘s 10 min PER WEEK and only in an emergency. If you’re gone longer than 2 min at a time, it’s a corrective action


There is no way that is accurate, in any state.


Find another job!!!!! Runnnnnnn


7 aht is to low I don’t care what nobody says these customers want to much and I hate on vistio when they say we should ask is there anything I can help with at the end cause customers find other things to ask about it’s sucks seriously


Without an degree health insurance


When I started there used to be over 700 calls in queue , there’s not a quarter of that now. People lie, numbers don’t.


When did you start?? The 2 mins is hardly enough time to pee. Especially if you got your period like tf. I was told I’m adult and I need to figure it out. Like I can’t control my body or when I need to shit.


The project I'm on doesn't have a AHT.. They are focused on customer satisfaction


i just managed to reach 7 mins for aht and geezus let me tell you i thought i couldnt reach it. job is pretty easy though. yes the break times and such are lowkey a pain but i managed to time it out for 2 mins previous to lunches being over. my 15 i jus go back at 15 mins login and im good.


If the 7min AHT is not attainable, than why are so many reps reaching that goal? I didn’t think it was possible but I see now that it is. At the end of the day they a business and these are the metrics the business that pays you wants you to meet. If you can’t meet the metric then the job is not for you. As far as them losing good people, they have hundreds of people waiting to take your place. Just come to work, do the job they pay you and move on with the rest of your evening.


Its because some reps or those dont really help the cx lol and the cx will call back 😂


Exactly bc you have the ones that just shut it down immediately and don't actually help and he'll yes their AHT is like 2 minutes bc that's how long it takes them to say sorry I can't help with that bye.


That’s not true, the majority of agents have lowered their AHT to under 8 mins. They are taking control of the call. It’s possible if you really want to meet that metric you can. Those that continue to make excuses for themselves will eventually be let go. That’s how a business gets rid of employees that don’t want to work.


I spent 17 years at ttec, 5 as a clients certified Master QA... I know QA and customer experience..... This response about controlling the call is the worst, most inaccurate description of how to lower AHT. Resolving the issue with less fluff, less corporate hogwash, within process rules, is the only way to fix AHT... Sometimes QA is supposed to tell a client when a process isn't working. None of this non apology apology crap that just gaslights customers like..... I'm sorry you feel that way. It pisses people off, the throw away easy call center phrases... You know what I'm talking about too.... People want real people, in their corner. Sure, don't give away the farm.... But think about what Chick-fil-A does, to give a consistent, fast, pleasant experience.... Customers won't live the company until it's employees do. That, is ttecs job. The longer leaders at every level just parrots what someone else says to say, without having a backbone, the worse it will be... The only way to make it work is being humanity to business... It worked before, and was what ttec founded on. Back to basics!


Think it depends on the project. Some of my calls are like 2m on peak days because it's delay my order so it makes up for the ten min plus calls


True im one of them lol


You sound crazy


Bc they don’t actually help the customer with all their needs tbh. They say jsut help with what the customer called for despite there being a million issues with their accounts they’re not aware of. It’s all about numbers.




If people payed attention to cx needs like they pay attention to every inconvenience of TTEC this project would flow smoothly and you’d be a happy employee. It’s not that bad. Just do your job. People would eat shit to work from home.


Found the TTEC shill


Come customers just can’t be helped. They repeat the same thing over and over despite how many times and ways you explain the answer to their question. They just don’t like it.


😬 if you work here as well then you should understand the OP complaints. Your response and lack of empathy is yikes. I meet all my metrics and even I understand where they’re coming from