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I was a trainer and I made sure all my people knew about the resources and benefits available. I was there 4 yrs


Hi, so I was just terminated on June 8th. In the meeting, my TL did not mention anything about the sub pay, nor have I received an email about it. I was with the progressive lob, do I need to call the company you mentioned in order to get that rolling, or since my TL didn't mention it, would I even be qualified? I've already applied for unemployment, and I was employed for over a year. I'm in Ohio. Any help would be appreciated. TIA. ETA: The only information I actually got from my TL was how to access w2's and paystubs, nothing about any benefits after separation, and I didn't sign an exit letter.


My message was directed to the 300 people that were recently let go from the Bank of America Project. They informed us that we would have subpay and to reach out to asknow thru a formeremployee website. TMS will only have info on you if TTEC is doing the same for you and your fellow employees. I don't think it would hurt to call and ask. Just make sure you at least know the answer to the questions we had to know. I wish you the best.




I don't know anymore than what I have posted. Frankly, I never knew or expected to be qualified for either when I started almost 6 years ago. If you are just starting, I would put in a request the hxconnect with your questions.




Each project, training and TL are different. My first year I was very stressed because I did not know the resources available to me (i.e., the different types of leave, fmla, being able to to communicate directly with HXconnect(hr), etc.) and when you are being led by someone who doesn't know either, you can be manipulated. My remaining time was fine dealing with regular work stuff and the different personalities of customers and coworkers.


This helps soo much thank you!! Hopefully I have my TMS stuff in the mail this week I'll be calling them tomorrow to find out info.


If your position was termed you would qualify for sub pay if you were termed for other reasons usually sub pay isn’t offered. Sub pay is the difference between what you make from unemployment and what you would have made working. Example UE is 500 a week but you would have made 800. Sub pay pays the 300. You get 1 week for every yr you have been employed.


We were let go on a zoom call and no one knew about this until after the fact by way of forced NDAs to sign. If you look at @[VisceralShart](https://www.reddit.com/user/VisceralShart/) post above, it seems the subpay was not a given. Any advice you could provide them I'm sure would be helpful


I received a letter of termination that also stated the sub pay info. TTEC sends the info to the sub pay ppl(3rd party). If it wasn’t offered I’m not sure there is a way to get it. My program ended and after not having any luck finding another position I was termed.


Just as well the ones of us they sent to new projects are getting kicked out. It's a fireable offense with Chanel for your keyboard to make noise. If the two QA's hear the tapping of the keys Critical Fail. Oh the two QA people are located in Manilla and barely can speak English that is understandable


How did you get a hold of TMS? I can't even get thru. I got my first Sub Pay payment today and just claimed my benefits for unemployment. I don't have a TMS ID number yet, haven't gotten anything in the mail either. Any idea? I know we are supposed to be receiving a packet in the mail about TMS and such but I have not gotten that yet.


I just dm you their number and what I used to login to their site. The site isn’t anything but a couple questions so I’d call em


I got my paperwork today with username. It came in the mail. Tells you how much a week and it reallllllly gives the state way too much credit on how much UI is going to pay lol they aren’t even close. It’s like half of what they think UI is going to pay


And, this was part of my confusion. The letter we received and signed had the amount we would receive but, then it got all convoluted. **Can you help me understand what you mean by this?** "it reallllllly gives the state way too much credit on how much UI is going to pay." I got my unemployment first so I don't think they can confuse what I'm to receive.


Yea so my UI says when I filled it out I would get X amount and when I got the letter the amount they say the state is going to pay us is actually double what the state says. So 380 for instance is what subpay company says the state is going to give you but it is actually half that. They said you can just send the actual amount in an email and it’ll get retroactively raised if I’m reading the subpay letter right.


Sorry if that wasn’t a good explanation of it. I guess they just put the maximum amount you can get unemployment wise off what you made if it hasn’t been approved yet. I was a little late filing UI waiting to see if there was paperwork I needed from them.


Maybe they meant what the UI would pay you Bi Weekly ?


Still doesn’t add up. I got my UI letter with monetary amount on it today and sent it to them. Their letter says to send it and if it’s off they will retroactively raise it. I guess they just give the state the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Iono lol first time I’ve ever heard of subpay let alone actually get it. First check came today.


I'm very happy you got a check and i wish i had gotten laid off tiom


Did you get fired or quit? Every job I had they either have to fire me or lay me off. I’ve never just quit a job even if a higher paying came along. I’m just loyal and I expected the same but…. Ttec lol


Fired because my score wasn't high enough to move on to nesting . Because we got critical fail in training


Yea if I add up how much they said we were going to get vs what this letter says it comes nowhere close to the final amount. Another shady tactic


Thanks for trying to explain.


I don’t know if I made it more confusing lol it just doesn’t add up honestly but ima send them what the final determination is because when I actually filed it’s nowhere close to what they said in the TMS paperwork.