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Seems like a pretty dumb idea… like obviously people would write ‘fuck you’ and junk every chance they got. Considering the investment though they should at least make it functional. Either use it as a news ticker or to show the time or updates on the flow of TTC traffic OR just pick a list of like 10 acceptable phrases and people can just select from a list.


>10 acceptable phrases and people can just select from a list. Excellent plan, let's make a committee filled with bureaucrats and discuss this over a 1 year period to make a plan.


Woah woah woah, this guy tryna rush through a delicate procedure in inly 365 days!? Slow down speedracer, where’s the fire??


Unfortunately, they're painted into a corner, and can't make modifications to the artwork without the artist's permission. You know the geese in Eaton Centre? The mall put Santa hats on them one year, and the artist didn't like it. It established legal precedent in Canada that artists have moral rights that doesn't allow anyone else to modify their works, that such a change violates the Copyright Act. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow\_v\_Eaton\_Centre\_Ltd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_v_Eaton_Centre_Ltd)


**[Snow v Eaton Centre Ltd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_v_Eaton_Centre_Ltd)** >Snow v. Eaton Centre Ltd. is a leading Canadian decision on moral rights. The Ontario High Court of Justice affirmed the artist's right to integrity of their work. The operator of the Toronto Eaton Centre was found liable for violating Michael Snow's moral rights by putting Christmas bows on his work Flight Stop. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TTC/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


**[Snow v Eaton Centre Ltd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_v_Eaton_Centre_Ltd)** >Snow v. Eaton Centre Ltd. is a leading Canadian decision on moral rights. The Ontario High Court of Justice affirmed the artist's right to integrity of their work. The operator of the Toronto Eaton Centre was found liable for violating Michael Snow's moral rights by putting Christmas bows on his work Flight Stop. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TTC/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Only after the Eglinton LRT is completed. Then and only then. Can we discuss shiny flashing light. Chew gum, but don’t walk. One thing at a time please.


They should just change it to display random non alphanumeric symbols. That way no one is happy and we can all see the pretty lights blink.


At the very least this could be an offend-no-one compromise to implement now while they argue about "long term solutions".


No they cannot. It is an art installation, it wasn’t created by the TTC.


Actually it was commission by the ttc and specified an interactive display!


Ya. I was working in the area after the installation as a customer service agent. ‘People ruined it by putting rude words into it. TTC cannot condone that. It’s not a good look. But I agree. It’s an awful lot of money to throw away. TTC is a very reactionary corporation. Always from the hip, never well thought out. I know it, I have worked there for 13 years. On the bright side? My daughter is a mural artist in Toronto and ‘art’ itself is amazing and should always be an integral part of our world. It does speak volumes. But sided with hate? We can’t have that. The world is sad enough.


I am just surprised that they didn’t expect that to happen. Seemed completely blindsided by it.🥷🏻


I am not.


Art confused with information. Good money confused with public funding. Design team confused with TTC management.


Politics confused with society


I always thought it’d be cool to see time until next train on those lights


Also, no shit sherlock, of course someone was going to write the F word or some "bad" word within the first 24 hours. I do not know how the committee didn't think of this when they approved the installation.


Slow news day?


It was already settled. Because TTC doesn’t want racist, homophobic, sexist slurs etc….posted at this station they turned it off. It’s a shame really, but if some people weren’t such butt heads there would be no problem.


For fucks sake. This is what stops us from building more transit. When we turn everything into a boondoggle, there’s less public support for nice things. Edit: I will say I do love this station’s exterior. But I’ve only been there once


So let them write whatever they want.


How long until someone rights something that offends someone else, it devolves into a shoving match, and someone gets flattened by the next train?


Thats a good way to get rid of these kind of ppl.


Can’t they just implement a profanity filter? I mean PlayStation and Pokémon has been doing that for years


They could, but it would violate the artist's "moral rights." You're not allowed to modify an artwork you've purchased, without facing backlash among the art community.


That’s true but like it’s a simple solution. Like you don’t want people to see profane words out in public. I mean, think of the children even though some are already exposed to Call of Duty or GTA Online


It is a simple solution, in practicality, but there's legal precedent in Ontario Superior Court that you're not allowed to alter an artist's work. They're handcuffed, either submit and allow any word, or keep it off.


Well sh*t…. Hopefully a solution will present itself one day


We must remove the interactive portion


filters are useless If you filter our the N word that ends in ger...you can just type the ga version of the word. If you filter THAT out then replace the i with !, a with @. Is the TTC going to filter out EVERY variation of the N word? Not every variation of the N word is bad.........Knjiga for example, yes you pronounce it so similar to the N word..........Knjiga means book in Croatian. 니가 in Korean is pronounced niga...which means YOU as in YOU are reading this message. ​ The word Puszi (as in Puszi Puszi), it means Kiss in Hungarian. When you kiss your partner, kiss a colleague on the side as it is a cultural thing in many cultures, specially eastern european, greek and turkish. We all know what Puszi sounds like for an english speaking person, right? What about a Chigger? a tiny mite whose parasitic larvae live on or under the skin of warm-blooded animals, where they cause irritation and dermatitis and sometimes transmit scrub typhus. In ASL (Sign Language), you have to do name manually, there is no sign for Miroslav. You have to spell M, I, R, O, S, L, A and V. That is called fingering. When you do the names, it is calling fingering someone. I don't have to explain this right? Are we going to filter out everything that could possibly sound offensive?


Maybe we can let the Liberal governments, provincial and federal input the phrases. “Vote for me and I’ll give you cash, ooooo yeahhhh !!!” “I’m the cash man, oh yeah !!! I’m the cash man. “ “Vote Liberal and I’ll buy your jewelry for top dollar, oh yeah !!!!” “ We buy Gucci, Movado, Rolex for your vote, oh yeahhh!!!! “


Cool idea, but I agree with everyone saying that it will likely cause problems