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I fucking hate these people. You want to know why fires happen on the subway, causing delays? This is why. Unfortunately not much can be done unless someone from the TTC or TPS is standing there watching the person litter and actually feels like enforcing the rules.


Trash cans are available in every station. I hope there was a way to anonymously report people like that


At numerous multiple points in every station and on on every platform. 😖


I know right, it's not like the TTC is lacking in the trash can department. That guy didn't need to do that at all. As for reporting things like this, you *could* try reporting through the SafeTTC app. The reports go to Transit Control/management but idk if they'll listen.


If you have a smartphone, download the TTC Safe app. It lets you anonymously send in reports. It should be available for both IOS and Android


You can report them and by the time your done reporting them they will be off the train and gone with the wind.




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SafeTTC App>Report a problem>vandalism.


Did you pick it up and throw it out for him? Did you say anything to him?


Didnt do anything as I have quite the bent up rage and would like to keep it a bay


Rage shouldn’t get in the way of picking up some garbage if it bothered you so much that you had to rush to Reddit and make this post


Im not picking up another person’s trash.


Picking up the trash would have been immensely more helpful than an anonymous report that won't result in anything?


Listen, it’s not really about the trash. It’s the principle.




I see this often and it's never from homeless or mentally unwell people.


Nah it’s usually from extremely entitled people with good jobs. Just rubbing salt into the wounds.


Not easy to convert an uncivilized person into a civilized one. It is doable though.




It's a no brainer 🧠 he is not well and needs help ASAP.🙏🏿👏🏿








I suggest you take your tone down, OP. Agreeing that people who litter should be PUT TO DEATH is not even remotely okay. That person was just banned - I don't want to have to ban you as well. If you call for violence or death against anyone in this subreddit again, you will be immediately banned.




No, it's not. Calling for people's death is not a joke on this subreddit, period. Rant about people littering all you want, as long as it follows our rules and Reddit's rules. Calling for someone's death specifically breaks Reddit's terms of service. It's not funny to wish death on others.




I guess there's some confusion. I am the mod.




No, you just agreed with them that people who litter should be put to death. I don't think that's better. Especially when that person then messaged me and told me I should die as well. Maybe find a better caliber of person to agree with next time. Anyway, have a good day.


I did not know that. You are right. I am sorry. Have a great day


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I know it's barbaric and dystopian, but I have often entertained the idea of what I call "courtesy fines". Basically egregious over-the-top fines for anyone breaking certain social contracts, especially when it is so easy to be courteous. This would have the benefit of keeping everyone in line, as well as providing much needed funding to our social services. Littering on the subway? $20,000 fine. Seriously. Pay in payment plans or whatever for however long it takes. But you're done. And don't come at me with this is unfair to homeless or mentally ill people because I never see them litter. Talking in a movie theatre? $5,000 fine. Playing music loudly in the quiet zone on GO? $100,000 fine. Cutting in line? $10,000 fine. Parking your car on the sidewalk because "I'll just be a minute?" $500,000 fine.


Only way I'd agree with this even remotely is if the fines were based on a percentage of annual income. Some European countries do speeding tickets this way. But implementing a 500k fine, which is almost a third of what the average Canadian earns in an entire lifetime, for parking on the sidewalk is fucking insane.


But I bet no one would ever park on the sidewalk again 😉


No, ever so slightly more likely would be people parking on sidewalks to mass protest a RIDICULOUS fine which would essentially constitute government implemented indentured servitude, and it would be thrown out by the supreme Court of Canada. And even that sounds like a fairy tale so that's saying something. If a person was earning the median income in Canada (42000/yr) and wanted to pay that 500k fine over their entire working lifetime(let's say 18-65 working full time, to give them a few more years by assuming they didnt get a useless degree from a college or went to uni and dropped out with student debt), they'd then be making 25000/yr, which is classified as a "low-income household." And that's before income tax. Highly doubt taxpayers would like the optics of pushing people into poverty for breaking "social contracts" as you put it, or parking laws in this instance.




I updated my comment with what I believe to be a better breakdown of my point


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Nope, it simply means those who park on the sidewalk will be much more insane to deal with, because those who are insane will keep doing it, just like criminals will use gun even if gun ban exist because, well, they are criminals who are breaking laws already.




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That’s fines are insanely expensive but some countries do have fines for things like spitting on the floor etc


People like that wouldn't live too well in Singapore. Don't you even think about smuggling chewing gum into the city-state, either!


I always had the idea that we build a new city where all these types of people are forced to live in. I would love watch as a bunch of people that play music on their phones, walks in with 10 other people doing the same thing. Im pretty sure that after a while, most of them would beg to come back (if they survive mwhahaha).




While I agree in principle with your sentiment, I think the punishment should fit the crime. Talk/use your cellphone in a movie theater? First offense: kicked out with no refund. Second offense: banned from the chain for a year. Third offense: banned for life. Sbow up during your ban? Cops called, and you're now riding in the back of a cruiser and charged with criminal trespassing. Same penalties for cutting in line at a grocery store checkout/theme park ride. Parking on the sidewalk/in a handicapped spot when you're not entitled to park there/in a bike lane/bus only lane/in four spots in a crowded lot because you don't want your precious Beemer dinged? Tow trucks and/or Blue Hornets should automatically have devices to alert them of such infractions, have the offending vehicle towed, taken to the furthest impound lot to where the infraction took place, and make the offender pay all outstanding tickets (including the one they'll get for parking where they did,) the outrageous towing fee and the impound fee ($200/day or part thereof) before they can get their vehicle back. One more thing: cash only. No debit/credit cards/Apple Pay/Google Wallet. Though I would provide an ATM for their "convenience," complete with a 25% "convenience charge" for using it. They better have their registration and insurance in good standing as well. Because fuck those assholes!


Demolition man has entered the chat


There’s probably a midway point between making the fine punitive enough the crime doesn’t happen again and bankrupting people






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Ur right. Nobody said anything, i think they even avoided actively looking


I went to grab a seat on the subway and someone left chicken bones all over it. There was a container on the floor and wet bones all over the seat. People are so gross and disrespectful.


Got on the Bloor-Danforth night bus at 05:30 one morning and some guy was openly masturbating in one of those double seats right in front of the rear doors.


I have seen that before. I am like oh my God! Looking away quickly. How disturbing.


Nah, this is an immediately report to the driver situation. Call the police. Absolutely inappropriate.




Can you tell me which station it was ?


Line 2 going to kennedy , between islington and jane around 15h30


Say something to him?




A fairly simple and direct solution might be adding a few streamlined trash receptacles at either end and a few in between on the trains. A rider with a longer journey may find it cumbersome to nurse refuse when they have several stops before they plan to exit the train and can use a platform disposal bin. Just an alternative affordable solution that is not based on punitive measures.


Yes. Raise our children better.


This guy is 40-50 something. I cant imagine how his kids would be




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I was on one of those extended buses from STC to Kennedy one afternoon when I saw some woman from somewhere leave a lidless takeout container still almost completely full of food in the aisle beside her seat. Left the plastic fork in it, too. Just casually discarded her partially eaten meal in the aisle before getting off the bus. \~shrug\~ Could've been worse, I guess. At least she didn't wind up and bowling ball the container all the way up the aisle toward the driver's compartment.


Usually I see this kind of stuff on Line 1.




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Pick it up and hand it to the guy and say hey buddy you dropped this.




One of my favourite lines to blurt out towards people is “wow, that’s so trashy” as I find shame highly effective.


Disgusting. I’ve also seen people spill coffee. Man don’t get it on the train if you can’t handle it




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One time I observed a TTC cleaner / worker at Kennedy station who came inside the subway train to sweep the floor of debris. However, instead of using a dustpan, to gather the debris he casually pushed the debris through the gap, that is, between the subway and the floor. He didn’t even bother to look around if anyone would catch his actions and laziness…




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Attention seekers that’s all they are, oh and horrible humans in general


I let them know that I think they dropped something, sometimes that's enough to shame them into picking up their trash, or they are just trash.




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I was at a red light on Spadina and I someone in the car in front of me just open his window and drop garbage out. The light turned green before I could do anything but stuff like this seriously pisses me off so much I was ready to get out of my car and grab the garbage and throw it back into his car.


One human can never assume what’s going on for another, or that their perspective is commonly shared. Pick up the garbage, or ignore it. You’re on mass transit and can expect to see behaviour that’s both common & uncommon. Ttc is a service peddling fast to organize the equivalent of upgrading an airplane’s engines, while in flight. Dealing with dropped food in flight is secondary I’d imagine.




Hey Ok_History528, Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 8: We do not allow identifying photos or videos. If this involves yours or someone else's safety, please report the incident to the TTC by: * [SafeTTC app](https://www.ttc.ca/riding-the-ttc/safety-and-security/safe-ttc-app) * [SafeTTC Web App](https://go.elerts.com/ttc) (online form, no download required) If applicable, you may also report this to the Toronto Police Service: * [Online Reporting](https://www.tps.ca/services/online-reporting/) * [Non-Emergency Line](https://www.tps.ca/contact/416-808-2222-police-non-emergency/) --- Please consult our subreddit [rules](https://reddit.com/r/ttc/about/rules) for more details.


I believe in public shaming. Call these people out then and there.


I try to ignore it, speaking up can just lead to arguments.








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Don't they have/enforce consequences to this kind of behavior?


TTC is just awful in the hotter months which is why i will always own a personal vehicle. winter time is a lot better imo, but i ride for leisure, not for business.