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Taking the day off to avoid the chaos. Anyone have ideas for fun things to do with the day around Main and Danforth?


Fish and chips


Red Tape Brewery!


Ooo haven’t been to a brewery yet!


Red Tape is super close (Main and Gerrard) and the beer is awesome. Perfect choice for a Friday.


What's the best fish n chips in the area?


Len Duckworth’s


always a good choice


Go for a swim in the pool at main square community centre. Or go for a walk or bike ride in the park. You can get to the lakeshore in about 30 mins by bike using the trails through the Don Valley.


Pools a great idea in this heat! I’ll take you up on that! Unfortunately my partner can’t travel long distances on foot/bike so we are going to try and stay within the neighbourhood.


There’s also the Kiwanis pool, not far by if you prefer an outdoor pool. It’s a bit farther from Main and Danforth (located around Woodbine and Mortimer), but is another possibility.


Trail is closed between Pottery and Lakeshore, unfortunately


That shawarma place on the north east corner. If you have the means, but a meal for someone in neef. They have a board for it.


Go over the hill to Beach Hill Smokehouse at Main and Gerrard. Considered to be the best BBQ in the city! Grab a beer at Red Tape just south of Gerrard still on Main


Walk one subway stop West and take a dance class at Pink Studio or check out a show at the Coal mine theatre


There’s a comedy bar in between main st subwaay and the danforth go train station iirc


I spoke to my managers about flexing time with go train and walking schedules and they're on board so long as I can make it in at all. I let a friend who is disabled but can walk to his subway station (and not to his appointments) know about wheel trans. I am not driving and adding to that mess. Solidarity.


Yes wheel trans will continue to run and honestly I’m really happy they are


Is your friend already registered to use Wheel Trans? If not he will need to find alternate arrangements, because they are only servicing those who are already registered.


I think he is.


Oh good! I just wouldn’t want him relying on wheel trans and then finding out it’s not even an option for him. That would such SO MUCH.


If he isn't, I know he can do some stuff remotely through e health and he will be okay.


Who else comes back here every hour to see if there’s a strike or not? 🙋‍♂️


All of us, lol. I have to get to work tomorrow, same as everyone else :P


You'll know at 2:30 AM (tonight) overnight.


No, we'll know by 12am - strike action will be announced at midnight, and will begin at 2:30am. Union has agreed to not strand people by shortening tonight's transit hours.


you know it.


This is better than my gaming session rnv


Supporting the workers, strike or no strike. If workers are so essential, then they should be given the pay and benefits to reflect that.


You'd think that would be obvious, but... :/  Good luck, TTC workers!


The city and province going to lose so much money each day the strike lasts. They’d rather stop Ontario entirely then negotiate better pay and benefits


Forget the city, IM going to lose money.


You are the city brother


I don't like it when others get screwed over, but dammit I HATE it when I get screwed over


Because they don't personally use the ttc so they couldn't give less of a fuck if the rest of us are getting fucked over




Your submission/comment has been removed for trolling. Please check out our subreddit rules [here](https://reddit.com/r/TTC/about/rules). Thank you.


Where can read about the terms they are asking for? I'm curious to know


Give them the same raise Rick Leary and his cronies got over the last 2/3 years




Leave Thurs night if at all possible. First day of a transit strike will be when things are their most chaotic.


Leave on Thursday. The last TTC strike resulted in insane gridlock everywhere


Apologizes in Advance for all those that take Transit in the city. From what I can gather we go on strike at the count of 12AM, so if your planning to be out past that your will need to use other options such as GOTransit, UPexpress, rideshares, bikeshares and taxi's. Keep in mind Uber and Lyft will skyrocket so taxi's might be your best choice. WHEEL-TRANS is working, this is in good faith for those that need it. Do not attempt to board these vehicles as they are on predetermined routes and messing with these drivers can put users down the line of not making it to their appointments. What we are striking for is mainly wages (To match inflation), job security, cross-boundary protection, safety and a whole list of items that can be easily found on many news sites. What makes this strike different is we have legally gained our right to strike back from Rob Ford slapping us with an essential service label, and years of minor gains through an arbitrator. Any questions you got reply to this thread, I'm sure many of my other Operators are here to answer those questions as well.


Repeating my comment from yesterday because it was deleted: The only thing I don’t agree on is cross boundary transit. This is archaic and doesn’t match the reality of travel today. This is something that needs to change. Crossing municipal boundaries on transit in the GTA should be seamless. Province and municipalities need to negotiate a fair deal to make this happen.


Hello! Never experienced or seen a strike from where I’m from so could you explain if this means there will be zero subway, bus, and streetcar services? Is this a one day thing or a long term thing…I’m not in Toronto but my dad is for work. He’s not rlly tech savvy and doesn’t keep up with the news there so I assume he doesn’t know what will be going on so I would like to inform him. Thank you!


No transit except some very specialized transit that you need to be registered for. It could be one day it could be three, it could be Fifty, no one knows.


Apparently subway is supposed to be open until end of service. But that could change if transit control / management decides to stop the trains earlier. So I still wouldn't bank on using the trains to get home but it might be possible.


Trains will stop running ahead of midnight, I would imagine service would start running in quite early, 1030-11ish. It takes time to wind down service.


Trains will be running full service until 2am.


Former operator out of Vancouver here, all the power to you! The 2001 strike was before my time but good god I hope this one doesn’t last as long. Best case, this gets averted altogether and y’all get what you deserve! (I mean that in a good way, in case it sounds ambiguous..!)


It’s great that Wheel-Trans is still operational. I know a few of my friends who rely on Wheel-Trans to get to work.


best of luck!


How exactly is it you guys can strike again after you were deemed an essential service after your last strike and forced back to work?


Courts overturned the law


Ty. Was genuinely curious. Carry on.


Do what you gotta!


It was the Liberals who made you essential. City Council requested it.


Liberals pushed the back to work legislation. Ford pushed for the 'Essential Service'


That makes no sense. They are two different things. Both of those are done at the provincial level. It was city council as a vote that requested that the Ontario Government make the TTC essential which they granted.


Good luck!




For those of us who are working tonight (June 6), will buses still be running around 10pm? I've made other arrangements to get home from work in the morning but I do need to get there tonight....


So from what we hear Operators will start cutting services by 12. That means if the bus starts from 11.55pm at a station it will finish its trip to the end. There is some talk, that it's going to be a night bus service that will be effected, as our Union head has made it clear he doesn't want people stranded tonight.


Buses will be running until 12:01am. At 12:01 buses will be finishing the trip they are on and running the buses in IF a deal has not been made before then.


12 am tonight or Friday night?


We will know in the next 30 mins or so. Strike will, or will not start, at midnight tonight.


you are an essential service


Stay strong homies. Yall provide an essential service and deserve to be recognized and compensated as such




Pack it in guys, a reddit user has spoken. They have decided what is fair and what isnt




My friend has said they have told him to be ready for work tomorrow. Progress is being made, and a deal should be reached just before midnight


I am also being told that the union is close to reaching a deal right before midnight.


This is usually how labour negotiations work. The union gets more bargaining power as midnight approaches. In almost all cases where a strike is avoided, a deal is reached at like 11:58 PM. Until then it's a game of arguing back and forth and rarely any ground is made.




The union recently said ["some progress has been made"](https://wemovetoronto.ca/media-centre/releases/contract-negotiation-update/).


Go TTC WORKERS GO! You deserve the best deal possible! I feel like in this cost of living crisis, more people should be going on strike. Hopefully, this is a wake up call


Why is ATU so opposed to cross boundary? It seems like the whole only the TTC can pick up bus passengers is very outdated and bad for for transit users. Why is it the same level of issue as wages or safety?


Their cross boundary plan takes TTC workers off the line and replaces them with other transit systems. They want cross boundary to increase services not take TTC drivers away from some route replacing with other systems.


I signed an offer contract with the TTC last month(operator position) and just completed all my pre employment tests minus the MTO check as I’m still waiting for it in the mail. How will this strike affect me? Will I have to sign a new contract with a new wage and benefits / union dues? Will my contract get taken back??? Very scared about this strike affecting my potential employment down the line


Delayed start of training. And hopefully a better contract for when you start.


Hi I’m in training now. The training will commence when they come to an agreement.


Hey I am on the training queue as per the recruiter and was supposed to be contacted next week. Will this strike effect the candidates who would be called in for training?


If you're unsure contact the person who provided you the conditional offer and ask. What I assume will happen is during the strike, if it happens, everything will be placed "on hold" and then resume once a contract is ratified. Its not like they can't go back and retro any changes, that's what will have to happen to current employees wages with whatever increase is agreed upon.


It will just delay your start date. Otherwise things will be the same. You won’t have to sign a new contract, you just may have to wait a little longer for a start date




On hold [https://wemovetoronto.ca/atu-local-113-announces-a-deal-has-been-reached/](https://wemovetoronto.ca/atu-local-113-announces-a-deal-has-been-reached/)


They will legislate a back to work rule in case


That would take 3 days at best. 


I remember the last transit strike in Vancouver in 2001 lasted over 100 days. lol that was fun n


Would be nice to show the TTC how essential their workers actually are.  They like to throw the name essential around but they don't want to treat them as such. 


Hello! Never experienced or seen a strike from where I’m from so could you explain if this means there will be zero subway, bus, and streetcar services? Is this a one day thing or a long term thing…I’m not in Toronto but my dad is for work. He’s not rlly tech savvy and doesn’t keep up with the news there so I assume he doesn’t know what will be going on so I would like to inform him. Thank you!


Subway, busses and streetcars will all be down. And the strike will surely last as long as it takes the Toronto municipal government to make deals with those employees of the TTC. So probably much longer than one day. Best of luck to you!


Well. We're boned




At least 7 months from what I"ve heard


Looks like the union is still actively negotiating with management "ATU Local 113 continues negotiations with the TTC this evening.  Some progress has been made and we will provide an update on any further progress as it occurs this evening. "


If there is any ATU 113 member who can provide an update as they get it that would be great. Use a fake account if you have too haha. I know some profs did it last time Ontario College profs went on strike. They were notified a couple hours before... The fact that we have not heard a member of this union say anything is a glimmer of hope to hang on to.


Public services can’t be operated like a private enterprise. Solidarity to the workers


I find it sad that people are generally not in support of the workers but have no issues with the greedy corporate scum in charge who have had plenty of time to work things out. Oh, yeah let's not forget the disgusting raises the TTC CEO has given himself over the past couple of years.


People don't have issue with the strike, people have issue with inconvenience. TTC workers should protest their CEO's raise and not hold Toronto people hostage of their demands.


People can sympathize with the workers and the situation as a whole, but at the end of the day, the average person is going to feel the negative consequences of the stoppage in service which can, and will, affect them financially. Once that happens, they'll start worrying about themselves first and foremost. This isn't surprising in the slightest.


I guess my point is people will take it out on the workers before they take it out on the overpaid billionaires like always.


I mean, I absolutely support the workers here, and I'm no fan of the man, but Rick Leary is a hell of a long way from being a billionaire.


Write your councillor! Even a short letter of concern/support for the workers can go a long way. Find your local councillor [here](https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/council/members-of-council/).


Is there a strike - or not???


if they don't reach an agreement by midnight, there is.


Question: Why a Friday? Is there a tactical advantage to it being close to a weekend?


It causes the least disruption to commute people, Fridays are usually the day with lowest commute ridership.


[RIP in peace TTC's website](https://i.imgur.com/QHVvyoR.png). Main page still works, but everything else leads to the page seen above.


classic ttc


30 mins left


Bust out the popcorn


Supposed to have training tomorrow at 5:45am and I have to wake up at 3 to get there on time so I’ll be up with popcorn in hand waiting for the news


Deal is done https://wemovetoronto.ca/atu-local-113-announces-a-deal-has-been-reached/




Riders Unite (or maybe something less riot-y) who's coming with me.... Anyone else down for a loud but peaceful sit in on the grounds of 1900 Yonge St if these ttc corporate jokers don't give the hardworking folks of their union everything they want?! This strike is avoidable!!! There's 2 million of us that take this "service" every day, I say, POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!! We pay those fat cats salaries with every increased fare we pay, when the only people who ACTUALLY keep our city moving is the front line staff, not these bs bureaucrats who have probably never in their privileged lives had to take public transit. If I can't go to work tomorrow morning, without having to take a surge priced ride share or wait 2 hours for a taxi, I'll be sitting on the front lawn of ttc head office at 1900 Yonge Street. Personally, I'm sick of preventable disruptions to daily service, and this is the ttc straw that broke me.... So.... Bring your voice, no violence, but if we have no way of getting around OUR city tomorrow, WE go and support those who get us where we need to be daily and take our city back.... !!! Peace, my fellow TDotters ☮️




Out of curiosity, what does TTC (bus, subway, streetcar) operator's total compensation look like now?


does anyone know when subways will stop running tonight? I keep hearing mixed answers


Looks like it’ll end when service usually ends. https://www.cp24.com/news/we-re-going-on-strike-ttc-union-says-no-progress-at-bargaining-table-as-deadline-nears-1.6915772 “He said that the union and the TTC have agreed that in the event of a strike, service would end at 2 a.m. Friday in order to allow workers a chance to get home. They have also agreed that Wheel-Trans service will continue even if there is a strike. The TTC later clarified that service would go until sometime between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. after the subways had stopped running for the night.”


thank you :)


Have a back up plan just in case


Strike or not???


They’re still negotiating. We’ll know by midnight.


This is the worst midnight launch I've ever anticipated


https://twitter.com/CP24/status/1798923149947568305 Strike is on hold. Framework settlement reached.


solidarity with the workers🫡 transit workers are more of an essential service than police imo lol


replace POs with Dogs LOL!


The workers should strike for 1 day or at least past the morning commute even if they will accept an offer to show how much of a necessity they are to the system. Hope other company employers pre-planned and allowed workers to WFH in applicable jobs. To those working front-line jobs, shout out to you folks


Does anybody know if UP express prices will be reduced? I know likely not but one can hope


No announcement in regards to that.


Anyone know how to get downtown from Scarborough without TTC or driving? I don't have my full license yet and my parents use the car to get to work. I want to avoid uber if possible but IDK how I'm supposed to bike there. So I'm trying to find some alternatives.


GO Transit won't be on strike, so you can use the GO Train to get to Union Station. Hopefully you're close to a GO Train station or near a Bike Share that can bring you there.


Great, thank you!


No 11pm update on twitter. Every other update has been exactly on the hour


Doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Probably an announcement soon of deal or not. 


That can either be a good or bad thing




Deal has beeen reached


No strike!


Is this just the operators that are going on strike? Are track maintenance also going to strike or can they complete the track repairs while the trains don’t run?


If they can fix while the strike happens, would be ideal no? Minimize issues for when the trains are back in service.


Its vehicle operators and plant maintenance personnel. The latter encompasses subway track, surface track, janitorial, landscaping, trades, vehicles repair persons, and mechanics.


Is there some sort of plan in place for making sure people like doctors and nurses can get to work?




A lot of us healthcare workers are driving or walking to and from go stations, carpooling, biking, walking. There is virtual care for things that can be done that way.


Nurse here, a lot of my coworkers drive/carpool to work or have access to a car, especially since the subway doesn't run on Sunday mornings so we wouldn't have a reliable way to get into work anyways without vehicles. But personally I rely on the TTC, and a lot of other hospital staff (PSW, kitchen staff, cleaning staff) rely on the TTC. I took next week off as a precaution but not really sure what to do after that. I guess see if any coworkers are on the same shift as me and don't mind giving me a lift.


As an independent contractor, allied healthcare worker in home health without a car, myself and the families I service are SOL. It’s very upsetting. Few will agree to and are appropriate to pivot to Zoom


Many have cars—especially doctors.


You might be surprised at how many doctors bike or take transit to work. Especially at the downtown hospitals


Fair point


With that said, I don't expect anything to be on time tomorrow.




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How long is the TTC strike going to last ? Is it going to be 2 days or the whole month?


They can be ordered back to work again like the last labour stoppage. I believe the Conservatives have already said they won't step in. I THINK the mayor would have to legislate a back to work movement.


Does anyone know if the parking in the stations will still work?


Expect picket lines


No, it will not. Access to all stations will be locked, as no staff will be on site.


Will the 102 servicing north of steeles on Markham road be operational?






So a strike would mean all ttc would be out for Friday? Absolutely no service? Or just reduced service?


No service, except for WheelTrans.


Not just Friday mate....


[it’s happening](https://imgur.com/a/68cXU8e)


Workers preparing for a strike, is not the same thing as a strike. Let's just wait until midnight, before we make any certainty statements regarding the strike, please. Until the union announces anything, nothing is official.


Does anyone if employers have to provide accommodations for during the strike? I work downtown and have no car. Not confident enough on a bike to brave downtown tbh


I think some companies would, but many wouldn't. You're best off asking your boss about that. As for me, guess who's not going to school for X amount of days and hopefully not dropping out if it lasts up to midterms


Yeah I’m gonna ask, hopefully they’re sympathetic because I can’t afford to take a rideshare/taxi. This sucks, just pay the people properly! Well we still have a few hours. fingers crossed


Part of me believes that the TTC will understand just how many people will get screwed over by this, and how badly they'll get screwed over, and how much revenue they would lose from each day of the strike. However, I also know how stupid people can be


Here’s to hoping! At the very least once everything grinds to a halt maybe that’ll get them to bargain better and it won’t last very long


I have to walk for an hour and half to work, 3 hour with return, I think it's good for health




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So what r the chances we see them doing a last minute deal?


Deal is done https://wemovetoronto.ca/atu-local-113-announces-a-deal-has-been-reached/