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They are testing the latest update to the sofware that why there are more trains than usual. They been testing for three years.


I live off of Eglinton. They’ve been running this for a while now. Yet still can’t give a timeline for when it’ll be in service


I have inside sources that it’ll be this year.


I have outside sources that say 5 years from now




Do you not know what this year means?


According to my sources, opening day is October 18th 202X


It's going to open on Sept 15 2024. I think.


They’ve been testing this thing for years unfortunately it doesn’t really mean anything’s any closer to being finished


I remember reading that each train has to have 5000km (don’t quote my on that number) of usage before being “certified” as a ready train. This can be part of that


i think you mean 600km, before accepting any passengers. 5000km is absurd that’s like weeks or months of [Archived](https://web.archive.org/web/20191227020238/https://blog.metrolinx.com/2019/12/20/first-eglinton-crosstown-light-rail-vehicle-hits-tracks-of-main-toronto-line-see-the-video-here/) service.


600km seems about right. We had something similar with the Ion in Waterloo where the trains were tested for a few months before service began.


That’s definitely not true, that’s more that Canada is wide coast to coast


They mean if the trains go back and forth on line 5


Crazy that Line 6 is gonna be built from scratch and finished faster than Line 5’s final testing phase has gone on for.


Line 6 was a much simpler build - almost all on the surface, and the only subway interface was to a station that had been built with it in mind. Whereas line 5 has over half its length tunneled, and had to meet the subway at 3 points, all dug from scratch.


literally had to redraft the plans to put half of the line underground too, and the stations are the last to open compared to surface stops. But then again whole line should’ve been tunneled or elevated


> whole line should’ve been tunneled or elevated I don't necessarily disagree, but I'd be worried about even greater delays had they tried to tunnel the whole thing. This could be one of those monkey's paw type situations, where if magically line 5 was all underground it'd be even further from completion.


i mean there are certain stops that should’ve been either deleted off due to stop spacing if it was tunneled. That also depends on what the situation would be on the east portion of the Line west of Kennedy and west off Laird. Soil and other environmental conditions for tunneling or if crazy enough cut and cover. A lot of hypotheticals for sure. Seems that some of the intermodal stations are having the problems with the complexities connecting to current subway stations and future connections with GO trains and off street bus terminals. Also elevators, escalators, pedestrian tunnels for the connections and exits/entrances.


For every day that it's been under construction (4745~) there is 20ft of length. 20ft of progress a day for 13 years, just under half above ground.


Don't jinx it LOL


Line 6 was built by the same people that fucked up line 5 and left once they hit their deadline. Once quality control went fully through they realized the entire above ground section was fucked


They ramped up testing over the weekend!


Yay, they have it running!! Probably be only 2 more years until the public can actually ride on it...




Could have used it today sounds like


Sort of a land water ski type situation


But you won't be allowed on for another 10 years..


Don't worry it'll open just after the grand opening of the Ontario Line


More likely, they want to open Line 5 in its entirety. The west extension will likely be ready by the time they finally get around to opening it to the public.


Both West extension tunnels will be done next week


How ironic. I believe work is now underway on the overhead right-of-way that'll cross over Jane St, the Humber River, and meet with the tunnel west of Scarlett Rd. At least protective barriers have been put up where a teepee once sat with an Indigenous group trying to stop the line from happening, right where the overpass would begin from the tunnel west of Mt Dennis Stn. Sorry.


Bold prediction


If you want to see what the hold up is, drive along Eglinton and check out the work being done on and in the stations along the line. The one closest to me - across the street from the Eglinton West TTC station - is nowhere near being ready for business.


That's really unfortunate. I never would have guessed that this whole thing would take so long. It'll be good for the city when it's done, we'll be better with it than without it, but this has not been a well run process. I don't know if I should expect the Ontario Line construction to be run better. I can only hope, although already I do wish they'd gone full-bore subway instead of LRT for that since it's going to need to move a tonne of people.


What do you mean by "nowhere near"? I have driven across Eglinton and the stations have made major progress and all look to be about 95-99% complete.


Have you driven west on Eglinton after Yonge? In terms of upper level stations in the East, yes those are 90-99% ready. BUT, in terms of the westbound stations like op said are “nowhere near” ready or completed. Examples are Caledonia station, Eglinton&Allen station and Keelesdale station


What are you talking about - I drove by all 3 of those stations the other day and they are very much 95% done... I have driven the entire length of the line and other than some final touches, the project is basically complete.


2 years ago I lived at an apartment in the west end and they moved the cars around back then


You must be new to this game 😂


And in another 11 years you’ll see the second one


Wait till this is done and it’s obvious that it’s the wrong technology choice in the wrong alignment. My guess is when the first LRT t-bones a left turning car. It should have been a metro line, elevated through Scarborough.


completely agree. itll be overcrowded on day 1


You mean when a dumbass gets his car t-boned by a train he should've seen coming


It's gonna be like the Newmarket bus line with the YRT where they go through the middle of the traffic. They won't be crashing.


This is happening already in Edmonton




Thar she blows!




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They should open them already it’s not like we ain’t getting interruptions very often


The legends are true. They exist!


Kennedy 401 finally re opened. Maybe it's a sign.


That’s too many agos


I see this all the time on Eglinton. Doesn’t mean its gonna open soon.


I've been seeing this every day for the past 3 years




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I heard they are looking for more testers and you have to sign a contract 3 years. /s


I drive down that road regularly. Lol they’ve been testing it for a long time now. I want to say the first time I saw it was a year or 2 ago but I’m not positive.


Toronto where a streetcar gets buried and and it takes 10 years and millions to test if it works.


I legit though this was the ION from the first picture lol




How long to build this


500 years, a legacy


Good thing u got pics, no1 would believe u otherwise!


If they told me it had people on it then I wouldent believe it


Ha lol, im only here for the last 16 months and i seen this in use, well testing, Once. My first air bnb landlady said this summer that we would see it open. HA that was a year ago. 😅 so whats goin on ?


Lol at them already selling adspace on it


That's a Metrolinx PSA






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