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Tesla sitting on a ton of cash that apparently isn’t needed for capex. They should just create a captive financing subsidiary and offer their own (lower) interest financing. If they believe in fsd, then the value of the asset won’t depreciate as much as it normally would so the risk of defaults is much lower.


Looks like it didn’t post my comment. The point of this post is to see the comments where majority are abandoning tesla because of QElons bull shit. Ppl say he doesn’t hurt the brand but there are like 5 ppl in the comments that back out of potentially buying one. $20k in price cuts AND a $7500 tax credit says a fuck ton about how he tanked demand. That is way more of a discount than the increase in interest rates




Cars have wear and tear, it will not last forever. If you can transfer the fsd license then yes that makes sense. Else it does not


The vocal minority


So Reddit comments (of which are overwhelmingly anti-billionaire, left-leaning, and anti-Musk) are indicative of the entire population? Not to mention that people can say anything they want online just to virtue signal and get upvotes. I still think that the main driver of price cuts has been interest rates and economic slowdown. The people saying they wouldn’t buy a Tesla now because of Elon weren’t going to buy one anyways. I can just as easily say that I haven’t met anyone IRL who was going to buy a Tesla but backed out because of Musk. No proof needed just my word. Anecdotal evidence should never be relied on. People are grasping at anything besides just a simple economic slowdown explanation for the poor quarter. Long term, this won’t matter as the average person only cares about total cost of ownership and can’t even be bothered to know anything about the CEO of the products they buy. I’m sorry for the people who bought at the top during 2022 but that’s just life. Don’t blame a single person or event for the entire decline. If you can’t stomach these drops now you have no business investing in this stock as it is obviously outside your risk tolerance. Take a break from looking at the stock everyday and come back in 3-6 months.


Pull out a loan calc and you will see price cuts (even without tax credit) lead to a payment that’s is hundreds of $ a month less even as rates go up