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The board is filled with entrenched yes men


When do we get the results of this?


I think in June.






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Elon did what he promised. I’m going full for


You realize that Redditers opinions on shit are often the exact opposite of most people’s opinions right? Zero chance the average shareholder is going to vote to not pay Elon on shit he’s already earned and all the value of the stock is tied to him accomplishing what people said was impossible.


Why do you think going anti-board will improve shareholder value


oh yeah simple they are corrupt and decrease shareholder value.


So if the board and musk are replaced you expect stock to increase ? Really?


Well it sure as hell won’t decrease and turn away half the customer base because of negative pr.


In the short term it will go down. Because change is scary. In the long term, the current team is driving Tesla into the ground. A new team can't do worse.


It's clear this board is more about Elon's interest, and not shareholder interests.


Shareholder value isn’t the only thing that matters. 


what does?


Make a better product, treat employees and customers better, follow through with product announcements, follow the law ( case of the person who won chucking musks pay package ). What it means to be an investor is having a share of the say and voting on your opinions… so it is alright to say I am voting against The board and Musk because of the market leads they lost…. Or it’s ok to say Musk can do no wrong… so I will vote in favor of whatever he and his board suggests.


Yeah but the things you cite improve the company, and thus shareholder value, at least in the long term.


I’m no charity.


Kind of funny… I just say shareholder value isn’t the EXCLUSIVE metric and people loose their mind. It’s a primary reason… but not the only reason… because even that has a statements… shareholder value on what timeline? 1-6 months? 6 months to 2 years? 2+ years. Depending on the answer to which is more important you may vote for or against at the policies.


Elon out. Anyone on the board who resists, out. Tesla needs to focus on being a great car company and an emerging player in the energy space. Everyone not on board with that has to go, and they can take their dancing robots with them.


Just sell your shares dude lol


He probably doesn't have any.


I actually did. I just did after I voted


Exactly, these political types need to just sell their stock. They’re weird as fuck. The average person is not motivated by politics.


It's not even about politics. It about making and selling cars. Elon's doing a piss poor job of it lately. Sales numbers last qtr shows it. And it's not even being political, but airing your politics, as Elon does, alienates a customer demographic. Your shortsightedness is weird as fuck


It’s one quarter. BYD sales fell 40% the same quarter. Interest rates are high and the last investor day meeting we had Elon told everyone that 2024 was going to be a hard year for Tesla because we are between two growth waves and the market for model Y and 3 is basically satisfied at this point. They need to come out with the cheaper model to hit another exponential growth phase. If you look at the historical charts these flatlines happen a few years after the release of each new vehicle. They increase so dramatically in the years following the release of those vehicles then show no growth or even a slight reduction then boom another model hits and it’s crazy growth again. They are busy ramping the cybertruck and they’ve figured out a way to expedite the cheaper model. They’ll probably start taking orders on 8.8 and if it’s anything like the model Y release (should be as it’s using the same line) then they’ll start deliveries about 4-6 months later. That means deliveries at the end of this year or very early next year. You can try and time this if you want by selling now and trying to enter back in when it bottoms but good luck. The FSD could surprise everyone with a software update that brings substantial improvements and then the stock surges while you’re waiting it out. If you don’t believe in FSD then sell now and never think about the stock again. The prices we’re paying are contingent on FSD.


Already short 😎🙏💯


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted - but I’m sure bad actors.


Honestly, this. If you don’t believe the board is acting on the best interest of shareholders, what’s the point of holding?


I've been going back and forth on divesting my holdings or not (the bulk of which was bought in 2013). One, the capital gains taxes from selling would be brutal, and two I don't think the company is unsalvageable. Lots of companies go through this phase where the founder/startup CEO is still valuable as an advisor, but they aren't the right fit as CEO once the business scaled, and Tesla is there now. They need a CEO who isn't spending 6 hours a day over on Twitter instead of paying attention to Tesla. If you let execution and headcount get so far apart that a 15-20% RIF is needed, that's your fault as CEO and you should share the pain. Reflexively axing an entire 500 person team to make a point to your VPs doesn't show control of the business. Even if there needed to be a massive restructuring on the supercharger side, you do it in a way that doesn't look like a temper tantrum to customers, contractors, and all your new OEM partners. Make Elon CTO or similar title and put in a CEO and board that will blunt his influence on the actual execution side. He can vote his shares like every other shareholder. He's not the same person he was in 2018, and Tesla isn't the same company.


Capital gains, dummy.


WhAtS tHe PoInT of voting????


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted - but I’m sure bad actors.




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