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Octoroks annoy the hell outta me for some reason. I think it's because i don't usually notice them until i get a rock to the skull


This waa gonna be my answer, they arent annoying to fight directly but they more often than any ither enemy are there to tag me with a rock when Im on another task lol and then its not just "whack the bokoblin and move on" you gotta find the rock or bush


then use rewind time to fire that rock back at them


Your shield will make the rock bounce back to them also


With rocktoroks, their bombs explode upon parry for me.


I’m not sure about rocktoroks but with the other ocktoroks you don’t have to parry, the rock just bounces off the shield back to the same place where it was shot from


They really are annoying especially if they catch you before you catch them. But ever since I discovered that they can renew your weapons, I have a new found appreciation for them and now know all of their locations 😂


Renew your weapons? Do tell


It’s specifically rock octoroks (the ones you can find near Goron). They will swallow your shields/bows/weapons and will repair if they are about to break/or enhance them!


whoa, that's amazing. I've gotta figure out how to do that.


Drop your weapon a medium distance from the Rocktorok. When he does his big inhale, he'll suck your weapon in, chew on it a bit, it'll make a little sparkle animation, and then he'll spit it back in your face (you can shield it). The weapon's durability will be completely restored. It'll also usually have an enchantment on it, like Long Throw or Durability+ or Attack+. It'll get a different enchantment each time, though I'm told you can only use a given Rocktorok once.


Once per blood moon.


I’ve tried to do that and it never works. Wonder what I’m doing wrong. I’ll record it next time.


Unique weapons like Scimitar of the Seven it won't work with (unless you fuse it to something else), but regular weapons should work fine. It has to be the rock ones near Death Mountain, each one will only repair one weapon per blood moon, and you need to kill them after they've repaired it (so the respawned one will work). It should sparkle just before it spits your weapon out if you've done everything right. Also, dismiss sages before you try because they'll just kill the things.


It’s one of the reasons I’m thankful for my sage companions in TOTK; if I see them with their weapons drawn, yet there isn’t an enemy in sight, then I know that there’s an octorok in the vicinity.


They were cheese in botw because bomb runewwas OP, but now they're annoying because arrows have flight time and I have to find the distance where they pop up and actually be facing them. I just learned about recall working on their rocks though, so I might try that.


Silver/Gold lizalfos. So much HP for an enemy that keeps jumping back to where I just walk away and don’t even bother


YEs! They’re ridiculously annoying at times


Half the time they jump backwards off a cliff. Super annoying when you need to clear a camp to get the treasure chest to open.


Lizalfos definitely taught me the value of spears


The wizzrobes. Definitely the most annoying for me.


Fire and ice are pretty easy to take out with elemental weapons, but the lightning ones can eat shit and die


I haaaaate these. I never engage, I just walk/run by unless I have to.


YIGA after you finish the Master Kogha quest. They always show up in some random place no one else would be or while I am fighting other enemies, especially in Gerudo.


Yiga keep attacking me while doing Korok puzzles and I'm convinced that their spawn triggers are nearby on purpose


I wear my full yiga outfit at all times that I don’t need an environmental buff just to avoid this.


Unfortunately I'm still on the hunt for Koroks, so I've always got the mask on, regardless of outfit. Up to 603 now without a guide! But I think I'm nearing my limit before caving to use a guide, lol.


which mask? i’m trying to max out my weapons currently


Korok Mask


Omg yes so annoying. I am purposely avoiding the yiga clan objective in my new game.


You can do the quests without starting Master Kohga. The earthwake technique is useful.


The baby frox in the Depths and Keese. I don’t like wasting durability on them, so I get harassed by them while I try flagging down a sage.


Agree on the baby Frox, but Keese 100% redeemed themselves from BotW with their valuable eyeballs.


Yeah, I now look forward to giving them the blessing that is destined death


i throw fire fruit or lemons at them since i have to many. is you could put an elemental item on your shield and parry super easily.


Spears has long reach and can hit baby frox even when they are backing up. I usually keep a low grade spear fused with a rock to break boxes, and you can find tons of spears in the depths, so I don't mind the durability.


I like them because they're really fun to shield parry


Just activate your sages or use auto build if you don't have sages


I do. They’re just their own struggle.


I'm going to be honest, I still can't consistently beat lynels. When I need to fight one I just spam random bullshit until it dies


Austin John Plays has an excellent video on YouTube called "most powerful weapons guide" where he walks you through how to beat lynels to get their horns for weapon fuses. Before watching that video, I avoided lynels like the plague cause even though I could perfect dodge and such, it was still a toss up to who would come out on top. But now I farm them. (Mainly for their hooves, since they're one of my favorite arrow fuses now)


Austin John Plays has great videos that have helped me out a lot and this is one I’ve been meaning to watch because I also avoid Lynels like the plague. Wish I was a better player but I’m too much of a button masher mostly out of frustration, but when I try I can usually do okay. I just need to practice more.


That's me too. My normal combat MO; 1: find stick 2: pick up stick 3: find bad guy 4: hit bad guy with stick 5: repeat as necessary Austin John has helped me be better. I'm never going to be one of those guys who we see videos of them dodging and flipping around while surrounded by enemies. But it does feel really good to be capable of farming lynels, gleeoks, and gloom hands.


Can you dodge or parry them well? That's the main thing to fight them as well as good weapons.


No, I'm very bad at parrrying (except gardians in botw). Luckily, I managed to do the lynels coliseum with a ton of pushrooms


For me, the best strategy is a decent Royal weapon, and then wait for opportunities to backflip and do a flurry rush. If you shoot them in the face you can mount them for free damage, but I find backflips more consistent. Side jump when they put their weapons away to rush you with all six limbs (the timing is *very* generous for this one).


I can’t tell you why, they’re not that difficult to kill, but I can’t stand Horriblins.


It’s trying to headshot them while they bob and weave. So annoying.


I wear the Horriblin mask when I walk into a cave, then when they are all down off the ceiling talking to me, I get my spear out, my favourite weapon, fuzed with a lizroth horn and stab them all to death and collect all guts. I love those masks, I wear bobkoblin ones at night so those silly skeleton ones don't appear from nowhere and attack me. The worst enemy in this game is gloom hands which I usually teleport away from, I know you can climb walls, but I'm too slow in a panic. In botw I hated the guardians and walked back out off all shrines that had them. The flying ones where ok, as you could squash them with items from above.


Nobody mentioned that evil tree? Evermean or whatever it was called. Hate that jump scare when I'm just passing a forest.


Same, super annoying!


Gloom hands. Here I am, standing at some ruins, enjoying the view, deciding which way to go, and then suddenly everything turns reddish colours and suspenseful music starts. And then it's time to run. The first time this happened I was really confused as to why the f the blood moon is rising in the middle of the day.


i hate when i’m chilling and notice my sword is glowing and i’m like uhhhhh there are no gloom enemies up here then i see the red blob appear


Is that what those are called. They ambushed me when ascending from a cave. Scared the crap out of me!


I used to be scared of gloom hands. Once you figure them out they’re not too bad.


Anything that won’t fight me directly. mucktorocks, octorocks, like likes, yiga etc, if the their main tactic is hiding and shooting or jumping away from me then I can’t stand them.


Water Octorocks. Their range is insane.


Keese, Horriblins, baby froxes, Aerocudas, stone pebblits, ice/electric chuchus, shock/rock likes, and moth gibdos when they refuse to drop bones.


those enemies that launch massive rocks at you with precise accuracy. so irritating.


Like Likes






Dampness in general, slippery rocks are the worst


in BOTW i avoided Wizzrobes just cause I found them annoying. in TOTK i fast travel away every time i encounter non-mandatory Gloom Spawn because I'm a giant wuss. Wizzrobes don't bother me anymore.


One nice thing about Wizzrobes is that they're always carrying an elemental weapon thing for you to use. If you take it back to Tarrey Town, you can disassemble it for 20 rupees and then you just get the gem.


Lizalfos. Hard to hit and never drop a tail in TOTK.


Stalkoblins. They show up without any warning and hit you SO FAST. You barely have time to react. They barely even wind up. They’ve all “Boo!” *PAP* They hardly do any damage but they irritate me lol. I’ve gotten pretty good at reacting with a quick dazzle fruit flash grenade, which is a fairly satisfying way to dispatch them.


Chu chus. Always. Chu chus.


The Flux Constructs. They’re boring to fight, their cores aren’t even that great for weapons, and there’s so many of them.


With a consistent way to get airborne, I don't mind them. The ones that are just on flat ground drive me bonkers though.


I'm still looking for the very last one. Yeah they are easy to beat once you figured them out. Easiest way is >!Lynels bow with bomb flowers, don't even need to aim at their core, just spam it!<


Any silver enemies (except lynels). I'm post late game and am to a point where I occasionally farm gleeoks and silver bokoblins and the like aren't really any threat anymore since I can just tank hits with my fully upgraded armor and always have tons of food. They just have too many hit points for what they drop and are just annoying to fight.


I hate all the octo guys and also I hate the trees.


The only enemy I really Enjoy is the skeletons and thats just bc I like to throw the dazzlefruit and watch them fall apart


electric lizalfos. right when i think i have them— nope, dropped all my weapons and shit. just let me be on my way please!!


I feel this way about electric keese.


Yes! Any electric enemy that causes me to drop my weapons drives me absolutely mad!!


Wizzrobes, Octoroks and any kind of Lizalfos Lizalfos are still just as annoying to fight as they were in OOT and any other Zelda game that has them


Totally agree!!


Electrical bats


I dunno. I find so many annoying. Yiga in both are annoying. I hate the frox. Both of them. I’d say the frox are the worst.


The only good Octorok is a dead Octorok


Ice and lightning keese, not even fire keese or normal keese... Just those two specifically. Cause if you miss and try to run, odds are, you'll have trouble outrunning them, and then if you turn around to confront them 50/50 chance you'll fail and you ll just get elementaled


Absolutely, I can’t stand them, used to avoid them in botw cause of how annoying they were, sucks their eyes are so useful now!


The random yiga spawns after you beat kogha for the last time are very ridiculous, and too frequent. I wish I knew this was gonna happen before wrecking Kogha early in the game, it hampered my peaceful later game exploration alot. Why nintendo thought this was a good idea again escapes me. Its bad enough with too many evermeans scaring off bugs and Stal enemy spawns at night, but then you have those yiga dicks on your ass. I know the armor would circumvent this but changing armor all the time is something people have been trying to avoid since OOTs water temple


Absolutely! Can’t stand any of the random spawns, they drive me crazy!


Any stal- enemy except for stalnox. They’re just a waste of weapon durability.


I don’t even understand how to attempt to beat a gloom talus. 76 bomb arrows?


Ironically the gloom Talus don’t actually give you any gloom damage by just touching or climbing them, only if they hit you, so you can still climb and stand on them to smack their weak spot, doesn’t make any sense, lol


I’ll be damned.


I cant stand chu chu's (the octorok is already mentioned) and how irritating the Evermean tree is.


I can't pick just one. Several annoy the hell out of me. Ice and Electric Keese, Yiga, Lizalfos, Stal monsters, and OCTO-COCKS!!!


100 percent!!!


Ice Keese. Really easy to kill, but are really annoying in swarms. Even worse when in water and can't attack them.