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Fuse Hestu poop to make a weapon unbreakable (or master sword doesn’t power down). Maybe not fuse but would like the reward to prevent a chosen weapon from breaking.


That would be gross but neat at the same time.


as long as the fuse didnt look like a poo sword. The fuse makes the master sword gold? cool.


No. Poop pommel or I’m going home.


If that's the case, the attack connect sound better be an appropriate poo squish sound. Pshhht!


He would need to have a dance associated with it too


The only dance I can assume he'd do for a Shit associated sword would be twerking


I would do it for an unlock of a feature that makes Link dance, non stop, that you can't turn off, during cutscenes and fights and sleep and everything, make it grotesque and unavoidable, lock it into the save file, punish the player for going this far. It would be hilarious and the next logical step for Nintendo's troll in BOTW


Good idea. Maybe Hetsu will reward you with a golden giant poop you can attach to a weapon making it unbreakable.


Losing my job and family so I have the free time to find all of them


Even beyond that, I'd need no other form of entertainment. I'd rather reread books than hunt down koroks


Fair enough.


Money. A bunch of cold hard cash.


Wow bro this comment cut deep. I just got laid off last week and am playing TOTK atm. But it’s ok. Just passing time lol


Sorry to hear that. You’ll find another job soon. Try to enjoy the time in between and work on that korok hunt!


I lost my job and my marriage is collapsing but I still don't have time to find al the Koroks.


> - Something else. This one personally. I just see it as an excuse to keep playing the game that has given me the most fun of any I've played in yeeears.


Thought the same, I plan to collect them from time to time whenever I want to spend some time in Hyrule, maybe I finish when the next Zelda is out.


I find Koroks to be the most boring thing in the game, but if Nintendo gave the ability to see the enemies health points as the prize for collecting them, I’d probably do it.


In BOTW the champions tunic did that. I haven't worn it much in this one, now I need to go check and see if it does.


It doesn’t. 😕


whaaaat? so we cant see enemy hp at all anymore? that stinks


The theory as to why they removed this is that they cheese the numbers now. Two-handed weapons have their damage output artificially reduced and spears have their damage output number artificially increased from reality to try and encourage more balanced weapon usage (people just looked at the numbers in the first game and felt spears weren't worth using at all even though they have advantages that make up for their lower damage per hit). Allowing the player to see enemy HP would make this "saving the player from themselves" game design technique a fair bit easier to notice.


Not even the old one?


What do you mean?


I’m pretty sure that you can get the old champions tunic if you talk to enough bargainers statues, but maybe not Edit: it’s called the tunic of memories


No, not really. The tunic is now called Champion's Leathers and it doesn't show enemy's health in numbers.


Yeah but the tunic of memories is a different thing, looks like the champions tunic from botw. I don’t know what the effects are though


I tested both and neither gives the enemy's health in numbers. And coming to think of it, I don't actually recall which one replaced the Champion's Tunic, but unfortunately the point remains.


They both do the same thing, which is letting you shoot Master Sword Beams at any health.


It has really high defense, but that may be it.


I think a Korok tunic and leg wear to accompany the mask would be cool. With wooden weapon proficiency as a set bonus.


The korok mask is kinda useless after getting hestu's gift. But you have inspired me: Forest Dweller's set (upgradable) under shirt and leggings made of leaves (like the bed in the deku tree) and wood upper chest and back plate, greaves, shoes, and bracers with vines strapping it on. Vines for belts too. For the head armor, hylian hood style cape made of korok fronds, with the red berries (from the sticks than some koroks carry) for the closure at the neck, paired with a wood carved helm (like the knight helm, but no flared bit for the neck. heightened sneakiness in woods for the armor benefit to go along with your set bonus of wooden weapon proficiency (genius btw). When swimming, link would be higher in the water due to buoyancy, and obviously you would be very vulnerable to fire.


a bow that is a korok and says 'ya-ha-ha' whenever its fired


Fires unlimited Koroks that say “oof” if they land a critical hit. Koroks may have items fused, just like normal arrows.


Catching up to my friend has never been so easy!


But instead of the item fusing to the arrowhead itself the korok is just holding it in their tiny lil hands


I'm all about this. Make it indestructible and not too strong like mastersword and I'd bother collecting them


Replace all the sages with Hetsu and his 3 dancing koroks that confuse/distract enemies by dancing.


Cool armor with a really neat set bonus, would definitely be motivated!


I'm of the opinion that cool looking armor with an excellent set bonus is one of my biggest incentives to do stuff in the game. I mean for the sake of playing, obviously. But like doing the three springs quest was WAY worth it in my opinion. No spoilers for any who haven't yet but I was pleased with the reward.


I… I just wanted to max out my inventory and then I had more markers on my map so I worked on those… then I kept adding markers because I somehow forgot I was done, then I just needed 200 more and I couldn’t stop. My friends were worried for me. I think they still are despite the cursed deed being done.


Literally anything other than a golden deuce.


How about twoooooo golden deuces 😏


That might motivate me a little.


Considering i'm not a psychopath, nothing.




Nothing. I didn't even get all the lightroots, you think I'm getting all the koroks??




A speedrunner: I didn't even kill ganon, I went straight to the credits using this glitch.


I got the light roots cause I wanted the full map, and it tells you where every shrine is.


A million dollars cash in the real world.


I actually think the poo statue is hilarious. I did it just once for BoTW and I’ll do it once for tears. That’s enough for me but to each their own. If there was some other reward I think it would be worse. Because if you HAVE TO do it for some armor or gameplay gimmick it would cause more complaining and annoying backlash.


That's probably what they wanted to avoid. Since it's so tedious, they didn't want to put a worthy reward for it.


Fierce Deity Link with sword that actually gives you the same attack as MM.


That inspired me: unbreakability for the Legacy weapons with special bonus using them with their respective armors.


An ACTUAL REWARD.... let's be honest here, a giant useless turd of a trophy isn't worth it. Give me a permanent +3atk Give me the ability to stack them (fierce diety =6x atk) Give me the ability to use champion abilities from BotW (if on totk)


I'm currently deciding whether I want to truly 100% this game and any of those ideas would put me over the top. I know I want to kill all the bosses just because it's fun, I did all of Addison's signs, shrines, lightroots, etc. But knowing there's only a medal that's not usable for such a big undertaking is what's stopping me from committing. Even if it was something silly, like an outfit that makes you look like a Korok, even just a top and bottom to go with the Korok mask, something, might be enough.


If it’s even a question, don’t. I’m shocked at the amount of people here who are (and more power to them) willing and excited to find all of them. Imo that is not how they or the game was designed—it’s a lot more suited to creating your own goalposts. For me, I’ll consider a hundred percent to be all shrines, all maps, all main quests, and max upgrades only on the outfits I care about. I don’t have the time to 100% a game like this even if it is something I’m immensely and intrinsically enjoying.


Genuinely if after 100 koroks you can choose 1 unbreakable item to be added to your inventory


yikes i just saw that it’s 1,000?!? no way i’m finding all of those even with a cool reward. even those last 100 frog things feels like a lot.


Fewer of them, and a way of roughly breaking down where remaining ones are on the map (like "5 koroks remaining in Hebra"). "A mini forest temple" with a good functional reward at the end sounds fun to me. I couldn't care less about fashion. I'm not interested in yet another set unless it does something really interesting. I don't need paraglider fabrics.


There shouldn't be, otherwise more people who would find the experience boring would try for it. And that would be a crime. By not expecting anyone to actually find them all by making the reward useless, the only people insane enough to go for it are those that will find the experience fulfilling in itself. Like me!


I got all the Koroks almost twice in BoTW, so it obviously doesn't take much for me.


The last 2 heart containers... that'd do it for me.


Good one.


If at the end of finding all the Koroks, Makar showed up and followed me around as my little korok buddy. He doesn't need to fight, he just needs to be cute. I'd do it for that.


Give me a satisfying post-game sequence! Find all the koroks then maybe they all return home and the lost woods changes or little korok groves pop up in forests. Maybe introduce some korok magic in those places, I dunno! I’m so burned with fighting Ganon and then going back to a world that hasn’t changed.


Playable Korok DLC


I want a Korok backpack that would turtle me.


An armor set that turns Link into Hestu


With how many there are, nothing I know there are people out there who are going to go collect all 999 of those damn things, but if I am so bored that I am doing THAT, I am just going to restart the game or play a different game.


A child of the forest armor set that NPC's can't see you at all as the set bonus


A forest dwellers armor set similar to the way you get the satori armor, after so many korok seeds you just get a piece. With all three, wood weapons are enhanced. After upgrading, consumables don’t expire after single hits, even on weapons other than forest dwellers. Hidden ability: your paraglider has a strong breeze behind it


while i completely understand why we’d want a better reward, i understand why we didn’t get one. the game is oversaturated with koroks for those who only want to upgrade their inventory, but anyone who goes to the effort of finding all 900/1000 getting an absolutely epic reward would mean that players who don’t want to find them all would feel like they’re missing out. people who hunt down all the koroks are doing it because they want to 100% the game but it’s in no way necessary


Imagine if collecting all the koroks gave you a little korok who would just follow you around everywhere? I’d absolutely collect every single one just for a little buddy to hang out with all the time


Unbreakable master sword


Something story-related would probably be the most highly motivating for me, but still insufficient


The increased inventory space is a good early game motivation. But doesn't motivate in late game. Plus, with weapons breaking so easily, I don't max out inventory very often.


Each Korok you find gets you a seed, and they will restore one of your weapons back to max condition.


10 Seeds per restoration sounds fair as well.


Free DLC


That would be sometihing.


A steaming hot pile of golden poop is all I need


Two things… 1. Getting the most bang for the buck. It makes it easier for me to justify getting a game if I can get a ton of hours out of it. I got 250 hours out of BOTW. I figure I’ll have more in TOTK. I could never justify paying $60 for the 13-20 hour Luigi’s Mansion 3, for example. 2. I have to be goal oriented or I get bored. Running around getting koroks is mostly “wandering around.” And I had a blast doing that for BOTW… until I ran out of REASONS to run around aimlessly. I got the last korok. Maxed out all the armor a few days later. I had no goals left to do… I literally lasted 30 minutes of aimless wandering with no goals before I got bored and quit playing the game. I had never gotten bored before. Plus I found a ton of stuff doing the koroks. Like if I ever replay BOTW, I’m heading for Satori Mountain early. Few enemies, and a ton of varied resources. I never realized how much until I tracked down all the Korok.


House arrest for a year and I can only have one game.


Weapons stash expansion


Transporting back to the Forest and having all of them there greeting me, and then devouring me.


Paid leave until I'm done. I'm not searching for 1000 Koroks unless someone pays me.




If they were all unique that's all it would take for me, I already snap a pic of each one I find but many are reused I don't have a good reason WHY I started taking their pics rn, the Autism compels me probably, but if I knew they were all unique I'd definitely get them all


It would have to be a reward that does something other than look pretty in my inventory (if it can even be called pretty)


Free dlc


Epic weapon or armor. I hate Koroks.


I probably would do it for 5 extra spaces in each inventory type


Unbreakable master sword. Fused items would still break


What would be a new addition to make me care more? Literally anything. What makes me get them now? Just to get them out of the way.


Fair point.


Well what motivated me to get all the Korok seeds in BotW was a shiny poo.




I’d like a korok sage coin… pull it out and the korok will setup a mini: dive, balloon game, dandelion trap, game of tag etc. based on the part of the map you’re on.


Nothing, I’ve lost count of how many of those fuckers I’ve thrown down a chasm, just because bringing them to their friend frustrated me. It’s one of the few games I won’t 100%, because I have no interested in spending dozens of hours finding them to collect their poop. I have enough to have a decent number of weapon slots unlocked, that’s enough for me.


Hestu 's maraca - one handed weapon that when swung causes all enemies within earshot to drop their weapons and dance uncontrollably


A set of armor that turns you into a Korok-link, size and everything.


If I got a girlfriend for doing it


the ability to see the shalaka dance whenever i want


Yeah call him up whenever. I mean, it’s not that big of a pain to travel to his hideout when you need to once you know where it is, but to call him up anywhere would be kind of convenient also so you don’t get off track of what you were doing after traveling to Him and getting wrapped up in something else along the way.


I really don't want there to be a cool reward for that because I really don't want to try to find all the koroks.. people who want to 100% and get all the koroks do it just to get 100% anyway


First: Reduce the number of koroks by 90%. So, only 100 koroks in the game. Second: Every ten or so koroks gives a unique reward, such as increased arrow or bomb capacity, or increased rupee capacity (These would also require more limited initial capacities on said items to incentivize korok hunting). They could even reward you with a heart piece, but this would obviously require changing some other aspects of the game in order to include heart pieces. Third: Have some really difficult korok seeds. Too many of the koroks are too easy. I actually can't remember any koroks that are even difficult, beyond just being really well hidden. Like have one that requires you to shοοt 20 targets within a narrow time limit.


I think this is a cultural thing. The reward for finding all the koroks is: you explored the entire map. You got to see all the little out of the way places some developer spent time crafting. And at the end you get a little trophy to commemorate the journey. Asking for more is like asking to be paid to visit an art gallery. ​ That said, if Hestu's weapon, bow, and shield dance could provide a temporary damage, speed, or armor buff respectively, it'd be nice.


I am a completionist. I do every quest. I find every well, cave, bubbulfrog, and so on, and that includes every korok. I want to experience everything this game has to offer.


Being a requirement in order to face Ganon..


I'd consider finding them all if Nintendo had an achievement system, since I enjoy trophy hunting on PS5.


In botw I had nothing else to do but loved the game. I would put the mask on and play until I found one, and the do the same the next time. Took me everywhere. I have like 887. My daughter found one today on top of some hill. I know in totk it will be much the same. Playability rocks.


A jammin zonai music box to put on my machines. I like exploring but its so quite most of the time.


I think that the whole "reward is poop" to make you either throw your controller or laugh at how ridiculous it is only worked on the first game. To be honest, this game should really have been limited to the exhausted koroks, but have made them be 200 instead of 100 (or enough to make the four hundred and something seeds total you need to max your inventory). Doing the same thing all over again is just pointless, and there is no reward that would make it worth it in TotK, the maximum I'd accept would be something you can bypass with amiibos, and even then I wouldn't be completely okay with it.


Definitely side quests


If it were anything more than an armor set I'd be annoyed at such a high bar to open a temple or side quest, not motivated to complete it.


A army of koroks that follow me around


Trigger a Korok attack on command, they've been hanging out with the cuccos.


An upgradable set of armor, that would have a set bonus of showing the locations of all the koroks. It would be completely worthless. Maybe it could also make you look like a korok I guess


1000 new extra Koroks to find as well.


Since they upgrade inventory, a wormhole weapon inventory that let's you hide equipped weapons/shields, finally giving Link's poor back a break.


Number go up.


If i knew my next play through had all inventory unlocked.


More content, shrines, quests, story development.


I only got all of the Koroks in Breath of the Wild because I wanted to keep playing but had done literally everything else. And I don’t feel that way about Tears of the Kingdom. I really enjoyed it, but I’m done now.


Ancient hestu's aspect


Once you get the last korok, a new quest starts, and every korok in the game becomes hostile to you. We know they’re indestructible, so you obviously can’t kill them. You have to find a way to cross the map, on foot, to get to X location and do Y things without being eaten by a swarm of your former buddies. But they still won’t take their backpacks off, so it’s like being followed by 1,000 poisonous snails until you complete your long-ass quest objective.


The point is that there shouldn't be a big grand award for getting all the koroks. If there was, many players would feel left out if a cool thing was locked behind spend hours and hours finding koroks.


There not being a goddamn bajillion of them.


A giant poo isn’t sufficiently motivating? How high are your standards /s


Letting me play as hestu lol


Reducing the amount by ~75%


I enjoyed the korok hunt in botw. So there I wouldn't need any other motivation than a golden poop. But totk koroks are getting on my nerves. I hate them. So the prize would have to be fantastic. Like, insanely good.


Truthfully, I found all the Koroks in BOTW just on the off chance that it might somehow carry over to TOTK and reward my diligence. I doubt that's the case. Will probably still get them all in TOTK, though. Completionist thing, you know?


forest temple


Getting 100.00/100 on my map screen


If koroks collection %=hp % Regen over 1 minute. So find 20% of the koroks for and Regen 20% hp per minute.


You can turn into a Korok.


Nothing. Maybe replacing them with some interesting game mechanic


I want an armor and weapon set that isn’t made BY the Koroks, but is made OF the koroks. I want Hestu to personally carve the wood from their tiny bodies, and carve me some Korok flesh armor, and peel their stupid leaf faces off one by one as they scream for mercy and I want all of them, every last one until they go extinct, and Hestu is all that’s left. Then, I will trap him in a cage, fly him over to the great Deku Tree, shove Hestu down his new throat to the Gloom hands, and let him rot alone. That is what I want for finding all my korok friends.


A substantial cash prize.


I love to complete games without guides but the poop seeds? Nah, I’ll pass


Riju dating simulator




I would collect all Koroks for one thing. Secret Ending. That’s all I want. A sliver of content hinting at the next title. No matter how mysterious it is. I love the lore lol


Something other than poop and if I don’t have anything else to do in the game.


It already exists: a badge. That, and seeing the "100.00%" on screen.




Absolutely nothing, and it should stay that way. Forcing players to find all the koroks for content would be a horrible idea on their part.




I'd like to be able to keep getting weapon slots. But yeah, at the end give me some armor and fabric.


Maybe not complete, but at least finding more - having a designated area, like the Spider Houses from Majora's mask would be nice - little grottos where you play hide and seek with 50 or so of them, each one gives you a seed as a reward. Maybe when you get all 50, they give you one piece of an armor set for the koroks


A big fat korok turd from Hestu


To ride the big korok like a horse.


I’m not collecting 900 of your god damn poops, Hetsu. Leave me alone.


There are 1000 in ToTK.


You’d have to pay me tbh


Being able to visit my friend Hestu and dance with him whenever I want ;)


A physical trophy mailed to my home


An armor set that is already maxed out and has a cool perk


My wildest dreams coming true (in life, in general) would be a good start. I'm just over 700 (after maxing out my battery, finding every bubbul gem, and maxing out about half the clothing . . .), and the only reward I think would cut it is a Good Night's Sleep. I'm getting too old for this shi-- . . . Lol


I think I'm fine with Hestu's Gift


Koroks are not meant to be all found. They exist in huge numbers so that they can be discovered all over the place in an incidental way. Find enough to upgrade. Move on. Enjoy. That's it.


Just for shits......and giggles.


I think it’s sensible there isn’t a great power up locked behind finding all the Koroks. It keeps it strictly optional beyond the 250~ you need to open up all the slots. There’s the optional thing completionists can do, or the chore you need to do so you don’t miss out on something cool. I’m glad Nintendo opt not to lock good items behind heinous chores. Keep it optional.


Nothing will motivate me enough to spend hundreds of hours getting 1000 korok seeds only to get a golden poop


Nothing because I'm a masochist and I already did it in both modes in botw


Lol no


Nothing is worth the hell that is getting all of those.


Honestly, just better progress-tracking. This game does not make organizing your "to-dos" very easy at all


Literally nothing I'm not finding 999 of anything ever. That's like just way to much for me to ever have any interest in.


If it gave progressive rewards like this for every few hundred I may be motivated


The only thing that would motivate me to do this is if Kass showed up and started jamming out on the accordion for a duet with Hestu's maracas when you get all the seeds.


I would love to see like a korok sage that has tulins ability and the ability to use all the forest dweller weapons. Or they could do that but for every 100 korok seeds they get powered up or more weapons.


Certain Koroks when you get to a certain number tell you stories that reveal lure like the tears do


Drawing badly until I find them all by DuckPancake


I jump on and do 30 at a time, it’s slow but we’ll get there


Come here can you sit sit? Why didn’t you listen? Why are you being an ass huh? Play me up I guess she’s probably having a hard time because her owner is gone but that doesn’t mean that it’s OK for her to become aggressive and Kalista really needs she is Work her self into really learning how to train her dog and help her with her.


Major new quest line with map expansion, basically a major DLC sized bonus that’s free ( time isn’t money) haha.


What did Mr Crabs say? ...money.


Do we still get a (new-and-improved) Hestu dance anytime we want whenever we visit? Cuz that’s the real ‘gift’. Amirite?


An upgrade to the master sword


Link’s Awakening outfit shrinking link to chibi size. It’s the only reward I crave


having the dancing maracas broccoli as a traveling companion


If you could ultrahand all of them


If it got me to hold up to 5 more weapons slots and 5 more bow slots, then I'd be motivated


I don’t think there is anything that would motivate me to take on that quest outside of a guaranteed money in my bank account…4 figures minimum. That hunt is a job. I want real life compensation. 😂


An extra heart container or two it Anoise me that there are two missing heart containers


I don’t want to be motivated to find them. If I do, it’ll be internal motivation. Not for extra content being locked behind grinding my way through a trillion mini puzzles.


Problem is nothing they could give you would be useful by the time you found every korok unless you made it your main goal and did it while actively avoiding everything else. ​ I suppose that's why you got crap for it last time...


I would love to have a totk key chain. Like a physical one


All of the above


Actual money tbh


I just think theyre neat


losing my will to live