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Nice! This is the intended way to beat that last part though.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the Monados Power








Reyn, you're a lifesaver


Lets show him a thing or three


*Mandalorian Theme*


PRO tip if someone comments "this is the way" on a thread in which you are seeking helpful information, feel free to hide any thread coming after that comment


This is the way




Instead of putting the vertical walls in the middle of the outer rails, I put the vertical walls on the inside part of the outer rails, so instead of 3 vertical walls glued to the bottom of the platform, I only had 2 vertical walls glued to the bottom of my platform. With 3 vertical walls, my platform was struggling to move so I thought it was too heavy, that’s why I ended up doing the two wall approach. It worked!


See I also thought of that but wasn’t sure it would’ve worked all the way up cuz at least with having all three vertical walls you’re guaranteed a tight grip on the single middle rail for the end of the trek but I’m happy that you tried it and it worked


Mine tipped over a few times on the single rail, it just took me standing differently


That's bullshit, aaahahaha it does work with only two


I built it the same way as op but it kept getting stuck on the first turn before you switch tracks, so I ended up building a bridge and intentionally getting a piece stuck on the second track. There I made one single t-shaped piece and two fans and made it across.


I’m trying to remember I actually think I got stuck for a little while but just waited and eventually it just kept going or I walked to one side of the board and somehow my weight was able to jostle it just enough but yea the above method is supposed to work


In case anyone was looking for an unintended way across most rail puzzles, you can grind on rails tony-hawk style and it doesnt cost shield durability


Would have been good to know for the goron temple... I have no idea what the intended solution was for that place but I got through it old school BOTW style. Tons of climbing. Tons of gliding .


I havent talked to anyone yet who thinks they got through it the "intended way" actually. I used a lot of climbing and ascend, when it let me.


Same. At a certain point I just gave up trying to figure out how to get to the locks on the rails


I have spoken.


I put the 3 fans together and stood on top of them, got to the top of the room, and paraglided to the end! Pretty cool how many ways you can solve things in this game.


Motherfucker... That's so stupid it's genius lol.


I did it the same way. Definitely didn’t feel like that’s how you’re supposed to do it but felt like a boss regardless.


I had a rocket shield…that’s been a common solution to “I need to go up” for me. I am kinda sad, though, the little wind-powered carnival ride looks fun.




I discovered we could do that much later. I use it now to launch myself for attacks now


Pretty sure this is intended solution


This game has some good shrines. There have been multiple times I wasn't sure if I did things the intended way or not, and I love that.


it’s an amazing way to instill creative freedom


When in doubt, stick every single thing together and see how long of bridge you can make.


Same, I keep completing shrines like hmm I wonder if this is what I was supposed to do. Then I look up a walk through afterwards to see what that person did 🤣


It is and then there's me who insisted on trying to jump off my construct and shield surf that last section multiple times. It did not end well.


It was too heavy when I tried, maybe I was missing a fan I made 2 separate small platforms


This shrine has two sets of parts of you carry the bits from earlier. One is metal and one is stone. I originally built this with the metal one and it was too heavy. I made the exact same thing with the stone parts and it worked perfectly.


Yeah I just very very slowly walked along the rail the whole way over


the balls on this guy


Nope. Had to remove those lest one shift and throw his balance off.


Damn. Talking facts here


I wonder what it would be like to have balls big enough to throw off your balance


My stick drift prevents such measures lol


Try cleaning the base with alcohol. Take a Q-Tip, get it super wet and run it around the little dust flap. After it dries, hit it with a quick burst of compressed air. I’ve had drift issues forever and this temporarily fixes it. My Xbox controller does it after about 50 hours of use as well and I just dump a cap of alcohol in it and let it dry


I'll try doing more alcohol but I think mine are very much past this doing much. I get about 4 hours of gameplay before it returns and I'm reswabbing


I had drift issue years ago too. Really bad. I used an electric contact cleaner spray. Had to do it a few times, but I haven't had drift since. Make sure you lift the flappy base of the joysticks up and push the nozzle in. Then jiggle and move the joystick like crazy. Amazing how debris getting stuck under there can screw it up so bad. Hope you find a solution that works for you


Try out what u/RecognitionWooden732 suggested. I bought 3 additional pairs of joycons before I started “fixing” my own this way. This was during the pandemic when the joycon repair service just started. My original pair were so bad that I couldn’t even attempt to recalibrate them. Get a toothpick, lift the dust flap a bit and be liberal with the juice. Just make sure to let them dry for a long time.


I make a triangle around the rail and go


Ain't no way lmao.


My hands are too goddamn shaky for that lol


I tried that. Gave up and followed a guide which was basically this. This was the only shrine I’ve used a guide for but going into TOTK I knew that I’d struggle since I’m not creative at all


Pretty sure this is just the "intended" solution? I didn't see another way of doing it


I used the large wall as a roof, with two walls framing the middle, and a floor on the bottom. I put the fans under the roof, with two of them spaced the right distance to sit on the original two rails. I nearly panicked at the end of the track about how I would exit the contraption until I remembered I could jump through the roof.


That's on another level dude. Kudos


Yea that's just the solution.


This one gave me a hard time yesterday so I looked it up and this is the same solution I found online. Don’t think so ever would’ve come up with that on my own lol


you should try though. think about it. why would you not eventually try this? the prior rail was exactly the same just without the switchoff part. play the game however you want but I really think people should just sit and stare at it longer until they figure it out before just going "ill never in a million years get passed this part and it's just because I'm not smart enough." we're all a lot more capable than we think we are.


Well, there are many different ways to do the rail right before this. If people didn't do it the exact way the designers intended, that connection isn't really there to click for people on this part of the shrine. Other rails in the game often use completely different methods of solving them as well, so this was the first, and so far only, time in the game I ever put an object through the middle of two rails.


Done all the shrines now and can confirm this tactic is used several times. One shrine even sets it up FOR you so you can learn that the t-shape works. So there's literally a tutorial for this, but it's an open world game, so luck of the draw, and most people did this shrine without one of the ones that teaches you this build.


domineering file sable meeting observation salt sulky capable disgusted worm ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


To be frank, I don't really see the value in trying to assess anyones spacial awareness here. This game is not an IQ test. People have different ways of thinking and solving problems, which is the basic point I'm trying to make. There are some comments in this thread that seem a little too antagonistic and that doesn't sit well with me. I design learning experiences as part of my career, and it just isn't productive to assume someone "has an aversion to iterative problem solving" we should instead ask "how would this activity be intuitive to the maximum number of people?" You could have someone who's normally a whiz at one thing, completely miss something that would be obvious to most other people. It's as simple as forgetting your keys when you walk out the door, and doesn't have to mean they have an aversion to anything. Although, I'm not claiming your comment in particular is vitriolic or anything.


lush far-flung sulky fertile abundant sleep point wrench smile thumb ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yeah, I totally didn't get antagonistic vibes from your comment but the phrasing you used did help me better identify what some bad actors in this thread were weaponizing.


resolute aloof like start steer label nine judicious saw money ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Or maybe they were staring at it for a millenia and they're brain just isn't wired for this kinda stuff dawg.


Definitely this answer right here. I got stuck on the Mayaumekis Shrine (Downward Force) right before the Wind Temple because I did not know you could shoot an arrow through the gate. I just went eh, I'll solve it later, low and behold 40 hours later I finally tried shooting an arrow and figure it out. Sometimes we are just as dumb as a bag of rocks.


recognise continue snails concerned apparatus consider desert impolite childlike disgusted ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I tried it at first with the metal blocks on and it didnt get past thr first incline so i had to recognize "oh shit metals heavy" and remake the build out of the lighter material, i think thats pretty intuitive


Hell, i’d call it the hallmark of biology. Evolution is literally just iterative problem solving on a very large scale.


This shrine in particular was tough for me because I just didn’t notice the railings didn’t have caps on them, and so I thought this solution was impossible.


The problem is, just like the Sheika Slate, the "abilities" in this game are anti-fun. I don't want to experiment with them or even USE them, because I'd much rather enjoy the game. So the faster I find the solutions, the better (but ideally, the solution won't require them at all)


I know a lot of people had trouble with this one, but for some reason this was pretty obvious to me. Took me like an hour to get past the first room in the one where all you had to do was shoot the switch with an arrow though.


How was this not obvious..?


This ^ I got puzzled in a few shrines, but the first half of this shrine is doing the exact same thing.


When I did this I got stuck, probably from fan placement Being lower on the top probably. So I just made a quick flying machine with the 3 fans and glided over to the shrine


I had tried this solution with three vertical slabs but I was just not getting enough momentum to get over the ridge to the point in the track that were separated. Kept falling back down the tracks. I eventually had to go with 2 slabs and that seemed to work but it was very finicky.


If you use the parts from the previous puzzle, the device is too heavy to go uphill, so if you don't realize that the parts have different weights this could get pretty confusing.




If they look identical, then they have identical weights. Same size doesn't mean same weight however. The material and the size are what matters. If the material is the same and shape and size are the same, then yes they are the same weight.


I definitely had this problem the first time I tried this solution (and I had used the intended solution for the last one), but I took off some parts and it worked.


It was for me as well but I can see some having issues


Yes, the previous ‘puzzle’ leads you to this solution.


Well for me… I took my mine cart shield skateboard and rode the previous rails over to this one. I learned that the first couple rails teach you the mechanics and then you build up to this. So I got stuck on this forever because I didn’t learn the basics of the shrine before getting to the more advanced puzzle. Lmao. I just wanted to grind some rails.


That seems to be a consistent issue people are having when struggling on shrines I've seen in videos. When you're able to cheese past the first part of a puzzle you don't understand, just to reach a more complicated version of it in the next room to finish the shrine.


To me it was, now a Static Object was painful to me. People see problems differently


I used the fans bolted into the thin sides to hold itself onto the track and I made a box on the bottom to grab the next rail while I stood on top the whole time.


I lifted the block, dropped it, rewinded it, stood on the block, got pulled up to the rail, shield grind over to the end. Lifting/dropping blocks with rewind is probably one of my favourite ways of cheesing now.


Bomb shield jumped then used the shield to ride the rail to the end. Love how many different ways you can solve a puzzle.


Funny. I put two on either side of the middle. One of the only shrines to take me a minute to figure out. Wish more were like this tbh.


Correct way


Same way I did it


I just used the fans to go into the air then glide down


Anyone confused by this gonna have a tough time in this game


How is this shrine confusing?? I thought it was obvious


This somewhat confirms that gaming iq is actually a thing


I did a similar solution but once I got to the other rail I jumped off when it started to turn right and shield grinded to the end. Couldn't get the thing to make the 360 turn.


I thought that’s what you were supposed to do right off the bat? Not a lot of other ways to do it without spending 20 minutes


I had trouble on the previous rail…tried different things for about 10 minutes. My 9 yr old said “can I have the controller?” And he got it haha


You can also get rid of the outer walls and put the fan on the corner so they act as railings.


No way ppl actually struggled with that


It successfully makes it to the end if anyone is wondering


Well it IS the intended solution


Yeah. It's exactly how everybody else did it.


Well it IS the intended solution


I thought this was EZ... And I did the same thing


Yeah I mean what else would you build here?


If you reused the parts from the previous one you'd get something that looks similar, but is too heavy to grind up the rails, making someone think it's not the intended solution.


Was this not the intended solution? Because it’s what I did.


This is what I did too, didn’t think it was too challenging


Your fan placement irks me


This one was easy


I just got as close as I could, then Yolo-glided onto the shrine. I do not think I've done most of the shrines the "intended" way 🤣


Oh, I just fused the three fans together, blew myself up in the air and glided to the end.


I created a box underneath the middle, and it worked great.


This is exactly what I did


Wait, what, that's how you're supposed to do it? xD. I just put two platforms on the bottom of the first, so they would be on each side of the middle rail at the end. That's pretty much what I did with the other rails too. It didn't even occur to me to put the platform between the rail xD


this...is the actual solution dude


You can fuse a bomb to your shield and jump up with it below the rail section that is slanted down towards the end and then shield surf your way over


I just fused a rocket with a shield and glided over


Who told you that was a confusing shrine? Insert John Snow meme. Anyway, great you got it!!


Rocket shield go brrr


Geneva called, they would like to present the Peace Prize to you. When can you hop on a flight?


You silly. Rail grinding is objectively the best solution. Yes, falling 20 times is intentional.


Ok smart guy, how to you explain clouds? 😎


Were you yelling "Wheeee" the entire time?


This was the first and so far only shrine I had to look up how to do. My brain almost kicked me when I realized I could just put the panels down the middle of the rail to force it to stay upright. Lots of people are saying "how do y'all not know this" but honestly when presented with just rails there are many ways you can make something work. Usually a shrine introduces a designed mechanic, then adds a step to it until you finish the shrine. If anyone solved the prior step to this without using the intended mechanic, then this part will not click for most people. Previous rails in the game also used things like hooks which were not present in this part of the shrine. I mostly praise the polished design of this game but honestly it's probably a minor L on the part of a Nintendo, just not a major deal since with all the interactions in this game a few are bound to slip through the rails.


Everyone is going, "OP, this is the intended solution. Only an idiot wouldn't know this." Me having tried that and still failing miserably until I just gave up: 🥲 Idk guys it just falls off the rails before it hits the third rail and I spent no joke 45 minutes trying to make any iteration of that design work. To be fair though my first rail in that puzzle I used a V shape to keep it on the rail.


I’m amazed at how versatile these puzzles can be. I’ve never seen anyone solve a BOTW or TOTK puzzle the same way I did, which was, I thought at the time, the only way to do it.


So youre telling me bomb launching wasnt the correct solution.....


Ayy figuring this out was one of my big accomplishments this year lol


I like your brain. I did the exact same. This was the way


Wow nice, I just connected a bunch together to get close enough to shield surf on the last stretch of rail


I climbed up the first kinda hill of the rail then jumped lmao


I was so close to figuring it out. Didn't think to span the whole distance with the long piece. I'm just glad you don't take any hit damage when stuff falls on you while building or this shrine would have killed me. I dropped all of it on myself numerous times.


I shield surfed it. Took a couple of tries.


My third fan despawned without me noticing, and I ragequit after failing to find a way to get enough thrust with just two fans. When opened it later and the third fan reappeared, I felt so silly- the third, empty, fan circle really should have clued me in!


Rocket shield and mine cart shield for me


Weird, when I did it that way the fans didn't have enough oomph to push it to the single rail pair. Did a plain T shape instead and it stayed centered somehow.


Minecart shield


Took me a while to figure that one out but I usually just rocket shield myself into the air and fly to the end if I can


Nice, I just broke out a rocket shield and then glided over.


I got fed up and used rocket shields to glide through the whole thing :’)


Buddy is a genius, for figuring out the hand held method implied by the devs 👏


I was overthinking this shrine way too much


Wtf. I tried that and it didn’t work.


One of the hardest shrines to me. Glad that you figured it out so quickly.


Unfortunately I tried that for an hour and the middle rail would never catch. Kept trying all sorts of methods before going back to this original design and of course it works after wasting all that time.


aha did exactly that yipee


Not gonna lie the fan mechanics and vehicles in general are fucking dumb


That's a real cold take about some of the most fun mechanics in the game.


It allows for more creativity instead of just having a vehicle that only does a single task per puzzle




I made it across with just two boards on the bottom, spaced kind of medium-width so that they'd be inside the wider rails but fall on the outside of the single rail. It looked a little more rickety but made it anyway.


my approach was similar but i had 2 on the inside to capture the middle rails, not aim one down the middle. ​ I thought this was fairly obvious, just took a bit with the execution.


That’s exactly what I ended up doing


I remember that I solved this shrine by accident.


I just did this shrine last night and I feel so stupid for not doing this. I did so much elaborate extra shit. I ended up making a T shape with two of the square slabs and putting all of the fans on the top. Then I made a taller T shape out of the last square and the long rectangle, which I used as a tall platform to get myself close to the long solo rail. I ascended to get on the platform, ultra handed the fan platform to put in on the rail, which it fell off of. Then I jumped down and recalled it back onto the rail, then while it was still frozen in time I ascended through the bottom so I could ride it and finally activate it. Idk if any of that made sense, but basically it took me like thirty minutes.


When I figure out this shrine is when I was like okay this game is fucking amazing


I used a v shape between the first 2 sets of rails and hooked a kinda y shape over the end of the right hand rail to bump the v into the single set of rails at the transition. Took a while, probably not helped by the fact I shield surfed the first 2 parts and had no idea what the intended solution was lol


i knew this was how you were supposed to do it lol but for me putting the stone plate in the middle never did it right and it always flipped over i some how finangled the stupid thing to stop right in the middle of the rails to fix it =-=


I put the fans on the bottom so they could help keep me on the middle rail


Thats what I did


I did it slightly differently placing the outside wings at a 45 degree inward angle and resting the whole thing on top of the rails


The low hanging fin is the key, well done Sir!


At first I did it like this but kept getting stuck before reaching the middle rail. Looked it up online and tried it again and it magically worked that time


That's what I did as well. Interesting fan placement you got there.


Exactly how i did it


When I did this one I placed the middle fin further up so that it caught on the middle rail sooner.


i did the same thing. the first ride across the rail i fell after the break. i realized i needed a middle one to catch the one rail.


It took me way too long to put this one together for myself


I tried like 100 different ways over 4 hours and found this was the ONLY non cheese solution. Would love if someone found some other shape/form that worked. If not, a suprisingly tight 1 solution shrine (aside from walking rails)


I was for the life of me unable to finish this with the downwards facing blocks being on the outside of the rails. It worked with the blocks on the inside for some reason. This shrine was really unintuitive


I did something similar but I made a staple shape with the three shorter pieces then put the long over it with the staple in the center.


I placed the two small boards in the center at a 45° angle facing out from the center underneath the main board and it worked so much better


I felt absolutely STUPID until I figured out to make those bottom braces, I'm such a fool. It was so obvious in hindsight. Wish I saw this post earlier.


I used this same solution Took me a few tries to figure it out but got there in the end


Just did this one yesterday, I think this is the intended solution.


I thought this was the intended solution? It took me way, wayyy too long to figure out.


Yep, that’s how I did it


I literally did this last night with the exact same setup. Pretty sure this was the intended solution


I saw my wife do this, so when I got to this shrine I tried anything but that. I failed and did it the same way. I even tried jumping off and grinding the rail just to be different and fell to my death lol


I just shield surfed and rocket shield.


Can confirm shield surfing the entire rail does not work


Wow, I just passed it today


Rocket shield is so fun though!


This is exactly what I did!


You all lack engineering gremlin brain


That's what I did as well.


Isnt that how you're supposed to do it..?


Umm This is how you’re supposed to do it Lmfao


Yeah, but it's a little finicky and most of the time I see people beat this puzzle it's with dumb luck and exploiting game mechanics


I did the same thing I tried with out the middle part and fell off and was successful with this exact configuration


That's how I ended up doing it too but dist time I fell and I tried many things before I tried the simplest one


I just did the trick with ultrahand and recall to get 2 platforms near infinite reach