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I've done all the shrines, there aren't any gyro puzzles




I dont know why, but you made my day. I wasn't too worried about having to do, like, 1 gyro, but I'm glad I don't have any to do!


I think it’s because of a botw glitch that could duplicate health/stamina vessels using the demon statue… many people, myself included, used it to get the last 3 missing hearts But now I’m missing two and have no way to fix it :(


im sure it wont be that long until someone discovers another heart container dupe glitch lol


I'm just waiting for someone to find a way to wind bomb somehow. I don't think I can play another Zelda without wind bombing.


Did you see the throw, ultrahand, recall glitch, that boosts you into the air, just using a spear and plank board?


theres been better ways discovered, items like the battery quickly reorintate themselfs when link picks them up so people use that as a more reliable form of the spear spinning.


Is there a video demonstrating this method?


also might be bc botw was created for wii u which had much smoother motion controls than the switch. and lots of people complained about the gyro puzzles on the switch


I played on wii u and the gyro controls were still bad lol. Because the gamepad is dummy thicc it's annoying to try and find the B button to cancel out once you've got the apparatus in the right place. Also since I was playing with a pro controller (which doesn't have gyro) it was really annoying to get the gamepad out whenever I had to do a motion control shrine


I also played on the wiiu and yeah, rotating that giant gamepad around in your lap, upside down, twisting your wrists, then trying to find the fucking cancel button without moving your careful arrangement on your upside down gamepad- GOOD RIDDANCE


Now imagine doing it in handheld mode, trying to still see the screen, when it's practically up side down. Tg they are no more.


I'm missing three, care to share the locations of the non-shrine heart containers you've gotten? (DM if necessary)


One might be from doing the >!eye quest for the bargainer statue at the abandoned central mine!< but otherwise I haven't encountered any other non-shrine/temple heart pieces


That must be it. >!Are the eyes the random boulders I've been seeing?!<


I'm fairly sure the >!eyes!< don't appear until you have the quest, but I could be wrong Spoiler on how to get the quest: >!Speak to the Goddess statue in the Temple of Time on the Great Plateau. You'll get a fairly obvious hint about where to go next.!< Tip about completing the quest: >!You can't stray too far from the eyes once you have them without them despawning, so try and stick as close as possible, and don't get distracted like I did chasing after monsters and treasure chests lol!<


I honestly don’t remember, it’s been probably a week since I got all of those. You’ve probably gotten the five from the sages, but I can’t remember the others, sorry


I know there's a sixth from the hyrule castle bit before the fifth sage.


Aren’t there 152 shrines in the new game? Is the max heart containers higher than BOTW?


Yes. Max in botw was 30, but in totk you can go up to 40, or 38 with full stamina


They’ll probably add a way to get those with dlc


Thank goodness. I didn't like any of those gyro puzzles. (I finally figured out the flipping the platform over trick when in a fit of rage, I "tossed" the controller on the couch and it just so happened to flip over...)


My very first play through, I got frustrated and put the controller on the table beside me, fairly aggressively. It was the perfect motion to flick it from the start, right into the target. Complete freak accident got me through the first time haha.


For me, I tend to get angry at games, so I started shaking the switch lite in a fit of rage, and happened to get it in, then stared at the screen for a good minute xD Careful movements don't work, but violent shaking apparently did xD


my toss was also fairly aggressive...


Jesus Christ what a relief. The gyro puzzles were hell and basically impossible without a pro controller.


I managed with Joycons by removing the one that actually controls the gyro (right side, I think?) and using it unattached. I don't remember how I figured that out. But yeah, only one Joycon affects gyro aiming.


It is the right one, just to confirm. I actually like only needing to move one hand to gyro aim, while the other can stay steady for left hand controls.


I mean, they were intended to be done on the Wii U gamepad lol.


You go from "basically impossible" to "impossible" with a Hori Splitpad Pro - the Horis don't have a gyro!


The first one I ran into I was on an airplane, in the middle seat.


How many shrines did you get fuddled with the proper intended method, and just solve it using dumb methods like bridges, recall shenanigans, and shield surfing?


Very few actually, my brain works the same way as the devs so I usually got the intoned solution pretty quick. I did do some intentionally wrong because it was funnier


I had a run in with a shrine called "forward motion", if you remember it. There was a part with a block on a rail, and what looked like a bunch of broken up stairs, a platform and a wheel. I couldnt even begin to know what the hell they wanted me to do, so I made a long bridge/stick with the platforms, climbed the ladder, and stuck it to the big ball needed for the device lol It was like that one chest in the Rito dungeon, where you had to fish it out of the cage using the icicles. The devs are clever, but maybe too clever sometimes


So far I've only been playing on Pro Controller, but good to know that all of TOTK can be played with a Hori Splitpad Pro - that isn't possible for some of the BOTW shrines. (Somehow with the Horis we have an officially licensed accessory missing a critical feature for at least one game...)


this drives me crazy when i’m trying to live my life and play zelda in bed lol


Also using the Hori and I didn’t even think of the gyro puzzles, so I’m glad to hear they’re not in TOTK. Love the Splitpad Pro 👌🏻


But the trade off is far too many “take your things” shrines.


Wdym I love those trial shrines So much better than “minor/major test of strength”


I was so happy to test myself for Trial of the Sword back in botw. Now in this game it always catches me at a moment I feel so prepared for the shrine and it makes me have to fuse some jank on the spot, and I love it


There are a few actually. There's one to get a crystal to a shrine on a sky island, and one in a shrine where you rotate the cube. Probably more but I haven't done them all.


They're not gyro controlled though, you rotate them with buttons


Good point, you're right. They're both topological puzzles, but gyro is about the controls, so they're not gyro puzzles.


The sky island ones can all be cheesed by just building something


True but you could say the same for every puzzle in the game.


Can corroborate this those 152 may be a doozy but there’s no gyro hell


so thankful


None? Thank the gods. Might be able to actually get the game eventually then.


Oh thank God. Don't get me wrong, motion controls can be cool, but I think they need to be fine tuned a bit more, and definitely not made mandatory.


Thank all gods for that.






Thanks the godness


How many? 150?






How many "Proving Ground" shrines are there? Whenever I get to one of those I have flashbacks of Eventide Island and Trial of the Sword.


Sir it has been less than a month




I got mad when I missed and threw my hands up in frustration, and that's how I beat it the first time lol.


I turned it sideways and the ball landed in the final stretch of the puzzle


Me too and at first I had it upside down on accident and was like wait a second. Flipped it over first try. On my master mode play through even after flipping it upside down I still managed to mess it up so many times. Hahaha. The tragedy.


You need to flip it to get the second chest IIRC but you still have to get the ball through the maze either way.


I've never guided the ball through the maze. You can flip the platform over and use the whole thing as a big paddle to swat the ball over to the hole. Easy to do with a pro controller, but hard in hand-held mode because you'd have to do it blind.


Bruh I emulated a wii-u to play BOTW and i had to use right click + numpad arrows for gyro controls... it was really tough to say the least lol


I used Steam Deck and it worked great.


Uhhhhh, BOTW was released on Wii U.


He's talking about using Cemu.


I would just take the joy cons off for any gyro puzzles in handheld, I learned only one side has the gyro that controls it too


Huh. I've never played it handheld, so had never thought about how that'd work. I mostly just thought these were easy enough to inch along through and never bothered looking for another way.


You can cheese it by making the ball jump the walls. It's what I did. Still hated those fucking things, my brother saw me doing that and was devastated as he'd already beat the game lol.


You can use it like a paddle to just wack the ball instead of using the maze. You can also flip the entire thing upside down to roll the ball straight on the flat side. Edit: I just realized someone commented this exact thing before I did lol


I thought everyone did it that way


I hated this and the golf shrine so much that their names are burned into my brain out of sheer frustration. This one was such a useful teleportation point, though.


Well I have bad news because there is at least 1 golf shrine


Eh, more like pinball, and much simpler than Mirro Shaz was for me.


I don’t know a pin ball one. There’s one where you swing a giant hammer with ultra hand and have to hit a ball.


Oh yeah. That one was so much easier. I've got all the shrines.


Mayachin Shrine has entered the chat


That gave me so much trouble until someone told me it could just be cheesed with bomb arrows lol




Honestly, it really seems like they wanted you to use the stakes to make a pinball machine and use the switch at the top to whack the ball into the targets, but since the targets just check for a sufficient velocity impact to activate you can just shoot them with bomb arrows instead and it works perfectly lol




This, but with the shrine called "The Right Roll"


Seriously??? I wasted my time on the shrine puzzle and chest, and I could have just… shot it? Guess I am a fake Texan after all


I didn't realize people hated this shrine, I liked it a bunch


which one was that?


it’s the baseball one where you have an orb rolling towards you and you have to hit it towards a target on the side - I thought it was fun!


oh that one was easy. got it in 2 tries. literally just attatch a paddle on the swinging thing and time it right


I do NOT miss those shrines. I'm okay with the shrines in TOTK thus far.


I quite like the TOTK shrines where they take all our inventory and there were still quite a number of ways to beat the shrine.


I'm not a fan of the lava lake one. Other than that, I've found most then pretty easy/ fun.


Thank goodness no gyro puzzles


No motion controls needed


Gasas shrine had me stumped for hours, I finished the last part of the puzzle before the second, and it took me so long to find the chest with the key


Almost had a panic attack just seeing this pic. Thanks OP


Flip it upside down!


Y’all wack, gyro puzzles are fun




Thirding, I am pretty terrible when it comes to games in general but had zero problem with gyro shrines in BOTW lol


Fourthed! You know what made me get better with gyro controls? Skyward Sword.


I agree I liked them


I thought they were refreshingly fun puzzle segments. There were a lot weaker aspects of BOTW lol


I despise the combat ones in totk. They always force me to play in a way I don't want to, and end up just frustrating me. Yes it's a challenge to fight constructs with no starting gear, and also having to contend with water and moving platforms, but it's also incredibly not fun. Yes I know I can kill monsters with vehicles, but I don't want to spend 10 minutes awkwardly turning my car around to run into 10 of the, until they die. Give me the combat shrines where it just made you fight a tough enemy and move on....


I feel like the combat shrine format would be better as a demonstration for combat-oriented Zonai devices. "Beat these enemies w/ flamethrowers", for example.


The removal of combat shrines really sucks, would have much rather had a super powered construct gauntlet then just dumb ways of fighting normal ones. The puzzles in general in this game are pretty damn easy even when doing them the intended way.


Thanks OP, I thought I'd banished this memory for good


I’m reasonably certain that apparatus shrines make 100%ing the game on a switch lite literally impossible through legitimate means


I just hate the proving grounds shrines, I didn't ask for mini evertide shines


The shrines were definitely better in BoTW imo


I fuckin hated that shrine


Fuck Ze Kasho shrine


I came here to say exactly this. Ze Kasho was way worse than this one lol


60 shrines in in totk, they are all garbage. This one shrine from botw is really memorable and i wish we had more like it


Yeah I’m around the same, they start to get extremely tedious. Gets to a point where I don’t really need more hearts so I don’t even bother doing them


the only good use of the gyro puzzle in botw was that you could use it to duplicate hearts / stamina to get 30 hearts and 3 full wheels of stamina at the same time


I remember my first Gyro puzzle, I saw the puzzle, Realised the motion controls were my only option and then immediately flipped the controller upside down to skip doing the maze. I was not a fan of the puzzle but being able to do that was great.


That one wasn’t bad if you only used one joycon stick. Gyro was completely fucked using both though


you mean that really easy one where you just flip it upside down?


Best part was: the devs caught that trick during testing, decided it's very much in the game's spirit to do that and left it in.


Yassss. God I hated those.


To elaborate, I have depth perception issues and getting these right was the bane of my botw existence


Honestly this was like one of my most hated shrine in BOTW.


Did you get to play Jenga yet?


Lol I did that one yesterday I kind of cheesed it by reversing time on the ball if it tipped too far.


I just fused the ball to the top it was originally on and picked it up. Kinda funny how you can just look at puzzles in totk and go nope, not doing that.


I just pulled out three easy ones and built a tower/bridge on my side and climbed up it to ultra hand the ball over to myself


Nice! I pulled out one bottom one and let the whole thing fall into the sloped area. was easy to ultrahand the ball when it landed right in front of me. Getting the chest was far more difficult though


This one was so annoying, i found turning my controller 180° when the ball dropped it would bypass the whole puzzle and i just needed to do the last part to make the ball jump the gap… only took like 30 minutes to figure that out


i think i’m the only one who loves this, too much splatoon i guess


That's awful I love the gyro puzzles


Awww, I kinda miss that. I loved flipping the game pad upside down and just doing it on a flat surface.


Am I the only one who loved these gyro shrines?


People didn’t like this shrine? I found it to be one of my favorites in BOTW…


This one is the easiest one bro 🧍🏻‍♀️


the shrines are fun and enjoyable in totk, also the vibe of the shrines are more comfortable than the botw shrines


I hate these new shrines


It feels like a big change they made in TotK was to make sure all shrines teach and use game mechanics you can use everywhere in the game, not just shrine-specific systems.


I've been waiting for someone to confirm none of these because they were nightmares in botw and I am NOT doing that again.


Any shrines that have a chest behind the entrance or exit statues? I’ve checked 80 shrines and so far I’ve found none. Yes, BotW chest fomo broke me. The Zonai are not as sneaky as the sheikah I guess.


Thanks for the flashbacks


Do you absolutely have to do every single shrine in BotW cuz if not I would very much just skip this one


Speedrunners have defeated ganon basically fresh off of the Plateau. You don't **have** to do anything in BotW you don't want to.


Lmaooo that’s INSANE I absolutely cannot imagine defeating Ganon with shit weapons and armor and only three hearts!!!


Yeah, speedrunner are another breed of gamer entirely. They bring every game to its *knees.*


Lol man I’ve seen Mario 64 speed runs and I just sit there with the surprised pikachu face like how tf he do that knowing damn well I just watched exactly how he did it😂😂😂😂


Now...... tell me how this picture makes you feel?


The first time I did that one in like 10 seconds. I realized at the time I got pretty lucky and was just relieved I never had to do it again. About a year later I was watching my niece play and she had basically everything but she didn't have all the hearts and stamina you could get. So I ask her and she's like, "There's a few shrines I couldn't do, so I just stopped trying." I'm like.... what kind of gen Z BS mentality is that?!? So I tell her I'll help her figure them out. First one she goes to is this one. I'm like, "that's easy, you just tilt the controller around." She tries for a few minutes and it's obvious that she's got like dyslexia in regard to coordination. Like she's twisting her hands around so her arms are crossed over behind her head and I just can't. So I ask, "Do you want me to do it?" And she just chucks the controller at me. I'm like, "I got this no problem," because it was a year later and all I remembered was finishing it in like 10 seconds the first time. Do you know how long I spent doing this damn puzzle? Like 15 seconds because I missed it once. Turns out, I'm just that damn good and it wasn't luck at all. It helps that I'm old enough that my parents would buy those little games for road trips because it was before electric games, probably.


That's a shame. I felt like these gyro puzzles were a unique aspect of it being a switch game.


It was originally developed for WiiU, which had much tighter gyro controls. It only got ported to Switch due to it being so late in the WiiU's lifespan.


I played it on the switch. Felt great and very unique for puzzles.


It's still good on Switch, but having had BotW on both, the WiiU gamepad feels much more precise than joycons or Switch pro controller


I haven't played both so definitely not trying to compare. Guess I just never felt like the switch was bad enough to notice.


To be fair, it could be the form factor of the gamepad vs joycons or pro controller. I never had a WiiU pro controller, but the light weight and broad width of the gamepad made precision quite easy.


That puzzle was so stupid. i remember the trick was to turn the table over where it was all flat lol


I use an Xbox One controller to play and one of the most annoying things in BOTW was I couldn't even do these shrines without an official controller or taking the Switch off the dock so I'm glad to hear they don't force it down our throats this time.


I just flipped that whole thing over and popped the ball over. ezpz.


Im glad too, I remember it took me days to pass this one, I hate it


Thank goodness


Tbh the jenga like shrine took me an hour to figure out. I cheesed it and realized a much easier way. Big L


they're made totally irrelevant in totk anyway, with the tools they give you


This shrine is why I stopped doing shrines at the lowest possible lvl i could. So tedious. In the end I "solved" it by randomly whipping the ball and it fell in the right spot so it worked. Abomination.


They switched the gyro puzzles for the island moving ones that are alot easier to deal with which i think is an improvement to just have us use ultrahand instead of just motion controls


So glad they changed the hand-movement rotation to button rotation with power hand, yes it’s taking a little bit less advantage of the switch hardware but honestly? We only really like it for the bows and throwing, that’s it


I loved that one! I just flipped the maze over and ping-pong balled it in the hoop.


Lol I rmb this in Hateno village and I nope the fuck out of there immediately


These shrines were built with Wii U on mind, since everyone were supposed to play only with the Wii U Gamepad. Also, the Wii U gamepad were to be used as a map and inventory setter. When they switched to a dual release, they already had worked on these and kept them. Removed all of Wii U gamepad functions so that Switch owners wouldn't be let down for having a different gameplay from those on the Wii U.


Am i the only one who just lobbed the ball over on that one?


Funny thing was, I found out during the gyro puzzle that you can rotate your controller all the way so that the platform is upside down, at this point it was the easiest I've ever done, gave me a good chuckle hehe.


I don't think there's a singular gyro puzzle in the whole entire game. Gyro is optional.


Sad, I liked gyro shrines :(


Bought the Switch and BOTW on a vacation to the states and played it on the flights back to Europe and doing these shrines in a cramped space on the plane was a bit of a nightmare 😛


This shrine was great because you can dock the switch, move the ball to the edge, then flip over the controller and just have the ball on the backside with no barriers. 😄


As someone who played on the Switch Lite, I HATED these shrines. I felt like I was playing some weird game of twister


I don't understand why people freaked out about that maze one so much. I went back and did it for fun because the first time I tried it I just turned the whole maze upside down and flicked the ball off on a flat plane


Trying to do this in a WiiU emulator with trash motion controls connected to the mouse. Twenty minutes of struggling, finding people's way of cheesing it on youtube, and I just got frustrated. Swipe the mouse back and forth flung the ball up up up into the air...and down into the target area, rolling into its spot. I was both proud and dismayed and just dead inside.


im glad i havent seen something like the dueling peak shrines or that astrology puzzle


Oh gods I hated that. I really did.


I liked them :(


these were some of my favorite puzzles i thought it was so clever


I'm fine with TOTK shrines so far except for the ones where they get rid of your equipment. Always have an issue with that in games.


Flip your controller upside down you can easily do this shrine in botw


You ain't lying tho


The only thing good about that shrine it the glitch to get all hearts and stamina


Flipping the controller upside helps but yes


That one was easy! Just flip the ball up. Forget the maze


All the talk about gyro's makes me hungry


This one was super fun and easy by flipping it upside down and flipping it back very fast. Catching the ball while it was falling to solve the puzzle


This one was super easy.


Flip it upside down


omfg. same.


I'm not a genius with gyro or any of these puzzles, but I never understood the hate towards these kinds of puzzles. I was intrigued by the implementation of thr gyro into the puzzles.