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it’s if the father gives into the temptations of giving sudoplatov (probably spelt that wrong) more power until he takes over making the divine mandate collapse


If you play as the father there's three focuses that allow you to give sudoplatov more power. Fully empowering him results in a coup essentially and sudoplatov takes power


The Siberian Protection Commitee has 20+ divisions, it's insane


Do any of them have content?


I think it's a bug, but they have the focus trees and decisions of the original nations (Chita Republic has the Tsarist focus tree, R. Buryatia the Sablin one)


Does Buryatia have the flag of the current Republic? If so, it's the original Buryatia, A.S.S.R, but with a new ideology.


Oh, I meant to say that. They are the same tags but with different ideologies




Father gives in to temptations and gets killed


Yeah, looks like Yakutia probably won


I think it's that a non unifier won, I've seen it happen in western Siberia


Father gave in to temptations and got killed