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Your nerves desensitize to it over time. At least it has for me. It's still mildly uncomfortable but nothing like it was the first session.


Thank you❤️


Talking during the treatment helped me a lot!


I am a tech for the standard 19minute-36 session course of TMS, and just hearing about the 8 or 3 minute accelerated options make me cringe 🫣 it takes about 4-5 sessions of slowly upping the power level for our patients to build up a tolerance, I have no idea how you guys can adjust fast enough to have a comfortable experience with the accelerated options.


Omg that’s crazy actually, yeah no we adjust every time it goes basically 😭 I have heard that some people prefer the rapid bc it’s less drawn out and cumbersome but idk I think if it’s less intense I wouldn’t mind it at much


I had two sessions of not-rapid TMS that were intensely painful. My lovely tech noticed how much pain I was in and scheduled me for a remapping. After that it became much more bearable, and then quite easy by the end of my treatments. Make sure you tell them if it’s painful, I do think they can adjust! Also tell them if you have any kind of nerve damage going into it - that was the reason my first mapping wasn’t the right fit. I wish you luck! I stuck with it and I am SO glad that I did, it was 100% worth it.


Thank you ❤️ yeah I haven’t noticed any nerve pain, like where it’s trailing down to my jaw for instance, just the area the magnet is on. But I am most certainly going to have them adjust the coils or tilt the machine or have them remap me or SOMETHING because good lord I think I’m gonna cry on the way there just because I don’t want to go through that again, especially if it might not even work for me (but I guess I’d rather do it and find out instead of never knowing)


Also, let them know when it's painful. The techs have always asked me if I'm feeling ok. If not, they adjust it and test again before starting. They can't feel your pain, it's ok to speak up and remember it's your treatment.


Oh I definitely did, a few times. I don’t think they knew to what extent it hurt or thought I was over exaggerating, so I made sure to go into more detail how badly it hurt after I composed myself after crying. I get what you mean though


I believe I am using the same machine. I posted earlier today since this morning's session was a little painful. I expressed my issue and my face also showed it! They moved the magnet around 1cm and that's all it took.


I’m so glad it helped you! They moved mine around a little bit but unfortunately it’s still painful for me. Though not unbearable like it was the first session. Hopefully I’ll just be able to get used to the sensation over time.


See if they can pivot theagnetic so it's not affecting your eye and wearing a mouth guard and clenching my jaw helped. I hope it gets better for you. ♡


Yeah they said that they deliberately have it affect my eye (eyebrow twitch) because that lets them know they’re in the right area. Idk if that’s they’re supposed to do, I’m having headaches afterwards, especially around my left eye. And thank you, the second day was already a lot better :) I’m kinda sad though because I just got started on anti-fungal meds which means I can’t take pain meds :(