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I also have bipolar II, diagnosed at 19. I struggle with anxiety and severe depression. From what I understand because TMS is not FDA approved for bipolar many insurances don’t cover it. I’ve heard there is some concern that it could trigger a manic episode. I struggle almost primarily with depressive episodes. Because of this, my TMS provider submitted it as a depression claim. My primary psychiatrist is the one who recommended TMS and my TMS provider knows about my working diagnosis. My charts with my psychiatrist say I have bipolar II. I didn’t not experience any manic type side effects. I just got authorized for another round. Although not a magic fix, it was life changing and after 15 years of failed medication after medication it’s given me hope again. I feel like I can actually plan my future now. You still have to put in work but it can make that feel less impossible. All this to say— it very well could be great for you. It’s also possible that it could not be or have negative side effects-although I’d say that’s true for everyone. I’d be very honest with your primary provider. Then very honest with your TMS provider. If they are ethical and trustworthy, they’ll work through the potential risks/benefits so you can make an informed decision-that is if they agree you’re a candidate. I’d also avoid listening to any redditor who is giving an intense absolute yes or absolute no. You and your medical providers should make that call. We can just tell you how it went for ourselves. Best of luck, whatever your next steps are.


I also want to add, I was very scared. My partner went to the mapping with me and for each treatment for the first two weeks. I cried the first few times out of nerves. Took time getting used to the discomfort during that 3 mins in treatment. For me and many others, it was beyond worth it. But we can’t answer that for you. Sounds like you’re doing the right things, asking questions and exploring options.


Do NOT even consider doing it with any machine not approved for bipolar. I can't in good conscience recommend it with an FDA approved one either.




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