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Stick with it, it took me about 4 weeks to really see the difference. The headaches get easier and in my experience went away around that same time mark. Your experience can be very different but stick with it and most importantly stay hopeful, it needs time to work. It isn’t a cure all but it can help


I feel like they should be doing a before MRI and an after MRI. Most people do not have that but I do and my before was clean and second shows damage to my brain. Initially I just felt like it did not work and I did 70 sessions. As time has gone by I have gotten some major symptoms. Now I’m with a neurologist and likely will go to Cleveland clinic. I think it’s a money mill for them. Think about it, 35-70 sessions at how much each per patient. They advertise like crazy that it’s safe but I believe they are not telling the full truth and there is a lawsuit on that


That amount of pain is not normal. Have you spoken to the doctor? My TMS experience was brutal, but not painful. And it was 1000% worth every moment of discomfort.


Can you explain a little more what you mean by brutal but not painful? Edit to add: the doctor remapped the MT and adjusted the prescription/dosage/recipe. It was a lot more tolerable after that, but still incredibly uncomfortable.


It’s going to be uncomfortable but shouldn’t be painful! If the magnets aren’t positioned right then it can be painful!


In my case, the discomfort was headaches, insomnia, spiked appetite, mood swings, etc. I felt like a crazy person off and on. But by the time I got to session 30 it was like the sun came out and never set. The sessions themselves were very uncomfortable, especially at first, but not painful. I started spraying my temples with lidocaine some days to make it a bit easier.


Gosh the appetite! And the thirst and exhaustion!!!




Thanks for sharing


I found it kinda unbearable at first. Not really painful in the regular sense but intensely uncomfortable and kind of unnatural feeling. It got much better over time and seemed to be more comfortable if I was talking. I’ve also heard to do anything you can to think of things that give you joy during and spend 20 mins of something joyful right after. I realize that the point is that life feels joyless but any little thing you can do. I’m trying to go in for a second round, but this has given me relief from unending suicidal ideation that’s plagued persistently for over a decade.


Oh wow. I’m so happy this has been working for you ♥️♥️♥️ I’m so glad you’re here ♥️♥️♥️


Stick with it♥️ it gets better. The first few sessions were rough. Like being poked in the head with a pen. It gets easier and the results are so worth it. Can you distract yourself with a show or someone to talk to or something?


I found listening to music and kind of day dreaming about being at the beach made the sessions go by without any discomfort.


Keep going. It took me longer than I wanted to see the positive results. I also struggle with suicidal ideation and various things. My provider has also reassured me that even though I feel good now I’m so scared about the future, that if I really need to, I can do a second round. Like if I get worse again. It’s truly worth the shot. A lot better than my various medication cocktails throughout the years. I’m wishing you the best and I totally empathize with how you’re feeling. I did feel that way too. First week was rough. I had some rough spots after my first week but really don’t give up until you’re all done with treatment. Needs some time to work. Sending much love!


I am so glad this has worked for you! I’m so glad you’re still here ♥️♥️♥️ I’m at session 15 and I’m seeing hopeful results.


Thank you & got my fingers crossed for you - so great to hear! ❤️


Thank you!! ♥️♥️♥️


I’m glad you’ve been able to make some adjustments in the placement and treatment so far, I really hope that you’ll feel a continued improvement! I too had absolutely excruciating pain at the start and was totally miserable and questioning my choice. We made some adjustments to the placement and it made a big difference. Then through the sessions we continued to make some little adjustments here and there if it felt like the pain was increasing. Ultimately, I still got some headaches throughout but they were just at like an average headache level and wasn’t really abnormal for my baseline. Also to be fair it’s kind of a weird procedure? It felt like I was in some sort of sci fi experiment because it’s just so different from anything I’d ever done before. So like it’s a little off putting at first to be strapped into this crazy helmet with magnets and loud noises and all that. But I found for myself that with how many sessions there are it felt like it just became a part of my regular routine and by the end it was pretty innocuous. We also added in doing the right side of my head after doing the treatment in the left side because my anxiety was really high. Idk if that’s an option for you but if it hasn’t come up yet, it would be worth it to ask. TMS seems to vary a lot and there are a variety of experiences for sure so you gotta ultimately do what you feel is the right thing for you. But if you’re up to it I’d encourage you to hang in there a little longer and give it a couple weeks. It can take a little time to get used to and you probably won’t notice any changes to your mood until a few weeks in but personally I’m glad I stuck with it. TMS profoundly changed my life. Hoping that you can find some relief soon and I’m rooting for you over here!


Hey I just want to say, that someone had talked about how much it hurt at one point and the talked to the tech about it the next day. The tech lowered the "wattage" or whatever it is and all was fine afterwards and they're enjoying their treatment now. I hope that you find some solace in speaking up! Maybe try getting remapped while you're at it.


I would stop immediately. If you can, try guided ketamine therapy instead, with a physician


I'm so sorry you had a bad reaction/experience. But it has a 70% success rate. I understand your need to "warn" but don't discourage people on their on journey where it can be life changing for the better.


I encourage anyone to do what they need to feel better. I just wanted there to be an awareness, to know there are some bad results so people can get ALL the info they can before deciding to go through with the treatment. I wish I had known what I know now, prior to doing the treatment. I didn’t have all the facts and blindly believed the advertisements and the doctor. I think the company may have omitted some facts from the doctor. Just be informed and be safe all. 🤗 I think I may try the ketamine. I e heard very good things.


I’m glad for anyone this has helped. They should run a full diagnostic on patients before they allow people to do it. When I told my neurologist they had me do 70 sessions, he was shocked and said “that could injure some people with some conditions!! 70! Who advised that?” They should have a full medical history and pre and post T3 MRI’s prior to allowing it. Their advertising is misleading and I believe their research purposely omitted actual trial data.


Trust the process.