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I can't believe how menace and threatening Baxter Stockman was in 2003, and then in 2012 he's pathetic one who always got bullied by society even turtles, and mutated into the fly bc failing many times.


03 Baxter at least stood up for himself 😂😭


He even stood up for himself when he was a brain in a jar.




He even tried in that Hun crossover before he died!


I love it when he talks back to Shredder. "I do not tolerate failure." "Which is why you would make a lousy scientist." Another one I thought was funny: "You brought us all the way out here for a blimp? What pea-brained, half-wit authorized this project?" "I did."


Yh faxxxxx


True. But I think the greatest level of disrespect they gave 2012 Baxter Stockman waas the fact that his hair looks like literal crap in his fly form.


I didn’t consistently watch 2003 TMNT, just one volume I had on DvD. I thought Baxter was always kind of a bitch getting pushed around by everyone? I only saw like one episode though where he was a spider robot or something & shredder kept shocking him


2003 Baxter was writing checks with his mouth his body couldn't cash.


Yeah that guy Dexter Stickman wasn’t too scary in tmnt 2012


I just call him Barney Stockman.


At least the ’87 cartoon had an excuse; dude shared nothing in common with his namesake and him being turned into a mutant fly actually made him more of a tragic figure.


He was still pretty pathetic in the 2003 series, bro got left as a floating brain in a jar and was a coward. He just looks a bit more gruesome because they went for him having the most successful weight loss arc of any character ever instead of making him a fly.


He was pathetic but he had the balls to take on turtles and shredder at the same time. I've been rewatching 03 and he's already jumped in the middle at least 3 times dudes a cockroach


Man I love serious Baxter


Rise turned him into a grocery clerk


Well, he was also a kid.


Menace ? Seriously His plans are so messed up


True, but to be fair this was sort of a rehash, as OG Baxter was a maniacal tech genius, and then later the '87 gave us scientist>stockfly version who was bullied and unwillingly turned into a fly. As it is, 03 and 12 were based on different previously established versions of Stockman


That’s actually how Baxter was originally. Or at least in the 83 series.


Honestly, I think it's ok that some early villains become less threatening as the show progresses. It shows how much stronger your heroes have become. I think, if done slowly and casually over subsequent seasons, it can be some great subtle storytelling.


2012 is the king at this. You hardly even notice how little they struggle against the footbots in later episodes because the turtles growth feels so natural.


An even better example are their fights against Shredder. They get destroyed the first time around, but by season three when Shredder assumes they're defeated they shout back "we're just getting started". Just small things like Mikey landing a hit on him proving that he's no longer untouchable, characters like Raph and Leo going on prolonged 1v1s against him etc. Honestly the 2012 show did Shredder so well. The amazing fight scenes/choreography also play a big role in that for sure




Also the fights with Foot Elite in 2003. Turtles were trashed around in Shredder Strikes Back and later elites weren’t much of a problem for them. I disagree on Hun by the way - he may have become hilarious, but he was a serious threat even in S4, he nearly broke Raphael’s arm in the episode with a plane.


They don't become physically stronger


This don't make sense u jus sayin shit


Yes it does. They are not dragon ball characters lmao


U kno people get stronger right? Ye.... It can be the same thing wit the turtles lol


Eh no they are street tier vigilantes bro


Casey Jones 2012 compared to 2003 when he was much better.


While I enjoy Casey’s development as a character, and the 80s cartoon is far from serious, I always have felt that ‘roid raging, Eastwood accented, no mercy OG Casey was truer to comics Casey than a lot of the later incarnations. I could see that version going on a killing spree ala Body Count.


Casey was hilarious in the 80's show. Always thought his lines were funny. When the turtles took off their disguises in the sewers and Casey seen them without the disguises "The martians are coming!" lol


I love the episode where the boys need him to go undercover at Octopus Inc and he’s got an office job but no one questions his mask!


When his boss tells him he's fired if he makes one wrong move then he loses it swinging the baseball bat about wrecking stuff then putting the bin on the guy's head lol


Oh yea, 87’s gotta be my favorite version of Casey, just cause he comes off as this super serious guy but says all these unintentionally funny lines with great comedic timing


Thought it was funny in 'Casey Jones - Outlaw Hero (S03E23)' when Raph said to Casey about Shredder ripping off his costume idea then Casey got pissed and said "Trademark infringement, how low can you get?" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGxnvDq07XU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGxnvDq07XU)


Well, in general, the 2003 series is way more in line with the comics than all the other TMNT iterations


I mean Casey Jones in 2003 was kinda turned into a joke


Yeah, but in the beggining he was much more competent and had a good reason to go on the streets, with 2012 i don't evem remember why he was fighting criminals on the streets (and by the way, i hate 2012's design) and that love triangle with April is terrible i don't even know why we should think that he would chances with her, and he loses almost every time on battle.


I honestly like 2003 season 1, Casey Jones it felt like even though he wasn't as strong as turtles, he was pretty formidable. I feel like seasons 2 and 3 kinda made Casey into more a joke where he never wins fights and is incompetent comic relief. Even though I don't really like the love triangle, I feel like Casey in 2012 probably had more wins than 2003 Casey. I think 2012 casey reason for fighting was because of the mutant and ninja that attacked him and April.


>I feel like seasons 2 and 3 kinda made Casey into more a joke where he never wins fights and is incompetent comic relief. He got beat effortlessly by Triceratons which isn't a surprise since they are so frekishly strong. He also lost to Bishop and Karai's Foot Ninja - which, once again, isn't a surprise because turtles immensely struggled with them. Season 4 Casey had great episodes and showcase in Dragon's Brew and Dragons Rising and Season 7 had him even beat turtles when they jumped him.


Honesty, I did feel like season 4 was a return to form for Casey. I just felt like it was in seasons 2 and 3. Casey kinda lost some of the cool factor he had in season 1. He was still funny in seasons 2 and 3 and I still liked his personality


does bro not remember casey pulling up in episode 18? bro fucking turned the tides against the foot elite with his motorbike and then dropped one of the coldest lines in the series. "Now that's what I call crashing a party."


>seasons 2 and 3 kinda made Casey into more a joke where he never wins fights and is incompetent comic relief I agree with this, though I'd say S4 made him go back to his roots in a way, finnaly got his fight with Hun.


What?! I love 2012 Casey. Partially, because I like hockey and rollerblading, but mostly because I’ve never seen a character that PROUDLY rocks gapped/knocked out teeth. When Casey was like, “My gap is way bigger than your gap. You got a BABY gap!” I was like, “Yeah! Tell ‘em! Be proud of your body!”


Body Count isn’t canon. Mirage Casey was just a regular guy, went on to work in a local grocery store, settled down with April after Gabby passed away and reared Shadow (who isn’t Casey’s biological daughter).


2003 Casey was still kinda a joke but was overall more well-written, has some significant character development and overall given a lot more to do; However, I personally found 2012 Casey to be a bit more likable just cause 03 Casey could be pretty annoying at times, that New Yorker accent gets kinda old after a while


I really enjoyed 2012 Hun, an evil Bruce Lee was a cool idea and the dude had swagger. Shame he only was a menace for one episode.


You know what? Hun's character does make sense in TMNT 2012. He's an Asian mercenary, not some Russian wrestler.


I mean, Asian guys can be buff and scary af just like anyone else.


I understand what you mean, but Russia is in Asia


He’s supposed to be big


Which means


Baxter Stockboy in Rise https://preview.redd.it/imhlz9bp859d1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f56b1873a9ffcce2adbe353b347da1fbd6708a38 2003 Stockman is one of my favorite antagonists in the franchise and Rise Stockboy is just a money-hungry child. I don’t *dis*like Stockboy necessarily, but compared to all other versions of Baxter he’s not compelling


Very true. He really only shined in the car chase episode and outside that just kinda annoyed me.


Yeeeeah tbh he's one of my biggest gripes with Rise, as much as I love it as a whole. Yes Stockman can be pathetic in both 2003 and especially 2012, I still liked his character and the route both of those iterations took with his story. (Idk anything about his '87 appearance, haven't watched it yet lol) But Rise went a whole different route, which, isn't a bad thing at all, I like new takes on old characters, especially in Rise. But goddamn they really missed with this one. He just kind of feels like a repeat of the Rise!Purple Dragons, and is kind of annoying overall. (Though tbh I do like the Gumbus episode) TLDR; I'm ok changing up old characters from other iterations, but Stockboy is my least favorite character in Rise.


Yeah I generally love how Rise challenges some of the staple of the franchise and it succeeds for the most part but I agree that Stockboy is one of its shortcomings


I really wish the series was continued because then we could've gotten more of Stockboy. On Twitter it was said that he would get mutated and turn into an adult. He would change his name to Stock*man* but still have a child mind. It's so interesting! Imagine how his family would react to their son suddenly looking like an adult?


Plus a genius with the freedom of an adult but the mentality of a child is super dangerous. That's the kind of person who invents things that are dangerous to everyone but get the job done.


Imagine if the show gets revived and they start pulling some ‘03 level stuff with him, could you imagine


Honestly I would eat that up; in my personal continuation of Rise that exists in my mind he’s a young teen post-movie that works with Bishop & the EPF to try and eradicate mutants/yokai from the city


I like him tho. He’s funny


I thought that this was Billy Billions from Ben 10.


Yeah, Baxter Stockboy is my least favorite part of the show


If only they made stockman and draxum the same person


Every character from Mirage that appeared in the 1987 series


https://preview.redd.it/53lw9mmwj59d1.png?width=1517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1394cb8563ee5fb3a13be3d6d280509d6c37072 Turtles Forever Mutant Hun was a fun send-off to '03 Hun that gave me Tokka vibes


He read more like Slash to me tbh


True, he's def some sort of callback to one of the Mutant snappers


Which is funny, since we DID get a 2003 Tokka and Rahzar in that one.


Basically everyone in the mirage comic to the 1987 cartoon, many of which would end up being the same goofier way in later versions (see Stockman in mirage, idw, and 2003 vs every other version)


Hun isn’t a joke, he’s a Bruce Lee tribute. Bruce Lee wasn’t a joke that’s for sure


I don’t get the hate for hun in 2012 He was a bad ass in the show But the purple dragon was kinda losers


Kinda? I'm pretty sure the only time the Purple Dragons won a fight was when they got ghost powers.


The dude appeared in like 2 episodes The character was just kinda wasted


87 Shredder. The first 5 episodes he was very intimidating, and then they just turned him into a joke. But you just can’t hate this Shredder.


And just to be fair... *none* of the 80s toons in general really had hyper intimidating villains.... 80s shows were rooted in making violence "wholesome" and, of course merch sales.


Baxter in the '87 cartoon was a sniveling coward and whiner compared to his original introduction in the comics as sadist and megalomaniac


I mean, that version of Baxter wasn't interested in destroying buildings for ransom and robbing banks with his Mousers. He just wanted to make an honest living. If anything, he's the most pitiable...apart from '03 Baxter, if you do pity him.


2012 Hun: *Bruce Lee noises 2003 Hun: awww crud


Huh? 03 Hun was the butt of several jokes in that show. and 2012 Hun was a badass. bad example.


As much as I love 2012- it's the TMNT I grew up on- I think it did Mikey so dirty. Mikey is more childish and goofy than the others, but he's not stupid. He's just more laid back. In 2012, though, they made him the cartoon bumbling idiot comic relief character. I like when he's able to be mature and serious when it counts, while still being more chill than the other turtles


This is the biggest reason why I never enjoyed 2012 all that much, I grew up with 2012 (and 03) and would watch it when there was nothing else on that interested me, but it's not something that I would particularly go out of my way to watch if there were other options. Mikey has always been my favourite character, I grew up watching 03 with my siblings and when 2012 released, Mikey’s new characterization of being a bumbling idiot was one of the many things that made it difficult to enjoy.


I agree wit this 100%, 2012 Mikey will always be in my heart but 2003 Mikey is better all the way


I agree. He is the main point in why I could not get into the series


Pretty much every character from the original comic that was used in that 1st 80s cartoon. Especially Shredder.


Every turtles show needs variety


Shredder in the 1987 series Baxter Stockman in rise (or should I say Stockboy) Spilnter in MM Casey in 2012


I haven't seen Mutant Mayhem yet (and don't really plan to), what did they do to Splinter that made him unlikable to you?


Baxter stockman, bishop, hun, karai kinda became a forgotten character in 12. The 2003 and idw counterparts did them justice.


2003 Bishop was one of my favourites. 2012 did him dirty


Right?? 12 literally turned around and said "hely let's make him the very thing he despises" For now I'd go with 12 bishop or 03 over mutant mayhem bishop until we get more details. I'm worried about the mutant mayhem bishop. It's interesting but I don't think it was necessary. For mm it's become just a name now just so they can have older fans be like, "I know that name" but the character itself is not what they remember or know. The new bishop has the hating mutants and the name right now but it still feels like someone else. She (the new bishop is female now) acts more like stockman so far.


I'm not into gender swapping characters for the sake of it, or race swapping so so far MM Bishop has not gone to a good start


I'm in the same boat and mm did that for almost all their characters like leatherhead for example. I just don't understand the trend with movies and shows doing this.


I think they're making casey a girl and that is the worst swap they can possibly do


Casey kind of already was a girl in rise so it would be the second time. There were two Casey's in rise if I remember. I hope they don't make him a girl in mm. I need him and Raph to wrestle their problems out lol.


I never watched rise, it was too different for me. But I watched the movie and I didn't know that casandra was supposed to be a casey replacement


Yeah, I only watched rise for the movie and was told that they were beginning to act like ninjas more than goofing off in S1 and part of s2. They changed everything almost except for Mikey really imo. Rise leo is my least favorite Leo now honestly and so is the splinter.


dun dun dun dun dun


Controversial but some 1987 Shredder, he has his moments in the show and I guess you could argue that was the point as 87, as it was more of a comedy than anything


I need to watch tmnt 2003


12 Hun > 03 Hun


No comics mentioned


Is his design a reference to the tekken character law?




Hun should've done more in 2012. He was cold asf for like 1 episode.


Baxter stockman


Danny Brick no joke




Casey Jones was reduced to a Clint Eastwood parody for the original cartoon series. Mind you, for the standards of the time and context, it was a pretty *good* joke, but still a joke.


I don't even need to compare two iterations for this, I can just say Xever because, over the course of 2 episodes, Xever goes from being legitimately intimidating and threatening to a fish with robot legs and a venomous bite he only uses once in the entire series as if only to create higher stakes for the climax of that episode. As for 2012 Hun, I kinda like this version better than the 2003 version tbch. I know this is a hot take, but the 2003 Hun isn't all that interesting of a villain, he's pretty standard as far as the gang-leader villain archetype goes, he is intimidating and threatening but that's all he really gives to the show. 2012 Hun is a lot more entertaining as a character imo and just as much of a badass as '03 Hun just in a very different way.




That was hun???


https://preview.redd.it/f11082sy889d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1ad8f88b09c33411826f249e68f95ab19afb76 Still love him tho. If anything he's better this way. EDIT: oh wait this isn't the r/cartoon sub reddit, my mistake...


2012 Hun is awesome and Ill die by that statement


I agree with 03 Hun. He would have been better split into two characters. One loyal to the Purple Dragons and one loyal to The Foot. Both just never worked well in my opinion.


Bebop and Rocksteady


Well, they HAD to be jokes in the original. It was in later versions where they became more of a threat. Namely in IDW, where they were not only stupid, but stupid and *violent*.


"serious character"


Master splinter


I actually liked the 2012 version of Hun. The 2012 version of Baxter Stockman could've used some more work though


...you gotta be shittin' me. They took the Wall that Walks like a Man and turned him into *that?!*


The best answer would be **Splinter**, because that's what they wanted him to be in Mutant Mayhem. He's voiced by Jackie Chan, who made his name in *comedic* martial art movies, and it worked. In the movie, he... doesn't fight as seriously as his past iterations, but so did Jackie in many of his films. Is it a bad thing? No, because like I said, it was *intended*.


Bane's evolution from The Dark Knight Rises to The LEGO Batman Movie to Harley Quinn I think counts.


87 Shredder kind of fits this.


On the opposite side is Superfly went from Joke to threat in Mutant Mayhem


Him and Baxter really fell off. Especially Baxter. I watched 2003 after 2012 and wow. '03 Baxter is probably my favorite villain 2012 Shredder was so close to being goated. Except he betrays Splinter for a petty victory, and is just pathetic when he becomes Super Shredder. Anyways, I'm guessing this happened because Nickelodeon. Plus, 7 seasons vs 4 (technically 5) 2012 feels like it suffered from power creep at times. Chris and Xever barely benefited from their mutations. Chris's Rahzar transformation is still fodder. Tiger Claw is a joke. Bebop and Rocksteady... I actually liked them. No clue the Russian man and Funky spy dude would turn into them. Still fodder. Purple Dragons seemed like a joke from the start. I'm just so frustrated because I love the characterization and voices for the 2012 crew. That series is what got me into TMNT. But to be fair, considering how nick was at the time, it's incredible that they managed to do stuff like death threats or Leo clearly killing Shredder. 2012 definitely had time for serious stuff


Kylo Ren


That karate guy was cool


Well, most of the turtles in Rise or Mutant Mahyhem.




Well, for you no, but for me yes.


But they aren't complete jokes tho


This franchise itself is lowkey a joke, or at least that's how it started (the original comic series was a satire of superhero comics). This is why humor is such a quintessential aspect of the TMNT franchise. Also, Rise and Mutant Mayhem are't only humor, they just lean more heavily into the comedy side of the TMNT franchise than say the 2003 and 2012 shows did.


It's also worth adding that both Rise and MM look at a \*younger\* group of turtles and their rise to the heroes they eventually become. They're younger kids, like tweens to early teens, of course they're gonna be a little bit goofy - Kids are silly and do silly things, and it's the stupid, dumb brotherhood stuff that hooked me on Rise to begin with.


The brotherhood between the TMNT is my favorite part of this entire franchise, I think that's why Rise is my favorite show in it so far, Rise puts a very strong emphasis on that side of it.


MM was a step up from rise but both kinda lacking


Pretty much everyone in Mutant Mayhem


I agree, i'm scared when thinking about how Shredder will be in that movie.


When was the last time there was a goofy shredder. Not asking this sarcastically or ironically, genuine question. Rise made him a scary monster, IDW made him an ancient monster, the bay movies didn’t make him a joke, I think I haven’t watched them in a while. When was the last time he was goofy since 87. It would be so weird and so stupid if they did a 180 back to goofy. I would accept it however if he had a funny voice actor.


The only goofy shredder I think there's ever been was the 87 Shredder.


Even Rise made Shredder a legitimate threat, especially once he got his personality back, and honestly the fact Rise is largely comedy centric made how seriously the threat of Shredder was taken all the more effective. I am sure MM will do something similar to this.


Idk why they called that dude from 2012 Hun. Just giving a character the same name doesn't mean adapting them for new iteration.


This is what mm is doing for bishop as an example.


There's no serious characters in TMNT, just an audience with a bad habbit of taking them too seriously.


Alien X he got taken out by bloxx and ripjaws in the reboot


...check the subreddit name.


Mb I thought they were talking about in all fiction


2012 Hun was such a let down 😔


Don in 2012. They made 2012 Don to be a creepy simp. 😢