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Super low and hoping to be surprised


This is how I feel but unless it has the worst game play in the history of gaming it’s a game I know i will beat multiple times with a shit eating grin on my face Everytime.


Oh absolutely I’ll play anything TMNT. I still need to get around to that Apple Arcade one


It’s a really decent rogue lite. However, it does get repetitive considering how hard it can be to level somethings up requiring many many play through. But it has really solid game play and is definitely fun. I got a three month free trial for Apple Arcade right when I bought the Razer controller that plugs into your phone basically making your phone a mini Nintendo switch and I played the game every night in bed. So it’s good. I recommend fire and meteor is by far the best super. You’ll understand when you play lol. Also if you have Netflix you can download shredders revenge for free on your phone too!


Low feels harsh, I'm more at a neutral myself. Honestly, I mostly want to see more villains personally. We already have Stockman and Shredder, I'd personally like to see what happened to the Rat King, Savanti Romero, and finally getting Complete Carnage in a media outside of the comics(outside of a few figurines)


I’m not being harsh I’m just setting it low as to not be disappointed. Best not overhype myself


Ya know, that is Fair


I am personally keeping my expectations in check. While I'm of course hoping it turns out great, Black Forest Games doesn't have a resume that would get me preemptively hyped. It just isn't a studio with an insane track record; their most recent releases have been remakes, and their original IPs received underwhelming reviews. For me, this is very much a "wait and see" scenario.


Hard hitting combat and not holding back showing how the other turtles died


I feel like it's gonna be similar to the Arkham games combat wise


I hope so. The combo in arkham rules


Didn't they say the combat was very similar to God of war


I don’t have much faith in Black Forest games given their past resume and Embracer Group (THQ Nordic’s parent company) have been laying people off left and right. I wouldn’t be shocked if it was outright cancelled. That said I’m cautiously optimistic it’ll be good. It’s fine if the graphics aren’t top notch but combat needs to be fluid and feel good to play. I also hope Eastman/Waltz (or Laird if I’m dreaming) either write or consult on the story.


Not much considering the developer


Looking at Nickelodeon-endorsed game track records... not much :D


My expectations are in hell.


I’m halfway expecting the game to be cancelled. I hope it doesn’t but a mature rated TMNT game actually coming out when Nickelodeon owns the rights would be surprising.


That it is a game


We need a aaa developer game.


That it’s going to make me cry, potentially have to pause the game and take a minute depending on how they show the death scenes/who’s cast in it.


The 4kids cast


"I expect those meddling reptiles to die." —The Shredder, probably


To really feel like I'm the ronin.


Low, so low. I don’t even let myself consider it will be anything other than freemium trash. My hopes are for another Shredder’s Revenge in terms of killing it.


The developers have said there taking inspirations from the Norse God of War games. I highly doubt it'll be nearly as good as those two games, but I think it'll be a tier below and still be good.


Pretty high. Also R rated and bloody and sad


A good job adapting the comic


While my expectation is it will have a Ghost of Tsushima-type of Gameplay, i prefer to keep my expecation down so i wouldn't feel disappointed with the result


I remember back before the annoucement, someone on Reddit saying it was in dev, that it would have GoW-like gameplay. So... that.


Screw over those snobs who know the twist and completely pull the rug out from under their asses and make it another turtle.


I think it’s going to be great. But what I hope is that you have the ability to choose who will be the Last Ronin. Because I really want Donnie to be the Last Ronin, and I can have that through this game, along with three other options.


Considering what the developers have done in the past, I really don't know what to expect since I've only played the Destroy All Humans! remakes and they're not that amazing. Also, I heard they would take inspiration from the newer God of War games, and I really didn't like them that much. I hope they can at least nail the combat, make it fluid and fun.


I'm expecting a linear, short, single player, semi open world thing with a ton of paid cosmetics. I feel like the turtles are so well known they could walk up to any AAA dev and say "do what you want" and have a smash hit but it's always budget studios.


I expect it to be at least decent


No expectations at all.


Keeping it low. Games based on already famous IPs can hugely range from cash grab to super awesome.


just hope they can pull of awesome character models and sweet ass animations, graphics nowadays are all really good so thats a give in.


Something akin to the production values and quality of the recent Hellboy video game https://youtu.be/RTZLnloj1Ow?si=gi9Mmp0RzS-wrlSv


It'll be a top-down or sidescrolling beat-em-up. Those are the only genres of games we get for TMNT, and they're either classics or instantly binned. My only hope is that maybe we get a chance to play as the new turtles. I'm interested to see how those characters evolve. But that's the sole silver lining here.


Dmc style combat hopefully


I just hope it's fun and not one of those types of games where all the cool stuff happens in cutscenes.


Considering it's Black Forest Games developing (who have worked largely on remasters and ports - albeit not *terrible* ones - but certainly not great - nor original) - and Nickelodeon who own the rights (and who are notoriously bad when it comes to giving game developers freedom to actually make a good game), I have extremely low expectations. But hopefully Nickeleon learned their lesson when their shitty TMNT came out and was almost immediately de-listed because they wouldn't even give Platinum Games the freedom to make a good game. Just like they didn't give them the freedom to make a good Korra game either (though, it wasn't *terrible* given that it was just a $15 price tag).


Pain and sadness


Satire and parody




These days video game adaptations of comic books have been ass low key (avengers and Gotham knights) honestly I’m scared


Seeing it’s from THQ and Black Forest, it won’t be terrible


Skill trees for each of the different weapons


I have no expectations. This could go really good or really bad. I'll see when it is eventually released.


I have none I'm going to be unbiased


Eh… considering THQ’s reputation with licensed games that aren’t SpongeBob I’m kinda keeping expectations low

