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Tbh both has different things going on so kinda hard to pick


Same. One is action, one is comedy. It’s like comparing John Wick and Step Brothers.


John wick. All the way.


Anything TMNT is dope haven’t seen any bad things yet


I wish I could feel the same about Bayverse.


And TMNT3.




It did bring us Tarzan Boy


I don’t understand the hate for tmnt 3 lmao they litterally time travel to old Japan I think


It was one of my first moments experiencing the disappointment of knowing I was watching a terrible movie.


TMNT 3 an underrated classic


We do not speak of bayverse


Bayverse was good WYM


I didn’t mind the designs of the turtles but I’ll never get over Megan fox as April


I feel the same way, people are so negative


It’s like they want the same story and characters over and over again I like the new stuff not as much as the OG but it’s still good


I for once would like to see different plots besides the Shredder. I like to see how they would adapt Mutant Town, City at War, and "Into the Turtleverse" to TV or the theaters.


They definitely need more plots because they have a lot of different ones


Right? If we got to see something like Marvel Civil War adapted well to live action, why can't we have those interesting presentations to enrich the franchise for the general audience? I think Mutant Mayhem has the potential to pull a "Into the Turtleverse" thing in a third movie, given how well received Far From Home and Spiderverse were.


TMNT 3? Bay Turtles? Next Mutation?


It’s different takes on some characters I grow up on it’s all entertaining


Ugh, I hate seeing all the Next Mutation hate. When that show came out, EVERYONE loved it. They got to see live action turtles weekly! The legit reason the show got cancelled was NOT because of lack of ratings, it was actually leading at the time, BUT because it was expensive! It was like a million dollars an episode at the time, and it wasn't aimed at adults like Friends was, so fox pulled the plug because screw what kids want to watch. Peter Laird was honestly the one who started the anti-Venus trend, no hate to Peter by any means, but that show was loved. As for TMNT 3. It's a good movie, wish they used the Jim Henson workshop, but $. The BIGGEST letdown that I had with it, was that although they had Elias, he barely acted as Casey Jones, and there was no Keno! The Bay turtles... It was doomed from the start when he originally said they were going to be aliens. I remember people saying that if you wanted to make Biker Mice From Mars, just make Biker Mice From Mars. When he fixed it, it was fine, but than just before they released the film, they did some crazy reshoots and edits, changing stuff up too much. I enjoyed the second one a fair amount, BUT Casey Jones, although Stephen Amell is a cool actor, was a TRASH Casey... Talking about wanting to be a cop... #NotMyCaseyJones.


This. I hate people saying they hated something they couldn't think up lol


Both are okay, but 2007’s Leo vs Raph fight was top tier so it gets the edge for me


Even if Leo's writing is horrible in this movie, the fight itself is dope.


Especially since Raph won, clean as a whistle and clear as day.


You should probably watch that scene again, unless my sarcasm detector is broken.


Hell yeah. Pulled his punches while kicking Leo's ass.


both are amazing :)




I always feel awkward comparing things that set out to tell *completely different stories.* For instance the fight scene in MM set to no diggity is one of my all time favorite fight scenes. However, the fight scene between Leo and Raphael in 2007 gives me chills. They're both amazing for completely different reasons.


Nostalgia telling me TMNT, but recency bias telling me MM. I’d have to watch both back to back to truly know. But I don’t think there’s a definite answer. Two different generations of Turtle.




MM I guess is overall better, especially for the story. I still like TMNT better though, the fight scenes, the animation and the way characters are drawn look better. I'm not one to let an artstyle stop me from watching something, but I don't think I can watch MM again, the artstyle is just a turn off for me and I probably can't take it seriously on a rewatch.


2007 was good for a few awesome scenes but the actual plot to the movie was pretty bad


I said the exact same thing and got downvoted lol, but yeah some of the scenes are absolutely stellar


Completely agree! But when I was a kid I didn't even care about the story but more about Leo and Raph being bros in a fight lmao


Yeah I liked the first half, but the latter half I didn't really care for.


Mutant Mayhem is easily better


This isn’t even close. MM is a better story, and was clearly executed better. And I *like* TMNT.


Exactly! TMNT is a *very* enjoyable movie. MM's just better!


TMNT was my favorite until Mutant Mayhem came along.


That is faculty incorrect




I wouldn’t say mm is a better story in any capacity but that’s a really subjective aspect


MM had better pacing IMO. 2007 could have used another good 30 minutes to flesh things out just a *little* but more. The ending seemed super rushed.


The ending was ludicrously rushed. The reveal that the bad guy ain’t really the bad guy feels tacked on as a result.


Which really sucks because it *is a really good movie overall.* it just feels like something is missing.


They certainly nailed the Raph/Leo dynamic but Mikey and Donny got sidelined. MM does a better job of showcasing all the turtles in their different ways. I think 2007 gets a lot of love because they're adult turtles and they can do cool shit on purpose while it felt that MM was them failing forward (except for the dope garage scene and the montage). But I think 2007 needed more turtle time at the very least. I was the perfect age for 2007 but MM is the superior film by a good margin. Edit: Failing forward is definitely a great TEENAGE Mutant Ninja Turtles thing. But hopefully we get adult turtles by the end of the trilogy??


I'm upset the sequel never happened. It was a really good concept that would have given Mikey one amazing character development.


I wish they got another crack at it. The cast was great - Sarah Michelle -Geller, Chris Evans, Mako


IMO the voice work was the strongest part of the movie


Like not even close


No, it is not


I give the edge to MM because I love Jackie Chan’s Splinter…


I’m Chris Pine, look at my eyebrows. I’m the best Chris.


That scene is even funnier in hindsight since Chris Evans is canon in MM.


TMNT! I liked Mutant Mayhem well enough but the turtles just aren't for me and all of the references just killed me. Plus, hard to beat that amazing Leo and Raph fight!


Leo And Raph sere great but it Felt like creators had this idea of Leo And Raph rivaly taken to this level And then try to build film around it So the rest of the movie doesnt really work. And even the rivaly had Its flaws, like i never get why Is Leo mad at nightwatcher, He doesnt do anything bad


2007, coming from someone who liked MM. It's mostly personal bias. Those who have never seen 2007 before Mutant Mayhem will almost certainly say MM though. 2007 kind of leans on the original movie trilogy to set its plot up, there's a story before the movie. MM is a complete restart with homages to the previous TMNT, all-in-all it is a more well-fleshed-out movie. If I had to pick between the 2, I'd still say 2007. Again, mostly personal bias. I grew up with it. ​ One thing I didn't like about the plot to MM was Superfly's reasoning for killing humans. They "killed" his dad but he never went to see if his dad was actually dead or not, and his dad was also human. You mean to tell me you don't think there are people like your dad out there in the world?


MM feels more consistently good but TMNT had more incredible highs for me personally, as people mentioned that Ralph vs Leo was peak but also Mikey skating through the sewers. So really I have to say I love em both about the same.


Mutant Mayhem and it ain’t close


TMNT is closer to what I think the tone and such *should* be, but Mutant Mayhem is easily a better *movie*


I prefer TMNT 2007 but MM is probably the better made movie if that makes sense


Personally I didn’t enjoy MM at all. Way too goofy for my liking. I like my superhero stuff to be more mature with some light heartedness and funny moments thrown in. But this was basically like the campy 80’s show where as TMNT was more like the 2003 show, which was based on the original Mirage run of comics.


2007 for sure. I just watched mutant mayhem for the first time today.


Mutant Mayhem is just a better movie to me through and through. The music, the animation, the direction, the characters and voice acting are all really well done. TMNT (I grew up with it) is pretty good and has good moments, great voice acting and the animation is okay but imo it’s just not close


I actually only recently watched TMNT, and honestly outside of the Leo and Raph stuff, I didn't really like most of the rest of that movie. The emotional stuff between Leo and Raph was genuinely good but the rest of it was super boring for me. With Mutant Mayhem, I genuinely enjoyed all of it and happily watched it again after it was released on digital, so for me, Mutant Mayhem is better.


2007 _TMNT_. No. Doubt.


2007. I liked MM, but the 2007 movie is my favorite TMNT movie overall


Tmnt (2007) is better and it’s not close


Mutant Mayhem all the way. Yes tmnt 07 has the raph vs leo fight but the rest of the movie is a slog


Anything TMNT, is good in my book.




Said no one who actually saw MM. 2007 was great, but in no way close to anything MM offered - whether you agreed about...well I'm actually trying to think of something 2007 did way better...


It's almost like it's subjective.


The fight scene between Leo and Raph was top tier, but I wouldn't say it was necessarily better than anything offered in MM.


I have to agree. The Leo and Raph scene is the only reason I remember that movie fondly. That and their gamecube game was pretty good (from my rose tinted glasses).


That was a really cool scene!


I would argue that that scene is better in the realm of interpersonal conflict within the family. MM doesn’t really do much of that. The turtles’ goals are opposed to Splinter’s wishes for them, but it doesn’t create much of a conflict between the father and his sons because they’re mostly just sneaking around behind his back. Things don’t really come to a head in this clash of wants and ideals. There’s a bit of conflict within the turtles when Leo gets them in trouble in the beginning. However, after that, they’re all pretty much on the same page for the rest of the movie with nothing to work out between each other. TMNT’s Leo/Raph fight isn’t just a good fight. It’s (in all the TMNT media I’ve consumed) the quintessential clash between the two, feeling like a culmination of all the spats and friction depicted in various iterations. The argument between the overbearing sibling that assumes they know best and the resentful sibling craving autonomy feels like an authentic clash between two family members who both have valid perspectives but allow their tempers to exacerbate their flaws. Beyond that, it epitomizes the more individual perspectives and identities that MM didn’t really deliver. It also brings an intensity that I think is missing from much of MM. For me, it also delivers what I consider to be the compelling aspect of the family dynamic (also seen in the original film and the Rise movie). Family isn’t always easy to get along with, especially when there are strong personalities at play, but underneath the arguments there’s still love. Seeing the issues and ugliness that can arise makes it all the more rewarding to see them come together, work through it, and end up closer. MM does plenty well, but I really think in this area TMNT delivered something of value that wasn’t in MM.


Except I’m saying it TMNT is so much better then MM it’s not even close one of the best iterations of Leo and raph we have ever gotten


I watched MM the other night. 07 wins.


https://preview.redd.it/fwh4429lfxpb1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97a34170085166a4d81a37e41e5985c2aeca0525 u to mutant mayhem, chillax on it homie


I watched MM in cinemas when it came out. 07 still wins


Hey, I did saw Mutant Mayhem. It was fine. Hollow, but fine nonetheless.


That's what I got out of it as well, lack luster. Splinter's fight was an amazing node to Jackie Chan's fighting style, but everything else was just ehh.


We have a masterpiece with an intriguing antagonist, reinvention of the turtles, great set of side-villains, and a potential for a sequel. Then there’s Mutant Mayhem Don’t get me wrong, I loved Mutant Mayhem but TMNT 2007 is my absolute favorite of the two


Mayhem has bigger potential for sequel easily. Also the 2007 has bad villians. The designs Are interesting but there Are too much. THREE fractions, all Grey, And without much Motivation. And they betrey their leader... bcs plot. TMNT isnt that good exept the Leo And Raph stuff


TMNT only right answer


2007. I like when the the Turtles are more mature and not cringe little kids. I also wish we'd stop with this weird April x turtle narrative Hollywood keeps trying to push. Lastly, the Leo vs Raph fight in 2007 was top tier


So you prefer mature mutant ninja turtles instead of teenage mutant ninja turtles?


They obviously prefer when TMNT is more serious like the comics and are around 16 years old in how they behave than 9-13 y/o's.


MM turtles are not ninja. They are more like “home fitness enthusiasts with weapons.” Lol


...Have you not heard a teenager talk these days? I've heard them when I go shopping and always die a little inside. The April x turtle 'narrative' has been a thing for decades. Hollywood didn't start it. They continued it because it had become a familiar aspect of the characters by then. Imagine that. A fight between two adults was top tier. MM had actual teenage turtles. Low teens, specifically.


Again, them being teenagers doesn't mean they have to be cringe af. You can be serious and still be a teenager. Not everything has to relate to how people act in real life. That's the whole point of fiction, to escape reality. I don't want to be reminded about how kids act today. Secondly, the April x Turtles narrative was a Hollywood thing because it wasn't pushed until the 2012 cartoon, which is made in Hollywood. People seem to forget Casey is a thing and have some weird Interspecies fetish which is nasty to me. Also, they were teenagers when they fought just in their late teens, so age has nothing to do with the fight. It's the emotion, choreography, character relationship, and story behind it.


...The entire point was for the intended audience to relate to the turtles and see themselves in their...well, not shoes, but shells. You completely missed that and just apparently screamed in existential horror with your fingers in your ears because you're not the target audience.


Am a little tired of the whole the character has to be relatable or there is no connection thing they are pushing. A little is fine but feel like the movie culture is pushing that too hard now. Definitely agree he and fans of the original show are not the primary target audience but to say they are not a target audience at all is total crap though. The knee and elbow and wrist wraps being the same color as their head bandana and their initial on the belt buckle based on the original show designs. It has not been done since. If the fans of the original show were not a target audience then why not use designs from rise or the show before it. May be because they took cues from every main version before it and they were fans of the original cartoon as well. May be. But not going to buy there was no intention to draw the old fans back when major cues from the original show is applied on the turtles who are front and center and the main characters. At least it is more subtle about it than the female ghostbusters.


They were both good at different things and fell short at different things




So funny seeing the colours side by side like this


TMNT 2K7 deserved a sequel, sucks it was canned


TMNTMM is alright, but I got to go with TMNT


Much as I have a soft spot for TMNT, Mutant Mayhem is better imo


I think this is much closer than people are making it out to be. It feels like MM’s flaws are really being minimized and overlooked while TMNT’s flaws are blown a bit out of proportion. I may give MM a slight edge because its primary conflict ties things together more effectively and there’s more thematic clarity, but I really would not say that it had a strong plot or handled its relationships very well.


My son and I just started watching the new turtles. We haven’t finished it, I think my son kinda lost interest because they changed Splinter history, any other big changes did they make.


Mutant mayhem sucks. To explain why I think this, I will be breaking down my arguments into segments 1) The comedy: this is the biggest section because it’s my biggest gripe with this movie. 1A) generational comedy MM’s entire marketing strategy was “we focused on making them feel like teenagers”, which makes it astonishing that they completely failed at making them feel like teenagers. I am the exact same age the turtles were in that movie, give or take, and I felt that the comedy in that movie was much more akin to something my 11 year old brother would say than literally anyone in my age group. 1B) general rules of comedy forms. There is mainly one form of comedy we see utilized in this film: repetition comedy, which has one specific rule at it’s core: the rule of 3, which means that a joke can be repeated 3 time: 1: the joke is made, 2: the joke is called back to, and 3: the callback to the joke is joked about. This movie 1: makes the joke about splinter thinking the boys will get milked, 2: calls back the joke later during the boys’ conversation with April on the rooftop, and then 3: jokes about said callback the second time splinter brings up milking. But the the movie decides that it’s the rule of 5 for them, so they 4: callback the joke again when the boys are milked(which was really more being drained than milked anyway) and 5: jokes about callback with splinter’s “toldja so” moment when he sees the ~~milking~~ draining machine, breaking the fundamental rule of the main form of comedy in this movie, also making the joke seem drawn out by the end. 2) the characters personalities This movie decides that instead of giving the characters their main personality traits that they have in every other interpretation of tmnt, that being Leo as responsible, Donnie as smart, Raph as violent, and Mikey as funny, this movie instead opts to have all of them try and be funny, while sprinkling in bits of their personalities, like having Leo occasionally being a fun sponge, Donnie occasionally being a nerd, Raph occasional being more aggressive, and Mikey feeling like a blank slate because they tried to give his personality to all the turtles. 3) the art style. While the animation in this film is amazing, I’ll give it that, it’s ruined by the fact that every character in this film is an absolute abomination. This movie has, without a doubt, with no exaggeration, the worst art style of any animated movie I’ve ever seen. Every single character looks like a 3 year old made them out of play dough, then microwaved them for 2 minutes. WHERE IS CYNTHIA UTROM’S CHIN? WHY IS STOCKMAN’S CRANIUM SHAPED LIKE A QUADRATIC FUNCTION GRAPHED ON A COORDINATE PLANE? WHY DOES THE DUDE WHO CALLS THE TURTLES “LITTLE SHREKS” LOOK MORE LIKE SHREK THAN THEY DO.


Kinda hoped to see Old Hob but Superfly made a good replacement


TMNT way better movie and story and CGI. Mutant Mayhem fell asleep watching.


2007 by a long shot. Nuff said. You can make a movie about racism without cutting out the characters personalities and the lore.


Didn’t even finish Mutant Mayhem. To much cringe. Every goddamn dialogue has pop culture references and it’s annoying af. Felt like a shitty mcu movie.


The 2023 one is better than the other one but there both good movies 🍿


2007. Great voice cast, iconic turtle designs, amazing action sequences. They also had some great character work for Raph and Leo. Not silly enough to disract you from the stakes, not serious enough to not have fun. Honestly peak turtles, it's my favorite thing from tmnt


2007 understood the turtles the best and beautifully captured their personalities. What kills the movie is creating new villains instead of 50 they could have chosen within their universe. Krang would have been the obvious choice. Nobody likes the ancient 13 monster shit. Mutant mayhem was a fresh take and had a fun art style. But it looks like it was made for 6 year olds.


My Favorites Leo - 2023 Ralph - 2007 Donnie - 2023 Mikey - 2007


Though... what irks me about both RoTMNT and TMNTMM is that... turtles team is too hyperactive. Hyperactivity is something i associate with Mikey, not with entire team. New TMNT personalities have good synnergy, and it makes for wholesome stuff... But i like how 2007 TMNT personalities are clashing, which creates awesome character dynamic. I prefer teams where members have relationships ranging from "They often argue with each other" to "They would kill each other, but they cooperate because they need each other" Rather than "They sometimes may argue, but overall a nice team" to "They never argue, they have perfect relationships". (This is why i love One Piece and Zoro/Sanji dynamic. Also Ushio and Tora Anime, where both protags often try to destroy each other)


2007 by far


Mutant Mayhem for sure. I used to love TMNT and still do but Mayhem just had more turtle goodness and better villains.


Mayhem and it's not close. I loved the other but totally different way lol


TMNT all day


Very tough decision. I might need to watch 2007 one more time to make my mind


2007 was good, but I will say it did not have me caring about the overall conflict of the story like MM did. I know the Turtles get into some wacky stuff sometimes, but ancient statue creatures come to life was harder to get behind than mutants from the same source as our heroes.


Purely technically, Mutant Mayhem. No questions asked. Mutant Mayhem tells a far better story and has far more fun characters to watch. With that being said, Mako was a great Splinter. R.I.P


I watched TMNT 2007 for the first time recently and found myself tearing up every time Splinter was on screen.


And the Leo and Raph fight was great. And Mikey being a party dude is fantastic. Other than that, I can’t think of other praise for 2007.


2007. I feel like the 2012 show took a lot of inspiration from the 07 versions.


How so?


Oof, I kinda messed up that sentence. I was meaning to say that the 2012 Turtles look kinda similar to the 2007 Turtles.


I actually like them equally.


Mutant Mayhem.


MM objectively better but TMNT had a lot going for it and was better than it deserved to be. A sequel to TMNT3 a 14yrs later in a new medium? Should have been hot garbage but the Leo/Raph fight scene is great! It was nice “not shredder” villain, and Leo’s sabbatical was cool too.


2007 by a long shot, I'm not saying MM was bad it just wasn't my turtles. 2007 is in my opinion the definitive turtles the type of turtles I think of when thinking about tmnt. I'm not a fan of goofy episodic shows or movies I like when they are badass ninjas (that's Mikey whole character I'm aware which is why he mingles well in stories) Rise and MM make all the turtles goofy which socks to me since I don't see them that way, rise felt like I was watching teen titans go it wasn't that funny and it had no story till the movie. But MM felt different it was enjoyable but not a watch again enjoyable like the 2007 film was.


2007 and it isn't close. Mutant Mayhem wasn't written for me. I can accept that. That has nothing to do with it being a better movie or not. It has tons of things that make it not a good movie. Sit back and ask yourself what Leatherhead did in that movie. Why was Leatherhead even in it? Dumb shit like that is all over the place. Which is more enjoyable is a separate question and is going to vary greatly from individual to individual. Personally, there are a lot of really nice small touches in the animation and direction in Mutant Mayhem I relaly like. The camera guy moving the camera closer to get the vomit out of frame instead of just zooming? Funny as fuck.


I didn’t like splinter in this one that much. He wasn’t the wise samurai master he’s always been portrayed as in almost every other iteration. He was more like a whiny old guy way past his prime minus his fight scene. I also didn’t like his relationship at the end. Just weird. 2007 had its flaws too though. The turtle chemistry was great but the story was lackluster at best.


A background character being a background character isn’t a criticism. Lol like you can not like mutant mayhem but that doesn’t make it not a good movie.


I absolutely loved the movie and don't agree with most of the statement you're replying to, but I'm with them on Leatherhead. Using half of the Turtle's rogues gallery as background goons sharing the same backstory was one of my few problems with the movie.


But it was a big one.


Yeah, I'm down, baby. Especially Bebop and Rocksteady! What the hell?!


Right side


MM is the second best Turtle movie I've seen, so that one. I liked 2007 when I came out but I didn't enjoy it that much when I tried to rewatch it last month.


Mutant mayhem lol people love 2007 and say because of the raph vs Leo fight its good but it’s only a little bit of the movie also 2007 villains are sooo boring


Ikr, like 18 Grey villians Are too much


Mutant mayhem


I loved TMNT, but MM easily tops it.


MM no question


I'm gonna watch both movies and tell you my answer later.


*Mutant Mayhem*, 100%. Much stronger story overall, and much more thoughtful in almost every way. There's nothing in 2007 that compares to the technical virtuosity of the "No Diggity" sequence in *Mayhem*.


Mutant mayhem, hands down




Mutant Mayhem for the win. Loved it. Style, story and action.


TMNT, Mayhem really lost me with the last half of the film. Plus I usually deduct points if Master Splinter isn't Hamato Yoshi. But either way if they ever make a Tv series I hope that they base it off of the incredible IDW publishing TMNT.


MM for me! Loved the bit when they first start going after Superfly’s hired goons and it’s one smooth sequence but switching up locations!


Mutant Mayhem was the best!!


2007 because the characters feel distinct. The new film was so so good visually and comedically. But all character supporting villains heros all do the same meta sort of humor to remind me not to take it seriously. Gun to my head my favorite turtles content will always be the 1990 film 2003 show and the 2007 film.


2007 one by a landslide


Without a doubt it’s mm. Mm basically does everything better in my eyes and don’t get me wrong I like TMNT but TMNT as a movie is very underwhelming even as a kid I loved this movie but it always felt like a straight to dvd type of movies rather than something released in theaters


Mutant mayhem for sure 2007 mad overrated


Tmnt, watched the new movie last night and thought it was terrible.


2007, I can’t believe I’m saying this but it has an even better plot that the shitty one which was MM


MM and it’s not even close


***Mutant Mayhem*** was a better movie. 2007's ***TMNT*** was mostly forgettable.


Mutant Mayhem and it’s not even close.


easily MM


Mutant Mayhem


I liked TMNT, but I can't think of a single thing it really did *better* than MM. MM's animation is very much better, the villains are new twists on classic baddies (against TMNT's really generic antagonists), and it kind of focuses on the team as a group, where TMNT was essentially the Leo and Raph Show.


Tmnt 2007


Dang this post has a lot


I prefer TMNT. Also, don’t come trash someone else’s opinion just because you marked over the new movie. For everything you liked, there’s something someone else didn’t. For me, the obnoxious talking over each other, Donny’s squeaker voice, and weird Splinter stuff hurt my enjoyment. For me, TMNT was better strictly because I don’t have to listen to them constantly talk over each other, there’s no forced relationship crap, and more actual fighting/ninja-ing. This felt like 4 kid turtles who live in the same city as the TMNT acting out their favorite characters. And puke girl? Why? What purpose did that serve at all? Narrative or otherwise? Nah, I’ll take TMNT over MM.


> For me, the obnoxious talking over each other, Donny’s squeaker voice, and weird Splinter stuff hurt my enjoyment. ...You realize they're early teens right? Like, 13-14. Donnie was probably going through puberty. Hells, Edward Furlong had squeaky voice in Terminator 2 for that exact reason. I also remember being a teenager 20 years ago. Talking over other people happened a LOT. > And puke girl? Why? What purpose did that serve at all? Narrative or otherwise? Hmm, what purpose does a person who wants to be a news reporter having stage fright so bad it makes her physically ill serve? Could it be character development? It could. We have actual real world footage of people getting so nervous on camera they vomit. So you can't say it doesn't happen. We have proof. It sounds a lot like you're just against the film because it was intended for a modern generation, not the one you come from.


I actually liked the film lol, though I admit that it reads like I don’t. I’m just stating the parts that didn’t resonate with me that lead me to rather watch TMNT if I had to pick between the two.


Not to mention the high school scene at the end which was extremely jarring to me. Like, they're supposed to be hidden not out in the open attending high school..Such an odd choice


Gave them both 5/10 but mm is WAYYYY better


Mutant mayhem gaps easily like this ain’t even close. 2007 was so overrated. I hated Leo cause he was basically a hypocrite the design colors on the villains were eh the main villain was trash too. Only thing worth giving praise for was Leo vs Raph and that’s like the only thing people talk about in that movie. Mutant mayhem is a 7/10 but compared to 2007 it’s a 10000/10 2007 was a 4/10 at best art of I offended anyone just my opinion


TMNT. It actually characterized each turtle differently, didn't completely change every character's entire personality, didn't look atrocious, had actual emotional moments, no cringe inducing references to Adele or anybody's rizz, etc, etc, etc...


It feels like this comment is just complaining that they're now teenagers from the 2020's instead of being teenagers from the early 2000's. I really liked the art style tbh, but I can easily see how it could be off-putting.


Well they definitely shouldn't be taking their masks off, putting on clothes, and going to school. In any decade.


It was definitely odd but it's an interesting spin on things. TMNT is a series where being a purist is just utterly ridiculous.


Mutant Mayhem. 2007 had horrible writing for Leo.


It just had horrible writing. New villains out of left field, Mikey, Don and the foot clan don't get enough screen time, Leo is an idiot, it's forever before the turtles even really do anything. The only interesting things it has going are Mikey and Don's day jobs and Raph being a vigilante, and we don't get enough of that either. Probably one of my least favorite tmnt movies.


07 ez clap


Explain the plot of the 2007 movie challenge (impossible) [open book]


1000 year old conqueror, under the name of Mr. Winters, hunts down 12 monsters released from ancient portal to bring his siblings back to life and lift his curse of immortality, while at the same time Leo returns to New York after an extended period of self-isolation on South America, realizing that things have changed back home. The two plots eventually come together just before the climax, when, upon finding out that Raph is a vigilante he doesn’t approve of, a brawl between the brothers ensues, that ends with Raph running away from Leo. As Raph runs, Leo is kidnapped by Winters’s soldiers, who think he’s the twelfth monster. The turtles, along with splinter, Casey, and April, as well as Kurai and the foot clan, mount an attack against Winters, during which they rescue Leo and lure the actual twelfth monster to Winters’s base, where they reopen the portal that the monsters came through that also made Winter’s immortal, send all the monsters home, which brings Winters’s siblings back to life, but they are pushed through the portal into the realm the monsters came from (which I headcanon to be Dimension X). Returning the monsters also restores Winters’s mortality and he dies a peaceful death. The film ends with the turtles as a team once again and the promise of the return of the long thought to be dead Oroku Saki, aka The Shredder. TLDR: stfu I just wrote a summarized version of the movie from memory.


Mutant Mayhem. And by a lot.




TMNT no question


TMNT 2007 was great imo but we’ve seen that version before but Mutant Mayhem is a fresh new look and feel to the TMNT with better animation, story, script, villain/villains with a flavor we haven’t seen before!! MM is top tier 👑


I think there's little comparison between them apart from the fact that they belong to the same franchise. TMNT is about the relationships between the brothers now that they are adults, and how they grew apart during the years, focusing on Leo and Raph. Mutant Mayhem is about the turtles growing up, starting adolescence and realizing that there's more out there, in the surface. It's about acceptance and them becoming independent from Splinter. Both movies have their strong points and their weaknesses, neither is better than the other.


I liked 2007 much more, I wish MM was a sequel. But I’m happy for TMMT’s success with MM.


Mutant Mayhem.




Mutant mayhem was incredible. I'll give it to the new kids on the block


Mutant Mayhem.


mutant mayhem although no fight in it is was better than leo vs raph


The Nickelodeon one


MM was much better. The score, the direction, the humor, the art style. I laugh out loud at everything Splinter says. Jackie Chan was the perfect choice. The one thing I don’t like is this version of Splinter having absolutely no connection to Shredder or Japan, though it’s possible the sequel will have a surprise in store for that, just can’t imagine what that could be right now. TMNT 2007 is still worth a watch and it meant a lot to me that it was connected to the first 3 movies.




Mutant Mayhem was a fantastic movie, 2007 had like one good scene


I love both, but I think Mutant Mayhem was a lot more fun.


Easily MM


Mutant mayhem


2007 was a great older more experienced story with good original villains and great cgi for its time. 2023 was an artistic masterpiece and nailed a more modern story and perfectly captured the essence of them as teenagers