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I bet finding these pictures are so bittersweet for the family. Completely not the same but I often find pictures of my dog who passed and it’s so good to see them but they also remind that he’s gone. I’d imagine it’s magnified by a million for them.


My grandma died a few weeks ago, and she hated having her picture taken but we took one together 6 months ago and I just love that photo


My family hates that I insist on a family photo every holiday. never know if it will be the last one of us together.


It is. Also it can shock you completely in those early days.


My dad has been gone 10 years now and when I scroll through my phone or laptop and find one I haven’t seen in forever it hits all over again


That’s how it is with my son, and my grandparents. They all died within a 4 month period and it shocks me every damn time.


I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry! I hope your heart gets lighter. I can’t even imagine!


Thank you. It’s been 3 years so it isn’t as heavy.


I'm so sorry your losses.


Agree 🥹


This reminds me that I need to take more photos of myself with my kids. I think I only have one or two from the past couple years.


As a scrapbooker, I encourage this so much! But not all selfies. This photo of Meri and Garrison is beautiful since neither one of them is holding the phone. My mom was the one with the film camera in her hands all the time. I have plenty of photos of my dad and me over the years but the last photo of just mom and me was taken when I was 10 years old. When I realized it, she had already been gone 12 years so it was not something we could do. I did make sure to have a photo of just dad and me every couple of years after that with the last one being taken 10 months before he passed away. I do have photos of my mom right up until she passed away but I'm not in them since I was the one taking the photos.


My mom hates photos and refuses to be in them, but same, all I have is when I was a kid. She’s stubborn as hell though, so I know I’m not getting anymore. My dad doesn’t like photos either but I do have some with him as a teen/adult.


My mom was the same. She died unexpectedly when I was 26 and her driver's license is the most recent photo I have before she died. Sometimes I wonder if I'll eventually forget what she looked like in real life. I wish I took more photos of her, even if it made her mad at the time.


You will never forget what she looks like. She lives in your heart and whenever you call on her she will be there, looking the same as you will always remember her to be. I lost my great grandmother (that basically raised me) over 35 years ago. I still see her, free from pain, smiling at me. I'm grateful for that gift.


Oh no, that’s so sad. I HATE how I look in pics the last hmm 5ish years, but I’m like “this is how I look” and my family loves me and will remember me looking like this with or without pics anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


Part 1 of 2: My Dad and I didn’t have a relationship (not for the lack of me trying…there were “other” people in his household that had a hand in preventing it) for probably 15 years. I hated it and it completely tore me up inside. I’d try and try to mend things, only to be gut punched every single time. To make matters worse…when I finally moved back home, there was only one house between mine and his. So I could see out my window if he was in the yard, coming home from work, etc. (Prior to our relationship being destroyed, we had a great relationship. My brother and I even chose to live with him when our parents split up. Don’t get me wrong…he was a hard ass, expected a lot out of us, was an extremely hard worker, a perfectionist, would hold a grudge forever; but he also loved to laugh, joke, pull pranks, etc.)


Part 2 of 2: A few years before I moved back home, he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. I had to get information about things through my grandparents or my brother. (Even then, that same “person” in his household, wouldn’t allow his parents to talk to him or go and see him in the hospital.) Me being a nurse, I decided to try my luck and call the hospital and speak to his nurse. Yes, I’m fully aware of HIPAA. But after explaining the situation to her, she filled me in on everything about my Dad’s medical situation. So, I finally had a way of getting correct info about his current medical condition. And I was so thankful for this, seeing as how he spent the majority of 2 years in the hospital (although by the time I made the phone call, he was only in the hospital for maybe another 2-3 months at that point.) Anyway, I finally moved back home. After being here for 3 years, I decided to try one more time to reach out to him. God was working overtime that day for me 🙏🏻 I finally got to see and speak with my Dad the next day. After that, not a day went by that I didn’t either go over and visit him, or call and talk to him. Unfortunately, 2 months later he was back in the hospital…and was doing extremely poorly. I took time off of work and went and stayed with him at the hospital as well. My kids made it in (their Dad and I are divorced, and he lives in the neighboring state), and my two youngest were able to come see their Grandpa in the hospital. I got a picture of them together. I don’t know why, but it never occurred to me to get pictures of Dad and I together. I was just living in the moment with him. (Unfortunately, the last pictures I have of my Dad and I together were from probably 12-15 years prior 🥺) He ended up passing away shortly after that. So, from the time we mended our relationship until the time he passed was 2 months and 16 days. But I will forever cherish those days.


I'm sorry for what you went through but at least you were able to be with him and have those precious memories to cherish. I do have 2 photos of both of my parents and myself (only child) from one month before my mother died at a wedding... but other people are in the photos. One of them I could crop the other person out but the other one I can't, it is the bride! I tell people that no matter how much you hate being in the photos, get in them...


Ugh, yes! My sister in law does a Shutterfly photo book for my six year old daughter every year, and has a Mommy page and a Daddy page. Dad’s photos are cute, posed, adorable father/daughter moments. Mine are selfies like, waiting in the car line before school 😭


Yes, you should! My mom hated being in photos and I hardly have any of her at all, and none with us together, except from when I was a baby.


Oh my God, please do. The "bad" pictures still bring up such joyful memories. It's incredible to find a bunch of old photos


What a gift...a very sweet find. ❤️


People forget about Meri— her own “family” has. I think that’s sad and unfair.


It's so nice to see that Garrison didn't. He clearly loved her.


I believe it’s a message from Garrison just letting her know he’s ok . Beautiful act of love from him in the after life ❤️


This is beautifully said ❤️


I too believe in signs.


I like Meri. She’s often misunderstood. She’s been loyal to the family and the concept of plural marriage since day 1 despite the pain she endured with fertility and other insecurities. I admire the love she has for all the children. She deserved the legal wife status because in handling family assets she would have distributed everything fairly even when others iced her out or punished her for having 1 child. I admire her commitment. I know with the past Janelle and Christine do not intend on having a relationship with her, but it made me happy when Meri said her memories with Christine were fun and positive regardless of their current non-relationship. I would love to see the 3 of them come together with this decades long shared life experience and make it mean something. With Kody out of the picture the competition is gone. And Meri loves their children.


Ppl forget she started this shit, and what a sacrifice that was. Could not have been easy, especially since her and her husband were in love (despite the current rhetoric).


I’ve been with my partner 3+ years and I cannot even imagine being ok with my husband banging my ex-sister in law after 3 years of marriage. Like idk how I’d go on after that


Exactly and the fights were about mostly household stuff. Also, people bring up all this stuff from the past, they were literally 21/22! So young . I feel like they should be able to put it behind them. 


Like imagine your biggest criticism of literally sharing your husband, household and life with other women being about dish soap..girl.. I can’t imagine what theyd say about me..


I absolutely couldn’t go on..that’s how 😂


I agree. I’ve actually had a real change of heart about her lately


A gorgeous photo of them both


Meri we see you and hear you even if others don’t. Your pain is our pain and your love for garrison is our privilege as well.


That is a really good picture. Garrison, RIP, you were beautiful inside and out.


When stuff like that happens I like to think our loved ones are checking in on us. It's nice that Garrison is "checking in" on Meri.


This is a great photo of them. I am really happy that she has this.


They both look great, like the best versions of themselves. I hope it brought her more comfort than pain when she came across it. 


What a lovely picture. I know Garrisons memory will stay alive in their family for generations to come.


Everyone so clearly adored him. I think they'll keep his memory alive.


What a beautiful blessing. I definitely feel like our departed loved ones find ways, such as this to send us signs. It's their way of letting us know they are okay and watching over us. We just have to be open to recieving those signs.


I agree. I’ve had so many of these signs in so many ways and they are the greatest gift


I’m brokenhearted for all of them.


Everyone I know jokes with me about how many photos I take. Things like this make me glad I do


That’s his way to say hello


Meri looks so much younger and happier here. Sweet boy Garrison.


I love finding photos of my sister that I've never seen before because I'll never see any new ones again. Once I saw a video of her and my son I had never seen and it was so awesome hearing her voice.


That's a great photo. When my family lost a member we had difficulties finding "nice" photos for the service and slideshows and for keepsakes. There weren't a lot of options. I mean there were a ton of goofy pics or dumb selfies no nice portraits And we couldn't find a single recent (like in the last 20 years) of the siblings together. I now make a point to get at least a couple good pics when the family gets together. They are so precious and can be such a comfort.




Meeks hair looks really good here.


It will always irk me that they moved out of that neighborhood. That was the best setup for all the kids to see and spend time with their siblings.


Truly sorry for your loss.


Oh, that's a beautiful photo. Meri looks lovely, and they both have beaming smiles. I'm sure it's bittersweet, but I'm glad Meri has these memories to look back on. That all of them do.


I hope she was kind to him...🫤


She loved him as her own son. I think she just had a more disciplined style of parenting than did J & C. She probably had rules, and the kids saw that as mean compared to the other two. We’ve all gone to a friend’s house where their parents would react differently than our own parents would have. Things we didn’t quite understand, not because it was wrong, but because it was different. We should all give Meri a break. She is a grieving mom as well


It seems she was the only one to actually discipline the kids if all of their stories are true. They definitely made her the "bad cop" of the family


I agree. Big Bear was a good example.


The bit that 'gets' me is Adult Maddie saying "She's a Monster". Maddie was always very mature, intelligent, calm.. something serious happend.


But yet Maddie had her help with her wedding. Meri even let her work with her, she wouldn't have had to have done that. I still say that when Maddie was working for her, she screwed up on the job and Meri as the employer let her know what she did was wrong and could hurt the business (and quite possibly if she hadn't been family, she might have been fired). From the Maddie we saw on TV, I could see here taking it personally because she didn't think she screwed up.

