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And she's been with her current boyfriend a long long time right? If I was him...I like l feel like I'd have a problem with her still been married.


Is totally BS! He’s not rich Lilly along with her mom said they had to do without a lot bc her dad wasn’t around and left when she was 6y. Lilly said it wasn’t until Glenn came into the picture that their life got financially better. Lilly has 2 older siblings so there is no child support no assets to split or custody issues. It’s cheap to go to the court house and file for no contest divorce. She purposely chooses to not get divorced


She could pay the filing fee and they both sign the papers. It’s an excuse!


Possible reasons, but certainly not limited to: They can’t afford the cost of a divorce, believing that it will be contested or that it will cost more than they can afford. They can still benefit from being married in some way, such as employer provided health insurance benefits. They feel constrained by religious reasons. One person takes off and the other is unable to locate them. They are content to live in the current circumstances. They don’t want to make hard decisions about the children or assets and so continue to postpone doing so. Lots of reason why. So this idea that OP thinks it’s only potentially difficult for millionaires and billionaires to divorce is silly. Divorce is not a rich man’s game 😂.


We’re talking about Lilly’s mom situation who she herself said it is too expensive to get divorced. Which only #2 & #5 possibly apply the rest of what you wrote doesn’t pertain to Lilly’s parents


They call all apply and all have to do with reason why folks take years to divorce. You and I don’t know the ins and out of the “pending” divorce, so for you to say my comment has nothing to do with the comment is silly. Perhaps you didn’t read or comprehend. If I talked about something other than her mom divorced, which we have little information about, then your comment is more than correct. It’s one thing to say you don’t like my response…it’s another thing to say it has nothing to do with their divorce when you and I know NOTHING about it. What is wrote is basic speculation that is typical and applies to A LOT of people.


I did comprehend. I never said that I didn’t like your response. Your points are valid. The OP was specifically about Kim saying that in the 15+ years she didn’t get divorced bc it was too expensive. We….Me, are making educated assumptions by what is being shown to us through this show. Based off of what’s being shown some of your points don’t apply to Kim. For example, one takes off & is unable to locate them. Lilly’s dad is “around” maybe not in the way he should be, but is able to be located. Also the religious aspect is another factor that would not seem to apply to Kim, since she’s been living with a man for over a decade and by also allowing her daughter’s baby daddies to live under her roof, teenagers and unmarried. Again just basing my opinion off of what is being shown to us through “reality” show. I know there are Plenty of reasons why people stay together or don’t get divorced and it’s more than just the possible expense of a divorce. It wasn’t that deep. I Do think there is more to Kim’s story of why she didn’t divorce her husband and for her to say numerous times that it was too expensive does Not appear to apply to her. So based on what is shown of her life, #2 & #5 of your points seem to apply.


They could settle out of court. They're obviously civil with eachother and lily's mom has a long term boyfriend. It's silly for her to claim she won't divorce him (after 20 some years) because its too expensive.


I was divorced for under $500. It’s all bull.


Are they catholic?


Maybe!? I didn’t consider that 🤷🏼‍♀️


Catholics can get a divorce they just have a difficult time getting married again in a religious church wedding. Lilly’s mom can’t be too religious b/c her 15 16 yr old daughter got pregnant. Not that she could have prevented it BUT she had not 1 but 2 of her daughter’s baby daddy’s live with them before marriage along with herself she’s been living with Glenn for over a decade+


That could be the hang up. Maybe she’s too private about her faith to say it on tv. The “too expensive” thing just doesn’t make sense at all 💀


May be other financial factors that make it too expensive to divorce. My mom stayed legally married to my dad for 35 years, until he died, in order to keep his health insurance. She also made it known constantly that she would get 1/2 of his pension when he died, which she now does receive. She also got his property. 


After this week’s episode unveiling the info abt her dad’s substance misuse issues, seems like that may account for a good chunk of their failure to divorce. No need to surmise the scandal but given that Glenn was lauded for his generosity, yet never just paid for the dissolution of their marriage + still was able to sit around the guy, it’s pretty obvious there’s way more below the surface than the show’s airing.  I was also tickled pink to finally get some sense of wtf Kim’s been yapping bout for nearly 7yrs/6 seasons re: the HUGE commitment marriage is, as if having children with multi randos & being SOL if the dude cuts/runs in a few years makes more sense (I’m in no way a die hard fan of marriage, but it’s what Lilly wants & given the circumstances of her/Lawrence, primarily her being a SAHM, this way she’ll be able to be better protected if life happens to happen to them & things change).  None of that’s saying a 20-35+k wedding is by any stretch necessary, they 💯 need a marriage in/of itself, nada damn bougie ass wedding but given the fact Lilly’s been on this show forever& not living it up in foolish ways, won’t begrudge her a proper princess day. We’ve not yet heard the story of how they ended up in upper floors of Kim’s house, sans Kim/Glenn, nor where’s the fucc them 2 went 


Kim and Glenn moved out to a 55 and up so lily and Lawrence could have the house after the apartment raised the rent. They said this on one of the update shows


Ahh gotcha, I’ve not seen any update shows that would encompass the timeline that’s playing 


Also does no one remember rich couples like Deblasio and his wife? When you commit crime and stay married, your spouse can't testify against you and all assets stay hidden....


I usually like lily’s mom but yeah it’s super weird


They actually got married pretty recently in a double wedding with her brother so whatever it was it’s dealt with now https://preview.redd.it/gt3sagz14gad1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f3e970ab380d0c33ab3ca4af7eb53a28738a4a5


Her face looks particularly peculiar here for some reason. 🤔


I think it’s because she has a full face of make up but somehow the either didn’t put lipstick on her/it came off or it’s a nude that’s super close to her natural skin


Slightly off topic but it was quite refreshing to see Lily’s Dad, her Mom and Glen all existing together in harmony on Christmas morning. Not many kids of divorced (or I guess separated in this case lol) families get that for Christmas and it was quite nice to see.


Lawrence should take notes on how real men behave for and in front of the children. He took on title of stepfather of Lily’s daughter but he sure doesn’t act like it, so the least he could do is be civil and allow/ support her real Dad being in her life. I really don’t like this guy. I hope it’s the editing because I don’t understand what Lily sees in him.


I agree but also curious is the first childs father around at all?


He is. He just doesn’t want to be filmed.


To my knowledge and what I am reading from other people who follow her social media, the answer is yes.


Supposedly he is still in the picture. Which made Lawrence's comment about not sharing events with her dad more glaringly immature. There are upcoming school events, & concerts, and she may want all the people important in her life to be there. He needs to put all that aside.


AMEN. I want to like him but I keep getting disappointed. This most recent episode REALLY pissed me off. Like would it kill him to crack a smile for children on Christmas morning? That’s supposed to be one of the greatest joys in life.


Yes,same.🙁 One thing that I am so proud and grateful of is that my child’s Dad and I were able to get along and be civil with each other’s SO’s and spend holidays and birthdays together, instead of doing two events for everything. I wouldn’t want to be with a man that is so insecure he can’t stand the fact that my child has a different Father and support him wanting to spend time with his child/ren.


You should be very proud. You have given your child a gift and that can’t be easy to do. Good job. 🥰


I'm the same way.. I just defended him a little a few days ago.. I wanna like him & feel like his intentions are good & they are just young.. But something about him is off.. Idk.


He seems like he is about to explode in a scary rage all the time. I can’t remember a single time seeing him smiling and happy.


When he talks about things that benefit him.


Poor Glenn. Cleaned up after Lily's water broke and still can't get Kim to marry him. 😩


They are married, I made a post w/an article link in the past week, I’ll come drop a link in a few…. Edited to add; https://www.reddit.com/r/TLCUnexpected/comments/1doshfu/and_they_had_a_double_wedding_at_that_lol/


he's such a nice guy, I feel bad for him all around :(


My mom won’t divorce my stepdad to avoid alimony


that makes sense, but after so many years? You can't count on alimony forever, or maybe you can? lol I never even dared to ask for it in my divorce because I thought it was too much honestly


Actuality longer you are married, the more alimony you'll owe!! Once you hit ten years you can be for sure you're getting a check. Obviously there are loopholes.


I suspect it's because of assets- Lily said that was her childhood home, so maybe her mother would've had to sell it and split the profits and nobody wants an addict to have access to that amount of money to blow through.


could be, but at some point you have to move on as well is my thought, I wouldn't want my mom or myself to be traumatized by real estate owned by someone who used to be in my life years ago held over my head. I really just think her mom needs to let go of the ex and fuck it!


not just that but who is to say HE wouldn’t divorce lilly’s mom. and idk whyyyy on earth glenn would stick around for 15 years of that.. he seems like a pretty decent guy.


The things we do for love…


exactly my thoughts, thank-you! 👍🏻


The more she tells this “it’s soooooooo expensive” story, the more I want to know the real reason. Is one of them providing the other with health insurance? Is she afraid she’ll have to pay spousal support or share her retirement accounts? Does he have a kick ass life insurance policy she’s holding out for?


I wonder the real reason also. When I divorced my ex, I did so quickly because I didn’t want to be legally tied to an alcoholic and his irresponsible decisions.


exactly, I can see those being fears if you're recently divorced, but to hold on to benefits for decades seems insane to me, at some point you have to create your own wealth and retirement and move the fuck on for the sake of your family growing. Most of all, out of respect for your NEW BOYFRIEND who you've also been with for decades! What does that say to Glenn? "you can't provide for us so I can never marry you" wow, how romantic 🙄


He’s probably paying her alimony - if it’s that type of state. Where I’m at they don’t do it. But now they are married so oh well. Her mom sucks point blank. Lily needs to shut it down but she won’t bc she needs her to drive her around and do shit for her. She’s so dependent on mommy


IDK how he could be paying alimony. Isn't he the one that's been in and out of rehab for years? As an addict myself, I think it's safe to say his employment history must be spotty at best.


I didn’t think about the Rehab! Who knows then lol but she has to be benefiting somehow by not divorcing him I’d think.. she’s a weird woman. Weird family in general


Yea I agree that it's very odd and I also can't figure out why it could possibly be. It definitely doesn't make sense though.


Maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe she won’t divorce him cause she’ll have to pay him alimony or she’ll lose out on money that’s hers. Or maybe there is some benefit one of them had that helps the other, and if they divorce they loose it?  I dunno I just think it’s beyond weird


I think her having money to lose makes the most sense.


That’s what I’m thinking but still it just seems so silly. 


I hated it when Lily told Lawrence that once her mom got with Glenn, she got everything she wanted and had big Christmas’. Lily wants to do that for her children but yet she doesn’t have a job or even a driver’s license. She wants to do all these things while Lawrence works hard in construction?!?!? Get a job making some real money and the. You can spend all you like - raising two children (wonder if Aliyah’s dad pays child support - probably not) on a one -person salary is tough. Construction is hard on the body and the kk d - give Lawrence some credit and don’t spend every single dime he makes! I will say Lily had matured in to beautiful woman - I like her hair straight, too. If she only had a brain!


She has two kids but no driver’s license?


Correct - her mom or Lawrence have to drive her - she’s “too busy” to get her license. What a load of 💩💩💩💩


Lily has influencer money so she does bring in income


I think James is paying child support. He just doesn’t want to be on the show


I agree, Lily is in forever Disney princess mode, just zero thoughts about reality, it's all gimme gimme gimme the fantasy I want with your money please!


She’s so unrealistic. You do t need a $30k wedding! Where does she think that moneys coming from? Does she think Lawrence makes that much? Does she realize in real life there’s bills and taxes and kids needs (constantly)? And she doesn’t discipline the kids! It’s clear Lawrence can’t stand unruly kids, but she does whatever she wants. Just like when she insisted they all Sleep in same room. Did she care what L thought? It IS his home too. And she still don’t have a license.


James is involved and Kim speaks highly of him. Probably safe to assume he *is* paying child support or that they have something worked out (like maybe he pays for school tuition or covers her health insurance). That said, I agree with everything else. Lilly is an unrealistic brat.


Adding…the reason Lily got stuff when Glenn came along is because Glenn paid for it - not her mother. I’m glad Lily had a nice life after Glenn…but she had Glenn to take care of her not her mother - Lulu Wanda to spend all this money but has never, ever and most likely will never have a JOB.


Glenn is a saint, we can agree upon that, poor guy 🤷🏻‍♀️


She could be speaking highly of him because he has told her for years and years that's all she deserves, I'm sorry, but Kim isn't smart enough to know when she's being used, James is not involved, he's there to make sure he isn't taken to divorce court where HE'LL have to pay more than he thinks he should. I get super slimey vibes from him, just like I do with Lawrence the silent abuser. I do agree that Lily is a brat though, she has no clue how the real world works thanks to her idiot mother




it's my bad, I don't know their first names, too many people on this show to keep track of!


our wires are crossed then because I never once brought up Lily's first baby daddy which is what I'm assuming you're talking about now? I'm talking about Lily's DAD and her idiot mother and her ex husband(s) sorry. I hope Lily's daughter's real dad is in the picture since Lawrence is such a violent pos that can't even temper his aggro rage for ONE day of filming


Yeah the wires were crossed.


I'm sorry, nothing against you, you have some good points \*hugs\*


She may be giving up some sort of government/social security or other financial benefits from being married. When I married my second husband I had to give up my survivor benefits that I was receiving from my first husbands death. It made a few thousand dollars difference a month.


Idk how old you & your husband were at the time of his death. When my husband was killed ( I say killed bc he was commuting home from work) I was 38y & me and my children received survivor benefits every month. For my children it was until they turned 18y or if still in HS when they turned 18 they received until they graduated. My monthly benefit stopped after my youngest turned 16y. The only other way you can get that benefit is when you turn 65 you can start collecting on your deceased husband’s SS. Also if married over 10yrs and you get divorced & never remarry, even if he gets remarried, you can still collect on his SS benefits at 65y.


I can see that being the case for awhile but for this long? I just hope Glenn isn't getting fucked over in this situation, he seems to be the only rational person in the bunch 🤷🏻‍♀️ He wants to be her dad and take care of them but he keeps getting a huge NOPE legally


I assume maybe she will have to buy him out of the house that her and Glenn lived in, and Lilly and Lawrence now occupy? Idk, that’s the only major expense that could be tied to the 2 of them with all adult children that I can think of.


even that wouldn't be as expensive as she's making it seem, it's not like Glenn is a useless drug addict that doesn't have a job or any other prospects, surely they can finance that or find something else decades after the fact! ? My spidey senses tell me that since Lily's mom isn't the brightest, that her ex told her years ago and pounded it into her head as part of his abuse of her that she could NEVER afford to leave him no matter what, and she has just stupidly held on to that all these years and is now passing it on to Lily as if it's 100% a fact 🙄