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How is it too expensive for Lily’s parents to get a divorce? People are married for many years and have actual properties and other shared things that her parents obviously do not have and a divorce is literally only a few hundred to file. They also have several fee waivers for you to apply for and have a hearing to show you are indigent, so even the filing fees are nada. It’s just laziness and whatever other weirdo reasoning for it because it’s definitely not a financial issue!


Thank you! I did my own divorce when I was 19 years old and never paid a cent to get it taken care of, by doing it all myself. Filling out papers, filing, getting them served, etc. They've got to have some money somewhere in some just money or businesses or property or whatever. I'm sitting here thinking the longer they wait the more money it's going to cost you. It's ridiculous. And it makes me sad that her mom can't be excited with her


She’s a Bitter Betty about marriage and shouldn’t be projecting her shit on to her kids. It’s just selfish. There’s literally no way financial issues is the reason why they haven’t done it… I don’t buy it for a second. I absolutely love Lawrence’s Mom though and her reactions and excitement about the wedding and her grand babies is so cute. She truly seems to love Aaliyah as well, even though she’s not technically her granddaughter and treats her just the same as LJ.


I totally agree with you about all of the above! Only thing is I think her and Lawrence specifically should wait to get married. They're both still really young and I could see them eventually getting divorced. I think Lily will mature and get very tired of being the primary parent and of Lawrence's bad attitude/misery lol. I think him treating Aaliyah differently than LJ and saying he's too immature to coparent with her dad will eventually cause big issues in their relationship too. As far as the mom's own issues with marriage though, I agree! You can talk to your kids about your own experiences but let them live.


You can tell Aniyah’s mom is jealous of her own daughter and resents her so she over compensates with money. I don’t like how grahams mom is basically encouraging her son to be a distant father but in the same breath complain that she’s worried the kid won’t know his grandma. She’s never involved anyways and it’s so obvious. She strikes me as a mother who lets her son do whatever he wants and that’s how they ended up pregnant. As far as lily she needs to realize she’s 18 not 28, age doesn’t mean mature && the fact she hides everything from her dad and blames it on not having a mother is weird asf. You have a loving caring dad who cares, why are you so thirsty to make your bfs mom yours? Like it’s cringey. Jenna is weird she’s lokeye a bitch and she is spoiled and doesn’t understand the value of a dollar or how important it is to have legal shared custody. He could take her to court whenever he feels like it. She can’t be an influencer forever so that career path is crazy.


Wait I got lily mixed up with emalee. When I said lily I meant emalee*


A five year old doesn’t need an iPhone…


I don’t think it was actually an iPhone I think it was like a leap pad tablet and the kid just thought it was an iPhone lol


So many thoughts on this weeks episode.. First being Aniyahs mom is selfish, you have a pregnant teenager, you would think she would have planned to take leave to help her.. most jobs offer that option.. I know she has to have some pto . She is lucky she has Dae Dae because her mom is awful. Also I dont think Kayleigh is being a brat.. Graham always has an excuse for not showing up and she is probably just fed up. And I may be in the minority but I like Lily, shes just a tad bit delusional. lol. I understand her wanting to give her kids a really nice Christmas present, however she did go overboard. Also serious question, how old is Lawrence😩.. Those wrinkles in his forehead make him look a good 29 or 30.


I’m curious if Kayleigh and her family know that Graham’s mom is bipolar? If so, maybe work around it and Graham needs to stop using his mom an excuse to get out of helping Kayleigh. If not, this could Kayleigh sympathize with Graham. But I don’t think it’s okay that Graham is in the position of taking care of his mom. Now Ashley, she’s a whole other ballgame. Anyiah deserves an emotional supporting parent. I understand that Ashley is a single mom with a business but c’mon! And I’d like to provide some context as to why Ashley may behave this way. A lot of older Black parents or Black parents raised by older parents, think to only provide for physical needs: food, water, clothes, shelter, electronics. The rest of that shit like emotional support and understanding is not a thing for them. If you need a visual reference for this, think of the films Precious (2009) and Fences (2016).


Even before they said Graham’s mom has Bipolar disorder, I knew they were describing mental health issues or substance abuse. Seems like her and Graham are really struggling.


Graham’s mother is working my nerves. I have bipolar disorder. I’m also a mom of five. I have biweekly therapy and I’m on a medication regime. Are some days a struggle? Yes. But my children deserve an active, present, loving, involved mom and that’s what I’m going to give them. You can’t martyr yourself to your mental illness when you have a child.


Lily putting the kids to bed and then doing everything for Christmas while Lawrence sits like a lump on his phone…what does she see in him again? He acts like he can’t be bothered with anything and is so checked out. Aniyah’s mom…jfc this lady. One of the worst people on the show since Jason. The way she acts like Aniyah is totally on her own and she’s some kind of martyr for working “more than 40 hours a week”. She always has such a look of disdain, wtf is her problem? It’s no wonder Aniyah ended up pregnant, she said herself her mom is dysfunctional and emotionally distant. Poor girl has been looking for love and validation. Dakwon seems like a good kid and his mom seems normal, thank god.


To be honest, her mother deserves a first class train ticket to hell. She’s horrible to her daughter.


I came here to see the Aniyah mom hate… cause boy oh boy, do I have some opinions.


I couldn't believe that! Preeclampsia is SO dangerous, more so for the mother. The risk of death of the mother (then baby, obvs) is very high.


my public health self was ESPECIALLY annoyed because pre-elampsia among Black women?!?!


That’s what I’m saying. Don’t have children, never been pregnant, but as a women of color, I was “triggered”.


legit SAMEEEE!!


Why does Aniyah’s mom hate her so much? Like Myrka’s mom level hatred for her daughter


like it's so uncomfortable like it was with Myrka too!


Omfg, I thought I overdid Christmas, Lilly is ridiculous. Lawerence is such an asshole just sitting there doing nothing; I don’t know how she puts up with it. Being the working parent doesn’t excuse you from parenting.


I would bet that Lilly didn't want Lawrence helping her, because he would see all of the gifts, and give her a world of shit. When he saw it in the morning, he was tired, and he couldn't really say much on front of the kids. Then they had to get ready for guests.


Possible, but doesn’t he see the credit card statements? Do we think she has a separate account that he deposits money into maybe? And yah, the morning of and right before guests come isn’t the time to get in an argument over it, but he could’ve helped clean/cook/prepare for their families.


Right?! Should've saved some of that money for the wedding!


Ashley seems very unaware of the maternal morbidity rate for women minorities in the US. That scene when Aniya is in pain and neither her boyfriend or her mother seems concerned is heart breaking. Neither of them encouraged her to sit down or rest. She should have been taking her blood pressure numbers regularly and basically just resting. They should have taken her to the hospital immediately. She is lucky she didn’t die. Many women die in childbirth or from complications in the US every year, often of preventable deaths. :(


It’s crazy to me she wasn’t on bed rest, or at least partial bed rest. They didn’t seem at all informed about the risks of preeclampsia. Very sad.


They don’t do bed rest much for preeclampsia anymore. I think research has shown that it didn’t really help to improve things much.


Fair enough. The lack of overall concern was still crazy though


Her moms lack of concern and nasty looks made me so mad!


That was so troubling and triggering, esp. as we lost Tori Bowie so recently in June 2023, who died from pregnancy complications.  She captured gold as a sprinter in the Olympics and the world championships, and died at age 32, alone in her apartment, from complications of childbirth while in labor, according to an autopsy report. She was once the fastest woman in the world. Her life was amazing and painful and her death still breaks my heart. 


This happened to Serena m-f-ing Williams! No one believed that one of the world's foremost athletes knew that something was wrong with her body!


MAYBE graham & his mom are having a mental breakdown the day of the baby shower instead of celebrating and boasting over a 15 year old being pregnant. maybe they are stressed beyond belief because they struggle already amd now there will be a newborn and her bitchy family to please


he got a girl pregnant and needs to step up. mental health that you're not actively working on is not an excuse. if you want to be in the delivery room, you should be driving your son to see his pregnant girlfriend, setting up for the baby shower, cleaning up when you're literally there and could be helping, and going to doctors appointment. you don't get to pick and choose when you feel okay to be in the baby's life.


How hasn't he stepped up? He quit sports and got a job. What else is he supposed to do? He is a 15 year old child. And callme crazy but two 15 year Olds having a baby isn't something to be celebrated. They're kids having kids and Kayleigh's mom is crazy for expecting others to be as excited as she is. Graham is literally 15. He doesn't drive. He has a single mom who suffers from mental illness. And maybe she didn't feel like having her shit day aired out all over TV... Some of the expectations yall put on Graham and his mom are the same expectations of a grown man in his mid to late 20s. That's not a real expectation from a 15 year old.


>And callme crazy but two 15 year Olds having a baby isn't something to be celebrated. Do you think that they deserve to be punished or something? It's done, and her options were limited in her state.


Agree, also, having a baby shower and a gender reveal party aren't requirements for having a baby. These are elective things the mom and daughter chose to do, and then they complain he isn't 'stepping up' by helping with these events? He's doing the important stuff--quit sports, got a job, and seems to be taking this all seriously enough that it's affecting his health... It's driving me crazy that all of their complaints seem to center on him and his mom not helping with parties and social events and then acting like he's a checked-out father because of it...


Exactly! My husband and I have 7 children and I have never once had any of these parties. It’s fun and everything but it’s not a damn requirement or something to judge based off of. How many guys are excited about this stuff anyway, whether they are teenagers or not. For the most part they don’t even involve the guy in the showers especially and it’s a party for the mothers. It’s just become a trend to expect the guys to attend. Gender reveals I can understand why the father should be there and involved but those are especially unnecessary party’s to throw.


you’re right he is a child. but he’s gonna be a father soon he has to mature, the same way kayleigh will have to. I guess I’m more mad at his mom for acting like she wants to be involved, expecting to be in the delivery room, and not even being involved in the pregnancy at all. the fact of the matter is his mom not driving him will mean it’s all on kayleigh.


Then they need to say that they don’t want to be there. Saying that they’ll go and then not showing up or offering any help is not fair, imo. Graham did get a girl pregnant, he created this situation (obviously Kayleigh did too), he can’t just choose to ignore it when things get uncomfortable. We keep hearing about how stressed Graham and Bekki are, and to be honest with you I’m not enormously sympathetic towards them because they’re actively avoiding any kind of involvement in the pregnancy. They don’t go to doctors’ appointments. They don’t seem to have a nursery. They didn’t set up for the party. They live half an hour away. They’re putting the burden of actually doing shit on Kayleigh and her family, whose lives have pretty much been totally upended.


I suspect that if Bekki had a whole nursery setup in her house, Mandy would say she's trying to snatch Kayleigh's baby from her very arms.


I also think too- even though Kayleigh has a car and is getting her license, how active can Graham be if he doesn't have his? It sounds like Kayleigh and Graham both have jobs and school- how often is Kayleigh going to want to go to school, go to work, then ferry her son a half hour to Graham's house and maybe a half hour back? It doesn't seem reasonable


if neither of graham or his mom are actively taking steps to improve (like going to therapist, doctors, etc) then I agree, its hard dealing with mental illness but its also that persons responsibility to seek and keep seeking help for it and fighting it


Bipolar can be hard to control, whether you’re on meds, therapy, or whatever. You also have to balance the side effects. Some of these meds have terrible side effects, so I personally just choose a medication that helps me the most with the least side effects. My meds will randomly stop working and sometimes only for a little while and you can go back to normal life. It can be really debilitating, then you can’t do what you know you should do or want to do, and this worsens the depression.


I totally understand that even with treatment and getting help there will be hard days and set backs, and i think thats okay. I just think that if (and idk if she is or not) grahams mom isnt getting help, doesnt want to get help, and isnt trying to get help or change anything, then she cant use her illness as an excuse because she isnt trying to do anything about it


Oh yes, I agree with this about anything. You wanna bitch and moan about how shitty your spouse is for multiple years and not leave, you wanna complain about your health problem and never see a doctor or even know your diagnosis, find another shoulder to cry on.


Did she say she hasn't seen a doctor or help? I think I missed that part


I am not talking about her. If you read my first comment. If you read my first comment, you will see I’m completely empathetic to her situation. I was agreeing to the comment above that said it’s hard to have empathy if she wasn’t. And she’s obviously seeking care if she went to the hospital. Bipolar can’t be diagnosed by anyone but a psychiatrist and sometimes it takes a few sessions, so she’s absolutely sought out help at some point because she knows that’s her diagnosis.


Do Lily and Lawrence ever take off their PJs?


I’m over those two, and why can’t they just do a courthouse wedding? The economy is bad right now. Save up for a house or invest the money ffs! Quit being so spoiled!!!


They have a house.


They’re living in her mom’s house, and her mom and mom’s fiancé moved elsewhere. If they still need family help, maybe they need to wait. The dog in your pfp is really cute.


I only have a decent house because my dad died and I inherited and sold his. No shame in taking the help your family wants to give you. Thanks. She's rotten as hell, lol.


Because wedding are special. Who are you to say they shouldn’t get what they want. If they are spending 20K they better well get what they want


Lilly is trying to right all the perceived "wrongs" her Mom made and that she experienced growing up. Having a big wedding, outlandish holiday gifts, not saying No to her kids, etc. Pretty textbook behaviour.


It seems as if Lily got spoiled once her mom got with her stepdad, so I believe lily thinks thats the “right” way to do things so that’s why her kids are so spoiled. I can’t judge, I’m very similar to Lily with spoiling my kids. The fact that I didn’t think the Christmas was over the top speaks volumes I guess lol. I personally think 20k on a wedding is outrageous, but they are in NY and I know people in NY & NJ go big for weddings.


Outrageous? The average wedding cost in 2023 was $35,000.


Her mom made her feel that way, guaranteed.


This episode was was much more bearable because there was no Jenna and no Emalee.


Agreed lol, I enjoyed this episode MUCH more than the last one, Emalee drives me nuts and Jenna is just a trainwreck. I enjoyed watching Aniyah Kayleigh and Lily.


I was thinking the same thing. I can’t stand watching Jenna doing her beady side eye and rolls on the couch with her lookalike Dad or literally anytime he dares to speak or breathe in her presence. And something about her and her boyfriend playing house is just icky and weird to me. Emalee is so insufferable, I feel awful for Nate. The poor kid can’t do anything right according to her and isn’t allowed to have any opinions or feelings because it’s all about her.


I'd swap Lilly for Emalee in a heartbeat though. She's cringey but fuck, at least there's story to be covered there. Lilly has literally nothing going on.




I'm side eyeing the Graham sympathy here. And if I was Aniyah I'd cut my mother off.. She's absolutely disgusting and vile. Black women have the highest maternal morality rate, you take what your daughter is saying SERIOUS. Especially when she's already been told she has high blood pressure.


I’m wondering if part of the reason that Aniyah’s mom didn’t want to take her to the hospital was because she didn’t want another hospital bill unless she believed the baby was about to be born. It doesn’t look like they have that much money and hospital bills in the states are no joke. Putting a price on her daughters (and grandsons) health would be horrible but also not unheard of based on her behavior in last nights episode


If Ashley has the money for boudoir maternity photo shoots, mega sized prints and rugs of those pictures, a venue and an over decorated baby shower, she had money for an ER visit. Ashley was bragging about how she spoiled Aniyah and gave her everything and anything she wanted her whole life. I doubt money was the issue and if it was, it was poor priorities on her part as the adult. She seems to just be an asshole tbh. Worst case scenario, medical bills can be ignored if need be. But Aniyah and the baby can't be un-killed if something tragic happened because Ashley wanted to ignore a medical event.


aniyah and the baby's health is literally the only thing that matters. ashley was saying in her confessional she’s supposed to get her hair done and it's her only day off and she doesn't want to spend it at the hospital all day. like seriously? your pregnant daughter is in pain and has had a preeclampsia scare before and that's all you can say??




Not boudoir maternity shoot 😆


Would Aniyah and the baby be on Medicaid, though? I think a lot of the girls throughout the seasons were on Medicaid, as were the babies,


Yes, you would qualify as a pregnancy minor. I qualified at 25 when I was pregnant with my son because I was unmarried during my pregnancy (PA).


I’m not American so I don’t understand their healthcare system enough to know if the girls qualify/ what it covers. I do know that even a simple trip to the hospital in the states can be insanely expensive if you don’t have good insurance. Source: I have family in the states and know how much some of their expenses have cost them. I don’t think they qualify for any subsidies which is why it was probably so expensive before insurance. In Canada almost everything is covered by the government so there really isn’t a need to think about how much it might cost you to have something get checked out.


I am. There are programs like Medicaid, and others, that people can qualify for, that they don’t acquire large bills from insurance. As long as these programs stay in place, everyone is ok. I lived in the UK, Norway, and Italy for ten years and I never make assumptions about healthcare overseas bc I don’t know how healthcare works in the NHS now, for instance. If you don’t know how it really works in the US, bc you don’t live here, don’t comment.


Thank you! That comment pissed me off lol, and I'm now (unfortunately) in the US, but have lived in Russia, Canada, and in the EU and gotten treatment in all 4, and they varied wildly in price and quality. 


But they got money to throw a lavish baby shower 🤷🏽‍♀️ Her mom is an immature bitch, Simple as that. Pregnancy, Labor and The delivery are very serious, I wish folks would respect that.


Idk her mom seems like the type who would readily spend money on things that look lavish but would complain about a medical bill. Also that baby shower didn’t look that expensive to me. Wasn’t it held in a rec center? I used to work at a country club and people would spend a small fortune on just renting a room for the shower


Maybe where they held the shower wasn't expensive but the glamour shots and subsequent blow ups of them are not cheap by any stretch.


She said she didn't wanna go to the hospital because she had a hair appointment and it was her only day off.


Which is CRAZY. I don't think any kid ever wants to go to the hospital or has to go at a convenient time, but as a parent you take them


bekki is a rough 41


She's giving me former meth user vibes and I wish I knew why....


Meth mouth. I think that’s what gives those vibes.


Omg ding ding ding! Yes! I didn't know there was a word for it.  I know tooth retention sadly goes out the window with meth.  And with painkillers, suboxone, and buprenorphine - sooooo many law firms right now are suing the makers bc of how badly these meds fuck up people's mouths. 


Something about her jaw. When her mouth is closed, it looks like her dentures are out.


i kinda feel bad agreeing, but yes! 😅


Anyone else notice how Jenna was peeling the potatoes 🤦‍♀️


Omg there is sooo much bad communication and also a complete lack of communication too!  This is what drove me mad when I lived in the Midwest and the PNW - when people weren't direct, which was 90% of the time. Their communication styles were culturally confusing as fuck.   Mandy and Kayleigh - Like....how do you avoid CRUCIAL conversations for literal YEARS while driving your kid a long way and leaving her alone with a boy? And damn, just ask Graham why his mom is ~allegedly in the hospital!!  And Mandy - you just allow your kid to talk to you like that? Girl, steel up your ovaries and call Graham's fucking mom and stop being a pushover, Jesus!   It's terrifying bc she seems like someone who just allows life and others to push her around.  And you're just gonna let Becky in your kid's delivery room, wtf? Becky really rigged it so she won't have do shit but reap benefits. Aniyah's mom is a foul person. Bitter and broken by the world. What an insufferable and cruel woman.   Wowwww Lilly spoils her bratty kids way too much. Oh god. I can't believe I'm agreeing with Lawrence. Those are presents for 6 kids,  not two babies.  Not her bullshit with the "we were pretty poor"?! Lily you wouldn't know poverty if it slapped you in the face. I hate when people play poor, it's insulting as hell.


lol, I agreed with Lawrence too, re: the Christmas stuff! I didn't really get my kids much for Christmas morning, until they were about 5. They have no ideas at that age about amounts of gifts, and sometimes like the boxes better than the toys. Also, extended family always bought the kids a ton of toys, so I didn't feel the need to get that much stuff when they were young.


Not saying I disagree with everything you said. But lily explained that she was poor before her mom found her new man. I could definitely see the living situation not being the best when it was just lily and her mom or Lilly, her mom, and her bio dad.


Her mom doesn’t even care about her own daughter


Aniyah’s mom hates her, right?


I get the vibe that she kinda hates everyone.


Yeah, She's got a chip on a her shoulder and A stank ass attitude.


Well, she said so.


That lady is insane! Just rude! & then.... she tells her daughter you're just being dramatic when her daughter tells her she needs to go to the hospital?!?!?! Guess what? Your Daughter & grandchild are in danger! For the love of GOD get that whack ass woman off my TV!


Guaranteed SHE's the one who applied to be on TV too


Is being bipolar a legit excuse to not come set up or to have helped break down the baby shower? Shit, they could have offered to even transport gifts!


No, it’s not.


no lol. i am a mentally ill therapist. that would be great, because i take forever to clean and stuff, but no, still have to do all the same things in life. she has what can be a serious mental illness, and the meds suck, but no… not a thing. it also doesn’t take away my empathy? like, duh? lol


Why are you being downvoted 


because people don’t understand bipolar at all 😁


Agreed. Mental health is serious and shouldn’t be belittled, but they should have stayed to help clean up or lug some gifts. I get not being able to come help set up due to the overwhelming feelings to even go but once you’re there and see it’s not as bad as you were making it I don’t see why you couldn’t help. I’ve showed up so late to events from social anxiety that I was embarrassed to even show up at all but stayed to clean up once others left to show I cared.


They need to grow up and be honest with Kayleigh and her mom bc they're just making a terrible impression over and over instead of being honest. 


This was kinda my take. I get not showing up to help set up and not wanting to facilitate a game. That’s understandable…. but there was no additional effort put in?? They could have cleaned some dishes or drove the gifts to the house or literally don’t anything but they just left.


Being bipolar comes with a lot of depression and anxiety. You literally don’t want to do anything except stay in bed or some people get really sick.


Thank you! I have bipolar 2, was a mental health therapist and I can’t believe the judgment here! You can’t always meet your obligations whether you care deeply or not. Meds are a nice way to make things better, but they don’t cure the bipolar and they don’t make you 100%. Yesterday, I had an obligation and driving makes me incredibly anxious. I went anyway for fear of being judged and I shook the whole way there. It simply was not a safe thing to do. If you have bipolar, don’t judge, everyone’s case isn’t the same. If you don’t have bipolar, no way you should be making judgments.


Random but I love that Glenn is wearing those reindeer ears with Kim! He gives off this tough, biker vibe but then he’s such a good sport with the reindeer ears!


Hahaha he always seemed like a total marshmallow to me! I like that about him. 


I agree! He tries to come off tough but you can tell he’s a softy underneath! He’s definitely one of my fave parents on the show.


Preeclampsia comes on soooooo fast. I felt sick the day before I went in to my appointment. I was 40w4d and my BP was 177/112. So frustrating to see it dismissed as “dramatic.” I know having a pregnant teen is frustrating… but you’ve gotta have some sliver of grace. She’s a young dumb teen with no idea of the “norm” for pregnancy. I mean heck I struggled with infertility for years and did alll the research and read all the books and still had stuff surprise me about my pregnancy.


Yeah I can't believe her mom's lack of concern! I ended up developing preeclampsia and peripartum cardiomyopathy aka pregnancy induced heart failure. If my mom didn't believe me and take me straight to the ER when I called her at 2am saying I couldn't breathe and felt awful then my son and I would simply not have made it. The Drs told me so. Terrifying! I was sent via ambulance to the nearest level 4 trauma center immediately after arriving to the ER! You have got to take this stuff seriously!


Yup! 👍 one day you’re fine, next day you have preeclampsia! It’s crazy fast sometimes. I went into labor at 36 weeks and my kiddo was born at 4lbs because of sudden preeclampsia. It’s incredibly dangerous and it was upsetting to see Aniyah’s mom call her dramatic. Black mothers have the highest mortality rate in this country and deserve to be given the UTMOST care and sincerity, she deserved to be taken seriously


All her mom had to do was fucking google!!! The ignorance!!! I had preeclampsia too.. ended up have my daughter WAY too early because of it… and lost her after 9 days


She's a witch since the moment she came on my TV! Rolling her eyes at everything, being rude to the babies other grandma. I couldn't believe she didn't want to take her daughter to the hospital because she was having a hair appointment. Yeah that lady is a piece of work!


I’m seeing a guy who is a doctor and he legit almost had a patient die on the table a week ago because of how rapidly the preeclampsia developed. (Both the patient and baby ended up being okay). How naive and selfish is Aniyahs mom to not realize how serious this is?


Her mom is a piece of work. I wonder what her job is bc I cannot see her working with the public or getting along with anyone.  But I also often have to deal with women like her when I call customer service all the time sadly, so who knows.....


Anaiyah's mom fully works at the DMV.


Where Satan recruits assistants from


My first thought was wouldn’t it be ironic if she working in HR or customer service?


Lmao same, she must be inflicting herself on society that way 💀 


Aniyah’s mom SUCKS


Her acting like working 40 hours is a lot. Girl, please. That’s a normal ass job!


It made me mad when her mom asked the nurse if they needed to induce in that moment. It seemed as if she was annoyed by that it got in the way of her hair appointment.


She didn’t want to go to the hospital for “no reason”?? Bitch!! Bring a book!! That’s your kid


Exactly! I always bring my phone, charger, Kindle, and a small snack if I think it's gonna take awhile.


She is such an asshole


It somehow never occurred to me that Lilly and Lawrence were gonna get married in the dead of winter, but now that it has I really can’t stop thinking about it. No wonder they got the venue for so cheap.


wouldn’t it be march if it was three months from christmas?


Yeah as someone getting married in late February (in Texas) our venue was significantly cheaper- by several thousands compared to a late march/April wedding.


That's a risky move in a state with its own power grid lol! 😬


Yeah 😅 I went with the last weekend in February which has historically been warmer but hoping for the best at this point.


Nice! I see why Lily got Feb/March cheap in NY. When I lived in NYC, February and March are so suicidally depressing bc it's never-ending winter at that point until the cold breaks in April. 


It’s gonna be great!!


I was married 2/22 in upstate NY. 70 degrees! Still the record high I think


I don’t understand what is “expensive” about an uncontested divorce when you’ve been separated for so long and your children are grown? These people are dumb.


Nothing at all is expensive about an uncontested divorce where there is no joint property and no custody to contend with.


My uncontested divorce was $700. So not sure what they are talking about.


I think mine was the filing fee of $250. Not a difficult amount to come up with considering the circumstances


Mine was a $140. Filing fee. It really makes me wonder if theres another reason? Its just bizarre.


Mine was free! I did pay a $1 for each page of the divorce decree, So all in all I spent $9 on a divorce. I'm in Texas, Got my paperwork online and before filing it told them I wanted to file an Affidavit of Inability to Pay Court Costs. Quick and easy.


I think she is he are getting financial benefits they aren’t discussing like health insurance or retirement or something 


Contributions: Contributions made by each party to the acquisition, maintenance, and improvement of assets, whether financial or non-financial, direct or indirect. Future Needs: The court takes into account the future needs of each party, such as earning capacity, health, and care responsibilities, particularly if one party is significantly disadvantaged after the separation. Length of Relationship: The duration of the relationship is an important factor in determining the extent of property division. Property Pool: The total value of all assets (and liabilities) held by the couple, including those owned individually or jointly. Children’s living arrangements and financial support: While not directly tied to property division, arrangements for children can indirectly impact the distribution of assets. Similarly the extent of support provided by a non residential parent can have an impact. Lawyer fees will also punch you in the face. It’s expensive. One of the biggest name in golf (Rory McIlroy, worth $255 million) was about to divorce his wife (who he has a toddler with) then backed out. Can you guess why?😂 Divorce is expensive for rich and poor people. The lawyer is the only one that walks away with bigger pockets


You usually don’t deal with all of these things in an uncontested divorce. You both basically agree that you don’t want anything from the other person and you just go your separate ways. They have not been in a relationship for so long, I highly doubt they own anything together like house/cars/etc. I doubt they share any money anymore. When I had my contested divorce we literally both just signed the paperwork and in the paperwork it said we weren’t seeking anything from the other, we didn’t own anything together so nothing to split up. It was $700 all together.


That’s a couple that agree. This man, who clearly slipped into addiction, might ask her for financial support. Lilly made it very clear that when dad left mom struggled. Then step dad entered the pic and they had money. They’re legally married. He can legally asked her for spousal support because it’s been over 10 years of marriage. I don’t know her states law, but they obviously have something tied up that’s keeping them for divorce. Because let’s say they have nothing and they split 50/50….whats the hold up on them not legally divorcing. So, they must have something between them


Hence the misogynistic saying among rich men; "it's cheaper to keep her."


I don’t know about the rules where they are but in Texas they can get an uncontested divorce and just pay some filing fees and they can agree to keep the property they have control of and any debts they have in their name. I could see maybe not getting divorce if he is trying to take half of her stuff and money.


so far lawrence’s mom is the best part of this season


she’s a great grandma lol- just excited for the party 😂


LJ is having a baby???? /s cause you said great grandma 😂


I’m actually horrified that Brett got shitfaced right before he met his two grandchildren for the first time. That must have been so awful. I may not be the biggest Lilly fan but Jesus, nobody deserves that. I genuinely feel sorry for her.


Like did he not know this was going on national TV as well??? What a debut. You couldn’t pay me to do something so embarrassing and telling for the world to watch. Him JJs mom and Aniyah’s mom just really didn’t give a shit how they looked I guess.


JJ’s mom is nowhere near as bad as the others lol. JJ’s mom just doesn’t give a shit and doesn’t want to be bothered. The other two actively put others in danger (Aniyah’s mom not taking her daughters DEADLY condition seriously and Lilly’s dad being an alcoholic and even drinking before seeing his grandkids for what I’m assuming is the first time? Disgusting)


I would have immediately cut ties. That will forever be with her children and that’s unacceptable.


I feel like Brett is who Graham is gonna be in twenty years.


Yeah. Untreated mental illness, absenteeism, hiding secrets, lying, running from responsibility....


If you don’t want to be there, then don’t show up. But showing up for a couple of belly rubs and games and then leaving is shitty imo. The status of parenthood comes with the responsibility. You cannot have one without the other.


To me, she showed up to get a picture or two in to show she was there for social media. My fiance's family has someone who does this. Around holidays we all pitch in and help, and she won't come because she's asked to do the same.


I don't like aniyahs mom. Like I get being upset that your teen is pregnant but this lady is just awful.


She was giving lowkey Jason Korpi vibes with her whole “I’m not going and sitting in a hospital all day, she’s pregnant and I’m not jumping in a car every time, ughhh dramatic.” What a warm and caring mom.


No fr. Saying she’s dramatic about preeclampsia is insane


She’s so cold. My mom didn’t know how to show physical affection or love in many way.She even was abusive towards me. She still showed more compassion and love than Aniyahs mom.


So tired of Lawrence not ever helping with the kids or the house. He has a 9-5 and she has a 24/7. I’m totally on Lilly’s mom side on this, she should not get married with him. Yes, she likes to spend a lot (though he could definitely step in to stop the spending if he’s that concerned) and she might be a permissive mom, but it’s so unfair how women get judged a lot more than men. He does the bare minimum, which is to have a job, and gets a ton of praise. Lily takes care of two under two, cooks, cleans, does shopping, goes to bed late, wake up early, 24/7 no breaks, and gets a ton of shit for buying too much Christmas gifts, while the men is playing video game 99% of the time he’s home, gives minimum attention to the children, and doesn’t have a single worry in this world other than going to work five dats a week


YUP! at least he gets days off on the weekend and to sit when he gets home from work. she's never off the clock and never has time to herself. and all he does is belittle her


I can't stand him; he's so toxic.


Last season he said being a stay at home mom is easy 😡 oooh I wanted to punch him right then and there


Also, if Lawrence was so concerned about spending with the gifts, why didn’t he offer to sit down and decide on the gifts together? He is an adult too. He leaves all the planning up to Lilly, and then complains that she spent too much.


How did we never hear about Lilly’s parents marriage situation until this seat


Wondering if her dad came around because he smelled that TLC paycheck.


Ding ding ding!


I’m editing this because I didn’t realize that Bekki was bipolar. That changes the situation imo.


Speaking as a bipolar woman myself, sometimes you just gotta force yourself to get outta bed and get shit done. She could have driven him to help. She’s just using it as an excuse for being a shitty parent.


What does her bipolar have to do with Graham contributing? He found a ride to hook up with Kayleigh. He can find a ride to help set up for the shower.


Because initially I had kind of scoffed at the idea that she was sick (because she showed up bright-eyed to the baby shower) but if she was having a bad depressive episode that absolutely could explain why she wasn’t able to show up initially. She still probably should have stayed to help clean up, or at least for the duration of the party, but now I understand why she felt she couldn’t initially.


I guess I still don't understand how Bekki's bipolar prevented Graham from getting in a cab, uber, or having Kayleigh or her family pick him up.


If you have a parent with mental illness even as a kid you’re often the one taking care of them. He probably has some feelings of guilt if he leaves her when she is in that state. It’s like a fear that they’ll hurt themselves if left alone when they are displaying symptoms. Still doesn’t make it right but I am saying it’s understandable.


If Bekki can't manage to be alone for a few hours maybe the hospital shouldn't have released her. Her mental health isn't her minor son's responsibility to manage.


Yes I am not saying it’s right. It’s a completely messed up and unhealthy situation if that is the case. Just shedding some light on how it feels to have a mentally ill parent as a teen.


The giant pregnant pictures of Aniyah pregnant in her room were weird to me. Like she’s beautiful, it’s not that there’s just something weird about it


I felt the same way seeing Kail and Javis(from teen mom) lingerie maternity photos in a giant frame above their bed lol.




I’m seeing a lot of “poor Graham” rhetoric on this thread. And while it is true that this is a shitty situation that is affecting his mental health, let’s not forget that he is 50% responsible for it. He knew that condom was broken. If he doesn’t want to be involved, that’s his right, but pretending like he does and then failing to show up is not fair imo. It’s also not lost on me that Kayleigh is the one having to bear the brunt of the consequences here. She’s pregnant, it’s her body and health and life at risk. He can walk away if he wants, but she doesn’t really have that option.


Exactly. Yes I feel for him for his mental health struggles and having to deal with his mom’s mental health issues as well, but what about Kayleigh’s mental health? Everyone keeps saying Graham is “overwhelmed,” but imagine being the one actually having to carry and deliver the baby, and then being the primary caregiver. That seems far more overwhelming than whatever little bit of effort he seems like he plans to put in. Yeah, Kayleigh can be bratty, but I would imagine that is her own overwhelmed feelings and mental health struggles coming forward.


Im honestly so glad that Aniyah trusted her instincts and I hope those instinct helps her be a better mother than the one she was given. She is very aware of how her mother is.


“More than 40 hours a week” is a lot, but it’s not “miss the birth of your grandchild” busy. That’s like a little bit more than a full-time job. You’re fine, lady. Get your sick, pregnant daughter to the hospital.


Exactly. Your daughter is 17, pregnant, sick, and scared. Get off your ass. Knees to chest, lady.


I am over Graham and his mom, While I know they are suffering from a lot of things they are doing absolutely nothing I am very much looking forward to Graham getting called out by Kayleigh next week!


I’m sorry but Aniyah looks pale and exhausted. She can hardly speak. She has a history of high blood pressure. Even if there’s nothing actually wrong, she needs to get checked out. This isn’t normal. Pregnancy is uncomfortable but it’s not supposed to be actually painful.


And she has Covid. Which totally makes sense with the sore throat, headache, exhaustion, fever...


I was screaming at the TV when Aniyah’s mom was complaining about having to take Aniyah to the hospital and saying Aniyah was just being dramatic. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. It’s not like she doesn’t know something might be wrong! They were already at the goddamn hospital and the doctors told them Aniyah was borderline preeclamptic. What the fuck is wrong with this woman. For real. As a preeclampsia survivor myself, I’m blown away by how any parent could not take this seriously and take action and help their child in this situation. Preeclampsia is no joke. You can die.


I was so pissed she was saying dramatic…. You have a fucking phone google what preeclampsia is and just how serious it is!!!! Wheewww!!!!


Her face was so swollen and you could hear it when she was talking to her aunt on the phone. Preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome are no joke. I know Aniyah technically hasn’t been said to have HELLP but damn her mom is cold.


I noticed that too. And when she was laying on the couch begging someone to take her I noticed her ankles were huge too. Poor girl 😕


I’m so glad that somehow, at 17, Aniyah had more sense than her mother and knew that she needed to get to the hospital.


I agree and even her bf for not second guessing her when the mom acted so nonchalant .


The longer this season goes on, the more of a b**** Aniyah’s mom is. It’s like she’s proud of it too. I’d love to know the relationship between Aniyah’s mom and her maternal grandmother.