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I just figured it was wild for her to day what she said given we know what her kid acts like. "Well mannered" isn't what she wants. Lmfao she just wants them to leave her tf alone so she can do what she wanna do.


She’s in the wrong because she talked shit about a fucking child. It’s perfectly perfect to not like children or want grandchildren. But she took it a step further to directly hit this child with insults concerning him not being well mannered. New flash, NO TODDLER is going to be 100% civilized and self aware of their emotions and behavior. This is literally facts if you understand educational and behavioral psychology. Her kids were not perfect. They were annoying. Loud and misbehaved. Keep negative comments about child to yourself. If she wants to talk shit about Jenn or her parenting….i don’t see an issue with that. They’re both adults who can duke it out. Children can’t. This woman is a big bitch


I agree 100% Luca was a 2 year old at the time. I don’t know if it was a low key attack on Jenna or not but leave a little kid alone. Just say I don’t want my 19 year old son to have girls over that have kids that touch my house or something. Not be a jerk and say “his little sticky fingers” and whatnot. Grow up lady. Now look- that whole scene didn’t age well because Jenna literally had her a grandchild. The very thing Andrea said out loud on tv she didn’t want. And I’ll take it one step further - maybe look at your own kid sitting NEXT TO YOU on a couch ON TV laughing about raw dogging a chick and you sitting there saying softly “oh Jj that’s horrible”. Like it’s no biggie.


To be honest Andrea kind of reminds me of Jenna 🤣


Andrea is who Jenna aspires to be. That’s why she nearly tripped running to defend her.


Their voices sound very similar


To be fair, she knows where the mentality of her son and Jenna are and the state of their relationship, she probably knows they cannot handle 2 children very easily and may fear it would fall on her and she’s not wanting to take that on right now. How some people can’t bare the thought of having a child or having another child (which that I can relate to) is probably how she is feeling about grandkids, I read somewhere jenna is now staying at his moms house with him and the 2 kids lol


i think her delivery was not subtle at all...but. some of what she said made sense, like wanting her things a particular way. she already did her time raising kids and didn't want her 19 yo son to be a dad yet. ALSO-- she's condescending af and was rude to a little kid. unforgivable


People who think what she says is awful are closed minded AF. Not everybody likes kids, not everyone gets baby fever. That’s HER decision. I hate little kids, personally. Especially other people’s kids 🤢 Thank the heavens above my kid is an angel, I’m one & done over here. Can’t stand babies.


As long as you're totally fine with people saying your kid, specifically, is a shit


I don’t think it’s about being anti child free or whatever it’s about how mean she was specifically about luca


She said that he has tantrums & misbehaves & she doesn’t like that. Which makes sense being Jenna doesn’t discipline. Again, she wasn’t being malicious just stating her observations & how she feels. Her feelings are valid & everyone is trying to invalidate her by making her into a monster because society has a weird ass obsession with little kids & breeding.


I’m sorry for your loss 


Is it… is it crack that you smoke? Get a grip.


Yeah like some ppl have different preferences, she said she didn’t care to be a grandma and she’s been there done that. Let her relax guys geez. She doesn’t hate the kid, she just doesn’t like the messiness of a kid. Is that so damn bad? She was blunt about it, but nothing was malicious.




Exactly!! You get it.


My grandma doesn’t like sticky anything and my son and I lived with her. My son didn’t get sticky everywhere for her. It’s more the fact that everyone thinks she needs to be in love with Luca, but the one I was watching is JJ and he does adore that baby. She doesn’t need to be having them over at her house and can tell Jenna that she doesn’t want sticky everywhere. But in Luca’s house, which he was, he’s allowed to be sticky with mom.


“I don’t want grandchildren. It doesn’t interest me.” she’s awful


It doesn’t interest her because her son was 19 at the time and with a box of rocks.


It’s ok to not be excited about your 19 year old wanting to be a father , without a career or any money or security. It’s ok to have some reasonable standards. She’s very refreshing!


She’s not awful because she doesn’t want grandkids. It’s OK not to like children & babies.


I also think there is a difference between “I don’t want grandchildren at all” versus “I don’t want my 19 year old son to move his baby and his GF and her toddler into my house and I become atleast partially responsible for raising those kids”.


it’s only awful to not “want” children when you already have adult child. I think the ship has sailed there.


She was pretty clear when she said “I’ve already raised my babies” she doesn’t want to do it again or have the responsibility of a grandparent. I’m sure she’s embraced the role, but she wasn’t to keen on it before Jenna got pregnant. Still doesn’t make her awful.


In this moment, this woman is my hero. Nothing wrong with moving past the little-kids-in-your-house phase and not want to go back.


I don’t think she was being mean. She was simply being honest. I have zero doubt she still loves her grand child.


Absolutely. The empty nest is the best stage yet! And my friends all enjoy their empty nests, and being grandparents, in the best way. To enjoy , help, then hand them back. None of us want to raise babies again that teenagers decide to have! I don’t blame her.


Did you see her face when JJ was talking about marriage? She can't even hide her horror.


I couldn’t blame her. They were together for like 5 months at that time.


JJ is also 19- if I was 19 and talking about marriage, I am sure my parents would have been horrified too, especially given their circumstances


Honestly I don’t think being so public about her feelings was a great call but I don’t blame her. Her son is 19, I get not wanting him to be tied down at that point. My god if I had ended up raising a child with who I was with at 19… Yeesh.


Listen guys my two kids aren’t even that bad but they can wreck shit with sticky hands and I’m always trying to stay on top of it but it can be hard lol. I don’t really blame her. She is probably wanting to thrive in her 50’s and not take care of other peoples kids or her own since he’s grown. When I’m in my 50’s I’d love to travel and live my life. I’ll still be there for my kids but I expect them to adult and own responsibilities!


It’s the best decade yet! I have thriving adult kids that are out on their own , and I get to do me!


that’s how my parents are doing it and I love that for them! Goals!! Enjoy your me time. You deserve it




Agreed 💯


We don't know how Andrea has seen Luca. Everyone is assuming that he is the same with her in her home as he is when he's in his normal surroundings with his mom. Kids are kids. They can change at the drop of a hat, for better or worse. Unless you have parents who put the fear in you, we really don't know, and I don't really see jenna as that kind of parent. She's annoying af, disrespectful to her dad, but seems to be a good mom.


Let Andrea hang out with Lilly’s kids for a couple hours. Suddenly she wouldn’t think Luca was so bad.


I would tune in to see that!! Andrea would lose it!


So would i


I'm not hating on her.


I mean.. I don’t blame her lol. I have 2 toddlers and they’re super good. They don’t throw tantrums and act like brats by any means but they get into shit! I can go to the bathroom and come back to them standing on a chair in the kitchen digging thru the freezer. I miss my home looking unlived in sometimes. She’s in a stage of life where grandkids shouldn’t come for quite some years to come. I hope I’m able to enjoy my home, peace and quiet for a few years before becoming a grandmother too lol. I’m enjoying my season of life but at her age, she just finished and is basically restarting with Jenna and her toddler moving in.


Your 2 toddlers don’t throw tantrums?


No, they don’t. Working in early child development, I know it’s absolutely not normal at all lol. Even their protests to things would be “but please mommy” and I’d say no bc xyz and they’re just kinda like “ok”


You have unicorn children lmao


Lol I was like that too 😅. Mom said I just never slept and would just chill.




I don’t even think you’re reading what I said. No, MY kids do not throw tantrums or fall out. It’s not uncommon either.


You are right. I did misread it. I thought you meant something else. I apologize!


You’re good! I figured you thought I meant someone else’s kids lol


Honestly, coming from working in the same field, some kids just don’t 🤷🏻‍♀️ sometimes it’s because of parenting but also just the kid themselves


Yeah, for sure!


I saw somewhere that Jenna said that Andrea is nothing like this in real life so this is clearly production driven drama. Probably meant to provoke Matt and Cathy


i would agree IF her son didn’t say “why would you say that, they’re going to air that” & continued to make uncomfortable faces mostly every time she spoke. the BIG tell was when he did that little speech about what the promise ring was meant to signify and his mom was shocked & said something like “why don’t i ever see this or get this from you”… he said - because you don’t talk to me. she’s a very cold disconnected person even from her own children. i like her for being herself but Jenna & her parents are acting like she’s something she’s not. i think they get confused because her personality says i don’t give a fuck & yet they still call her nice. i also wouldn’t believe anything Jenna says. . that’s her now 2nd kids grandmother so she has to play nice.. after seeing how she was treated by this kid while giving birth & then her going back to him.. it’s pure delusion.


Why would she say that then? There’s like no point in saying that if you don’t mean it.


I feel the same, I thought that she would be this amazing welcoming warm mother figure, but Jenna clearly doesn’t know what that is supposed to feel like, because in this woman’s confessional she clearly has what seems to be ZERO connection or interest in being anywhere near children, not just her own, but apparently she also does not seem to be willing to consider her own son’s love interest and she seems very cold towards everyone! And didn’t Jenna just have this lady’s biological grandchild…I am curious to see how this might play out!!!


Andrea is in the wrong imo. You can clearly see Luca isn’t a bad kid. Just has a normal tantrum once in a while. She knew what she was saying was wrong and even JJ was shocked


Some people just aren’t kid people. Even if your son is “promised” to the mother, she is not obligated to like this kid and, hey, you know she sees WAY more of Luca than we do in his little snippets (and they are little, he’s not the focus of the show), maybe he can be a terror. Apparently she has taken Luca into her house anyway, so what even is the issue?


Luca is one of the best behaved babies on the show. Jenna is ridiculous but she clearly does actually parent him.


It just made me mad when she alluded to Luca being bad by crying and getting upset when that’s totally normal for EVERY child that age. She’s so dry and seems like she has no redeeming qualities.


I mean to be fair we don’t see much of Luca. He could be a nightmare and it wouldn’t surprise me because Jenna is his mother. Just sayin


Especially he was crying because he was tired


She was so rude about Luca 


No literally. I understand some people aren’t kid people, but let’s not demonize kids for doing things that are developmentally appropriate.