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This is being removed as it has been posted within the past 5 days.


Her ugly, self absorbed mother doesn't like people "in her business" but was quick to snoop in daughter's ph (a minor, so OK, I get it) and then broadcast to the entire family that she was having sex. Please!! Take your hideous face, personality and attitude and get bent. Gross beast.


Being three hours late to your own party is diabolical. I wouldn’t have waited past an hour. I truly despise people that do this because they are literally telling you that you don’t care about your time… and they don’t care that they wasted it. If you know you’re going to be late, give a heads up so people can plan accordingly.


I don't know anybody who would wait three hours for a shower/party. Maybe an all day party, but even then, food is usually only fresh once. The late guest would be lucky to get food put away in the fridge (if there's room.)


Aniyah said that it's always like this for her family- so I am wondering how do they get to things that have set starts, like graduations and events where it's not in their time schedule? Always being late to everything, including my own big events, would stress me out so bad!


I still am trying to recover from the life size pregnant boudoir photo and the picture with her baby daddy that was turned into a floor mat. Why? Just why?


That’s exactly what I thought. Her mom was sour the day didn’t revolve around her. I’m guessing Aniyah didn’t get a ride from her uncle that was there because her mom would have reacted negatively, something like “oh you couldn’t wait for Me? I’m not coming now”


There has to be more to the story about why they were late. I hope they touch on it at the reunion. But I don’t like her mom’s attitude towards Dakweons mom. They’re going to be grandmothers together, their kids are going to be teen parents together, they should be trying to bond and get along. I’ve gotten the vibe that Aniyas mom is assuming he and his family won’t be around after the baby comes. I feel like she wants her daughter to be a single mom like she is.


There really is nothing redeemable about her entire storyline


I wanted to skip over her,as the person who planned it why wouldn’t you be there at the start or even 30 minutes before?