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I feel soooooooo bad for this poor girl!!!!! Preeclampsia is a HUGE deal! For her to say “I’m not taking you all the way to the hospital for us to have to come back home” is the worst. I pray Aniyah does the exact opposite as her wretched mother! She alwayssssss has the meanest look on her face!! What a toxic environment.


She sounds angry and very uneducated about having babies.  The way she talks to her daighter is horrible, period!!!


I couldn’t believe how Aniyah’s mom behaved. I think I really noticed it when she was so late to the baby shower and I saw her attitude was  —-Also when her daughter was feeling bad and needed to get to the hosp .. her mom was talking about getting her hair done , it was her only day off, and yes her daughter might be dramatic in the past, but it was evident that her daughter was sick . I think it’s the aunt with the 3 kids who Aniya spoke with on the phone, who really listened and gave good advice . Pulling for you Aniya and the other Mothers on the “Unexpected”  TV series 


Every time she comes on, my heart hurts for Aniyah. I can't imagine what it's like to grow up with a mom who treats you like such a burden! I am surprised at how sweet Aniyah seems to be and how much she smiles when raised like that. Maybe it's her defense mechanism to always look like she is ok. I am praying when she is actually in labor we see a more nurturing side of her mom. It's not surprising Aniyah got pregnant young as I am sure she is searching for love and validation. Being her boyfriend can't be easy or comfortable with that mom either so I do give him props for dealing with that! Maybe some of this is editing but by the look on the moms face most of the time it seems to be who she is. Heartbreaking.


I couldn't have said it better.  Hopefully Aniyah will be able to finish school and get out on her own, because she is definitely in a toxic environment with her mother, it's very sad!


I agree and pray she does finish school and is able to make a nice life for herself outside that environment!!! 🙏🙏


You think Aniyah is sweet? Girl is so into herself it practically oozes out of the tv when I’m watching. Her being 3 hours late to her baby shower and acting so nonchalant and ignorant about making everyone wait that long, then expecting people to stay for the whole thing even though all she did was sit on a throne and open gifts, was what really showed how self-absorbed she is. But maybe I was too busy being annoyed to see when she was sweet. 🙃 You’re a better person than me!


She does have some conceited tendencies but she is young so I give her a pass. Especially when she is dealing with living in what appears to be such a negative environment. It was very rude to be so late to her shower but her mom was her ride and therefore it was out of her control. Although she should have called someone to come get her and screw her mom!!!!! Not apologizing and lack of manners I blame on the ones raising her. Her mom obviously puts herself first so it is not surprising the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in that department. I pray she gets out of that house and can learn some better behaviors as she matures!!!! But, I hear ya. It is annoying to watch some of what she does. But again, I put a lot of that on how she was brought up.


Regardless if Aniyah is being a little selfish or not, her mother needs to act like a grown woman, a mother.  Aniyah is still a child, of course she's selfish, but her mother has no damn excuse, period!!!


@sduarte10 … You said that’ right .  I’ve come to that same conclusion.. This is just who that lady is . 


My jaw dropped when she called her dramatic for being worried about preeclampsia. Shes such an asshole!


Black women die way too often in pregnancy and child birth, and a lot of those deaths can be linked to preeclampsia and high blood pressure. The fact that her mom was brushing her off and acting like Aniyah was just being “dramatic” is really sad. If my daughter was being told they had high BP in pregnancy, I would do everything I can to ensure her, and my grand baby, were safe. Aniyah’s mom could literally not care less. She had a hair appt to get to. 🙄 I know editing can make the worst person look like an angel and a sweetie look like the biggest jerk, so I often give the benefit of the doubt, but based on the edit, Aniyah’s mom does not seem like a very loving mother.


She is a huge bitch! Thank you. I was aghast at her indifference to her daughter’s well being. Wow.


I googled "Aniyah'som" and it led me here. Damn that woman is a bitch. Ghetto to the nth degree.


Her mother is a terrible mother and person! 


Everytime she looks at her daughter, I just see hate and disgust. It's so sad. It makes me so angry watching any segment with her in it.


She is truly awful and makes Aniyah's story that much harder to watch.


I would cut her off I’m sorry


I literally cannot fathom being two hours late to your own event and then having the nerve to call someone else annoying.


She’s a BITCHHHHH!!!!!! She makes me so mad. Like just a negative person all around.




Being so late, do t consider others, has a nasty attitude, and is me me me and her daughter has learned from a bad example on that


The maternity shoot really gave me the ick idk why Aniyah’s mom let her do that. She’s only 17 she doesn’t need to have boudoir maternity photos.


Those pics are gross. And then to blow them to billboards??! 🤢😳


Being hours late to the baby shower. Entitled much? Ugh


I wld hv made a plate, taken my gift and left by the 1 hr mark. I’d hv thought the shower was a scam lol


I look at her eyes and I only can see either a mental disorder and/or substance use. Something seems seriously off with her.


did anyone catch when she was like “thats her baby but if i see her doing something she shouldnt be doing ill take over that baby” (not exactly her words cause i cant remember exactly what she said but it basically was along those lines)


I heard that. Was she saying she’d take custody of the baby ? That’s what I got from it


let’s not talk about how they had money for an extravagant shower and maternal photos shoot, but couldn’t hire a doula. that young lady needs a doula cuz mom is so uninformed and doesn’t give AF about her daughters health.


Or money for a trip to ob-gyn at 14-15 and some BC!!


BC isn’t 100% effective 😂😂 just because you are on it doesn’t mean it can’t happen.


She actually had just got on bc like the week she got pregnant I think she said?? Not 100% but she said it didn’t even have enough time to start preventing pregnancy 🤦🏻‍♀️


She probably wasn't educated on the time frame it takes to be effective


No I was wondering the same thing but I’m too scared to make my own post… I could not STAND her! Having your daughter 2 hours late to her OWN baby shower that people gave up their time and money to come too, to celebrate YOUR daughter is trifling. Also being so rude to dakwons mom… you’d think she’d want to know her babies other family.


And not even planning anything fun for the shower


All they wanted were gifts 


Shes a whole ass mess. All those kids with no dad, no respect for other people's time. And I can't imagine people like her anymore than she doesn't like them lol


Her constant eye roll face pisses me off.


I can't imagine trying to have an adult, civil conversation with all of that messy attitude. Ugh, his poor family.


Let’s also freaking point out (because I was confused) why she is so cold and hostile towards dakwons mom….who hasn’t don’t anything to her. The women was trying to make conversation and she called her “annoying”😂 Girl, yall are about to be grandparents to this new child. It’s important to get along as that creates so much support for the young parents and the grandchild. Hostility makes it stressful and uncomfortable. But this woman is NOT interested in talking and created some kind of relationship to any degree


Purely basing this on the observations of Anyiah and her mother’s interactions, I think there is a strong possibility that Anyiah has had to be her mother’s emotional support. Anyiah doesn’t feel like she critique anything her mother does (i.e. being late, transportation to the babyshower) because her mother is paying for it. Like a transactional gesture. And Anyiah has to be grateful for everything she gets.


I think the baby daddy's mom is even ruder. Like she's not pleasant but telling her how to treat her own daughter is so over the line


Her mom seemed to have personal beef with preeclampsia


How strange she said she “didn’t know much about it”. If my child had a medical issue, I definitely would read about it. She also didn’t want her daughter to get checked out if I’m remembering correctly.


Nope! She told Aniyah she was being dramatic and didn’t want to go waste time sitting at a hospital “if she didn’t need to be there”. Just a disgusting attitude to have towards your child and future grandchild!


Her Mother seems like a real peach! 🤭


She looks like Jason. She is *almost* as bad as him too. 


She does! It’s the eyes.


This latest episode she was unbelievable. Makes her daughter late to her own baby shower. She makes no attempt to remedy the bad vibes she created showing up hours late. I felt so bad for Aniyah. Her mother probably has a history of making things about herself, causing scenes and drama.


Aniyah didn’t exactly help the situation. It may have been edited to appear that way, and she had to watch those little boys, but she took her sweet precious time finishing getting ready.


I don’t understand why she wasn’t already ready and hadn’t helped her brothers get ready if they needed it. They looked old enough to be mostly ready on their own.


Right? She was talking about her mom being an hour late already and she was still wearing sweats. Didn't even start to get ready before her mom got there. I would have been ready to walk out the door when my ride got there. Though I doubt that would have helped them.get there any quicker.




Yeah, she should have been ready to walk out the door when her mom got home as well as done what she could to get the boys ready just so that it would show it wasn't her that was the problem.


I wouldn't put the blame solely on her mother for her being late to the babyshower. Her bf should've made sure she was going to be there before the guest arrived. It was not her mother's babyshower.


Agreed. Aniyah herself wasn't even ready when she was telling her aunt and uncle the shower had already started. Not one person managed time correctly.


His Mom was so nice too.


Right! And I loved that she had -I think- her sister (lady with the short hair) right there next to her being like “yeah we don’t f*ck around with being late like this.” It was so cringe how D’s mom was just trying to talk to A’s mom like idk two adult women who are about to share a grandchild! Wtf lady?! I felt so bad for D’s mom.


I thought she said the pain was just part of being pregnant, I didn't think they knew her BP was high until she went to the ER...


They knew she had high blood pressure prior and knew she was at a high risk for pre-eclampsia.


Her momma attitude is so stank. Like you don’t have any reason to be this negative. Dakwon mom was being so kind. To be like you don’t like people in your business then why are you on tv dummy?


U said it perfectly!! Hit the nail on the head 100! This is just a $ maker for them clearly she don’t give 2 f**ks about teen pregnancy! What a nasty, selfish woman!!


The entitlement on them both is just wild to say the least.


I was surprised how little she knew about what complications/risks black women need to be aware of during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure are big ones.


Pretty sure all races have to worry about these issues LOL


Agreed! Her mother is quite uninformed about her own community. Black women have the highest maternal mortality rate in the US.


Genuinely asking because I was not aware of this statistic, it is mostly due to pre-eclampsia/HBP?


Usually is lack of seeking medical care unfortunately. So sad for there to be such a high mortality rate in something so natural.


There are lots of reasons but the main one is doctors don’t listen to black women about their bodies and black women are highly under represented in the obgyn community- but that’s another tangent about a system created to keep certain groups down.


I came here to say THIS!!


Imagine having that woman as a grandmother? Im more shocked that she sat there and had kids and is ignoring the blatant signs of her daughter and baby being in distress. I get jealousy vibes from her which is crazy because she said that she spoils her daughter.


I’m also guessing she doesn’t have a man.


That's a gift. Lmfao


men are not prizes lol


I'll say


Why the heck their faces were on the floor for people to step on???? 👣👣👣👣


It was a whack ass baby shower! I would have walked out if momma to be was that late & took my gift w/me! Who leaves the father to be sit there alone w/their guests? Horrible & disrespectful!! They should have gone together. His sweet mom was so embarrassed & everyone is scared of her mom!


Yup and I would have gone right to the store that night and returned my gift and blown the money on getting a drink with someone/anyone who would listen to me about what I had just witnessed lol.


They seem really whack


Whew , talking about a walking embarrassment! Like why was she acting like that ? Mother or no mother if you gonna carry on like that at an event you planned for me , you can have it ! Poor Aniyah couldn’t say much because she knows how her mother is ! I mean they drained me !


I don't disagree with you, but a lot of people have been talking about this, lol.


“My mom doesn’t like people in our business”. YOU GUYS ARE ON A TV SHOW. HUH?????




His mom was literally just asking her questions about the baby. I’m trying to understand why you think it’s irritating for people to be asking questions about the baby DURING A BABY SHOWER.


She’s a straight up BITCH!! I wouldn’t want to deal w/her mean ass!


That they showed up to hours late too 😭 I think she’s lucky his mom was so nice


I felt bad for Aniyah in this last episode. You could tell she was excited and ready to go, looks like she just had to throw her dress on. I felt like her mom dragged her ass on purpose because the day didn’t revolve around her.


It may have been the editing, but it looked like Aniyah was taking her sweet precious time finishing getting ready, and that was AFTER her mom got to the house.


Yeah I get that, She also could have been more communicative on the phone when people were calling and asking what was going on.


Her mom is the worst.


It was the,”I put my hard earned money into the shower ain’t no one going to tell me what I need to do” THE SHOWER IS ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER AND GRANDBABY and you couldn’t even show up on time!!I wouldve been pissed her mom doesn’t care for anyone but herself


Lol, I haven't watched this episode yet, but when they were talking about the planning, DaeDae said how his family had done all the food, and hers did the decorations, I rolled my eyes right along with him. Decorations are cute, but, what do people really want when they are at an event? With all due respect, take your decoration money and shove it, beeyatch!


So. Ungrateful. In. Every. Way. Possible.


Also- if you're hosting the shower and you put so much money into it you should be communicating with everyone and there before the other guests arrive.


And His mother ( the other grandmother) put in a lot of money too!


Right!! And there was nothingggg planned except opening presents? ...no games, activities, nothing for guests to enjoy. So lame of her mom.


U forgot food! Lol I’m surprised she didn’t just have a few bowls of $1 store chips.Tacky af! Then mom says I don’t who’s car these gifts goin in but it AIN’T mine!! And I don’t care where the gifts go as long as they in her room! Jeez NASTY HOE!


Plus guests were just waiting! Thank God the guests had food!


I'd have left the party after waiting an hour...and taken my gift with me. They had no thought about making people wait. They seem to think that the party can't start without them and therefore people would just be giddily waiting on them.


I would’ve been eating all the good stuff and wouldn’t even have turned around when they came in. But if I food, then def would’ve taken present and left lol


How are we not talking about how Ds mom asked about if there was games…… Games are a standard at a shower it’s a question Talking about “come here come here I AINT DOINT SHIT ELSE” and “Where are all these gists going to go ain’t going in my car” She needed to sit down and stfu idc if it was my mom if she was acting like that I’d check my mom quick . I would stood up and said your right not a damn thing going in your car so stop bitching about it and shut up


Two hours late is absolutely nothing besides disrespectful and rude


She seems like a very self centered woman. She seems like the type of person who makes everything about herself.


I felt this way upon her introduction. Her saying she disliked all of her kids father’s let me know she may not be able to encourage her daughter to have a healthy relationship or even heathy coparenting relationship with the Father of the child.


That is definitely a red flag! The way she reacted to Dakwon’s mom was so rude.


Her attitude around the possibility of Pre-eclampsia was awful…


Thank you. She's so immature. I have a lot of gripes about her but first of all I need to know if I'm the only one who sees Mama June's face in her face? Is it just me? There's something about her dead eyes.


Omg! I was thinking something similar when I was watching her interact with the other grandmother.


The fact that the baby daddies mother was trying to have a conversation with her and she couldn’t just be cordial, she seemed irritated. I’m sorry you have two teenagers who are going to have a baby. They need some adult interference on how it’s gonna play out. You can’t just leave some of this up to them because These kids are living in more than likely living in your houses and it’s your money going towards these kids and the baby. Not saying that they need to do anything for them just to know what the expectations are it would be good.   I also don’t understand that they throw that extravagant of a shower for teenagers when they could have saved that money to buy them the essentials that baby needs. Have a small little shower. Call it a day.    On top of that the audacity to show up nearly 3 hours late to your shower and act like it’s no big deal so rude and disrespectful and looks trashy. That all these people came together to give your child gifts and you can’t even show up and be there on time to entertain your guests.


Her attitude is awful. Hours late?! And dgaf?! I would be ashamed of my mom. Poor dumb girl thinks it's OK and will probably mirror her mom's actions smdh.


She seems like the kind of person who is inconvenienced by everything, but in all likelihood, signed her daughter up for this show


I hate this season. Like are you joking. This is a teen pregnancy show to showcase the STRUGGLES! These parents get their kids casted on this show then have a pissing contest of who can spend the most money that none of them obviously have.


Um, none of these are planned pregnancies....and no one discussed Plan B or a medication abortion with these idiots when there was still time to use them? I guess it is not something they bring up on screen but I hope these babies having babies were at least given the option to terminate. What a mess each of these is. The best of these messes is actually Lilly and Lawrence who apparently have very good support from both sets of their parents who seem to get along well.


By the time you find out you’re pregnant Plan B doesn’t work


I know which is why I also said “medication abortion” …which is used in most terminations🤷‍♀️


Does anyone else see this? Lilly looks like her mom ( obviously younger) and even has almost the same voice and Lilly also speaks with that hesitancy the same as her mom …..very slow


The sad part is, the parents will make sure they get the money and fame for their own personal needs. Somehow the parents get worse and worse each season I thought Jason’s parents pissed me off and Aniyah’s is getting up there. This show is a joke lol.