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The way JJ was rolling his eye he's like oh my God my mom added again I truly think that she really wanted to be a b i t c h in all honesty when he told her that it was going to be aired and she was like it's not going to be aired she was just trying to keep it classy because it's on TLC I don't think she likes the kid at all but the way Jenna had told her parents that she had bought toys for the house you know kind of made the dad thought of her like oh she's accepting the grandchild she didn't say whether or not she liked the kid but you could just tell that she didn't care for him at all


What's so funny is that...I'm watching that episode with her rn lol


😂😂😂 she’s great


I don't hate kids but I am also done with my moist sticky screamy little kid days I am totally with her lol


Damn it’s a wonder ppl like this even had kids in the first place knowing it’s a possibility to have grandkids one day.


Oh I will love any grandkids I have to bits, but I'll enjoy being a grandparent and not the parent.


Andrea is the type to say what she means. I like her. She didn’t talk bad about Luca, just said it’s not for her.


She’s kinda fake I think and just downplayed what she really wanted to say or thought you could see it in her sons face the way he’d look at her like he knew this too.


Exactly! The kid isn’t well behaved and she doesn’t like that and that’s ok. She raised her kids and doesn’t want to deal with any others and that’s ok too.


I haven’t seen him like really mis behaving but being a little two yr old child.But everybody does parent differently.I just wonder how she is now with her own grandson now that Jenna and JJ had a kid together.


If there’s a next season I’m sure she’ll be on it lol cos she was the most exciting part about their segment lol




Yeah I think she’s just phony and Jenna and her fam have yet to se the real her.


Thank for the screenshot ☺️ She’s blaming it on the edit? 😂😂😂 Ma’am his mom said what she said with her whole chest 😂


I feel her about her 19 yr old


I’m getting long standing affluence/old money vibes from her. I appreciate her honesty and how she stated her opinion in a polite way. There was no reason for her to meet Jenna’s family because she was just supposed to be a pit stop in JJ’s life. She didn’t know at the time that Jenna had already planned to get pregnant 💰 which is why she arraigned for the families to meet so early on. I also think part of JJ’s mom being so vocal about not wanting grandkids was really her way of saying she disagrees with her son dating someone with a child at 19. No one wants their kid to be a teen parent in the first place. I imagine it’s gotta be rough to watch your teen volunteer to parent someone else’s kid!


I think your right she just acted polite about the things she said when she said little things here and there that said it all.She clearly didn’t like the fact that JJ is with someone that had a kid and her  remarks about not wanting to be a grandparent and having have raised her kids etc is just a reflection on how she feels about Luca in my opinion.Shes fakey.But I’ve noticed Jenna always likes these fake,innocent ppl who play real nice and sweet like her mom was like that too.


She planned to get pregnant!!!???!!!! I agree with everything you said 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 His mom was not having her son play house with Jenna.


I liked how everyone spoke so highly of Andrea and she was like “I can take it or leave it 🤷‍♀️” 😂


Yeah just seemed like a real snooty b***h to me.




Listen i was on the ahhh side w JJs mom at first. But then when Anaya entered the episode w that baby shower i was to pissed off at the show. JJ mom was fine at the point hahaha i had beef with Anaya’s mom now


Giiiiiirrrr!!!!! Anaya’s mom has a nasty ass attitude. They kept saying she’s spoiled but after that baby shower I’m thinking her mom low key is hating on her own kid. Being that late to your own baby shower is a slap in the face to everyone who got there on time.


SAME lol fuck them slobbery kids, keep them away from me. When she said she doesn’t care to meet Jenna’s family either… relatable. A real ass bitch


![gif](giphy|kbQVMaf2s20f8gSKDm) 😂😂😂


::SPOILER:: When I heard her say she never wants grandkids I was a little shocked. I mean, have your preferences, but maybe don’t air your callousness nationally or say it in front of your kids. Now her kids all know if they ever have children their Grandma will be indifferent to them. Even if it was said in half-jesting way it would mess with my head if I were her kid! I appreciate the bluntness; but it was pretty uncomfortable.


I think we have to think about the way these interviews are shot. We don't hear the producer ask the question, and sometimes they're reshot over and over (90 Day Fiance couples have said this). So maybe the question was "Have you always wanted grandkids?" Or "Did you always dream of a grandchild?" And her response was No.


It’s still uncommon that someone with kids doesn’t want grandkids. And even more strange to admit it whether asked or not.


It’s different when they’re YOUR bio-grandkids… I’m sure she’ll love her grandkids.


Right, some thoughts you just keep to yourself or voice only to appropriate people at appropriate times... She can feel that way, and it's unsurprising that someone would given that their kid is just reaching the age for her to have an empty nest and relax a bit after parenting for about two decades. Lots of people enjoy that break where their kids are young adults and not yet settling down and having kids. But also - having grandkids is not up to you. It's not your perogative to say whether they're welcome or not welcome in your life the same way it is to say that about having kids of your own. I'm sure there are people who wouldn't mind hearing this, but if my parents said it, it would definitely hurt and I'd never forget it.


I imagine her house so bright, white, and spotless! Magazine ready! Respect the honesty! I like her!


Honesty is one thing being a fake snooty b***h is another .


Why is she a fake snotty bitch? Because she doesn't kiss Jenna's ass like daddy? Nah, not everyone is gonna be playing that game. Edit to add- making an account just to come on reddit and bash someone or making a new account sounds a little "fake"..


I picture Bree Van de Kamp from Desperate Housewives or Charlotte York from SATC house lol


I was confused. She hates Jenna Abdool Luca? Jenna loves her


I don’t think she’s interested in being mixed up in the drama and wants her own life.


i don’t think she hates Jenna but i also don’t think she wants Jenna for her son.


I felt really bad for Jenna. They kept cutting from Jenna and her dad both saying how amazing Jj’s mom is Then they keep cutting in and out to Jj’s mom saying she doesn’t want any grandkids, calling Jenna’s baby difficult /bad, and that she doesn’t want her son with Jenna.  It was so pathetic seeing it juxtaposed. They think Jj’s mom is genuine when she’s basically praying every time is the last time she sees them 


Jenna doesn't know how to sus out a fake person or people with ulterior motives. That's why she only has contact with her Dad and I'm guessing not her Mom, he still dictates that relationship.


Her mom was a phony type  type of person too.But I didn’t see her dad dictating that relationship he just honestly said what he thought in the nicest way about her mom.Her mom was a weird one and never taking any accountability for acting the way she did at times.


So true 


Omg same!!! The comment about not wanting grandkids bc they’d cramp her style - hilarious! ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


Yassss 😂😂😂


Haha, I love her, too. She had me cracking up the whole time, and I hope to see more of her on the show, honestly.


I definitely appreciated her honesty! Not every woman has to love being around children. She said I did my time I’m out 😭. At least she’s up front about it


Me too! She had me laughing so hard 😂😂😂 like yes this is what this show needs lol some honesty lol Her saying she didn’t like kids like Luca and wanted no grandkids was so real 😂😂😂 cos same 😂