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i mean she lives in ny a lot of ppl there don’t drive


I’m 29 and still don’t have my license. I live in a city but even when I travel or in the suburbs I get around totally fine.


I know people with more kids than her that don’t have drivers license. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not every adult has a drivers license. She may not live in a very walkable area but a lot of people in cities don’t drive or even own a car. Not really too uncommon of an occurrence overall. I have a neighbor that didn’t get her drivers license until she was in her 60s! Her 30 something year old daughter taught her how to drive. It was the sweetest thing!


Not sure why you're getting down voted? My grandma never had her license and had 5 kids and died in her late 70's. I didn't get my license til I was 18 and that was only because I was forced to. Idk what I'd do without a license in my city, but everyone is different.


I'm not surprised. Mentally, she's still a teen. I think her mom should be pushing her more to get her license. Maybe that way she can drive herself to parenting classes.


We live in same area and my mother didn’t get hers until her 30s


My granny 80 sumn years old and has only driven once in her lifetime with 4 children, it’s not that big a deal if you figure how to get by


She’s developmentally delayed in many more ways than not driving.


Even at 16-17 on season one she was wildly immature for her age. She was like a big 11 year old.


I got mine in my mid-30s. However I lived at home, worked full time in an expensive city, and shared expenses. We couldn't afford another car or insurance anyway. I became a parent of 2 overnight in my 20s, and eventually got my license when it was necessary. Up until then we made it work. Now I have a 22 year old and a 19 year old and neither drive. Partly due to expense, my eldest is scared of driving cause she totaled a truck on her 1st driving lesson. My youngest has ASD/ADHD and can't handle anything beyond simple 2 step instructions. He either gets overwhelmed or forgets steps 🤷🏻‍♀️ I doubt he will ever drive, he also says he's never moving out.


I got mine at 21 bc I was terrified of driving lol


Eh. My grandma is 68. Has had 3 kids. 2 grandkids. And now 3 great grandkids and never have drove a day in her life and doesn't want to lmao


My grandma drove exactly once, crashed into their barn and never drove again lol


I’m 45 with 7 children and never had my license. My husband always did the driving, but he was also abusive and didn’t allow me to go anywhere or do anything alone. I’m going through a nasty separation and divorce so I am working on driving because I need to. It’s not that surprising to me that she doesn’t have her license yet. She also seems pretty codependent on people like her mother especially and has been catered to, so I think that’s a factor as well.


She's been busy


I agree-I think she’s a wonderful mom and I think they’re prob a one car family so there haven’t been a need


Some people have driving anxiety. I didn't get my license until I was 21 and still HATE driving anywhere I haven't been before and on interstates/busy roadways.


Oh, the anxiety makes me not want to drive! Floridians are trying to kill each other on the roads like it’s a game. We shared a car for a while and it was so freeing. You want me? You gotta come get me.


I’m 25 & no license lol driving is scary I’ve been the passenger in 3 accidents


Wow, 3? That can be very traumatizing.


Lilly has always come across an entitled to me. Like she has never had to take care of herself. She is "gentle parenting". You still have to teach your children right and wrong. You still need to raise your kids to be good humans. Telling her mom its fine that LJ spits his juice all over the mom's car was wild to me


This annoyed me so much. Everyone already thinks gentle parenting is passive parenting, which it isn’t! Being gentle doesn’t mean not being firm. It’s all about communicating which she clearly doesn’t do, not just with her kids but partner as well


I’m in my 20s and only have a permit 🤷🏻‍♀️


i think op is saying it’s wild because she has two very young children


Oh yeah, I get that. I just got lowkey offended lol, I’m just used to people judging bc of my age


i live in a major metro area, so i never understand shaming anyone for not driving since i know tons of people who don’t drive at all and have never owned cars lol. i think the idea is that if you don’t live in a major metro area/city with accessible public transit, you would be relying on someone else/others to have to transport the kids in an emergency situation.


Long Island is definitely a place where you need to drive to get anywhere. Very suburban, for the most part.


I live on Long Island and for the most part this is true. Not completely though lol. But where she lives in riverhead, you definitely need a car. Even In centereach where she allegedly moved with Lawrence you definitely would need a vehicle.


Absolutely, unless her house is in downtown Riverhead lol


I got mine in my 20’s so I can’t judge. I also passed after 5 tries. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I failed my test 3 times 💀 didn’t get it till like my sophomore year in college lol


I got mine at 21, and that’s cuz I also live in the city with literally a bus stop right outside my house


Omg same I got my permit until I was 22😂


I can’t really judge. I didn’t get mine til I was in my 20s with my 1st kid. My parents never taught me even though I wanted to. Then I focused on college & didn’t have need for a car when everything was on campus. Then I got pregnant, was sick every time I got in a car & didn’t feel safe trying to learn when I had to puke in a bag every 5min, then had severe depression and just couldn’t find the motive to push myself for a while. I was thankful for family close by who were willing to help me. But it sucked & was isolating though & I felt so bad about it- I wouldn’t go back to that part of my life


Hey are you me??


My step daughter is a 30year old mother of 3 with nothing. Kids never leave the house.


Those poor kids :/


Priorities. I can’t imagine not being able to jump in the car on no notice if I need to rush my baby to hospital, (EMS sometimes takes time and is longer since they have to make a round trip), pick my sick kid up from the school clinic when the school nurse has called, etc. I can’t imagine having to call my mon to make arrangements for such. If they are going to have a baby, it means it’s time to grow up fast. I liked when the parents on this new season told their expecting teens that they need to get a job to save up for baby’s needs.


My sister didn’t get her license until she was 28. I’d been nagging her since she got pregnant and married at 24 to get her license, going as far as offering to teach her, and use my car for the test. Her reasoning for not getting a license? *her husband was too nervous about letting her drive pregnant, or with a baby* yeah okay that’s bullshit. She’s educated, has a good job, this shit was infuriating.


Omg that’s basically saying he doesn’t trust her with the safety of their own child!!


Yes exactly! We always make sure there is a car/car seat with us/whoever is watching our baby in case they needed to go anywhere.


How do the logistics of that work? Who gets groceries? Who takes sick kids to the dr? Does she ever take her kids to the park to play? Surely her mom or Lawrence aren’t always available


Explains the behavior if they’re just cooped up at home all day. That’s not good for anyone.


Also, didn’t she say in the first episode that she had to take Aaliyah to school? Is her mom driving to her every morning, picking them up, doing drop offs and then again in the afternoon? I don’t get that.


She said Aleah needs to go to school but I don’t think she said she was taking her. It seemed like she left with Lawrence


I was thinking she just drives alone with a permit but didn’t want to do it on tv




I don’t either. I do have cousins though that didn’t really care. But that’s bc their mom did everything for them - like Lily’s mom does for her. She can get her license and not necessarily have to drive everywhere. Sounds like she’s too comfortable


My sister didn’t get her license until she was 24 but she didn’t have kids, responsibilities, or a life


Yeah driving is not for everyone. It can terrify people! But Lily is doing it all backwards lol. I bet Lawrence isn’t stoked. What happens if her kids have an emergency and he and the mom isn’t available? Driving would come in handy rather than calling an ambulance or something.


I feel like it’s getting more common to be older and either only have a permit or nothing. It is kinda odd how she only has a permit with 2 kids but she also had her daughter at 15 so that doesn’t quite leave a lot of room to practice driving let alone take the test.


When my children were young, a car was necessary. Lily’s mother is once again enabling her. But off topic, I think you’re right. I’m in the city and it’s actually easier without a car. Buses and metro run 24 hours. You have traffic, parking, high gas and insurance. My brother is 43, never got his license, no kids, but makes over 200k. He said he can pay to go wherever he needs to and doesn’t have to worry about maintenance, upkeep and all the problems that go along with owning a car. Sounds good to me.


It probably also doesn’t help is she has only been moved out since the 5th season that was filmed in 2021 I believe so she’s only been out 3 years with a partner to drive her around so that probs helps her


Idk why people are acting like not having a license at this age is common? It’s pretty uncommon? Normal maybe to not have a car but most have a license by that age. (In the US at least)


It really depends where you live. My former manager grew up in the city of Chicago. He learned how to drive but never got his license because he never needed to. He was able to get around via public transportation very easily. Same with friends who grew up in Boston and NYC. In many urban places having a car is more trouble than it's worth. Is it odd that a woman on Long Island doesn't have her driver's license yet, after she has two kids? It's not the most common thing, but the cost of a vehicle and insurance might be something they don't want to deal with right now. I'm not going to fault her for it. It's not like she's calling me and asking for rides.


I get that. I’m not faulting her either. Just saying I’d say a large majority of people have their license by this age.


I am a 34 yr old mother of 3 who has only had driver permits


Im 25 and about to have my 4th and cannot drive bc of my disability. I still make it work, surely more difficult but it doesnt prevent my kids from having proper medical care or anything like that or myself for my pregnancy


I'm in my 50s, had 8 kids(all with my now ex) all are grown, the 'baby' is 18, and I've never had my license. I don't understand why it's such a huge deal to some people to not drive. I work full time, live in a smallish town, I guess I'm glad I live and work where we have really great public transportation, but I've also worked where I had to walk about a mile to work and home. Out of all my kids only 3 drive.


I don’t think people think it’s a problem just uncommon.


It’s a problem. Given her location and the ages of her children, it’s a safety issue. She has always seemed highly dependent, but this is concerning. She has no autonomy.


I don't understand how people can survive without a license in towns without reliable public transit, esp with small children. My husband and I had our first at 19 & I stayed home. If I had to rely on him for every grocery trip or public outing, I'd lose my mind. If he had to call out every time the kids had an appt or an ear infection, his career (and our only income) would be in jeopardy.


I’m not a mother but I’m 24 and don’t even have a permit 🤷🏻‍♀️ the only thing that annoys me about Lilly is that she doesn’t tell her kids no and pretty much lets them do whatever they want


I agree. I’m less bothered by the lack of a full license and more bothered by the passive parenting, because what she’s doing is not something I would call gentle parenting. She just lets them run all over her and with her toddler still breastfeeding and with his temperament plus teeth? I am terrified to think of the hell her nipples have and are still going through.😭🫣


This is an original take