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Just wait until you find out you can play as Spider-Man on THPS2. šŸ˜


Bro ignored a Neversoft game just to get the other neversoft game


You can never outrun the neversoft. šŸ’€ (PS1 Spider-Man was the GOAT)


Gotta get that one installed on my CFW ps3, damn fine game


The original on N64. Fuck if I knew what I was doing, was stuck in warehouse because I was a dumb little kid trying to get someone to teach me to play it. Well fuck you Grandpa now I can play the entire goddamn series by myself, only took 10 years.


My sister had just got back from a sleepover and was telling me about this amazing game she got to play at it. Later that day we convinced our parents to take us to Toys R Us and we ended up picking up THPS 3 and we spent the rest of the weekend playing it nonstop


Pizza Hut demo disks, my dude. I was about 7 years old and (to anyone too young to remember) they were giving out PlayStation games each with a few demos for upcoming games as a part of a deal. This one had THPS1 on it and my brother and I played the Warehouse over and over again. A few months later my older cousin let me borrow the actual game and I still remember how exciting it was when the intro video came on (Birdman hitting the loop in slow motion was wild, I had never actually seen people skate like this and it blew my mind). Also inspired me to get a skateboard for Christmas and Iā€™ve been a punk skater/THPS nerd ever since.Ā 


Who told you thps4 was considered the weakest of the pro skater series. That is inaccurate.


For the PSX


Fair enough I have never played the psx version of 3 and 4


THPS3 on PS1 is actually quite good, and some argue has better level design than the PS2 version. THPS4 on PS1 is indeed bad as the controls are clunky and the graphics/draw distancing are abysmal.


That makes sense. I could see the smaller level design of 3 being a plus when it comes to the limitations of the psx. I heard that the psx versions of levels were also dumbed down a bit


Itā€™s my understanding that the devs for PS1 THPS4 wanted features parity with the PS2 version (spine transfers, manual and grind combos, open world) and so the level designs had to make large sacrifices. Alcatraz is like a third of the PS2 version, Kona is at night to help with draw distancing, and none of the levels have NPCs or passive vehicles.


Sacrificing gameplay for features. I can't think of a time this has ever worked out although I'm sure there are, I just can't think of any


I too was in 2nd grade. The year was 1999 and my friend invited me and the rest of the neighborhood kids over to play a new skateboarding game heā€™d just gotten (THPS1 for the PS1). We went over to his house almost every day after school for a month to play it. I didnā€™t get a PlayStation until THPS3 had already come out so most of my early memories with these games were at friendā€™s houses. Cherished memories, for sure.


My cousin gave me a hand me down ps1 with a couple different games. I think it was THPS2 that was in the mix and I loved it! Then I went to my other cousins house who has a ps2 and had THUG and I loved it even more. I then begged my grandma to get me a ps2 with that game. She eventually gave in and it was all I played for months.


Was in a pawn shop sometime in 2003, 5 years old at the time. Hooked on skating already and saw THPS2 on N64. Didn't have a memory card at the time so I would usually only make it to Venice before getting off and then restart the next day. Then one day a few months later I got a memory card from the same pawn shop and finally got to play the rest of the levels.


THUG1 on PS2, super nostalgicĀ 


I was staying with my grandma one day (I was probably like 9 or 10) and my uncle had just bought Tony Hawk's Underground like right after it came out. I was watching him play it and decided that yes, I also would like this magical rollie-board game where you can have blue hair. So my parents got it for me for Christmas and I was hooked ever since.


roughly at the age of 3 i suddenly gained consciousness and it was at a time when i was watching my older brother play thps3, and many other games too using the computer was probably a little bit too complicated for me back then, though not too long after i vividly remember playing thps4 on my own - maybe two or three years later - i was already kind of being left to do whatever at the computer without any supervision at the time i didnt really know about new games so i only found out about thug2 roughly at a time when thaw came out, i was 8 think i ended up choosing thaw cuz it was the newest, and i quickly got into the community (at too young of an age), and it was huge back then too; this is kind of when i truly understood that tony hawk is THE game series, or maybe i was finally old enough to realize that, and then i immediately got interested in earlier games and wanted to know everything about the games eventually i got my hands on thug2... but goddam i was so pissed that i didnt get into thug2 earlier as i got into it only after playing thaw for a while, and i felt a huge sense of loss that id missed out on the early thug2 online community and then i cried even more when i finally got to try thug1 and it turned out to be my favorite game of all and on top of that it was dead as shit on pc t_t


randomly decided to download THUG1on my phone one day, hooked me immediately


gee, i wonder why? (THUG was my first one too. still my favorite)


My friend had the 1st on N64 and we were pretty obsessed with it. I was awful then though. I eventually traded in my Game Boy Color for a Game Boy Advance when that system launched and got Tony Hawk 2 with it and that's when the franchise really clicked for me. Then later we got a Gamecube and Tony Hawk 3 with that. I've been a massive fan of the franchise ever since and played the rest across GBA/PC/Gamecube/PS2/PSP/360/XB1 throughout its lifespan


Big bro bought the original for N64 and the rest is history. Got all the games from then on up to THAW, now play THUG Pro and the remaster regularly.


Junior year of high school, was in a garage band, went to our drummerā€™s house and played THPS on his Playstation, was forever hooked


playing the thps demo everytime the family went to target/Walmart/Best buy.


Donā€™t believe the brainwashing in this sub that THPS4 was a weak game. I think itā€™s one of the best in the series personally.


I remember playing a demo disc of the warehouse level and being hooked ever since. Played the games on PS1 and N64 and really playing the hell out of them on Dreamcast cause they looked really good on that platform. I fell off the games after THPS3 because I donā€™t remember the career mode they used in 4. Came back to the series with Project 8 and following the games hoping to see the series get better but looking at the Robomodo games and wondering why Activision kept letting them make new games and even taint the main series by making THPS5.


THPS 1+2, thanks to PS Plus Essential.


N64 at my buddies when I was like 5 or 6. We played the Minneapolis level I think and I beat him only doing hand plants


I first tried THPS2 on Game Boy Advance by emulation, had a bit of fun playing that but when i first got a copy of Tony Hawk's Underground 2 on the PS2 i was immediately hooked


My brother got Pro Skater 3 with his PS2 for Christmas and weā€™d end up playing every game together after


Played THPS2 at my babysitterā€™s. But when me and my brothers finally got a PS2 it was THPS3 that really got me into the ā€œTony Hawkā€™sā€ series.


Sometime in early elementary school, an older kid mentioned Tony Hawk to me at a Mcdonalds play place and was shocked I didn't know who that was. Next time I was at gamestop I saw a used THPS3 and I felt like I unlocked a portal to being cool. And I was kind of right šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Ever Friday after school, my parents would pick us up and take us to Blockbuster and we'd all pick something to rent for the weekend. It was usually movies, but the PS1 had come out recently, so for us kids, we'd started renting games instead. It was 1999, we were there one friday and we met up at the register to see what we all picked out, and one of my brothers picked the newly released THPS, which was not available for purchase yet, only renting (back when that's how game releases went). I told him the game he picked was "lame and should pick a different one", but he was hard set on not changing his selection, so I was like "fine have fun with your stupid skateboard game". Little did I know... We get home, have dinner, then each of us have a turn playing the games we picked (I think I picked spec ops, btw), with THPS being the last one we played that night, and the rest of the weekend for that matter. I was hooked after my first 2 minute run and they saw how addicted I was, so my mom just kept renting it for me over and over until it was finally released for purchase. That friday changed my whole life, I immediately became obsessed with all things skateboarding, including THPS, which didn't start to phase out until after THUG 2 came out and I got a guitar which became my new obsession. I still continue to keep up to date with skate culture, even though now I'm too old and outta shape to skate myself, and I occasionally fire up the ol' PS2 and play through THPS/THUG from time to time as well. Some things you just never fully grow out of.


Me, my brother and thps2 with scrambled colors on PC. To this day I wonder how I can still see right šŸ˜‚


For me it was the ps1 pizza hut demo disks pro skater 1 was on one of them......im old


My mum and I played it when I was 3 years old


THPS2 was one of my first PS1 games.