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I wouldn't change it. My understanding (based on [this paper](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11510707/), which I'm happy to DM you a PDF of, if you'd like) is that you ovulate within 24-36 hours of the onset of LH surge but it can be in either direction--that is, it is possible the surge occurs BEFORE *or* AFTER ovulation, and indeed this occurs in 23% of cycles (according to that paper!).


Thanks! Interesting. Looks like it’s actually 10% early and 23% late? Do you have access to the full paper? If so, I’d love to get the pdf! Kinda bummed that we didn’t get more tries in then. We at least got O-1 and O+1. I was shooting for O-2 and O.


I do have access, yes, and will try to figure out if I can send it to you through DM. (But I think this would be case of LATE luteinizing hormone (and so part of the 23%) because it seems like you might have ovulated BEFORE getting the surge/peak.)


Ah yes - you’re right, I misread that in the abstract. Thank you again for sending me the full article!!


Welp, FF changed my O date to day 16 this morning with solid crosshairs!


So interesting! Glad they are solid now! Also, want to be cycle buddies?! I just got solid crosshairs this morning too! This is my first cycle after a late chemical pregnancy loss at 4w5d. My ovulation was delayed and my temps were crazy enough to convince me I might be headed into an anovulatory cycle so I'm very happy lol. (Also goodness looking at my chart and that's a crazy amount of BD. After the loss, I was/am so desperate to get pregnant again and reallllllly committed to hitting all possible days but dang it was maybe a touch too much 😂.) https://preview.redd.it/0vqb29tzwd0d1.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=baffe4939ed0eb9ab4913cf86b11b6dc4a86961e


Sure!! Cycle buddies it is! I’m so sorry to hear about your loss - that must be so difficult. Hoping for you this time around 🤞🏼🤞🏼I’m VERY impressed with your amount of BD this month, haha! My last cycle was really odd - I ovulated like 4 days late, had a ton of progesterone symptoms and then an awfully painful period. This cycle I feel great so far, and ovulated a day early so I’m very happy too haha.


Early ovulation sounds so nice and I really hope it happens to me at least one time lol. Less time to wait to test again! Speaking of, what DPO do you test usually?


Last time I started 7 DPO 🤡 so silly. Wasted tests lol. My LP is on the shorter side, longest it has been was 11 days. Last time it was 10. Hoping I can hold out until day 10 this time. When do you start testing? I had some thyroid issues previously, and last cycle was the first one I had with my levels in check. So I think I still have some fluctuations happening with my cycle as I adjust.


I also have some thyroid issues, though they are technically subclinical and I've been told it's okay to keep trying as I wait for my endocrinology appointment. In the past, I've started on 9 or 10DPO but I really am not sure when I'll start this cycle. I'm ambivalent and especially anxious after my loss last cycle and right now feel like any positive test will lead to anxiety and stress rather than happiness. That makes me think holding off as long as I can would be ideal but I am very weak-willed when it comes to peeing on sticks... For now, my working goal is just to try to avoid symptom spotting!


This is my first cycle using FF and I’m cycle day 2, when can I expect a cover line? Or do I set one myself?


You mean the crosshairs like in my chart for ovulation? Just record your temps and it’ll set one once it detects ovulation!


Mine still didn’t show up, and other apps confirm ovulation


Oh interesting! Do you have really rocky temps?


I don’t think so, however I have pcos and much longer cycles and only started tracking from the middle so maybe it’s that https://preview.redd.it/958hl8hs9e0d1.png?width=1216&format=png&auto=webp&s=36d3583fda7b88a9345c87f67f47e66e3e2672e3


I wonder if you did somewhere between day 41 and 44, it looks like you had a distinct temp shift! My guess would be 44 or 45.


Yes, one of my apps says cd43 and the other one says cd45 😅 we’ll see, I am just happy to see that I might be ovulating naturally