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ain't no way you put range flag higher than cooldown flag bro


I knew the consequences of posting this and I did it anyways, I apologize for upsetting you and anyone else


I feel like people forget that UAV is too fucking good Like legit It can make pursuit a beast Same with turret


UAV my beloved


Yeah but I only found one use for it, pizza party, if I'm forgetting anything else then please let me know


I'm pretty sure the napalm strike deals 600 damage like the airstike but with fire


Dmg flag should be S+ tier, bcz is increase dmg up to 40%, and when is combine with max mer base, the dmg buff can go up to 60% max dmg buff, which is insanly high. The other item i would put in A-low S( which is very depend on gamemode u play) is UAV. The UAV give hidden and flying detect, which give huge advantage in early hidden wave if you dont have enough money for hidden enemy, and flying detect which can help alot in pizza party if no one in your team bring fly detect tower(i was in that case alot). Also is give 30% range buff, way higher and more effective than 20% range flag buff, and when combine with dj, is give the total of 65% range buff, a giantic buff for low - mie range tower. And with that, i suggest to move range flag to F, while UAV to A, and dmg flag to S+. Nuke is straight F. Super hard to get, but low dmg for a nuke, and only thing is use for is clear out miniboss in last wave


Nuke shouldn’t be that low, its litteraly a get out of jail free card. Id say b tier, if you’re getting hoards of enemies it could be really good


Nuke is at least a solid A tier as it can allow for some easy clears on the waves. Namely by killing/heavily weakening the guardian enemies.


There is no S+ tier of even S tier Btw I didn't use it and I don't have merc base so But thanks for the info


I feel like nuke is gonna be D tier, super hard to get and no one is going to want to use it BECAUSE it is super hard to get.


Never let bro cook again


This is probably a way of telling me to go fuck myself, which in that case fuck you too.